the Piwd Pipers of Denialism

if the last decade has not warmed or cooled then why would you find that reason for alarm?

Because a decade is a short period of time, and it isn't getting any cooler. The trend is clearly upwards, and even if the increase is only incremental year-on-year, a 2C increase by 2050 could be devastating to agriculture and sensitive environments.
if the last decade has not warmed or cooled then why would you find that reason for alarm?

Because a decade is a short period of time, and it isn't getting any cooler. The trend is clearly upwards, and even if the increase is only incremental year-on-year, a 2C increase by 2050 could be devastating to agriculture and sensitive environments.

a comet hitting our planet would be devastating too.

no increase in temp for the first 12 years out of 50, but somehow we are going to get 2C warming in the next 38? that sort of spike on a temp graph would look ridiculous.

btw Rutgers doesnt agree with your snow cover alarmism, for the NH anyways. I couldnt be bothered to look for global
Ian C -

no increase in temp for the first 12 years out of 50, but somehow we are going to get 2C warming in the next 38? that sort of spike on a temp graph would look ridiculous.

Ir's probably worth reading some of the research on this BEFORE you get too caught up attacking it.

I haven't mentioend snow cover, so I'm not sure who you were aiming that it.
There is unequivocal evidence that Earth’s lower atmosphere, ocean, and land surface are warming; sea level is rising; and snow cover, mountain glaciers, and Arctic sea ice are shrinking.

there. I actually quote whole sentences not partial sentences to obliterate the meaning like you do.

what makes you think I have not read information from both sides of the argument? I find your side of the argument lacking in conclusive proof, and almost invariably littered with exaggerated claims and conclusions that reek of distorting the scientific method. the skeptical side is sometimes not much better but their case is much easier to make; most of the time all they are doing is pointing out that your side is wrong. and they are getting much better and faster at it now that previously hidden data is becoming available.

the 'Lance Armstrong Moment' is getting closer and closer.
Ian -

That is a quote from the American Meterological Society. Do get in touch with them and explain the details, as they may not understand this issue as well as you do.
The numbers are in: 2012, the year of a surreal March heat wave, a severe drought in the Corn Belt and a huge storm that caused broad devastation in the Middle Atlantic States, turns out to have been the hottest year ever recorded in the contiguous United States.

According to which altered temperature record? NASA? GISS? NOAA? CRU?....which one?
Si Modo -

I understand the difference perfectly well, obviously. What we are talking about here are conclusions from scientific research.

Computer modelling, here on earth, in the field of climate science, is not scientific research.
Si Modo -

You have dismissed these as "opinions".

All you need do to change that fact is present some actual hard evidence to support the claim. You might start with some hard evidence that trenberth and keil's energy budget is spot on correct as it has been, and remains the basis for climate alarmism and the foundation of all climate models being touted by climate science.
Si Modo -

Well, you could answer the question, for one.

For the third time now - given you will not accept research nor the position of scientific bodies, nor the conclusions of scientists as evidence - what WILL you accept?

There is hardly lack of evidence of any kind - data, observational material that you can go and check yourelf, field name it and I'll present it for you so that you can understand what the scientific positions are based on.

The problem isn't us, it is you. You keep asking what we will accept. Easy.. Hard scientific evidence...not computer model output when the models don't begin to model reality... We are asking for actual science and you are offering up appeals to authority.

Surely there is some actual, hard, observable science upon which your authority is basing their claims. Lets see it. You can start with some proof that trenberth and kiel's energy budget is correct since that is the basis for all alarmist science today.
Westwall -

So basically you reject ALL science, all research and data, as being opinion.

I wonder why?

Is any of it backed up by hard, observable data, or repeatable experiment? If the answer is yes, then lets see it...if the answer is no, then you have the answer to your question.

If you read back through the thread, you will se that Westwall is completely comfortavöe with rejecting any form of research - even those he purports to accept.

For instance, Westwll tells us that we should believe the Innuit in their reports on polar bear numbers. On finding that the Innuit also report climate change in ther region, he decided they should be ignored.

