The Pitchforks Are (Still) Coming

American Progressives are literally the stupidest fucks on the planet. They never learn that after the revolution, they can live out their lives in one of two ways: Slaves or fertilizer. Yet they still hope for Revolution.

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I guess they didn't notice since occupy was busy destroying private property, littering, filling up the police blotter, and leaving enough excrement on the streets to make the people, living during the bubonic plague, blush.
How can the pitchforks be coming when everyone is texting lol and other assorted pop culture syntax into their 200 dollar a month mobile phone?
Does Arab Spring ring any bells?

Anyone paying $200 every month for their mobile phone service probably won't get involved.
American Progressives are literally the stupidest fucks on the planet. They never learn that after the revolution, they can live out their lives in one of two ways: Slaves or fertilizer. Yet they still hope for Revolution.

Shit-for-brains conservatives swallow every load their lords bestow. Diving Right of Kings?
I guess they didn't notice since occupy was busy destroying private property, littering, filling up the police blotter, and leaving enough excrement on the streets to make the people, living during the bubonic plague, blush.
How would you know?
Were you at any Occupy events?
Or did you just watch on tv?

How much excrement has capitalism produced?
American Progressives are literally the stupidest fucks on the planet. They never learn that after the revolution, they can live out their lives in one of two ways: Slaves or fertilizer. Yet they still hope for Revolution.

Shit-for-brains conservatives swallow every load their lords bestow. Diving Right of Kings?


We have the highest standard of living in history.

Your way has the poorest standard of living in history.

"Average wealth of families in the bottom 90% and the top 1% of the wealth distribution, in constant 2010 US dollars, 1946-2012 Photograph: Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman

"The growing indebtedness of most Americans is the main reason behind the erosion of the wealth share of the bottom 90%, according to the report’s authors.

"Many middle-class families own their homes and have pensions, but too many have higher mortgage repayments, higher credit card bills, and higher student loans to service.

"The average wealth of bottom 90% jumped during the stock market boom of the late 1990s and the housing bubble of the early 2000s.

"But it then collapsed during and after the most recent financial crisis.

"Since then, there has been no recovery in the wealth of the middle class and the poor, the authors say. The average wealth of the bottom 90% of families is equal to $80,000 in 2012— the same level as in 1986. In contrast, the average wealth for the top 1% more than tripled between 1980 and 2012."

US wealth inequality - top 0.1 worth as much as the bottom 90 Business The Guardian
American Progressives are literally the stupidest fucks on the planet. They never learn that after the revolution, they can live out their lives in one of two ways: Slaves or fertilizer. Yet they still hope for Revolution.

Shit-for-brains conservatives swallow every load their lords bestow. Diving Right of Kings?


We have the highest standard of living in history.

Your way has the poorest standard of living in history.

No you don't. That would be Denmark. You're not even in the Top 10 anymore. While you're crowing about American Exceptionalism, the rest of the first world past you with better education, better infrastructure, fair employment laws, and single payer healthcare.

Until the U.S. cleans house and dumps the conservative agenda, you're going to end up like Brazil, except you'll have the biggest, best equipped army in the world.
American Progressives are literally the stupidest fucks on the planet. They never learn that after the revolution, they can live out their lives in one of two ways: Slaves or fertilizer. Yet they still hope for Revolution.

Shit-for-brains conservatives swallow every load their lords bestow. Diving Right of Kings?


We have the highest standard of living in history.

Your way has the poorest standard of living in history.

The worst living standards in history are those societies with the worst social safety nets.
Until the U.S. cleans house and dumps the conservative agenda, you're going to end up like Brazil, except you'll have the biggest, best equipped army in the world.
And that's when the terror the US has inflicted in places like Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Guatemala, and Yemen comes home to roost. CrackerFrank will likely be among its loudest champions.
American Progressives are literally the stupidest fucks on the planet. They never learn that after the revolution, they can live out their lives in one of two ways: Slaves or fertilizer. Yet they still hope for Revolution.

Shit-for-brains conservatives swallow every load their lords bestow. Diving Right of Kings?


We have the highest standard of living in history.

Your way has the poorest standard of living in history.

No you don't. That would be Denmark. You're not even in the Top 10 anymore. While you're crowing about American Exceptionalism, the rest of the first world past you with better education, better infrastructure, fair employment laws, and single payer healthcare.

Until the U.S. cleans house and dumps the conservative agenda, you're going to end up like Brazil, except you'll have the biggest, best equipped army in the world.

Denmark the size of one state with a homogenous Christian population equal to three NYC boroughs.

Yeah. That's a comp

We have twice as many illegals as Denmark has citizens
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The worst living standards in history are those societies with the worst social safety nets.
"On comprehensive measures such as the UN Human Development Index the Unitehid States is always in the top twenty, currently ranking 3rd. On theHuman Poverty Index the United States ranked 17th, one rank below the United Kingdom and one rank above Ireland.

"On The Economist'squality-of-life index the United States ranked 13th, in between Finland and Canada, scoring 7.6 out of a possible 10. The highest given score of 8.3 was applied to Ireland. This particular index takes into account a variety of socio-economic variables including GDP per capita, life expectancy, political stability, family life, community life, gender equality, and job security.[5]"

Standard of living in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

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