The plagiarism ploy.


unlicensed metaphysician
Jul 5, 2012
Falling as this does at the very beginning of the Republican Convention, there is plenty of time for change to occur.
What if this were a mise en scène, a "set-up", a reason to change what has become the otherwise obvious outcome.
For example, what if, in support of his wife, he retired from the race ("for the good of the Party and and the good of his marriage...").
In other words, it was always meant to be that the decision would be made here, now.
Falling as this does at the very beginning of the Republican Convention, there is plenty of time for change to occur.
What if this were a mise en scène, a "set-up", a reason to change what has become the otherwise obvious outcome.
For example, what if, in support of his wife, he retired from the race ("for the good of the Party and and the good of his marriage...").
In other words, it was always meant to be that the decision would be made here, now.
what? lol
Donnie does not love his wife, or he would not have let her be bankrupted by the speech.

He will not leave the race.
Falling as this does at the very beginning of the Republican Convention, there is plenty of time for change to occur.
What if this were a mise en scène, a "set-up", a reason to change what has become the otherwise obvious outcome.
For example, what if, in support of his wife, he retired from the race ("for the good of the Party and and the good of his marriage...").
In other words, it was always meant to be that the decision would be made here, now.
Vice-President Biden didn't resign:

In September 1987, the New York Times columnist, Maureen Dowd, noted the striking similarities between a closing speech in a Democratic presidential debate by then Delaware senator Joe Biden and a political ad by the UK Labour leader, Neil Kinnock.

In the August debate at the Iowa state fair, Biden said:

Why is it that Joe Biden is the first in his family ever to go a university? Why is it that my wife … is the first in her family to ever go to college? Is it because our fathers and mothers were not bright? … Is it because they didn’t work hard? My ancestors who worked in the coal mines of north-east Pennsylvania and would come up after 12 hours and play football for four hours? It’s because they didn’t have a platform on which to stand.”

In May 1987, Kinnock told the Welsh Labour party conference:

Why am I the first Kinnock in a thousand generations to be able to get to university? Was it because our predecessors were thick? Does anybody really think that they didn’t get what we had because they didn’t have the talent or the strength or the endurance or the commitment? Of course not. It was because there was no platform upon which they could stand.”

A short history of political plagiarism

and then there is the story of Hillary Clinton who accused President Obama of plagiarism:

On February 16, Barack Obama gave a speech in Wisconsin where he answered allegations from his main political rival, Hillary Clinton, that all he had to offer was “just words”.

To answer the charge, he quoted a series of well-known speeches and documents from U.S. history, including those by Martin Luther King Jr, John F. Kennedy as well as the Declaration of Independence and asked if they were “Just Words”.

With hours, a clip emerged on YouTube (embedded below) that compared Obama’s speech to a 2006 speech by Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick. In Patrick’s speech, he used many of the same quotes as well as very similar phrasing.

In all, the two clips are remarkably similar.

Lastly, there is the charge that Obama campaign made against Hillary Clinton for plagiarism....

The story has grown to incredible proportions. Google News is reporting over 900 news references for “Obama Plagiarism”, including over 150 unique stories,

Perhaps unfortunate for the campaign, the story is not going away and Obama’s campaign has fired back, accusing Clinton of plagiarizing Obama’s speeches and catch-phrases.

I would add what Mrs. Clinton did but someone has disabled the link - see red letters Obama's campaign has fired back - the link goes to error - so it has been removed.

In any case, there have been many cases of such stories. No one in these stories resigned.

* Note - The story about Hillary Clinton's plagiarism was not the only story removed from internet. The Google news report of 900 references to Barack Obama Plagiarism has also disappeared - if you click the link you'll find this:

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Falling as this does at the very beginning of the Republican Convention, there is plenty of time for change to occur.
What if this were a mise en scène, a "set-up", a reason to change what has become the otherwise obvious outcome.
For example, what if, in support of his wife, he retired from the race ("for the good of the Party and and the good of his marriage...").
In other words, it was always meant to be that the decision would be made here, now.

