The political suicide of Trump

You will have to learn about the December 18 meeting with Rudy Giuliani, Sydney Powell and General Michael Flynn in the White House where that team of losers admitted that they didn’t have any evidence to prove election fraud so they were coming up with loopholes in the constitution to get around the election itself. That prompted Trump to write the famous tweet where he called for all his supporters to come to Washington on January 6 and it would be wild.

So? Do you have some kind of point to make here or what?
Do you think BLM are wise smart and successful people?
That is rather broad but I will say that in so far as the leadership of BLM have never been indicted for seditious conspiracy in an attempt to stop the peaceful transfer of power from one president to the other, I say yes, BLM organizers are wise smart and successful people for peacefully trying to work for social justice for racial minority in this country. Absolutely yes.
Who can still trust Trump after his promotion of 'boosters'?
Where is the difference between him, Gates, Schwab or Fauci?
It's understandable now why he did nothing against the stolen election a year ago
Is he a traitor?
Obviously the sad answer is YES

That is rather broad but I will say that in so far as the leadership of BLM have never been indicted for seditious conspiracy in an attempt to stop the peaceful transfer of power from one president to the other, I say yes, BLM organizers are wise smart and successful people for peacefully trying to work for social justice for racial minority in this country. Absolutely yes.

Yeah, well........ I'm not aware of the Oath Keepers or Proud Boys buying mansions in white neighborhoods with the money they raised for their supposed cause either.

Trump didn't try to stop anything using violence and the rioters were not associated in anyway directly related to Trump. In fact he tried to get the NG there long before any trouble started based on the FBI reports he received.

The clown show may go on, but like I said, revenge is a bitch, and I don't want to hear any of you TDS people complaining when the Republicans go after Dementia, Piglosi or any of the other commies in that party.
Trump asked states to look into fraudulent votes (which he believed there were many of) to be discarded, not legal legitimate votes like you lying commies keep trying to promote.

When you learn about the December 18 meeting with Rudy Giuliani, Sydney Powell and General Michael Flynn in the White House where that team of losers admitted that they didn’t have any evidence to prove election fraud so they were coming up with loopholes in the constitution to get around the election itself. Then you will know that your above statement is a lie because the January 6 committee has evidence that Trump knew they had no evidence of voter fraud Which means between December 18 and January 6 storming of the Capitol by Trump supporters, Trump quit asking states to look for fraudulent votes and began marshaling the mob and militant forces to ascend on the Capitol to win Second Term By throwing out the entire 2020 election, not counting any of those 150 million votes, creating a constitutional crisis on the Senate floor, Thereby pushing the 2020 election into the Republican majority House of Representatives where he was to be selected for the second term.

So when you say that “Trump asked states to look into fraudulent votes” on Jan6 and refuse to accept that his written plan was to not count any votes in the 2020 election, you are a liar.
Yeah, well........ I'm not aware of the Oath Keepers or Proud Boys buying mansions in white neighborhoods with the money they raised for their supposed cause either.
Buying a mansion in a white neighborhood is not seditious conspiracy against the Government. I believe it’s legal.
You TDS ilk can say all the mean things you want about President Trump, but those who want World Peace, freedom of religion, speech, and the pursuit of happiness, oh, and yest, cheaper gasoline and a reprieve from the high prices of anything transported, I welcome you to join me voting for Donald Trump for President in '24. He will do all he can to clean up Jittery Joe's messes and bring honor back to the troops. Some people won't like it, but they don't connect the dots between their personal errors of encouraging the press and Democrat socialists to destroy the Constitutional protections the founders brought to the world might cause permanent damage to this nation. I recommend President Trump, and dump the false witness borne him for years by the lunatic press that needs to tell the truth or spend some time in jail thinking about why calumny against good people is a bad idea. Biden has been bad news for many, many years, and a fiasco of the executive office will be Biden's legacy. President Trump will restore sanity to the Oval Office, and the world will be a better place. And your power-grubbing Democrat socialist leaders know it too.
Trump didn't try to stop anything using violence and the rioters were not associated in anyway directly related to Trump.
There was a convergence of objectives between the Eastman inside peaceful coup regiment and the Proud Boy/Oath Keeper violent coup regiment with Trump being the beneficiary of both because he was to be converted from the lawful loser to the unlawful winner of the 2020 election.
You TDS ilk can say all the mean things you want about President Trump,
Do I have a constitutional right as an American citizen to have my vote counted in a presidential election in the version of America that you envision under trump?
oh look,, another deranged thread about trump,,