Likewise, he says we should accept tidal gauges on ocean levels. On finding that tigal gauges have and do record rising ocean levels, he decided to instead ignore them.

This is just churlish and childish. It isn't science, and it is not particularly adult. I suggest you acknowledge tht yourself before moving on.
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The numbers are in: 2012, the year of a surreal March heat wave, a severe drought in the Corn Belt and a huge storm that caused broad devastation in the Middle Atlantic States, turns out to have been the hottest year ever recorded in the contiguous United States.

According to which altered temperature record? NASA? GISS? NOAA? CRU?....which one?

Speakibg of not very adult!!!

As has been explained three or four times now - if you do not like one soirce, simply choose another. It is not difficult.
1) Glacial melt - new research from the Andes shows massive loss from glaciers, matching similar research conducted in Alaska. Some glaciers have lost more than 50% of their ice since 1970, and are shedding ice faster than at any time in 300 years. 97% of the world's glaciers are in decline.

We are coming out of an ice age...The glaciers started melting back some 14,000 years ago...what is either surprising, or unprecedented about the fact that the melting continues?

Temperature increases. Our records from 1650 might not be the most accurate, but at least since 1900 we have had reasonable ways of ascertaining the temperature. The 10 hottest years in the past 112 years all occur during the past 15 years.

You have been shown incontrovertable evidence of tampering with the record where the temperatures of more than 700 months prior to 1960 were lowered and more than 500 since 1960 have been raised. That is hard, observed evidence of tampering. Why are you unable to accept it?

Drought & floods. The patterns of drought & floods in Australia & Spain show a rapidly increasing pattern of severity and frequency. Both Sydney and Australia recorded their hottest temperatures ever last month, and droughts & floods devastate the country now at a frequency unknown in recorded history.

Droughts and floods are part of life on earth. Peer reviewed, published research shows that the present is in no way unusual...or unprecedented.

THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: Whoops: Global Warming Decreased Floods

From the annals of The Settled Science, a peer-reviewed paper published today in Water Resources Research shows that flooding over the past 450 years in Germany was highest during "colder periods of the Little Ice Age when solar activity was reduced."

A 450 year record of spring-summer flood layers in annually laminated sediments from Lake Ammersee (southern Germany) - Czymzik - 2010 - Water Resources Research - Wiley Online Library

THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: New paper finds floods and extreme precipitation were more common during the Little Ice Age

A recent paper published in Quaternary Research examines floods in the Mediterranean French Alps over the past 1400 years and finds that extreme precipitation and flooding were less common and less extreme during warm periods compared to cold periods.

Paleofloods of the Mediterranean French Alps

THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: New paper shows global warming leads to fewer floods

A recent paper published in the Journal of Geographical Sciences concludes that "the extraordinary floods recorded in the middle reaches of the Jinghe River [China] were linked to the global climatic events," which were all global cooling events. Thus, yet another study reveals the fact that it is global cooling that leads to more frequent and extreme flooding, rather than the global warming climate alarmists claim is the culprit.

Holocene Floods of China's Jinghe River

THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: Paper shows nothing unusual, unnatural or unprecedented about any 20th or 21st century US drought

A History of Drought Duration and Frequency in the U.S. Corn Belt

THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: Paper finds Midwest US droughts were less extreme during 20th century & linked to solar activity

A paper published in Geophysical Research Letters finds Midwest US droughts were less frequent and less extreme during the 20th century in comparison to the past 3100 years.

THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: New paper shows Western N. America drought was far more extreme and variable PRIOR to 500 years ago

A peer-reviewed paper published online today in the journal Geophysical Research Letters shows that drought of Western North America was considerably worse during the Medieval Warming Period than at the end of the 20th century. The paper also shows much more variation and extremes in the drought record over the past 5200 years than since the advent of industrialization and rising CO2 levels in the latter 20th century.

