"The Pitchforks are coming...for us Plutocrats."

Sharing the wealth is good for everyone but in a nation of selfish children that lesson needs to be learned again, and again, and again it seems.

Sharing the wealth is only good for those who do not already have the wealth. And, even that is fading. It is gone the moment the free money is gone. Then, they want more, and they want it even worse than they did the first time.

However, I doubt that is what you mean by sharing the wealth. You want the government to confiscate that wealth, and then dole it out to their favorites. The poor will get a little, but the parasites will get the bulk.

Next time I suggest you build your straw man with dry straw, this one ^^^ won't burn.

too late for your whining now
You and many have sat back and voted for these RICH/Harvard/lawyers politicians who was voting to get themselves more wealth, all the while putting down the people who were just everyday citizens, like the Palins, Cain, look what you call Dr.Carson/ Uncle Tom
so you don't get to sit back now and whine about , Inequality

you people won't be satisfied until we are Equally POOR and have all these wealthy elected idiots in government lording over us

Uh, Staph, I realize you are stupider than dogshit while you ladle out lunches at the Public School.

So let me clarify this for you. The people who voted themselves more wealth were the ones with R's behind their names and graduated from Universities that talk about Talking Snakes.

They are the ones who weakened the unions and the regulatory agencies and the trade treaties that preserved the middle class.

And the end result of that is without the MIddle Class firewall to protect the rich, the rich are kind of fucked when the shit does - inevitably- hit the fan.

Ten years ago, I might have tried to talk the angry lynch mob out of it if they were about to storm the rich guy's house. Today I would be very hard pressed not to join in.

oh wow, I'm devastated:eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo:
The problem isn't that there are too many rich people. The problem is that there are too few rich people.

We should be passing laws that make it easier for people to get rich, not harder as JoeBolshevik131 wants.

May be too late for that.

We may have turned the corner already. The Left has pretty much succeeded with their "you didn't build that, you didn't earn that, you only have that because it was given to you, you were lucky, you stole that from someone else" schtick, and more people now believe it.

When a person busts their ass and then has to apologize for succeeding, the die is cast.


Or maybe they should apologize. How many people did they have to step over to get rich?

I'll take the finest example your side has. Mitt Romney.

He was born rich. He used his wealth to create more wealth, and in the process, if you worked for AmPad or KB Toys or G.S. Steel and lost your job, your pension and your health insurance, it was kind of a bad deal.

Oh yeah, I forgot "stepped over".


I love your posts, Joe. Whenever a lefty accuses me of lying when I point out what the Left thinks about business or redistribution, I can just use one of your posts for reference. You absolutely refuse to believe that anyone could possibly deserve more than you.

[Thats how wealth gets redistributed in a capitalist system. And, it happens more often than you think.

Any time that a hack tars an entire class of people with the ills of a few, their credibility goes into the toilet.

The wealthy are not the problem with the middle class, the government is. You should be able to figure that out for yourself. Have you ever looked into what it takes in time and money, just to open a new store? Not to build, stock, and staff the store, just to get all the permits necessary to start. The wealthy can afford to do it. The average joe cannot. The wealthy can afford to hire someone to keep up with the ever changing regulations, the average joe cannot. The wealthy can get help from their cronies in government, the average joe cannot.

But, keep supporting bigger and bigger government, and continue to hope some of the crumbs will fall off the table in your direction.

I think it's easier to expect the crumbs to fall off the table with government than a rich asshole.

Frankly, I've done pretty well with the government. My time in the military was a wonderful experience. I kind of wish I made it into a career, sometimes. (Other times I'm glad I wasn't sent off to die for Zionism or the Oil Companies.) Paid for college, got a pretty good start in life.

The wealthy, on the other hand, are parasites that have convinced stupid people like you they are vital organs. The sooner they are expunged, the better.
May be too late for that.

We may have turned the corner already. The Left has pretty much succeeded with their "you didn't build that, you didn't earn that, you only have that because it was given to you, you were lucky, you stole that from someone else" schtick, and more people now believe it.

When a person busts their ass and then has to apologize for succeeding, the die is cast.


