The political spectrum

Oh look it's the grammar police again
Media Influencers Are the Real Grammar Gestapo

Your grammar slavishly follows the mentally inferior Mamas' Boys who suck their thumbs in college classrooms and believe that makes them smart. The On-Air AirHeads have made you believe in make-believe English. Americans now have the minds of lemmings.

You can't deny that using "oxymoron" for its opposite, "a contradiction in terms" is a media invention. They laugh at all the people who pretend to disrespect them but prove they don't by respecting their ignorant and dysfunctional Command Grammar.
We need to put this shit to bed.
The extreme left is tyranny, the extreme right is anarchy.

The political spectrum is not from one tyranny to another, it is from tyranny, to total freedom. The very definition of "spectrum" should tell you that.
A spectrum is the scale of 2 opposites. Not two similarities.
Please drop your middle school interpretation of left vs right.
Real liberals are not leftists. How could someone that believes in small govt and liberty be on the side of collectivism and big govt?
Most republicans are not righties. How can people that want to use the govt to shove their version of morality down peoples throats be righties? How can people that want to use the govt to control and bail out the private sector be righties?

Such bullshit

And in anarchy if some dude wants your wife and kills you and takes her, there is nothing that will be done to the dude.
Proof This Thread Is Asinine

A better example addresses the specific case. The community may think it's OK to slap even married women's butts (or grab their pussies!) and not OK for the husband to get so upset about it. Also, the lex talionis commands that the husband can only go slap the butt of the perp's woman.
It seems that the real political spectrum is much simpler:

1. Societies which a small minority has absolute tyrannical control over the majority - it doesn't matter if that control is achieved thru economic control or thru a police state...Libertarianism, Fascism, Nazism, Communism & Monarchy

2. Societies where no one is in control, but everyone exists in constant peaceful contention which leads to a balance and rebalance...i.e. Democracies.

3. Societies where no one is in control but everyone is in constant violent contention which eventually leads back to number 1...Anarchy & mob rule.
We need to put this shit to bed.
The extreme left is tyranny, the extreme right is anarchy.

The political spectrum is not from one tyranny to another, it is from tyranny, to total freedom. The very definition of "spectrum" should tell you that.
A spectrum is the scale of 2 opposites. Not two similarities.
Please drop your middle school interpretation of left vs right.
Real liberals are not leftists. How could someone that believes in small govt and liberty be on the side of collectivism and big govt?
Most republicans are not righties. How can people that want to use the govt to shove their version of morality down peoples throats be righties? How can people that want to use the govt to control and bail out the private sector be righties?
Leftists seem to sure hate this OP :lol:
Cramming Us Together Like Rats in Cages

The reason is that the spoiled-weakling ruling class fears manliness and independence, which is all the automobile really means to them and doesn't apply to those who are chauffeured.

Nothing on the spectrum they give us represents any ideology that is actually followed.
Proof This Thread Is Asinine

A better example addresses the specific case. The community may think it's OK to slap even married women's butts (or grab their pussies!) and not OK for the husband to get so upset about it. Also, the lex talionis commands that the husband can only go slap the butt of the perp's woman.
When you post such drivel ^ are you aware of how absolutely pathetic and retarded you come across?

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