"The Pitchforks are coming...for us Plutocrats."

I see a less fat version of Michael Moore.

Maybe he should do what Jesus said, sell everything he has and live off of the good will and generosity of his followers.
the glare of INEQUALITY

translation: give up more of your monies to those who are too lazy, too stupid, to make more of their lives or be under the threat of riots and pitchforks

How do you all like being threatened? Living off you taxpayers isn't enough for these people they want everything you have worked to give your families

Again, it isn't the poor who are the problem. Even with government assistance, the bottom 20% controls less than 1% of the wealth. The bottom 80% in this country controls only 13% of the wealth.

Meanwhile, the top 20% controls 87% of the wealth and the top 1% controls 43% of the wealth.

And this by you is fine.

too late for your whining now
You and many have sat back and voted for these RICH/Harvard/lawyers politicians who was voting to get themselves more wealth, all the while putting down the people who were just everyday citizens, like the Palins, Cain, look what you call Dr.Carson/ Uncle Tom
so you don't get to sit back now and whine about , Inequality

you people won't be satisfied until we are Equally POOR and have all these wealthy elected idiots in government lording over us

The zealots are killing us.


Zealots break trail for the rest of an ideological movement, without them no political party or movement can exist long.

I wonder if he thinks that the American Revolution was started by zealots or a bunch of fat, lazy middle of the road schmucks like himself who choose to sit and wait for something to happen?

Personal insults aside -- I know how important they are -- I wonder if you'll tell me something honestly.

What exactly is your goal? Do you think you're going to "beat" the other guys, ultimately stand above them as they cower in abject capitulation?

Or are you just trying to get as much territory as you can and then, at that point, whenever that is, behave like a reasonable person and engage in mature and constructive discourse?

Serious question.

This is a very interesting article, and even though it runs four pages, it's a great read.

A rich guy who actually gets it.

The Pitchforks Are Coming? For Us Plutocrats - Nick Hanauer - POLITICO Magazine

And so I have a message for my fellow filthy rich, for all of us who live in our gated bubble worlds: Wake up, people. It won’t last.

If we don’t do something to fix the glaring inequities in this economy, the pitchforks are going to come for us. No society can sustain this kind of rising inequality. In fact, there is no example in human history where wealth accumulated like this and the pitchforks didn’t eventually come out. You show me a highly unequal society, and I will show you a police state. Or an uprising. There are no counterexamples. None. It’s not if, it’s when.

Here’s what I say to you: You’re living in a dream world. What everyone wants to believe is that when things reach a tipping point and go from being merely crappy for the masses to dangerous and socially destabilizing, that we’re somehow going to know about that shift ahead of time. Any student of history knows that’s not the way it happens. Revolutions, like bankruptcies, come gradually, and then suddenly. One day, somebody sets himself on fire, then thousands of people are in the streets, and before you know it, the country is burning. And then there’s no time for us to get to the airport and jump on our Gulfstream Vs and fly to New Zealand. That’s the way it always happens. If inequality keeps rising as it has been, eventually it will happen. We will not be able to predict when, and it will be terrible—for everybody. But especially for us.

That's why we can't let you have our guns Joe.

Pitchfork vs gun = FAIL

I see a less fat version of Michael Moore.

Maybe he should do what Jesus said, sell everything he has and live off of the good will and generosity of his followers.

That's what happens every time someone tries to address this problem, the right starts right in with the character assassination and shamelessly smears them until the argument turns into a discussion about one man or woman and their character flaws rather than the increasingly sorry state of the country.
That's what happens every time someone tries to address this problem, the right starts right in with the character assassination and shamelessly smears them until the argument turns into a discussion about one man or woman and their character flaws rather than the increasingly sorry state of the country.

Holy crap.

The irony.

No mirrors in the homes of partisan ideologues.

I see a less fat version of Michael Moore.

Maybe he should do what Jesus said, sell everything he has and live off of the good will and generosity of his followers.

