The political spectrum

Selfishness Is Treason

A Libretardian government would be a police state "to protect the rugged individualist from mob rule."

Moron......Libertarians believe in government that strictly adheres to the Constitution and Bill of Rights.....the Federal Government limited to only those things granted to it in the constitution...that means, twit, that most of the decisions about government action would go to state governments...with the Feds handling very specific things......
A Paradise for Plutocratic Parasites

Coolidge's worship of the corpies eventually caused the Depression.
Coolidge's hands-off policy turned the depression caused by WWI around in about a year.

FDR caused the Hoover depression to last longer than the seven Biblical lean years.
Your thinking is totally ass backwards, in your world there would be no 'right' or 'left', it would just be whatever you decided it meant on any given particular day. How is something considered left or right if there is not a defined spectrum to compare it against? If it's always changing, then you can never define it. You could never say that a group is 'moving more left' because the situation has evolved and changed, they're more left from what? What they used to be? When you start saying that, then you're putting a pin on the board and using it as a comparison point, which is exactly what I'm doing. Starting with the set definition of the political spectrum and then comparing political groups against it to see where they fall.
A Spectrum Is a Ouija Board
That is just go from maximum government control to no government control and you say they end up in the same place?

No, that isn't how it works........
Tell me the major differences between Pol Pot and Adolph Hitler once they started the massacres.
Bastiat concisely outlined this in "The Law".

That's an awesome summary of Bastiat thought.

Actually I did a college paper on Bastiat as well as other English and Fresh economists/philosophers such as Locke, Hobbes, Montesquiu, Rousseau and there were a couple of others that I can't recall at the moment. I was blessed with professors in economics and political science who really encouraged us to think critically about those concepts and understand how they influence the concept of the U.S. that became the greatest nation the world had ever known.

The thesis was how these great thinkers influenced our founders as well as their religious faith and the Bible and culminated in a Constitution that would accomplish the best of all and hopefully would resist the worst that governments inflict on the people.
What we have now is not just survival, but thriving of the least physically and morally fit among us.

Better I take my chances with Darwin.
Well, we're usually pretty much on the same page in these things, but I can't quite get to your point of view there, but I do understand I think what you are saying. :)

John Adams is quoted as saying: "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." Madison wrote that (the Constitution requires) ". . .sufficient virtue among men for self-government. . ." (and otherwise) ". . .nothing less than the chains of despotism can restrain them from destroying and devouring one another."

I've seen many thesis written by people arguing that Adams and Hamilton et al were wrong and the Constitution was not only adequate for a moral and religious people but is wholly adequate for everybody else too.

But when we see high ranking officials in government now arguing that abortion on demand must not be restricted in any way whatsoever, that prohibiting transgendering surgery and hormones for children is unAmerican and tyrannical, that condones the lewd, vulgar curriculum, entertainment, recreation for children even as our First Amendment rights are gradually being systematically eroded as well as the content and intent of the Constitution itself. . .

. . .the words of the Founding Fathers seem more and more prophetic

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