The portion of the repub party that is pro-Putin is alarming

The vast majority of Russians hate war. Half the time they get involved in foreign wars it results in an internal revolution.

It's amazing how these highly intelligent people repeatedly allow their country to be run by despots.
The history of Russia is that of elites lording it over the peasants. Its never been a beacon of freedom. Its all very sad.
Moscow is the only city I have visited where the police were the threat. I have never experienced anything like it.
Our revolution caused an internal war. Russians must protect their borders their culture and their heritage.. if they die doing it they die heroes
They are not fighting to protect anything. They are being killed in thousands at the behest of a kleptomaniac madman. Where do you pick up these crazy notions Ivan ?
The history of Russia is that of elites lording it over the peasants. Its never been a beacon of freedom. Its all very sad.
Moscow is the only city I have visited where the police were the threat. I have never experienced anything like it.

You love it, bitch. You and your people.

Our revolution caused an internal war. Russians must protect their borders their culture and their heritage.. if they die doing it they die heroes
A revolution is an internal war, so it's hard to figure what your point is.

Who do you need to protect your borders from? NATO is a defensive alliance that has no protocol for attacking. It would take every member of NATO to agree before there could be an attack - and that would never happen. Maybe you should worry about the Chinese.

Is Russian culture so weak that it can't stand up to integration with other cultures? Anglo culture has continued very well here in America while we've integrated with many other cultures. What's Russia's problem?

Russia has no honorable heritage worth defending. Russians murdering and imprisoning Russians seem to be your heritage. Rule by the Czars, then by Lenin & Stalin, and now Putin is nothing to be proud of.

There are 3 points in this "speech" where she points out that Ukraine "cannot win".

I think that crosses a line.Firstly I doubt her qualifications to make comment on that. It sounds very Lord Haw Haw to me.
There is a legitimate position to saying that other countries should not get involved in Russias illegal war. But this just seems to be Russian propaganda.

Putin is an enemy to the US and all freedom loving democratic countries. What does this wretched woman gain by supporting him ?
That is a question that needs an answer.

In her district, you can be against everything and that's a plus. Thats why Georgia is Georgia and always will be. You see the same idiocy in the red areas of Texas.

There are 3 points in this "speech" where she points out that Ukraine "cannot win".

I think that crosses a line.Firstly I doubt her qualifications to make comment on that. It sounds very Lord Haw Haw to me.
There is a legitimate position to saying that other countries should not get involved in Russias illegal war. But this just seems to be Russian propaganda.

Putin is an enemy to the US and all freedom loving democratic countries. What does this wretched woman gain by supporting him ?
That is a question that needs an answer.

Now a lousy Brit can tell Americans what is or isnt treason?

you dont get to tell Americans when we no longer have the right to free speech
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There are 3 points in this "speech" where she points out that Ukraine "cannot win".

I think that crosses a line.Firstly I doubt her qualifications to make comment on that. It sounds very Lord Haw Haw to me.
There is a legitimate position to saying that other countries should not get involved in Russias illegal war. But this just seems to be Russian propaganda.

Putin is an enemy to the US and all freedom loving democratic countries. What does this wretched woman gain by supporting him ?
That is a question that needs an answer.

So you all by yourself are declaring Russia an enemy of the USA ?....
Let me tell you something...Biden is in the camp that the Ukraine can't win or he would be helping more than just sending our tax dollars there...
Most violent places in America are ones that identity as multi cultural.. the most peaceful identity as one culture

Wrong the murder rate in predominantly white rural areas is just as high:

A revolution is an internal war, so it's hard to figure what your point is.

Who do you need to protect your borders from? NATO is a defensive alliance that has no protocol for attacking. It would take every member of NATO to agree before there could be an attack - and that would never happen. Maybe you should worry about the Chinese.

Is Russian culture so weak that it can't stand up to integration with other cultures? Anglo culture has continued very well here in America while we've integrated with many other cultures. What's Russia's problem?

Russia has no honorable heritage worth defending. Russians murdering and imprisoning Russians seem to be your heritage. Rule by the Czars, then by Lenin & Stalin, and now Putin is nothing to be proud of.
Did you know that Kiev was once Russia's capital city?
Wrong the murder rate in predominantly white rural areas is just as high:

you should read more than the headline,,
Wrong the murder rate in predominantly white rural areas is just as high:

No link supplied for your data

There are 3 points in this "speech" where she points out that Ukraine "cannot win".

I think that crosses a line.Firstly I doubt her qualifications to make comment on that. It sounds very Lord Haw Haw to me.
There is a legitimate position to saying that other countries should not get involved in Russias illegal war. But this just seems to be Russian propaganda.

Putin is an enemy to the US and all freedom loving democratic countries. What does this wretched woman gain by supporting him ?
That is a question that needs an answer.

Less concerned about her speaking her opinion on the state of the war, and more concerned that the Dems spent years being more "flexible" with Putin, and defended him for years....even going so far as to pay Russia for misinformation to spread propaganda about a President.
You do realize that picture of Kerry and what's-her-name doing their jobs by meeting with the Russian foreign minister makes no point at all beyond proving that your an idiot.

The fact that you're ok with a so-called representative of the United States wearing the symbol of Soviet oppression under which 50 million people were murdered proves to me you don't value humanity at all.
So you all by yourself are declaring Russia an enemy of the USA ?....
Let me tell you something...Biden is in the camp that the Ukraine can't win or he would be helping more than just sending our tax dollars there...
Russia is the enemy of aall democratic nations. That isnt a great secret and most adults understand this.

Russia itself is an authoritarian regime where rights are limited and minorities are repressed by what is basically a set of gangsters.

People who support putin are either stupid or on the payroll, or both.

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