A 5200-year record of freshwater availability for regions in western North America fed by high-elevation runoff - Wolfe - 2011 - Geophysical Research Letters - Wiley Online Library

Rising sea levels. Between 1870 and 2004, global average sea levels rose 195 mm (7.7 in). From 1950 to 2009, measurements show an average annual rise in sea level of 1.7 ± 0.3 mm per year, with satellite data showing a rise of 3.3 ± 0.4 mm per year from 1993 to 2009, a faster rate of increase than previously estimated.

Again, peer reviewed published research shows your claims to be untrue.

THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: New paper shows sea levels around Australia have declined over the past 7000 years

A new paper published in Quaternary Science Reviews is the "First synthesis of post-glacial sea level data around Australia in over 25 years," and shows that sea levels around Australia were from about 1 to 2.5 meters higher than the present 7000 years ago during the Holocene Thermal Maximum [which lasted 4000 years between 9000 to 5000 years ago]. - Quaternary Science Reviews - Post-glacial sea-level changes around the Australian margin: a review

THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: New paper finds sea level trends are biased by natural ocean oscillations

A new paper published in Geophysical Research Letters finds that much of the observed variation in Pacific Ocean sea levels is explained by natural ocean oscillations such as the Pacific Decadal Oscillation [PDO] and El Nino Southern Oscillation [ENSO].

Sea level trends, interannual and decadal variability in the Pacific Ocean - Zhang - 2012 - Geophysical Research Letters - Wiley Online Library

THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: Settled science update: 'Greenhouse gases' don't cause sea level rise

A paper published this week in The Journal of Climate finds the "settled" belief that warming due to 'radiative forcing' from 'greenhouse gases' is causing the seas to rise is not supported by observational data

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Between 1751 and 1994 surface ocean pH is estimated to have decreased from approximately 8.25 to 8.14, representing an increase of almost 30% in H+ ion concentration in the world's oceans. I agree that the 1751 figure might not be 100% reliable, but modern measurements do show changing pH.

You really do consume the kool aid in all flavors, don't you. Measurements have always shown changing pH. Studies show that ocean life is quite adept at rapidly adapting to changing pH as it has had to adapt over the eons.

I could go on, but I think you get the point.

I could go on but I think you get the point. When you can show something happening that is entirely new and unprecedented in the climate, then maybe, you can point the finger at man. Till then, you are just being unnecessarily hysterical.
The numbers are in: 2012, the year of a surreal March heat wave, a severe drought in the Corn Belt and a huge storm that caused broad devastation in the Middle Atlantic States, turns out to have been the hottest year ever recorded in the contiguous United States.

According to which altered temperature record? NASA? GISS? NOAA? CRU?....which one?

Speakibg of not very adult!!!

As has been explained three or four times now - if you do not like one soirce, simply choose another. It is not difficult.

I gave you multiple sources there and previously at least as many more of the primary sources for global temperatures that have been tampered with. Which source does your claim come from? If it is any of the primary sources for global temps, then I can show you undeniable evidence that they have altered the record. What I wonder is since you have seen evidence of tampering, why do you still believe they are accurate?

If you read back through the thread, you will se that Westwall is completely comfortavöe with rejecting any form of research - even those he purports to accept.

For instance, Westwll tells us that we should believe the Innuit in their reports on polar bear numbers. On finding that the Innuit also report climate change in ther region, he decided they should be ignored.

Likewise, he says we should accept tidal gauges on ocean levels. On finding that tigal gauges have and do record rising ocean levels, he decided to instead ignore them.

This is just churlish and childish. It isn't science, and it is not particularly adult. I suggest you acknowledge tht yourself before moving on.

The problem with the vast majority of warmist "research" is that it is the output of computer models based on a set of physics that don't even remotely resemble earth. When actual field work is done, which is the bulk of skeptical research, we find that the observations simply do not match up with the models.

Seriously siagon, the models in use by climate science today represent the earth as a flat disk that does not rotate, has no day night cycle, and is bathed in a weak twilight 24 hours a day that is 1/4 the intensity of the actual incoming solar radiation. That is the trenberth model that is presently in use. How could a model be counted on to reproduce reality when it is based on somthing so far removed from reality that it is laughable?

