"The Pitchforks are coming...for us Plutocrats."

you have to shake your head at some of these people

they VOTE for the wealthy, put down people like the Palins (she's stupid, she went to six different colleges etc), Cains, etc and then turn around and bitch about the rich

and vote in someone (Obama who's made up life is he was a poor black child) and talks nonsense to them like they're going to stop the sea rising and heal thy planet

Seven out of the TOP TEN richest in CONGRESS
When all one can do is throw rocks, i.e. pick up the pitchfork, there is a problem. We are approaching that day as the OP correctly states. Plutocrats make the laws and therein create the inequity. As I've posted before, the greatest threat to Capitalism are the Capitalists. Greed is a deadly sin.

Power tends to corrupt, and when the few have power and the rest do not an imbalance occurs which will lead to a police state or a conflagration.

Sure power corrupts. And we allow our political and electoral systems to be almost entirely controlled by cash. It's staring us right in the face, it's laughing at us, and we do nothing about it.

Our problems are a self-inflicted wound, but no one is looking in the mirror.


Read what others are posting, our problems are not self-inflicted, they are a product of the few - the power elite - and their lust for more - more power and greater wealth; they're blinded by ambition and a sense of entitlement and have a callous disregard for others not of their kind.

In their world view poverty is a product of a persons moral corruption, it is internal and has little or nothing to do with external forces. They believe one must be lazy, lack ambition, addled by drink or drugs or sexually obsessed to be poor and remain poor.

This canard permeates The Congress and most perniciously members of the United States Supreme Court whose judgments are anything but democratic, and in several cases prime examples of Lord Acton's sage quotation.

But my opinion is easily dismissed, those who are curious need only read up on the economic history and history of the labor movement in our country. It can open one's eyes to the future for one willing to see, and an understanding that what we are doing is what George Santayana warned us about.
There's a thread on this already. We will eat the rich again eventually. We still know how to build a guillotine.

No you won't. Are you kidding? I highly doubt that you could even tear most away from his iphone or flat screen tvs. Guillotine??? What the hell is that? No, they don't how to build a guillotine either.
When all one can do is throw rocks, i.e. pick up the pitchfork, there is a problem. We are approaching that day as the OP correctly states. Plutocrats make the laws and therein create the inequity. As I've posted before, the greatest threat to Capitalism are the Capitalists. Greed is a deadly sin.

Power tends to corrupt, and when the few have power and the rest do not an imbalance occurs which will lead to a police state or a conflagration.

Sure power corrupts. And we allow our political and electoral systems to be almost entirely controlled by cash. It's staring us right in the face, it's laughing at us, and we do nothing about it.

Our problems are a self-inflicted wound, but no one is looking in the mirror.


Read what others are posting, our problems are not self-inflicted, they are a product of the few - the power elite - and their lust for more - more power and greater wealth; they're blinded by ambition and a sense of entitlement and have a callous disregard for others not of their kind.

In their world view poverty is a product of a persons moral corruption, it is internal and has little or nothing to do with external forces. They believe one must be lazy, lack ambition, addled by drink or drugs or sexually obsessed to be poor and remain poor.

This canard permeates The Congress and most perniciously members of the United States Supreme Court whose judgments are anything but democratic, and in several cases prime examples of Lord Acton's sage quotation.

But my opinion is easily dismissed, those who are curious need only read up on the economic history and history of the labor movement in our country. It can open one's eyes to the future for one willing to see, and an understanding that what we are doing is what George Santayana warned us about.

If you could stop painting with your broad brush you would quickly realize that is not true.
There's a thread on this already. We will eat the rich again eventually. We still know how to build a guillotine.

No you won't. Are you kidding? I highly doubt that you could even tear most away from his iphone or flat screen tvs. Guillotine??? What the hell is that? No, they don't how to build a guillotine either.

they'd have to tear him/her off the internet first...

and then I'd guess who they vote for..the ones he plans on eating

Sure power corrupts. And we allow our political and electoral systems to be almost entirely controlled by cash. It's staring us right in the face, it's laughing at us, and we do nothing about it.

Our problems are a self-inflicted wound, but no one is looking in the mirror.


Read what others are posting, our problems are not self-inflicted, they are a product of the few - the power elite - and their lust for more - more power and greater wealth; they're blinded by ambition and a sense of entitlement and have a callous disregard for others not of their kind.