That's what happens every time someone tries to address this problem, the right starts right in with the character assassination and shamelessly smears them until the argument turns into a discussion about one man or woman and their character flaws rather than the increasingly sorry state of the country.

I hate snobs as much as anyone.

But I don't go for this populist crapola just because a bunch of elitist Democrats want to win another election.
This is the kind of thing that started the French Revolution.

I don't think the disparity is so bad as it was then.

After all, even our poor can afford the internet.
That's what happens every time someone tries to address this problem, the right starts right in with the character assassination and shamelessly smears them until the argument turns into a discussion about one man or woman and their character flaws rather than the increasingly sorry state of the country.

Holy crap.

The irony.

No mirrors in the homes of partisan ideologues.


Leftist populism gets special treatment by the smear machine because that's what scares them the most, all any revolution needs is a leader.
This is the kind of thing that started the French Revolution.

I don't think the disparity is so bad as it was then.

After all, even our poor can afford the internet.

yep, this is just stirring up the green eyed monsters and they fall it

who would benefit from pitchforks and chaos...it won't hurt him or people like him

to me the guys an idiot we will NEVER all be equal and believe me, there are some in Congress I wouldn't want to be equal with them, crooks corrupted, liars, etc
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This is the kind of thing that started the French Revolution.

I don't think the disparity is so bad as it was then.

After all, even our poor can afford the internet.

It's not as bad yet, if the trend continues who knows? The real lesson is that even then the aristocracy had many, many loyalists who loved them in spite of their grinding poverty.
This is the kind of thing that started the French Revolution.

I don't think the disparity is so bad as it was then.

After all, even our poor can afford the internet.

How do you know? Do you personally know any poor people? No one I know personally is on food stamps or jobless, living in their car or with their parents.
This is the kind of thing that started the French Revolution.

I don't think the disparity is so bad as it was then.

After all, even our poor can afford the internet.

It's not as bad yet, if the trend continues who knows? The real lesson is that even then the aristocracy had many, many loyalists who loved them in spite of their grinding poverty.

I think it's worse than we think. A friend of mine who is an independent columnist in Phila wrote a very comprehensive article on how food banks are being broken by a growing constituency in the inner city as well as suburbs.

People who are falling into poverty are going to try to hide it as long as possible.
This is a very interesting article, and even though it runs four pages, it's a great read.

A rich guy who actually gets it.

The Pitchforks Are Coming? For Us Plutocrats - Nick Hanauer - POLITICO Magazine

And so I have a message for my fellow filthy rich, for all of us who live in our gated bubble worlds: Wake up, people. It won’t last.

If we don’t do something to fix the glaring inequities in this economy, the pitchforks are going to come for us. No society can sustain this kind of rising inequality. In fact, there is no example in human history where wealth accumulated like this and the pitchforks didn’t eventually come out. You show me a highly unequal society, and I will show you a police state. Or an uprising. There are no counterexamples. None. It’s not if, it’s when.

Here’s what I say to you: You’re living in a dream world. What everyone wants to believe is that when things reach a tipping point and go from being merely crappy for the masses to dangerous and socially destabilizing, that we’re somehow going to know about that shift ahead of time. Any student of history knows that’s not the way it happens. Revolutions, like bankruptcies, come gradually, and then suddenly. One day, somebody sets himself on fire, then thousands of people are in the streets, and before you know it, the country is burning. And then there’s no time for us to get to the airport and jump on our Gulfstream Vs and fly to New Zealand. That’s the way it always happens. If inequality keeps rising as it has been, eventually it will happen. We will not be able to predict when, and it will be terrible—for everybody. But especially for us.

That's why we can't let you have our guns Joe.

Pitchfork vs gun = FAIL


WE??? You got a mouse in your pocket Go. Or are you planning to get a job soon?

How is it you identify yourself with the ultra wealthy? Just curious on that.

Wait. maybe you think Joe is the ultra wealthy.

It will be the ultra wealthy that leads the efforts to restrict guns ownership. They have the most to lose. And they sure don't want all us middle class and poor to be well armed.
But I know go and you ain't smart enough to figure that out.
This is the kind of thing that started the French Revolution.