You prove that energy budget is correct, and then I will reverse my position as all of alarmist climate science today is based on that budget and that model.
Ian -

That is a quote from the American Meterological Society. Do get in touch with them and explain the details, as they may not understand this issue as well as you do.

only an alarmist would admit to plagiarism rather than just admit there is evidence to contradict his statement. strange set of ethics you have there.
The numbers are in: 2012, the year of a surreal March heat wave, a severe drought in the Corn Belt and a huge storm that caused broad devastation in the Middle Atlantic States, turns out to have been the hottest year ever recorded in the contiguous United States.

According to which altered temperature record? NASA? GISS? NOAA? CRU?....which one?

Speakibg of not very adult!!!

As has been explained three or four times now - if you do not like one soirce, simply choose another. It is not difficult.

it is a very important question, although you also have to ask which version of the data set and when it was published.

latest available data table for continentalUS from GISS.
recent values inflated
1998 1.3200 0.6434
1999 1.0830 0.8440
2000 0.7110 0.9526
2001 0.9530 0.8306
2002 0.6960 0.7392
2003 0.7100 0.7818
2004 0.6260 0.8512
2005 0.9240 0.9004
2006 1.3000 0.7922
2007 0.9420 0.7066
2008 0.1690 0.6394
2009 0.1980 0.5138
2010 0.5880 *
2011 0.6720

GISS contUS from 2007
1998 1.23 .51
1999 .93 .69
2000 .52 .79
2001 .76 .65
2002 .53 .55
2003 .50 .58
2004 .44 .66
2005 .69 *
2006 1.13

GISS contUS today's figures for historical temps
1930 0.1070 0.1178
1931 0.9860 0.2358
1932 -0.0320 0.5846
1933 0.6510 0.5678
1934 1.2110 0.4014
1935 0.0230 0.3774
1936 0.1540 0.4004
1937 -0.1520 0.3146
1938 0.7660 0.3110
1939 0.7820 0.3804
1940 0.0050

GISS 2007 for the 30's
1930 .16 .15
1931 1.08 .27
1932 .00 .63
1933 .68 .61
1934 1.25 .44
1935 .04 .41
1936 .21 .45
1937 -.13 .37
1938 .86 .36
1939 .85 .45
1940 .03

dontcha love how the past is cooled and the recent temps are warmed? and did you notice the shiny new extra sig figs? hahahahaha

edit- sorry GISS 2007
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You seem to have missed the point - which can't have been easy!

What we have seen is that Westwal will reject and information from the sources he has just recommended.

If you would like to justify that - go right ahead.
The problem with the vast majority of warmist "research" is that it is the output of computer models based on a set of physics that don't even remotely resemble earth. When actual field work is done, which is the bulk of skeptical research, we find that the observations simply do not match up with the models.



I actually yesterday posted 5 areas of science based entirely on field work and observation - some of which posters can absolutely go and see with their own ideas.

Westwall rejected all of them out of hand. So will you.

And this is the problem, really, because if you guys were honest, you would absolutely accept the aspects of climate change that were easily measured and verified. You'd accept that 97% of the world's glacers were retreating. You'd accept that global temperatures have been rising, and you'd accept that ocean water levels are rising as well. You would accept those things because are straightforward, measurable facts that most of the world accepted ten years ago. Essentially every scientific source will confirm them, and certainly every scientific organisation will confirm them.

Thus when I see sceptics here start confirming those very known details, I'll get a sense you guys aren't actually simply blindly denying anything and everything that is presented to you - which certainly seems to be the case right now.
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Ian -

That is a quote from the American Meterological Society. Do get in touch with them and explain the details, as they may not understand this issue as well as you do.

only an alarmist would admit to plagiarism rather than just admit there is evidence to contradict his statement. strange set of ethics you have there.

Weirdly enough, above the sentence you quoted was a link. The link was marked American Meteorological Society.

Do get back to us when you get a response from them btw, I'm curious to hear how excited they were to find someone who could explain meterology to them!
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