The political suicide of Trump

Based on what exactly?

If Trump were president why would it be different?

It would be different for several reasons: First off Trump would have never closed off our Keystone pipeline and give his blessing for Russia to build theirs. Trump would have never done dozens of costly things against the oil industry that Dementia has done, including doubling their royalty fees. OPEC would never pull any stunt like cut their oil production to increase prices. Trump would have told them if they don't produce oil, we'll increase our production and let our companies make the profit. Now that Russia is making money off of European oil sales, they had the money to invade Ukraine. That would have never happened under Trump. Putin waited until they had a less threatening adversary to pull this stunt. Trump would have never have stopped new oil permits, exploration or production. If anything, he would have increased it.

What you have to understand about the oil market is that it's a commodity. When commodity investors (also referred to as speculators) read negative news about energy, they invest in what's called long contracts, long meaning they're betting the price will increase. It doesn't matter how much oil there is or isn't. It matters on what kind of contracts they decide to buy or sell. When they buy these long contracts, it increases the price. The more investors buying long contracts, the higher the price goes.

During the last presidential campaign Trump promised us that the US will remain the worlds top exporter of energy. Dementia on the other hand promised the opposite; he will stop the US from being oil dependent. Now, if you invested in oil, what would you put your money on?


You moved the subject slightly to your acknowledgment that Trump targeted a certain group of Christians so you were asked this question:

NFBW: Question #6 What group of Christians are you saying Trump targeted to not count their votes against him in Michigan Wisconsin Pennsylvania Georgia Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico when he instigated the Eastman Plan by creating fake Trump electors? END2207111032

So why do you avoid that very relevant question? END22071537

You're changing the subject because you know you lied. Trump never targeted black voters. He never told anybody to go into black districts and not count their votes because they are black. What Trump basically asked for is for states to find fraudulent votes which is not illegal in any way.
Trump He never told anybody to go into black districts and not count their votes because they are black.
You asked me to give you a link.
And please provide a link where Trump tried to not count black votes.
The subject has never been “targeting black voters by going into black districts and not count their votes because they are black” Where in the hell did you get that? I have never said anything like that.

I am saying that Trump “tried” to not count black votes on January 6 as defined in the Eastman memo.

Question #4 Do you see Ray From Cleveland where I’m saying Trump attempted to not count millions of Christians who are against Trump including nine out of 10 black Americans.​
Didn’t you see that Ray From Cleveland?
#2 Do you think it is criminally and morally wrong if Trump “tried” “attempted” “sought” “directed” anyone to not count any legal American’s vote in the 2020 election? Yes or No?​
Why can’t you answer #2?
It would be different for several reasons: First off Trump would have never closed off our Keystone pipeline and give his blessing for Russia to build theirs. Trump would have never done dozens of costly things against the oil industry that Dementia has done, including doubling their royalty fees. OPEC would never pull any stunt like cut their oil production to increase prices. Trump would have told them if they don't produce oil, we'll increase our production and let our companies make the profit. Now that Russia is making money off of European oil sales, they had the money to invade Ukraine. That would have never happened under Trump. Putin waited until they had a less threatening adversary to pull this stunt. Trump would have never have stopped new oil permits, exploration or production. If anything, he would have increased it.

What you have to understand about the oil market is that it's a commodity. When commodity investors (also referred to as speculators) read negative news about energy, they invest in what's called long contracts, long meaning they're betting the price will increase. It doesn't matter how much oil there is or isn't. It matters on what kind of contracts they decide to buy or sell. When they buy these long contracts, it increases the price. The more investors buying long contracts, the higher the price goes.

During the last presidential campaign Trump promised us that the US will remain the worlds top exporter of energy. Dementia on the other hand promised the opposite; he will stop the US from being oil dependent. Now, if you invested in oil, what would you put your money on?

It's easy to sit back and talk about what Trump wouldn't have done, if Trump was so on point he would still be president.
What Trump basically asked for is for states to find fraudulent votes which is not illegal in any way.

The states all certified their elections prior to December 14 which meant that the election was over and Trump lost..