I don't think the disparity is so bad as it was then.

After all, even our poor can afford the internet.

It's not as bad yet, if the trend continues who knows? The real lesson is that even then the aristocracy had many, many loyalists who loved them in spite of their grinding poverty.

what would you occupiers/Democrats know about grinding poverty?
all of your group was being funded by those "RICH" people like Soros, the Democrat party, etc
new tents, food tents and food donated to you, porta potties brought in, etc
You and your party loves poor people, then you can use them to beat others down with for your agenda
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When all one can do is throw rocks, i.e. pick up the pitchfork, there is a problem. We are approaching that day as the OP correctly states. Plutocrats make the laws and therein create the inequity. As I've posted before, the greatest threat to Capitalism are the Capitalists. Greed is a deadly sin.

Power tends to corrupt, and when the few have power and the rest do not an imbalance occurs which will lead to a police state or a conflagration.

Sure power corrupts. And we allow our political and electoral systems to be almost entirely controlled by cash. It's staring us right in the face, it's laughing at us, and we do nothing about it.

Our problems are a self-inflicted wound, but no one is looking in the mirror.


AND WHO HAS THAT CASH? Duh....Thanks for making my case for me. Again, pinhead, these people can be easily accessed by perusing the Forbes 400. They are the shadow government.

I see this over and over again on this board...The righties, who claim the left doesn't want to be responsible for themselves, refrain from assigning responsibility with loose definitions like this.
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When all one can do is throw rocks, i.e. pick up the pitchfork, there is a problem. We are approaching that day as the OP correctly states. Plutocrats make the laws and therein create the inequity. As I've posted before, the greatest threat to Capitalism are the Capitalists. Greed is a deadly sin.

Power tends to corrupt, and when the few have power and the rest do not an imbalance occurs which will lead to a police state or a conflagration.

Sure power corrupts. And we allow our political and electoral systems to be almost entirely controlled by cash. It's staring us right in the face, it's laughing at us, and we do nothing about it.

Our problems are a self-inflicted wound, but no one is looking in the mirror.


AND WHO HAS THAT CASH? Duh....Thanks for making my case for me. Again, pinhead, these people can be easily accessed by perusing the Forbes 400. They are the shadow government.

I wonder if you're capable of communicating without personal insults and name-calling.

You clearly missed my point, or more likely chose to. It's about the electoral system.

Perhaps you'd be more comfortable communicating with a right wing zealot.

This is a very interesting article, and even though it runs four pages, it's a great read.

A rich guy who actually gets it.

The Pitchforks Are Coming? For Us Plutocrats - Nick Hanauer - POLITICO Magazine

That's why we can't let you have our guns Joe.

Pitchfork vs gun = FAIL


WE??? You got a mouse in your pocket Go. Or are you planning to get a job soon?

How is it you identify yourself with the ultra wealthy? Just curious on that.

Wait. maybe you think Joe is the ultra wealthy.

It will be the ultra wealthy that leads the efforts to restrict guns ownership. They have the most to lose. And they sure don't want all us middle class and poor to be well armed.
But I know go and you ain't smart enough to figure that out.

Meh, you mean rich like Obama ? Now you're getting it. :D

This is the kind of thing that started the French Revolution.

I don't think the disparity is so bad as it was then.

After all, even our poor can afford the internet.

It's not as bad yet, if the trend continues who knows? The real lesson is that even then the aristocracy had many, many loyalists who loved them in spite of their grinding poverty.

what you occupiers/Democrats know about grinding poverty?
all of your group was being funded by those "RICH" people like Soros, the Democrat party, etc
new tents, food tents and food donated to you, porta potties brought in, etc
You and your party loves poor people, then you can use them to beat others down with for your agenda

Another person who cannot talk about this without repeating the smears. When we finally achieve serfdom are you hoping your loyalty to the aristocracy will get you better treatment? Fucking loyalist scum.

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