The Politics of Fighting Islamic Terrorism

Hilarious, haters. You whip ISIS (we only bomb and arm) and end the GOP world depression. Radical Islamists are less than 1% of Muslims and it's their best career move in the wreck of the ME W Booosh made.

One percent is in excess of 100,000,000.
Hilarious, haters. You whip ISIS (we only bomb and arm) and end the GOP world depression. Radical Islamists are less than 1% of Muslims and it's their best career move in the wreck of the ME W Booosh made.
Oh, shut up! Radical Muslims have been killing 'infidels' for 1300 years already. Don't start this shit about it being Bush's fault.

Just keep tagging my posts as 'funny' and thinking you won the argument.

You missed the percentage by at least a factor of 10.

There are about 1.6 BILLION Muslims...about 1.6 MILLION of them are radical.
That's 1600 million Muslims, genius. lol. O.1%
Math is not dupes' strength
There are only about 20,000 ISIS fighters. And most of them just need the money. Thanks, a-holes in Saudi and Bahrain with more money than sense...
I have long been criticized for my proposed solution to rid the world of Islamic terrorists. That solution has been (and remains) to:

Kill :Boom2:All radical Muslims....and their children!

I suspect there are many readers here that will agree with killing all adult radical Muslims, but balk at killing their children. Granted, even I would favor a lower limit on the age as there's no need to kill one that was born just yesterday, or a few weeks ago. Maybe I would even give preschool children a pass if they could be enrolled in schools that teach tolerance and love of all mankind....not just for other Muslims.

Here is an article that bolsters my argument that the children are just as dangerous as their parents.

Hamas's New Way of Poisoning the Minds of Palestinian Children

Hamas has spent years poisoning the hearts and minds of Palestinian children.

The video ^^^^ is in Arabic, but it is quite telling....even to an Englishman. The maniacal, radical Muslim activists are BRAINWASHING the male children.

Inviting the radicals to negotiate will not work.
Leaving them alone will not work.
Appeasing them will not work.

Killing them all will work.

This unwarranted, fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate is common among many on the reprehensible right, and comes as no surprise.
"As soon as men decide that all means are permitted to fight an evil, then their good becomes indistinguishable from the evil that they set out to destroy."
Christopher Dawson

That's a pleasant feeling philosophy for some, but totally mad is the real world.

If you are not at least as ruthless as your enemy, you will lose.
If you are as ruthless as your enemy then you ARE your enemy and you already have lost.

Sorry, the DAY that America decides to target and kill innocents is the day that America becomes the terrorist and should be put down like the dogs that terrorists are.
Targeting RADICAL MUSLIMS is not to be confused with targeting the innocent. They are anything BUT innocent. They are evil. To conquer evil people, you must KILL THEM ALL. When another arises, you kill him also.
No, the evil is this manifestation of conservatism.

What you advocate is criminal and depraved – you’re no better than the terrorists.
Hilarious, haters. You whip ISIS (we only bomb and arm) and end the GOP world depression. Radical Islamists are less than 1% of Muslims and it's their best career move in the wreck of the ME W Booosh made.
Oh, shut up! Radical Muslims have been killing 'infidels' for 1300 years already. Don't start this shit about it being Bush's fault.

Just keep tagging my posts as 'funny' and thinking you won the argument.

You missed the percentage by at least a factor of 10.

There are about 1.6 BILLION Muslims...about 1.6 MILLION of them are radical.
That's 1600 million Muslims, genius. lol. O.1%
We both missed decimals....10% of a billion is 100 million...10% of 1.6 billion is 160 million.

Still a shitload more than your 1 %...which would be 16 million.
There are only about 20,000 ISIS fighters. And most of them just need the money. Thanks, a-holes in Saudi and Bahrain with more money than sense...
Thank Obama. He release $150B of Iran's frozen assets....and got NOTHING in return.
Hilarious, haters. You whip ISIS (we only bomb and arm) and end the GOP world depression. Radical Islamists are less than 1% of Muslims and it's their best career move in the wreck of the ME W Booosh made.
Oh, shut up! Radical Muslims have been killing 'infidels' for 1300 years already. Don't start this shit about it being Bush's fault.

