The political spectrum

I don't know why you keep basing the absolutes for a definition of something on this country. Political right and political left have finite meanings, it doesn't necessarily mean they are represented at all in this country.

You deal in theory, I deal in reality.

There is a political right and political left in this country and it is different than the political right and political left in other countries.

The fact that they do not fit on your made up spectrum is irrelevant as they are the reality we live with each day.
Nope, I did not.

That is just a lie you have to tell yourself since you made up spectrum does not exist in the real world.
No, thats exactly what you did. Your false political spectrum is based off what people say they are. You cant backtrack now, homie :thup:
Still waiting on you to explain how "my" spectrum is "made up" when its the only logical one. AGAIN I will ask, how can you have a spectrum of two ends of the same thing? By definition, a spectrum is a scale of two OPPOSITES.
Your running around acting like a child isnt doing your "argument" any favors.
No, thats exactly what you did. Your false political spectrum is based off what people say they are.

My political spectrum is based on real life actions of people.

Yours exist only in your mind.
Still waiting on you to explain how "my" spectrum is "made up" when its the only logical one. AGAIN I will ask, how can you have a spectrum of two ends of the same thing?

It is made up because it does not exist. There is no linear spectrum of political views. I showed you how two sides can end up at the same thing.
No, thats exactly what you did. Your false political spectrum is based off what people say they are. You cant backtrack now, homie :thup:
Still waiting on you to explain how "my" spectrum is "made up" when its the only logical one. AGAIN I will ask, how can you have a spectrum of two ends of the same thing? By definition, a spectrum is a scale of two OPPOSITES.
Your running around acting like a child isnt doing your "argument" any favors.
keep in mind that further proof of your scale is present in the articles of confederation where the founders tried to have even a smaller less intrusive governemnt,, some would even say they wanted no fed government at all.. just state and local ,,,
You deal in theory, I deal in reality.

There is a political right and political left in this country and it is different than the political right and political left in other countries.

The fact that they do not fit on your made up spectrum is irrelevant as they are the reality we live with each day.

It's not a made up spectrum, I live in a world of absolutes where things have a meaning, an overall truth. If you don't think that way then everything is subjective and based on situation. There is no political party that represents the right side of the specturm in this country, regardless of whether they call themselves 'the right'. They may be to the right of something, but they don't represent freedom, individualism, or small representative government.
The left are the biggest current threat to our future.
Not white supremacy.
Not Muslim terrorism.
Not domestic terrorism.
Not Russia.
Not even China.
Not Christians.
Not Catholics.
Not parents.

What a bunch of hyperbolic hogwash. You jerks can't even correctly define the things you hate.
No, thats exactly what you did. Your false political spectrum is based off what people say they are. You cant backtrack now, homie :thup:
Still waiting on you to explain how "my" spectrum is "made up" when its the only logical one. AGAIN I will ask, how can you have a spectrum of two ends of the same thing? By definition, a spectrum is a scale of two OPPOSITES.
Your running around acting like a child isnt doing your "argument" any favors.
If his retarded "spectrum" had any validity, this old joke wouldn't work...

Q: What's the difference between a libertarian and an anarchist?

A: about six months.
My political spectrum is based on real life actions of people.
Yes, and you are saying words speak louder than actions.
It is made up because it does not exist. There is no linear spectrum of political views. I showed you how two sides can end up at the same thing.
What doesnt exist? A logical political spectrum? Huh?
You didnt show me anything. That stupid pic you posted is a big graphic of fallacy.
It's not a made up spectrum, I live in a world of absolutes where things have a meaning, an overall truth. If you don't think that way then everything is subjective and based on situation.

Is it always, 100% of the time wrong to lie? Is it always, 100% of the time wrong to kill someone?
Is it always, 100% of the time wrong to lie? Is it always, 100% of the time wrong to kill someone?

What does your question have to do with what I said? I was referring to definitions of things/words, the 'right' side of the political spectrum has a definitive definition, it's not subjective and based off of situational experience. :dunno:

The situational experience shows where you are on a defined spectrum.
What does your question have to do with what I said? I was referring to definitions of things/words, the 'right' side of the political spectrum has a definitive definition, it's not subjective and based off of situational experience. :dunno:

In a world of absolutes where things have a meaning that are not determined by situation then lying and killing have to always be right or always be wrong...unless of course the situation matters all of a sudden.
Your linear political spectrum does not exist, it is a made up theory that has no basis in reality.

I showed you reality, and that is one thing you cannot seem to grasp.
You showed me nothing but fallacy. I cant help you are too dumb to see that or defend yourself.
NONE of you retards have even bothered to try to discredit my OP. Just whine and say "nuh uh"
Grow up.

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