Or maybe they should apologize. How many people did they have to step over to get rich?

I'll take the finest example your side has. Mitt Romney.

He was born rich. He used his wealth to create more wealth, and in the process, if you worked for AmPad or KB Toys or G.S. Steel and lost your job, your pension and your health insurance, it was kind of a bad deal.

Oh yeah, I forgot "stepped over".


I love your posts, Joe. Whenever a lefty accuses me of lying when I point out what the Left thinks about business or redistribution, I can just use one of your posts for reference. You absolutely refuse to believe that anyone could possibly deserve more than you.


I'm sure there's someone who has worked harder and deserves more.

I just haven't met him yet.

I have met a lot or rich twits who've gotten more by being complete douchebags.

You see, the thing is, guy, you are the biggest redistributionist out there.

You think it's perfectly fine that the 1% has 43% of the wealth, even though they did not do 43% of the labor to create that.

And that at the end of the day is all wealth is. A measure of the result of labor.

And when 93% of the wealth created in the so-called recovery goes to the top 1%, something is horribly wrong.
The Wealthy are Parasites who've convinced you they are vital organs.

That's typical Marxist thinking.

NO, that's just the reality.

Guy, frankly, I know you think the mythical brilliant Ayn Randian hero is out there.

But my experience is most of them just inherited their wealth or got lucky, and it's pretty much whatever stupid decisions they make aren't going to run the car into the wall.

I figured this out on my first post Military job, where the two rich kids (Party Boy and Bible Boy) inherited their company from Mommy and proceeded to run it into the ground in a year.

I should have taken that as a message, but I didn't. I just wrote it off like it was "The Phantom Menace". Must have been a fluke.

But in "your experience," you blacklist Mormons from ever doing business with your company, a fact your boss might like to know.

So "your experience" shouldn't be used as a generalization for everyone else.

But in "your experience," you blacklist Mormons from ever doing business with your company, a fact your boss might like to know.

So "your experience" shouldn't be used as a generalization for everyone else.

I've found it works as a pretty good guide for me.

I live in IL, where we happily shot Joseph Smith like a dog. NOt running into a lot of LDS out here, baby.
The problem isn't that there are too many rich people. The problem is that there are too few rich people.

We should be passing laws that make it easier for people to get rich, not harder as JoeBolshevik131 wants.

No, the problem is that there are too few middle class families, the backbone of America.

Most of the world gets along fine without the obscenely rich. Shit, I currently work for a British company, our CEO is a knight but he only makes six figures. (He also said he quit his last company because it held a luxury retreat for managers after announcing massive layoffs. I do think there are some rich people who actually GET IT.)

The notion that you could have the CEO of GM, who ran his company so badly it required a government bailout to survive, but he still walked away with an 8-figure salary is absurd. Even more absurd is the the CEO of Cigna getting an NINE figure salary for putting forward a policy of not paying to treat sick people after they paid their premiums.

The Wealthy are Parasites who've convinced you they are vital organs.

The Wealthy are Parasites who've convinced you they are vital organs

Um no, Obama is a parasite who convinced the you and your ilk that he was not part of the good ole' 1% club, that somehow he was different :badgrin:

Um no, Obama is a parasite who convinced the you and your ilk that he was not part of the good ole' 1% club, that somehow he was different :badgrin:


The rich Democrats aren't the ones advocating the policies to make the rest of us poorer.

This is what you don't seem to get. IT's not the fact that they are rich that bothers me as how they got rich and what they support.

The GOP takes the sides of employers and banks against working people on every issue. I can't name one issue where they they've taken the side of working folks. Not one.
Um no, Obama is a parasite who convinced the you and your ilk that he was not part of the good ole' 1% club, that somehow he was different :badgrin:


The rich Democrats aren't the ones advocating the policies to make the rest of us poorer.

This is what you don't seem to get. IT's not the fact that they are rich that bothers me as how they got rich and what they support.

The GOP takes the sides of employers and banks against working people on every issue. I can't name one issue where they they've taken the side of working folks. Not one.

Oh really- Then what are your observations relative to 'how' Stretch Pelosi and that witch Feinstein made their 1%?


