The political spectrum

Monarchy isnt a set ideology. Just because someone is a "monarch" doesnt mean the people wouldnt have freedom and liberty.
So where exactly would you put it? Closer to the tyrannical left, or the right?

Monarchy certainly is an ideology. In a true Monarchy people only have the rights that the Monarch allows. It's definitely an form of tyranny.

I would put it on the extreme right. For example, in the Spanish Civil war Monarchists and Fascists were allies. They are extremely close to each other. The only real difference is that in a Monarchy positions are inherited, but in fascism usually leadership is not inherited. Of course that can change easily.

We do have Constitutional Monarchies, which are not real monarchies. The Monarch's powers are extremely defined and limited. The Monarch is just a symbol.

Fascism was born in Italy in order to maintain the socio-economic order that had been in place under the recently disposed Monarchy. The same was true for Spain.
Monarchy certainly is an ideology. In a true Monarchy people only have the rights that the Monarch allows. It's definitely an form of tyranny.

I would put it on the extreme right. For example, in the Spanish Civil war Monarchists and Fascists were allies. They are extremely close to each other. The only real difference is that in a Monarchy positions are inherited, but in fascism usually leadership is not inherited. Of course that can change easily.

We do have Constitutional Monarchies, which are not real monarchies. The Monarch's powers are extremely defined and limited. The Monarch is just a symbol.

Fascism was born in Italy in order to maintain the socio-economic order that had been in place under the recently disposed Monarchy. The same was true for Spain.
Tyranny is a leftist thing.
Is the monarchy still tyrannical if the Monoarch lets the people do as they wish, as long as they dont interfere with other peoples rights?
We need to put this shit to bed.
The extreme left is tyranny, the extreme right is anarchy.

The political spectrum is not from one tyranny to another, it is from tyranny, to total freedom. The very definition of "spectrum" should tell you that.
A spectrum is the scale of 2 opposites. Not two similarities.
Please drop your middle school interpretation of left vs right.
Real liberals are not leftists. How could someone that believes in small govt and liberty be on the side of collectivism and big govt?
Most republicans are not righties. How can people that want to use the govt to shove their version of morality down peoples throats be righties? How can people that want to use the govt to control and bail out the private sector be righties?
I disagree. The political spectrum isn’t a line, but a circle with personalities like Stalin and Hitler meeting at the opposite pole from those like the FFs and Ghandi.
Tyranny is a leftist thing.
Is the monarchy still tyrannical if the Monoarch lets the people do as they wish, as long as they dont interfere with other peoples rights?
Tyranny is an authoritarian thing and both the left and right extremes bend towards authoritarianism
Tyranny is a leftist thing.
Is the monarchy still tyrannical if the Monoarch lets the people do as they wish, as long as they dont interfere with other peoples rights?

Somehow, Our founding Father's didn't seem to think that Monarchs let people do as they wish:

Here's a good read for ya (try Reading the whole document):

I disagree. The political spectrum isn’t a line, but a circle with personalities like Stalin and Hitler meeting at the opposite pole from those like the FFs and Ghandi.
Yeah such a big difference between hitler and stalin to be at opposite ends :lol:
Somehow, Our founding Father's didn't seem to think that Monarchs let people do as they wish:

Here's a good read for ya (try Reading the whole document):

I am sure they usually didnt. But thats irrelevant. The point is, they could. So each should be based off its own actions.
I am sure they usually didnt. But thats irrelevant. The point is, they could. So each should be based off its own actions.

The fact that the Monarch has a choice in deciding other people's rights proves that they are tyrants.

Whether they do or not is irrelevant.
The primary issue I have with Monarchy or other forms of Tyranny, is that, as I said earlier "Monarchy is a natural to humans as a pack is to a dog".

People have a natural tendency to fall into a Monarchial hierarchy.

There are 2 reasons for this:

1. People who are well-off want the security of a well established and protected socio-economic order. They believe that they deserve the status they are accustomed to...usually inherited from their parents.

2. Many people have a "reverse messiah" complex or what may be better described as a "Sheep Complex". They want to believe that there is someone who knows all and that everything that they say and do is absolute perfection. They will follow that person to their deaths. Kings have always presented themselves as ordained by God, and that to go against the king is to go against God. The same is true for people who worship all other forms of tyrants.
The primary issue I have with Monarchy or other forms of Tyranny, is that, as I said earlier "Monarchy is a natural to humans as a pack is to a dog".