Just keep tagging my posts as 'funny' and thinking you won the argument.

You missed the percentage by at least a factor of 10.

There are about 1.6 BILLION Muslims...about 1.6 MILLION of them are radical.
That's 1600 million Muslims, genius. lol. O.1%
Math is not dupes' strength
Not yours either.

1600 million IS 1.6 billion.
How about we don't bother them ,they don't bother us .

Chamberlain's adage.

No really. Isis didn't give a shit about us until we started bombing them. Now everyone is all freaked out about isis .

I see you haven't been following things these last, oh, 40 years or so. The problems is not restricted to Daeshbags.

Oh I'm well aware of the last 40 years . And our involvement in the ME since before that.
"As soon as men decide that all means are permitted to fight an evil, then their good becomes indistinguishable from the evil that they set out to destroy."
Christopher Dawson

That's a pleasant feeling philosophy for some, but totally mad is the real world.

If you are not at least as ruthless as your enemy, you will lose.
If you are as ruthless as your enemy then you ARE your enemy and you already have lost.

Sorry, the DAY that America decides to target and kill innocents is the day that America becomes the terrorist and should be put down like the dogs that terrorists are.
Targeting RADICAL MUSLIMS is not to be confused with targeting the innocent. They are anything BUT innocent. They are evil. To conquer evil people, you must KILL THEM ALL. When another arises, you kill him also.
Yes, you kill them. The radicals that want to kill you.

That does not justify targeting their children unless they are actively trying to kill you.

Child is father to the man.

‘It was a children’s soccer game. Of course he knew he was going to kill children.’
Hilarious, haters. You whip ISIS (we only bomb and arm) and end the GOP world depression. Radical Islamists are less than 1% of Muslims and it's their best career move in the wreck of the ME W Booosh made.
Oh, shut up! Radical Muslims have been killing 'infidels' for 1300 years already. Don't start this shit about it being Bush's fault.

Just keep tagging my posts as 'funny' and thinking you won the argument.

You missed the percentage by at least a factor of 10.

There are about 1.6 BILLION Muslims...about 1.6 MILLION of them are radical.
That's 1600 million Muslims, genius. lol. O.1%
Math is not dupes' strength
Not yours either.

1600 million IS 1.6 billion.
Echo? And 1.6 million is 0.1% of that DUH.
Hilarious, haters. You whip ISIS (we only bomb and arm) and end the GOP world depression. Radical Islamists are less than 1% of Muslims and it's their best career move in the wreck of the ME W Booosh made.
Oh, shut up! Radical Muslims have been killing 'infidels' for 1300 years already. Don't start this shit about it being Bush's fault.

Just keep tagging my posts as 'funny' and thinking you won the argument.

You missed the percentage by at least a factor of 10.

There are about 1.6 BILLION Muslims...about 1.6 MILLION of them are radical.
That's 1600 million Muslims, genius. lol. O.1%
Math is not dupes' strength
Not yours either.

1600 million IS 1.6 billion.
Echo? And 1.6 million is 0.1% of that DUH.
Duh! I already admitted a mistake.

There are about 160million radicals Muslims. That is about 10% of the total Muslim population.

Now don't go confusing that with the number of active radical Muslims who are members of terrorist organizations. That number is much smaller.
Hilarious, haters. You whip ISIS (we only bomb and arm) and end the GOP world depression. Radical Islamists are less than 1% of Muslims and it's their best career move in the wreck of the ME W Booosh made.
Oh, shut up! Radical Muslims have been killing 'infidels' for 1300 years already. Don't start this shit about it being Bush's fault.

Just keep tagging my posts as 'funny' and thinking you won the argument.

You missed the percentage by at least a factor of 10.

There are about 1.6 BILLION Muslims...about 1.6 MILLION of them are radical.
Yes, when they are still children. Just like they would like to do.

You are no different then they are. Yet you think of them as evil...

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