For stretch she dabbles in the Asian markets tied to outsourcing of US jobs to help line her pockets

According to Pelosi’s 2011 financial disclosure statement, the Democratic House Minority Leader received between $1 million and $5 million in partnership income from ”Matthews International Capital Management LLC,” a group that emphasizes that it has a “A Singular Focus on Investing in Asia.” A quick trip to the company website reveals a featured post extolling the virtues of outsourcing.

Read more: Nancy Pelosi made $1-5 million on Asian investments | The Daily Caller
Um no, Obama is a parasite who convinced the you and your ilk that he was not part of the good ole' 1% club, that somehow he was different :badgrin:


The rich Democrats aren't the ones advocating the policies to make the rest of us poorer.

This is what you don't seem to get. IT's not the fact that they are rich that bothers me as how they got rich and what they support.

The GOP takes the sides of employers and banks against working people on every issue. I can't name one issue where they they've taken the side of working folks. Not one.

Proof of blind faith in the far left religion.

They follow their white rich elitists without question or hesitation.
EXCLUSIVE: Senator’s husband’s firm cashes in on crisis

On the day the new Congress convened this year, Sen. Dianne Feinstein introduced legislation to route $25 billion in taxpayer money to a government agency that had just awarded her husband’s real estate firm a lucrative contract to sell foreclosed properties at compensation rates higher than the industry norms.

Read more: EXCLUSIVE: Senator's husband's firm cashes in on crisis - Washington Times
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Um no, Obama is a parasite who convinced the you and your ilk that he was not part of the good ole' 1% club, that somehow he was different :badgrin:


The rich Democrats aren't the ones advocating the policies to make the rest of us poorer.

This is what you don't seem to get. IT's not the fact that they are rich that bothers me as how they got rich and what they support.

The GOP takes the sides of employers and banks against working people on every issue. I can't name one issue where they they've taken the side of working folks. Not one.

Oh really- Then what are your observations relative to 'how' Stretch Pelosi and that witch Feinstein made their 1%?


For stretch she dabbles in the Asian markets tied to outsourcing of US jobs to help line her pockets

Totally irrelevent to the point I was making, but when you use the Daily Scrawler as a source, I'm sure there's not much that can be done for you.
The rich Democrats aren't the ones advocating the policies to make the rest of us poorer.

This is what you don't seem to get. IT's not the fact that they are rich that bothers me as how they got rich and what they support.

The GOP takes the sides of employers and banks against working people on every issue. I can't name one issue where they they've taken the side of working folks. Not one.

Oh really- Then what are your observations relative to 'how' Stretch Pelosi and that witch Feinstein made their 1%?


For stretch she dabbles in the Asian markets tied to outsourcing of US jobs to help line her pockets

Totally irrelevent to the point I was making, but when you use the Daily Scrawler as a source, I'm sure there's not much that can be done for you.

No, you stated why you did not like the Pubs thats fine. But in the same breath you described why you like the Dems for the same reasons.

You are usually better at taking your licks than this Joe.. :lol:

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Oh really- Then what are your observations relative to 'how' Stretch Pelosi and that witch Feinstein made their 1%?


For stretch she dabbles in the Asian markets tied to outsourcing of US jobs to help line her pockets

Totally irrelevent to the point I was making, but when you use the Daily Scrawler as a source, I'm sure there's not much that can be done for you.

No, you stated why you did not like the Pubs thats fine. But in the same breath you described why you like the Dems for the same reasons.

You are usually better at taking your licks than this Joe.. :lol:


No, I still don't think you are understanding the point I was making. I could try explaining it to you again, but you still wouldn't' understand it.
Um no, Obama is a parasite who convinced the you and your ilk that he was not part of the good ole' 1% club, that somehow he was different :badgrin:


The rich Democrats aren't the ones advocating the policies to make the rest of us poorer.

This is what you don't seem to get. IT's not the fact that they are rich that bothers me as how they got rich and what they support.

The GOP takes the sides of employers and banks against working people on every issue. I can't name one issue where they they've taken the side of working folks. Not one.

Oh really- Then what are your observations relative to 'how' Stretch Pelosi and that witch Feinstein made their 1%?