Trump can ask states all he wants to find fraudulent votes but on Jan 6 Trump was pissing into the wind. There was no way on Jan6 that Trump could “win” the election, but he said this:

Trump rallying the forces at noon January 6, 2021: - - - “John [Eastman] is one of the most brilliant lawyers in the country, and he looked at this and he said, “What an absolute disgrace that this can be happening to our Constitution.” And he looked at Mike Pence, and I hope Mike is going to do the right thing. I hope so. I hope so. - - - Because if Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election.​

Question #8: Why do you say that Trump on January 6th basically asked for states to find fraudulent votes when Trump told you on January 6 that he would win the election if Pence did something.

Question #9: What was Mike Pence supposed to do on January 6th?

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It's easy to sit back and talk about what Trump wouldn't have done, if Trump was so on point he would still be president.

Not really. Trump had an abrasive personality and a lot of people don't have a sense of humor. Between that and mail-in ballots which draws in the politically ignorant to vote, he lost the election for that reason.

A very good friend of mine that recently passed away told me she was at the gas station filling up. She made a comment about the price of gasoline to the woman filling up next to her, and her reply was "I don't care if it's $10.00 a gallon, as long as Trump isn't President. This is what happens when you allow the stupid to vote in this country. That's why Trump didn't win.

Biden promised us an attack on our fuel. Biden promised us destruction of our suburbs. Biden promised us he'd end gun ownership in this country. His son was under FBI investigation when he was running for President. Given Trump's countless accomplishments, why would you vote for a clown like Dementia unless you were completely stupid or politically ignorant? Meanie Tweets?

This is why a lot of people shouldn't be allowed to vote in this country.
I never said anything about “targeted” black voters. Can’t you read?

Millions of Christians are against Trump including nine out of 10 black Americans who are proportionally one of the most Christian groups in America. Trump decided they don’t have freedom of expression At the ballot box because when they voted to be rid of the vile liar president The former president attempted using all his power to not count their votes to declare himself the winner of the 2020 election.
I never said anything about “targeted” black voters. Can’t you read?

Millions of Christians are against Trump including nine out of 10 black Americans who are proportionally one of the most Christian groups in America. Trump decided they don’t have freedom of expression At the ballot box because when they voted to be rid of the vile liar president The former president attempted using all his power to not count their votes to declare himself the winner of the 2020 election.

What your point. “They” in the above are a reference to Millions of Christians who are against Trump including nine out of 10 black Americans… I did not say Trump targeted black voters .. he targeted all anti-Trump voters to not count their votes.

Trump had an abrasive personality and a lot of people don't have a sense of humor. Between that and mail-in ballots which draws in the politically ignorant to vote, he lost the election for that reason.

Well, no. Trumps' personality and lack of humor are not the reasons he lost.

Don Trump's own contract pollster, Tony Fabrizio, found out why Don Trump lost. And he told Trump why. And he told Trump's enablers why.

I'll give you the link to Fabrizio's report below, but in the meantime, here are the bullet points you need to remember -- (please note -- these came from Trump's own man. Not some opponent. His own man.).....OK, with that said, here is what Fabrizio found out in his post election polling --- Enough voters thought Don Trump was ---1. Not Trustworthy; and 2. Incompetent.

You can read all that in this link poster Ray. There is even a link in there to the actual 27-page report Fabrizio prepared for Don Trump.

"The 27-page report pins Trump's loss on voter perception that he was untrustworthy and disapproval of his pandemic performance."
TRANSLATION: "I got nuttin"

So, being articulate enough to explain just what the hell you are talking about is too big of a challenge?
Who knew?


its the reason you're called "second" city

"you're called second city"?
Ummm, no I'm not. Neither is my avatar.
No one, ever, has called me '2nd city'.
Why would they?
Are you on the wrong forum, poster Frank?
You seem to be missing a couple of important memos.
What's up with that?

Well, no. Trumps' personality and lack of humor are not the reasons he lost.

Don Trump's own contract pollster, Tony Fabrizio, found out why Don Trump lost. And he told Trump why. And he told Trump's enablers why.

