The post constitutionalist voter

browsing deer

Silver Member
Jul 11, 2015
in the forrest
A very good and powerful column by some guy I never heard of before
High stakes in the coming Trump-Cruz clash
Mark Krikorian,

Cruz believes our constitutional arrangements are basically sound but that the leadership class that manages those arrangements has got to go. Trump, on the other hand, seems to reject those arrangements altogether – Rich [Lowry’s] “post-constitutional” label, or even “post-republican” (small-r).

Trump’s support comes from people who have given up on our existing “regime,” in the political science sense of the word. The Tea Party’s efflorescence of constitutionalism was, as Rich writes, “a means to stop Obama” – in other words, to stop lawlessness and rule by decree, which is what constitutions are for. But, as Rich continued, constitutionalism “has been found lacking” – Obama, and the Supreme Court, have pursued extra-constitutional (i.e., illegal) tactics and prevailed. Repeatedly. On momentous issues that immediately affect every American.

[T]he Left has ignored the strictures of the Constitution, and succeeded in imposing its will on the rest of the country. It’s no surprise that a large share of that rest of the country is going to conclude that adhering to the Constitution’s strictures is a form of unilateral disarmament, like following Marquis of Queensbury rules in a knife fight.

f we don’t want the November election to be between two post-constitutionalists, where we vote simply on which Duce will rule over us for the next four years, we need to persuade first GOP primary voters, then the broader electorate, why the preservation of our republican norms is vital to America’s liberty, independence, and prosperity. We can’t do that simply by pointing out what a nitwit Trump is.

This is what worries me so much about Trump. We are, in the putative vote between Hillary and Trump voting between Hillary's Crassus and Trump's Caesar
"[T]he Left has ignored the strictures of the Constitution"

This is why most on the right are devoid of credibility, why their opinions have no merit, and why conservatives are correctly perceived to be ridiculous: these and other such lies and fallacies.

'The left' has done nothing of the kind – abiding by the doctrine of judicial review as intended by the Framers, following settled, accepted Constitutional jurisprudence, and obeying the rule of law as practiced by liberals is not to “ignore[]the strictures of the Constitution.”

This is yet another rightwing temper-tantrum, the consequence of conservatives not getting their way, where their efforts to deny citizens their protected liberties will always be invalidated by the Constitution and its case law.
This is one of the reasons why I'm leaning towards supporting Cruz, because he is at least intelligent, sane, and believes in the Constitution.
"[T]he Left has ignored the strictures of the Constitution"

This is why most on the right are devoid of credibility, why their opinions have no merit, and why conservatives are correctly perceived to be ridiculous: these and other such lies and fallacies.

'The left' has done nothing of the kind – abiding by the doctrine of judicial review as intended by the Framers, following settled, accepted Constitutional jurisprudence, and obeying the rule of law as practiced by liberals is not to “ignore[]the strictures of the Constitution.”

This is yet another rightwing temper-tantrum, the consequence of conservatives not getting their way, where their efforts to deny citizens their protected liberties will always be invalidated by the Constitution and its case law.
Several of Obama's executive orders have been extra constitutional, such as his refusal to deport, his unilateral delays in Obamacare, and upcoming gun control orders. Also, Obamacare should have been rejected by the Supreme Court because it's not a tax.
'The left' has done nothing of the kind – abiding by the doctrine of judicial review as intended by the Framers, following settled, accepted Constitutional jurisprudence, and obeying the rule of law as practiced by liberals is not to “ignore[]the strictures of the Constitution.”
You are ignoring the unconstitutional acts of Obama because his actions are what you want. He is ruling by decree, rather than by law.
"[T]he Left has ignored the strictures of the Constitution"

This is why most on the right are devoid of credibility, why their opinions have no merit, and why conservatives are correctly perceived to be ridiculous: these and other such lies and fallacies.

'The left' has done nothing of the kind – abiding by the doctrine of judicial review as intended by the Framers, following settled, accepted Constitutional jurisprudence, and obeying the rule of law as practiced by liberals is not to “ignore[]the strictures of the Constitution.”