In their world view poverty is a product of a persons moral corruption, it is internal and has little or nothing to do with external forces. They believe one must be lazy, lack ambition, addled by drink or drugs or sexually obsessed to be poor and remain poor.

This canard permeates The Congress and most perniciously members of the United States Supreme Court whose judgments are anything but democratic, and in several cases prime examples of Lord Acton's sage quotation.

But my opinion is easily dismissed, those who are curious need only read up on the economic history and history of the labor movement in our country. It can open one's eyes to the future for one willing to see, and an understanding that what we are doing is what George Santayana warned us about.

If you could stop painting with your broad brush you would quickly realize that is not true.

If you would stop posting and read the necessary history you might have something substantive to write, but I doubt it. You are not one of the power elite, yet you represent the greatest problem facing democracy in America. Myopia, either willfull or congenital has infected a set of people like you who have adopted an ideology alien to your own best interests. That you don't get it is not surprising, and something I suspect Mr. Franklin meant when he is reported to have said, "You've got a Republic if you can keep it".
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This is the kind of thing that started the French Revolution.

I don't think the disparity is so bad as it was then.

After all, even our poor can afford the internet.

yep, this is just stirring up the green eyed monsters and they fall it

who would benefit from pitchforks and chaos...it won't hurt him or people like him

to me the guys an idiot we will NEVER all be equal and believe me, there are some in Congress I wouldn't want to be equal with them, crooks corrupted, liars, etc

Any Republican that starts acting like a Democrat, (race-baiting, spreading lies about their opponents) during the primary, needs to go. Lamar Alexander floated the idea of an open primary here in TN because he's worried about losing.

If you sacrifice your honor and your principles to win an election you aren't trustworthy enough to serve.
Read what others are posting, our problems are not self-inflicted, they are a product of the few - the power elite - and their lust for more - more power and greater wealth; they're blinded by ambition and a sense of entitlement and have a callous disregard for others not of their kind.

In their world view poverty is a product of a persons moral corruption, it is internal and has little or nothing to do with external forces. They believe one must be lazy, lack ambition, addled by drink or drugs or sexually obsessed to be poor and remain poor.

This canard permeates The Congress and most perniciously members of the United States Supreme Court whose judgments are anything but democratic, and in several cases prime examples of Lord Acton's sage quotation.

But my opinion is easily dismissed, those who are curious need only read up on the economic history and history of the labor movement in our country. It can open one's eyes to the future for one willing to see, and an understanding that what we are doing is what George Santayana warned us about.

If you could stop painting with your broad brush you would quickly realize that is not true.

If you would stop posting and read the necessary history you might have something substantive to write, but I doubt it. You are not one of the power elite, yet you represent the greatest problem facing democracy in America. Myopia, either willfull or congenital has infected a set of people like you who have adopted an ideology alien to your own best interests. That you don't get it is not surprising, and something I suspect Mr. Franklin meant when he is reported to have said, "You've got a Republic if you can keep it".

I'm not the one that yearns to be governed by the power elite. I dont love the govt like you do. I dont place faith in a collective unit like you do. I believe in the individual. I wouldnt label you as the greatest threat since you have no power, just willful ignorance that has to be led around and told what to do. Certainly a paradox since you are always preaching of your own brilliance.
If you could stop painting with your broad brush you would quickly realize that is not true.

If you would stop posting and read the necessary history you might have something substantive to write, but I doubt it. You are not one of the power elite, yet you represent the greatest problem facing democracy in America. Myopia, either willfull or congenital has infected a set of people like you who have adopted an ideology alien to your own best interests. That you don't get it is not surprising, and something I suspect Mr. Franklin meant when he is reported to have said, "You've got a Republic if you can keep it".

I'm not the one that yearns to be governed by the power elite. I dont love the govt like you do. I dont place faith in a collective unit like you do. I believe in the individual. I wouldnt label you as the greatest threat since you have no power, just willful ignorance that has to be led around and told what to do. Certainly a paradox since you are always preaching of your own brilliance.

Don't tell me what I yearn for or what I love or have faith in, that you can't read with comprehension, nor consider ideas and opinions which require thought, is your problem. One I suspect that is chronic and immune to treatment. Thus, it is not willful, it is congenital.