I'll give you the link to Fabrizio's report below, but in the meantime, here are the bullet points you need to remember -- (please note -- these came from Trump's own man. Not some opponent. His own man.).....OK, with that said, here is what Fabrizio found out in his post election polling --- Enough voters thought Don Trump was ---1. Not Trustworthy; and 2. Incompetent.

You can read all that in this link poster Ray. There is even a link in there to the actual 27-page report Fabrizio prepared for Don Trump.

"The 27-page report pins Trump's loss on voter perception that he was untrustworthy and disapproval of his pandemic performance."

That may be his opinion and he's entitled to it, but his opinion isn't fact. Trump gained more than 7 million more voters in his reelection bid than his first run. How can he explain that?

The fact of the matter is there were no voters lost or switched to Dementia. He got the most votes in US history, even more than DumBama. How does a person that didn't campaign, could barely talk, spent a lifetime in government without any major accomplishment, said the most racist things about blacks than any other candidate in our lifetime, get a record amount of votes? The answer is simple: mail-in voting. While Trump was packing professional sports arenas with standing room outside only, Dementia (like Hillary) couldn't get enough people to fill a high school basketball court. I watched one pathetic caravan for Dementia that had only five cars in it. FIVE CARS!

My theory makes much more sense. The only reason Dementia won was ignorant voters who had no idea WTF they were voting on and used their ballot to vote on personality instead of his many, many accomplishments. Welfare people could care less about politics. Most of these worthless lazy SOB's would never dream of going to the polls to vote. The mailman putting one on their kitchen table? Why not vote?
My theory makes much more sense. The only reason Dementia won was ignorant voters who had no idea WTF they were voting on and used their ballot to vote on personality instead of his many, many accomplishments. Welfare people could care less about politics. Most of these worthless lazy SOB's would never dream of going to the polls to vote. The mailman putting one on their kitchen table? Why not vote?
You are testifying that Trump lost because Biden received more legal votes than Trump did. Thank you for that. Now can you answer #2?

#2 Do you think it is criminally and morally wrong if Trump “tried” “attempted” “sought” “directed” anyone to not count any legal American’s vote in the 2020 election? Yes or No? END2207120106

You are testifying that Trump lost because Biden received more legal votes than Trump did. Thank you for that. Now can you answer #2?

#2 Do you think it is criminally and morally wrong if Trump “tried” “attempted” “sought” “directed” anyone to not count any legal American’s vote in the 2020 election? Yes or No? END2207120106

You are testifying that Trump lost because Biden received more legal votes than Trump did. Thank you for that. Now can you answer #2?

#2 Do you think it is criminally and morally wrong if Trump “tried” “attempted” “sought” “directed” anyone to not count any legal American’s vote in the 2020 election? Yes or No? END2207120106

No, Trump wanted fraudulent votes discarded, that's all he wanted.

I don't know if Trump lost with illegal votes or not, but what I do know is that this next election will be under a magnifying glass. No more changing rules last minute or drop off boxes in many locations. No more going home at the end of the night with a Republican winning by large margins and when they return the next day, a huge turnaround in the other direction. Everybody will be watching this one.

What I also know (or at least hope for) is that once Republicans takeover the Congress, they put the commies through hell just like they are trying to do to Trump today. Forget about getting even with two impeachments of Dementia, I want to see four of them. I want to see all of Piglosi's emails she's hiding, all the hidden video they've been keeping in their desk, I want to see Wray under oath testifying to Congress about the FBI agents that were there and their role in instigating the break in. I want to see the Capital police chief under oath explaining why there was no investigation into the shooting of an unarmed female military vet, why he refused Trump's offer of having the Guard there from the beginning of the day, and I want each and every one to testify who they got their orders from.

If they open up an investigation into Piglosi or Shoemaker, I want the Republican leader to pick out their reps like Piglosi did to the Republicans.

You are going to find out, payback is a bitch.
"you're called second city"?
Ummm, no I'm not. Neither is my avatar.
uh yes you are
No one, ever, has called me '2nd city'.
and yet here you are pretending someone did
Why would they?
cuz you are
Are you on the wrong forum, poster Frank?
your response indicates I am on the right track regardless of forum cote
You seem to be missing a couple of important memos.
What's up with that?
lol...all that text just to pretend being an also ran didn't get under your skin

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