This is yet another rightwing temper-tantrum, the consequence of conservatives not getting their way, where their efforts to deny citizens their protected liberties will always be invalidated by the Constitution and its case law.

If we were following accepted constitutional jurisprudence, slavery would still be legal you dumb ass. Accepted constitutional jurisprudence is what ever the fuck the current court says it is, everything is settled until it's not. That is not what the founders intended.
"[T]he Left has ignored the strictures of the Constitution"

This is why most on the right are devoid of credibility, why their opinions have no merit, and why conservatives are correctly perceived to be ridiculous: these and other such lies and fallacies.

'The left' has done nothing of the kind – abiding by the doctrine of judicial review as intended by the Framers, following settled, accepted Constitutional jurisprudence, and obeying the rule of law as practiced by liberals is not to “ignore[]the strictures of the Constitution.”

This is yet another rightwing temper-tantrum, the consequence of conservatives not getting their way, where their efforts to deny citizens their protected liberties will always be invalidated by the Constitution and its case law.

The far left once again demonstrates why their religion is the most dangerous religion on the face of the planet.

They also prove once again they do not understand the US Constitution..
I am fine with Trump being a Caesar or Hitler or Mussolini.

So you want Trump to be just like Obama?
Obama is a chump who just uses EO to get shit passed he knows will never stand up but it pleases his idiot followers. Trump is an American and wants America FOR Americans just like Hitler wanted a Germany FOR Germans and no one else. I approve of Trump 100% I can read between his lines. So yeah I want Trump to be BIGGER and BETTER than Obama could ever even dream of.
I am fine with Trump being a Caesar or Hitler or Mussolini.

So you want Trump to be just like Obama?
Trump has promised something far far worse than what Obama has delivered already
LOL what's that?
"[T]he Left has ignored the strictures of the Constitution"

This is why most on the right are devoid of credibility, why their opinions have no merit, and why conservatives are correctly perceived to be ridiculous: these and other such lies and fallacies.

'The left' has done nothing of the kind – abiding by the doctrine of judicial review as intended by the Framers, following settled, accepted Constitutional jurisprudence, and obeying the rule of law as practiced by liberals is not to “ignore[]the strictures of the Constitution.”

This is yet another rightwing temper-tantrum, the consequence of conservatives not getting their way, where their efforts to deny citizens their protected liberties will always be invalidated by the Constitution and its case law.
That fails as mere assertion fallacy.
The Supreme Court rolled over itself to declare Obamacare Constiutional. Three times already. They trashed hundreds of years of precedence and their own opinions in deciding Obergefell. The administration over reached on NLRB appointments, EPA rulings, and a host of other administrative actions.
No, the OP is spot on. The most lawless administration in history.
I am fine with Trump being a Caesar or Hitler or Mussolini.

So you want Trump to be just like Obama?
This is the problem. Trump supporters hate Obama but want Trump to do the same things, just on their side. We wont prosper as a nation by installing new dictators every 4-8 years.
Obama isn't a dictator. He is a bitch playing dictator...Trump can be a GREAT LEADER Obama is a pussy.
Cruz will shut down the government, default on our debt, and effectively launch the US back into the third world.
If I could pick one poster who is totally lacking the intellectual, emotional and educational talents to take part in this discussion, it would be you.
Cruz will shut down the government, default on our debt, and effectively launch the US back into the third world.
If I could pick one poster who is totally lacking the intellectual, emotional and educational talents to take part in this discussion, it would be you.

Wasn't Cruz in the crowd that wanted to refuse to raise the debt ceiling.?
Cruz will shut down the government, default on our debt, and effectively launch the US back into the third world.
If I could pick one poster who is totally lacking the intellectual, emotional and educational talents to take part in this discussion, it would be you.

You are such a girl.
Do you have anything of substance to add here? Or is it just another talkpoint-fest with you spewing the worst caricatures of GOP candidates?

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