I don't preach. I express opinons which I believe are well thought out, and when wrong I admit my errors. Suggesting I've been told what to do (?) is ridiculous; what you likely meant is what I've been told what "to think", and that is both untrue and nothing but a personal attack. I expect no more from you because you lack the skills and (most likely the intelligence) to offer any well thought out post.
If you could stop painting with your broad brush you would quickly realize that is not true.

If you would stop posting and read the necessary history you might have something substantive to write, but I doubt it. You are not one of the power elite, yet you represent the greatest problem facing democracy in America. Myopia, either willfull or congenital has infected a set of people like you who have adopted an ideology alien to your own best interests. That you don't get it is not surprising, and something I suspect Mr. Franklin meant when he is reported to have said, "You've got a Republic if you can keep it".

I'm not the one that yearns to be governed by the power elite. I dont love the govt like you do. I dont place faith in a collective unit like you do. I believe in the individual. I wouldnt label you as the greatest threat since you have no power, just willful ignorance that has to be led around and told what to do. Certainly a paradox since you are always preaching of your own brilliance.

I don't think either mac or joe are morons, but I'll add one thing. Imo, old school liberals are dead in the water when it comes to stuff like forcing a liveable wage. It does drive up costs. And let's not even mention unionizing, which Obama promised the SEIU after Slick did too, and then stiffed them. Not an all bad thing, but try running a subway franchise.

Obamacare is an example of the dead end reasoning of traditional liberals. They took a basic idea of raising a pile of money by taxing health care providers and insurers, and then turning around and using that money to let people without access to healthcare (or at least healthcare that the providers actually got paid for giving) to buy ... wait for it .... healthcare.

But in their zeal for top town management, they overengineered the thing to remove consumer choice and decided the govt should force everyone to buy in, even though just offering a tax credit to buy minimal coverage would have been in everyone's self interest. They just can't trust people to do the right thing.

Some THINKING conservatives criticized the approach because in essence it protects a non-competitive marketplace. For example, try finding out how much a knee replacement will really cost at three different hospitals with three different provider networks. Or, will you ever find a ranking of HMO's or insurers similar to that you find in consumer magazines rating mutual funds? Of course not. For them, it was about if we want to reform a market, let's actually reform it. The tax issue wasn't really a factor in markets. But the tax itself was not inherently anti-competitive or destructive to the market. Rather, it was let's find the true, lowest cost of healthcare and then figure out how to pay for it.

And then you have the brain dead amongst the gop, and I won't even call the TPM or the Kochs conservative. The insurance and healthcare industries were not totally hostile to the notion of raising a pile of money. Wal-Mart wasn't totally hostile to paying more SO LONG AS THEIR COMPETITORS had to pay too.

But, no. We in the gop are poisoned by a moneyed few, and a group that is just plain mad, so that any effort by the fed govt to increase individuals' power to enter into marketplaces like healthcare education must be opposed. Any effort at improving infrastructure is inherently an overreach. Even though none of that flew in the face of Reaganomics or neoliberalism.

But given all that, I'm not really crying wolf over either party. Hillary is not as liberal as Obama, and she's certainly got more real world experience. I doubt Elizabeth Warren is really that out of touch with working people or small biz either. Her wrath seems more reserved for Wall St and tax shannigans by multinationals.

As for the gop, if the recent primary showed anything, it showed that the TPM is verging on falling off the cliff. It's not so much "JFC they can't even win in Miss," because they probably could. But try running a racist whacadoodle like that outside Miss, Ala and SC. And Boehner seems content to gain the Senate by not addressing immigration, even though most of us see a very dark cloud for 2016.
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I don't think either mac or joe are morons, but I'll add one thing. Imo, old school liberals are dead in the water when it comes to stuff like forcing a liveable wage. It does drive up costs. And let's not even mention unionizing, which Obama promised the SEIU after Slick did too, and then stiffed them. Not an all bad thing, but try running a subway franchise.

Obamacare is an example of the dead end reasoning of traditional liberals. They took a basic idea of raising a pile of money by taxing health care providers and insurers, and then turning around and using that money to let people without access to healthcare (or at least healthcare that the providers actually got paid for giving) to buy ... wait for it .... healthcare.

But in their zeal for top town management, they overengineered the thing to remove consumer choice and decided the govt should force everyone to buy in, even though just offering a tax credit to buy minimal coverage would have been in everyone's self interest. They just can't trust people to do the right thing.