People have a natural tendency to fall into a Monarchial hierarchy.

There are 2 reasons for this:

1. People who are well-off want the security of a well established and protected socio-economic order. They believe that they deserve the status they are accustomed to...usually inherited from their parents.

2. Many people have a "reverse messiah" complex or what may be better described as a "Sheep Complex". They want to believe that there is someone who knows all and that everything that they say and do is absolute perfection. They will follow that person to their deaths. Kings have always presented themselves as ordained by God, and that to go against the king is to go against God. The same is true for people who worship all other forms of tyrants.
Good thing that you're not a member of these "people" you refer to.

Newp....None of those aspects of human behavior apply to a know-it-all like you!
It's completely within my realm of understanding and comprehension that you're a deluded neo-Marxist freak off your leash.

We were having an intelligent discussion before you joined in...

To an idiot like you, George Washington was a "deluded neo-Marxist freak" your opinions are worthless.

But continue with your childish insults if it makes you feel better
Good thing that you're not a member of these "people" you refer to.

Newp....None of those aspects of human behavior apply to a know-it-all like you!
So your argument is basically "I'm rubber you're glue whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you"

Why don't you go outside and play with the other children...adults are conversing here...

Oh wait...The other children think you're a faggot and keep beating you up....

Well, you can continue posting if it makes you feel better...I'm woke so I don't object to you faggots!
We were having an intelligent discussion before you joined in...

To an idiot like you, George Washington was a "deluded neo-Marxist freak" your opinions are worthless.

But continue with your childish insults if it makes you feel better
There's nothing "intelligent" in making sweeping generalizations, with the presumption that your generalization doesn't apply to you.....That is the antithesis of intelligent.

You're making the tired old "PANGie" (People Are No Good*) argument, that is a staple of statist supplicants through the ages....It's no different just because you've put your particular neo-Marxist slant on it.

*"People", that is, except for me because I'm sooooooo much smarter than you.
There's nothing "intelligent" in making sweeping generalizations, with the presumption that your generalization doesn't apply to you.....That is the antithesis of intelligent.

You're making the tired old "PANGie" (People Are No Good) argument, that is a staple of statist supplicants through the ages....It's no different just because you've put your particular neo-Marxist slant on it.

Sounds like I struck a nerve with you.

Are you a spoiled brat that believes you deserve a standard of living that you've never earned?

Or are you a sheep? Perhaps you worship a certain MAGA orange clown?

BTW - I never said that those statements do not apply to me at all. I'm used to a certain standard of living - which I've earned, but I've set up my sons to get a nice inheritance and be financially secure...which they have not earned. When in Rome...

I also believe the Eric Clapton is God and worship him....
Sounds like I struck a nerve with you.

Are you a spoiled brat that believes you deserve a standard of living that you've never earned?

Or are you a sheep? Perhaps you worship a certain MAGA orange clown?

BTW - I never said that those statements do not apply to me at all. I'm used to a certain standard of living - which I've earned, but I've set up my sons to get a nice inheritance and be financially secure...which they have not earned. When in Rome...

I also believe the Eric Clapton is God and worship him....
Didn't strike any nerve at all....I called a stale, worn out bullshit argument, for the stale, worn out bullshit that it is.

If it's anyone who thinks he deserves what he did nothing to earn, it's neo-Marxist layabouts and looters like you.

You're nothing new under the sun.
Didn't strike any nerve at all....I called a stale, worn out bullshit argument, for the stale, worn out bullshit that it is.

If it's anyone who thinks he deserves what he did nothing to earn, it's neo-Marxist layabouts and looters like you.

You're nothing new under the sun.

Yup, I struck a doubt.

Be a happy sheep and go away...but watch out for those know what they like to do to sheep like you...especially the one named Trump!!!
If cars were invented today, is there any doubt they'd be illegal?
Cramming Us Together Like Rats in Cages

The reason is that the spoiled-weakling ruling class fears manliness and independence, which is all the automobile really means to them and doesn't apply to those who are chauffeured.

Nothing on the spectrum they give us represents any ideology that is actually followed.

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