I cant imagine what it would feel like to have trump living in my head 24/7/365,,
They're sweating bullets because they know, deep down inside that he isn't going to be stopped and it is making them NUTS. I can't wait for the day he announces his run for '24.
Do I have a constitutional right as an American citizen to have my vote counted in a presidential election in the version of America that you envision under trump?
Yup... exactly the same as it has been done since our founding. If you want the right to count an unlimited number of unverified ballots, sent by mail with no mechanism to prove they are legitimate then, uh, no. You lot are playing with nuclear fire by demanding changes that would cause half or more of our citizens to totally lose faith in elections. That way ends in disaster... FOR US ALL.
By throwing out the entire 2020 election, not counting any of those 150 million votes, creating a constitutional crisis on the Senate floor, Thereby pushing the 2020 election into the Republican majority House of Representatives where he was to be selected for the second term.
Uh huh... does it bother you at all that in every crucial battleground state, Trump was significantly ahead on election night and ALL OF THEM stopped counting at the same time? Can you cite another time this has ever happened? Can you explain why no one investigated the fact that the machines themselves were INCAPABLE of processing the tally of votes that were claimed during that period of time?

What you people really should twig to, and soon, is that we don't give a damn whether or what you believe. If the same kinds of things happen in another election, this nation is going to burn. No one will benefit from that. You people are fookin' HYPOCRITES that would have started a shooting civil war if it had been YOUR candidate who suffered such irregularities and no one was willing to even hear evidence in a court. TRY IT AGAIN, Bocephus.

Do I have a constitutional right as an American citizen to have my vote counted in a presidential election in the version of America that you envision under trump?

Yup... exactly the same as it has been done since our founding.

Not under Trump if he gets a VP who will not count the votes.

Here is what Trump wanted Pence to do:
“”” PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL January 6 scenario 7 states have transmitted dual slates of electors to the President of the Senate.

READ: Trump lawyer's memo on six-step plan for Pence to overturn the election

1. VP Pence, presiding over the joint session . . . begins to open and count the ballots, starting with Alabama . . .

2. When he gets to Arizona, he announces that he has multiple slates of electors, and so is going to defer decision on that until finishing the other States.

3. At the end, he announces that because of the ongoing disputes in the 7 States, there are no electors that can be deemed validly appointed in those States. That means the total number of “electors appointed” – the language of the 12th Amendment -- is 454. . . . A “majority of the electors appointed” would therefore be 228. There are at this point 232 votes for Trump, 222 votes for Biden. Pence then gavels President Trump as re-elected.

4. . . . . Democrats . . . . now claim, . . . . that 270 is required. So Pence says, fine. Pursuant to the 12th Amendment, no candidate has achieved the necessary majority. That sends the matter to the House, where the “the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote . . . .” Republicans currently control 26 of the state delegations, the bare majority needed to win that vote. President Trump is re-elected there as well.
Jan6-COUPattempt “”” “””
. . . if it had been YOUR candidate who suffered such irregularities

Trump suffered no irregularities. All 50 states certified the election on December 14 and the election was over. Trump lost. There were no irregularities that could overturn it.
You suffer from being easily deluded by trumps election fraud lies. There is no cure for you If you have no curiosity or desire to separate fact from fiction.
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Uh huh... does it bother you at all that in every crucial battleground state, Trump was significantly ahead on election night and ALL OF THEM stopped counting at the same time?
Not at all. Early leads are meaningless. Elections are decided by counting all the votes no matter how they come in. That’s what happened. Trump lost. It’s time you get on with your whiny miserable life and forget about the loser who is the only one who tried to steal an election on January 6.
Bottom line, there was no insurrection, no coup, or attempted coup….Just a relatively small group of idiots that broke the law,

If the Patriots wanted to take down the government they would have done a lot more that take selfies in Pelosi's office. Just saying.

Trump was still President at the time, and would be no matter what for the next 3 weeks. The government in power was still Trump's government, so are you saying the protesters wanted to overthrow Trump?

No. it was a self-coup attempt

Self-coup - Elected leader illegally maintaining or increasing power. Self-coup coup d'état in which a nation's leader, having come to power through legal means, tries to stay in power through illegal means​

Trump’s means to attempt a self-coup was:

Lie that election was stolen because of mere accusations of fraud

Create fake Trump electors in seven states that Trump lost and send certified forgeries to Congress for Mike Pence to recognize.

Pence refuses to count seven states on Jan6 due to fake Trump Electors - declares Trump the winner - Then names himself the winner of VP.

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