Some THINKING conservatives criticized the approach because in essence it protects a non-competitive marketplace. For example, try finding out how much a knee replacement will really cost at three different hospitals with three different provider networks. Or, will you ever find a ranking of HMO's or insurers similar to that you find in consumer magazines rating mutual funds? Of course not. For them, it was about if we want to reform a market, let's actually reform it. The tax issue wasn't really a factor in markets. But the tax itself was not inherently anti-competitive or destructive to the market. Rather, it was let's find the true, lowest cost of healthcare and then figure out how to pay for it.

And then you have the brain dead amongst the gop, and I won't even call the TPM or the Kochs conservative. The insurance and healthcare industries were not totally hostile to the notion of raising a pile of money. Wal-Mart wasn't totally hostile to paying more SO LONG AS THEIR COMPETITORS had to pay too.

But, no. We in the gop are poisoned by a moneyed few, and a group that is just plain mad, so that any effort by the fed govt to increase individuals' power to enter into marketplaces like healthcare education must be opposed. Any effort at improving infrastructure is inherently an overreach. Even though none of that flew in the face of Reaganomics or neoliberalism.

But given all that, I'm not really crying wolf over either party. Hillary is not as liberal as Obama, and she's certainly got more real world experience. I doubt Elizabeth Warren is really that out of touch with working people or small biz either. Her wrath seems more reserved for Wall St and tax shannigans by multinationals.

As for the gop, if the recent primary showed anything, it showed that the TPM is verging on falling off the cliff. It's not so much "JFC they can't even win in Miss," because they probably could. But try running a racist whacadoodle like that outside Miss, Ala and SC. And Boehner seems content to gain the Senate by not addressing immigration, even though most of us see a very dark cloud for 2016.

Thanks for the reasoned, civil, mature post.

And for saying I'm not a moron!


If you would stop posting and read the necessary history you might have something substantive to write, but I doubt it. You are not one of the power elite, yet you represent the greatest problem facing democracy in America. Myopia, either willfull or congenital has infected a set of people like you who have adopted an ideology alien to your own best interests. That you don't get it is not surprising, and something I suspect Mr. Franklin meant when he is reported to have said, "You've got a Republic if you can keep it".

I'm not the one that yearns to be governed by the power elite. I dont love the govt like you do. I dont place faith in a collective unit like you do. I believe in the individual. I wouldnt label you as the greatest threat since you have no power, just willful ignorance that has to be led around and told what to do. Certainly a paradox since you are always preaching of your own brilliance.

Don't tell me what I yearn for or what I love or have faith in, that you can't read with comprehension, nor consider ideas and opinions which require thought, is your problem. One I suspect that is chronic and immune to treatment. Thus, it is not willful, it is congenital.

I don't preach. I express opinons which I believe are well thought out, and when wrong I admit my errors. Suggesting I've been told what to do (?) is ridiculous; what you likely meant is what I've been told what "to think", and that is both untrue and nothing but a personal attack. I expect no more from you because you lack the skills and (most likely the intelligence) to offer any well thought out post.

It stings doesn't it? One more thing: I did not personally attack you.
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I guess the Republicans are too busy to hold hearings about the incredible crimes being perpetrated against the American people which are destroying the very DNA of our capitalistic system.

Funny how they find infinite time to hunt for stand down orders, though.

It is funny some people know the name of an IRS officer but could not name a single Wall Street criminal and their specific crime to save their lives. Everyone who has money invested has been robbed, but no one gives a flying fuck about it.
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The problem isn't that there are too many rich people. The problem is that there are too few rich people.

We should be passing laws that make it easier for people to get rich, not harder as JoeBolshevik131 wants.
Well I highly doubt they'll be coming for us in the dead of winter and in the nicer weather the Sea Ray with its twin 454s will keep the scum away.
The problem isn't that there are too many rich people. The problem is that there are too few rich people.

We should be passing laws that make it easier for people to get rich, not harder as JoeBolshevik131 wants.

May be too late for that.

We may have turned the corner already. The Left has pretty much succeeded with their "you didn't build that, you didn't earn that, you only have that because it was given to you, you were lucky, you stole that from someone else" schtick, and more people now believe it.

When a person busts their ass and then has to apologize for succeeding, the die is cast.

Do Americans want free-market Capitalism to make poor people more economically self-sufficient?


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