I don't think Trump really wants to be President.

I think he's looking for a way out.

There are a lot easier ways out.
Falling as this does at the very beginning of the Republican Convention, there is plenty of time for change to occur.
What if this were a mise en scène, a "set-up", a reason to change what has become the otherwise obvious outcome.
For example, what if, in support of his wife, he retired from the race ("for the good of the Party and and the good of his marriage...").
In other words, it was always meant to be that the decision would be made here, now.

This has to be the dumbest theory I've heard yet.

Keep them coming.
Falling as this does at the very beginning of the Republican Convention, there is plenty of time for change to occur.
What if this were a mise en scène, a "set-up", a reason to change what has become the otherwise obvious outcome.
For example, what if, in support of his wife, he retired from the race ("for the good of the Party and and the good of his marriage...").
In other words, it was always meant to be that the decision would be made here, now.
I guess killing cops in the streets backfired for the DNC. Now they have to back the next faux outrage.
I dunno...

There are only so many words in the English language...and far far far fewer words in Trump's wife's English vocabulary.

A prospective First Lady's speech is way up there on the useless fluff meter.

Why wouldn't anyone expect Hillary's campaign to try and take advantage of the recycling of Michelle Obama's speech?

Lot's of people get angry, and don't even realize they've been made angry by a political campaign. That is sad.
Falling as this does at the very beginning of the Republican Convention, there is plenty of time for change to occur.
What if this were a mise en scène, a "set-up", a reason to change what has become the otherwise obvious outcome.
For example, what if, in support of his wife, he retired from the race ("for the good of the Party and and the good of his marriage...").
In other words, it was always meant to be that the decision would be made here, now.

What if you had a cogent thought?
Falling as this does at the very beginning of the Republican Convention, there is plenty of time for change to occur.
What if this were a mise en scène, a "set-up", a reason to change what has become the otherwise obvious outcome.
For example, what if, in support of his wife, he retired from the race ("for the good of the Party and and the good of his marriage...").
In other words, it was always meant to be that the decision would be made here, now.
I don't really care all that much about what his wife said. It's funny that parts were lifted or plagiarized if you want, from the current First Lady whose husband has been attacking byTrump relentlessly for years. Probably make for some funny attack ads in swing states.
The plagiarism ploy. It sure as shit is a ploy... It is based on nothing but fear. Keeps the media busy and away from the meat and potatoes of this campaign. Let these dolts say any freaking thing they want. Who in their right mind when entering the polling booth will give this crap one second of thought.
Falling as this does at the very beginning of the Republican Convention, there is plenty of time for change to occur.
What if this were a mise en scène, a "set-up", a reason to change what has become the otherwise obvious outcome.
For example, what if, in support of his wife, he retired from the race ("for the good of the Party and and the good of his marriage...").
In other words, it was always meant to be that the decision would be made here, now.
I guess killing cops in the streets backfired for the DNC. Now they have to back the next faux outrage.

LMAO ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

hell, making up conspiracy BS has become the national hobby for RW's ..... dream it up, throw it on the wall, and lie about it until it sticks.
I really can't be bothered to care about this when Michelle Obama is known to plagarize huge excerpts of her own speeches from Saul Alinsky.
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All the excuses for the plagiarism seem to be "we want to be like the Dems."

Not a winning strategy, losers.
I really can't be bothered to care about this when Michelle Obama is known toplagiarize huge excerpts of her own speeches from Saul Alinsky.

they did it so we can do it is an admission of hypocrisy and FAILS in a debate.

Nice FAIL. Loser.
All the excuses for the plagiarism seem to be "we want to be like the Dems."

Not a winning strategy, losers.
Well your constantly running around claiming democrats are better.

I'm still waiting for one of them to prove it.

But I won't hold my breath.

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