The political spectrum

I think they're both statist. But I don't think left/right equates to authoritarian/libertarian. The Nolan chart does a better job of mapping the political landscape.
its what the founders used to create the system in this country,,
they first tried the articles of confederation that leaned closer to the freedom side with little to no fed gov, and when that didnt work they created the constitution which both parties piss on daily,,,

those circular charts like nolan make no sense,, running in circles never make sense unless youre nascar or a runner on a circle course,,

nolan has both liberal and libertarian,, they are the same thing,,, a libertarian has liberal ideas,,

that term was stolen by progs when everyone discovered what they were progressing too,,,
They say a picture is worth 1000 make this fit in our country today replace Radical with Dem and Reactionary with Repub.

This makes no sense to me. Each side is increasingly authoritarian (more state power) and then suddenly we get to the bottom and the dovetail at anarchy??
those circular charts like nolan make no sense,, running in circles never make sense unless youre nascar or a runner on a circle course,,

nolan has both liberal and libertarian,, they are the same thing,,, a libertarian has liberal ideas,,

that term was stolen by progs when everyone discovered what they were progressing too,,,

Well, we can equivocate on terms all day long. But I think it's misleading to pretend that the far right (as most people understand it) points to anarchy. The far right that I'm familiar with is fundamentally authoritarian. They just have different things they want to control. eg Leftists want control of your wallet, right wingers want control of your uterus. And both want control of the schools.
We need to put this shit to bed.
The extreme left is tyranny, the extreme right is anarchy.

The political spectrum is not from one tyranny to another, it is from tyranny, to total freedom. The very definition of "spectrum" should tell you that.
A spectrum is the scale of 2 opposites. Not two similarities.
Please drop your middle school interpretation of left vs right.
Real liberals are not leftists. How could someone that believes in small govt and liberty be on the side of collectivism and big govt?
Most republicans are not righties. How can people that want to use the govt to shove their version of morality down peoples throats be righties? How can people that want to use the govt to control and bail out the private sector be righties?
The term “political spectrum” isn’t used literally. It is simply a tool used to acknowledge that there is a range of political views.

We can quibble that it would be better viewed as a circle such that when one goes as far “liberal” as is possible, one ends up in the realm of conservatism. And Vice versa. But even that is incomplete and misleading.

I once heard a professor in the philosophy department (who taught logic and symbolic logic) say: all analogies limp. That certainly seems true. No analogy is perfect.
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Well, we can equivocate on terms all day long. But I think it's misleading to pretend that the far right (as most people understand it) points to anarchy. The far right that I'm familiar with is fundamentally authoritarian. They just have different things they want to control. eg Leftists want control of your wallet, right wingers want control of your uterus. And both want control of the schools.
no its not,, its describing our system as the founders designed it,,,,

show me a single example of repubes wanting to control anyones uterus??

and for the love of god dont bring up the false narrative of abortion,,\they are trying to protect the child inside the uterus,,,
Well, we can equivocate on terms all day long. But I think it's misleading to pretend that the far right (as most people understand it) points to anarchy. The far right that I'm familiar with is fundamentally authoritarian. They just have different things they want to control. eg Leftists want control of your wallet, right wingers want control of your uterus. And both want control of the schools.
Then they're not "far right"....They're just another flavor of leftist authoritarianism.

The other end of total tyranny is total freedom, not an iron fist that you approve of over an iron fist you don't approve of.
This makes no sense to me. Each side is increasingly authoritarian (more state power) and then suddenly we get to the bottom and the dovetail at anarchy??

After people cannot take the authoritarianism any longer, they revolt which brings about a period of anarchy, then the cycle starts all over again

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