For stretch she dabbles in the Asian markets tied to outsourcing of US jobs to help line her pockets

According to Pelosi’s 2011 financial disclosure statement, the Democratic House Minority Leader received between $1 million and $5 million in partnership income from ”Matthews International Capital Management LLC,” a group that emphasizes that it has a “A Singular Focus on Investing in Asia.” A quick trip to the company website reveals a featured post extolling the virtues of outsourcing.

Read more: Nancy Pelosi made $1-5 million on Asian investments | The Daily Caller

"Where the Money Lives
For all Mitt Romney’s touting of his business record, when it comes to his own money the Republican nominee is remarkably shy about disclosing numbers and investments. Nicholas Shaxson delves into the murky world of offshore finance, revealing loopholes that allow the very wealthy to skirt tax laws, and investigating just how much of Romney’s fortune (with $30 million in Bain Capital funds in the Cayman Islands alone?) looks pretty strange for a presidential candidate."

Investigation: Mitt Romney?s Offshore Accounts, Tax Loopholes, and Mysterious I.R.A. | Vanity Fair

Seems what's good for the goose is evil for the gander in the hypocrisy of right wing dishonest morons.
Totally irrelevent to the point I was making, but when you use the Daily Scrawler as a source, I'm sure there's not much that can be done for you.

No, you stated why you did not like the Pubs thats fine. But in the same breath you described why you like the Dems for the same reasons.

You are usually better at taking your licks than this Joe.. :lol:


No, I still don't think you are understanding the point I was making. I could try explaining it to you again, but you still wouldn't' understand it.

Yea your right Joe, go ahead to another subject :lol:

The rich Democrats aren't the ones advocating the policies to make the rest of us poorer.

This is what you don't seem to get. IT's not the fact that they are rich that bothers me as how they got rich and what they support.

The GOP takes the sides of employers and banks against working people on every issue. I can't name one issue where they they've taken the side of working folks. Not one.

Oh really- Then what are your observations relative to 'how' Stretch Pelosi and that witch Feinstein made their 1%?


For stretch she dabbles in the Asian markets tied to outsourcing of US jobs to help line her pockets

According to Pelosi’s 2011 financial disclosure statement, the Democratic House Minority Leader received between $1 million and $5 million in partnership income from ”Matthews International Capital Management LLC,” a group that emphasizes that it has a “A Singular Focus on Investing in Asia.” A quick trip to the company website reveals a featured post extolling the virtues of outsourcing.

Read more: Nancy Pelosi made $1-5 million on Asian investments | The Daily Caller

"Where the Money Lives
For all Mitt Romney’s touting of his business record, when it comes to his own money the Republican nominee is remarkably shy about disclosing numbers and investments. Nicholas Shaxson delves into the murky world of offshore finance, revealing loopholes that allow the very wealthy to skirt tax laws, and investigating just how much of Romney’s fortune (with $30 million in Bain Capital funds in the Cayman Islands alone?) looks pretty strange for a presidential candidate."

Investigation: Mitt Romney?s Offshore Accounts, Tax Loopholes, and Mysterious I.R.A. | Vanity Fair

Seems what's good for the goose is evil for the gander in the hypocrisy of right wing dishonest morons.

SOP for a Republican.

Seems to me that the Repubs get mad at rich Democrats BECAUSE they are not REPUBLICAN. They (Repubs) just can't understand it. Some of the richest members of Congress are Democrats. How could that be? Repubs believe that Dems are lazy and unmotivated. Won't work. How could they get so rich and not be a Republican.

Drives em crazy.
No, you stated why you did not like the Pubs thats fine. But in the same breath you described why you like the Dems for the same reasons.

You are usually better at taking your licks than this Joe.. :lol:


No, I still don't think you are understanding the point I was making. I could try explaining it to you again, but you still wouldn't' understand it.

Yea your right Joe, go ahead to another subject :lol:


Um, no, you see, I wasn't discussing who had money.

I was discussing what their policies are.


Republicans- I've got mine, fuck you.

Democrats- I've got mine, but I'm going to make sure no one can take advantage of you because they have more power and money.

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