The Post-Trump GOP

The Democrats are a mess, the Republicans have gone power crazy & think they can do or say anything & the party first supporters will not say a word.
They're all afraid to give an inch. It's evidently a sign of weakness.

Nothing of lasting substance happens unless and until we get beyond this, or until they are marginalized.
EXAMPLE , The senior senator INHOFE, from OK just said he was going home tonight for a personal non political event more important than getting this budget/virus deal done. Doesn't he work for us? would regular working people be able just walk off the job in an emergency situation and not face any back lash/ or job loss.
“I really hope this party comes back to its senses.”
And realize what? That they have the most popular, most desired politician of all time on their side?

You mean that politician who just lost the election with a margin of 7 million votes and handles losing worse than the average six year old?

Yeah, the almost dead dude wearing the Depends, the dude who can’t fill a small parking lot with supporters.

How many Republicans have garnered 74,000,000 LEGITIMATE votes?

Those who ran against a Democrat who garnered 81,000,000 legitimate votes. :p
10 million were fraudulent.

That African Americans, Americans of color, and other minorities voted doesn’t make those votes ‘fraudulent.’
It does when they aren't elligable to vote. Dead people voted. People in other states voted. Illegal aliens voted, and millions of votes were manufactures in someone's house and shipped across state lines.
You do not know the first thing about bar codes do you?
Voting has always been pretty safe because poll workers check and double check. Today it is much easier because computers verify.

I still do not understand why people are so deluded about safe voting.

There were cases a couple of years ago of someone going door to door telling people she would fill out their ballots if they just sign them. It is a scam on older people but she was caught and sent to jail.
“The Post-Trump GOP”

…will be the same as the pre-Trump GOP: nativist and reactionary, frightened of positive, beneficial change, hostile to diversity, inclusion, and expressions of individual liberty, authoritarian, seeking to compel conformity and punish dissent, and pursuing an agenda to increase the authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty.
Fake News. You accuse us of that which you are guilty of. We are united and 74 million strong, while Dems fracture and fight.

We are the decent, hard-working Americans of all classes that revere our democratic republic and our founding documents and deplore (in the real sense of the word) the Deep State and the dominance of Washington DC over our lives.

We reject the corrupt bureaucracy, the uniparty of insiders, and the dangerous Orwellian pervasiveness of Big Tech and its social media tentacles replete with censorship and thought control.

We seek to preserve liberty and free markets, while opposing, with all our strength, the incursions of socialism and communism into our country through the influence of the Lying Outlaw Slaver's Communist Party of China and others on and in our media, religious institutions, entertainment and educational system.

We adamantly support our Bill of Rights with freedom of speech and worship and the right to bear arms impregnable.

We are seventy-four million strong and more unified than any other group.

As we did with Trump, we will look outside the political class for representation just as our founders hoped we would.

This is the hallmark of the rejuvenated Republican Party, bringing forth candidates from all contributing walks of American life.

New perspectives will work to the benefit of all. Conservatives are the more natural innovators—as Trump demonstrated in the Middle East, for example—liberals and progressives the failing conformists.

Talented professional politicians are free to apply, they will be evaluated, as all should be, and not given a laissez-passer to a position of power.

A good starting point in this evaluation of the existing political class is their reactions to the 2020 election. Those who quickly opted for a “business as usual” response that was not merited will be disdained and replaced.

Political power in our culture has become, has been for years, a passageway to wealth. The new Republican Party will the party Cincinattus, of those who come to serve the public good temporarily before returning to their private lives, not to profit from a lengthy sojourn in the nation’s capitol.

We encourage term limits.

We will continue to act locally, taking over as many state and city Republican Party institutions as possible.

We will promptly defeat the forces of reaction and stasis—RINOs, NeverTrumpers who are moving in quickly to take advantage of the stolen Biden "victory".

These people have no leverage other than habit, the leverage of “being there” in party committees, think tanks. It is a "leverage" that is paper thin.

While the election was stolen the result is rebirth, from this evil we have shown ourselves to be the most united force extant and the most powerful, and we will respond accordingly.
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The Democrats are a mess, the Republicans have gone power crazy & think they can do or say anything & the party first supporters will not say a word.
They're all afraid to give an inch. It's evidently a sign of weakness.

Nothing of lasting substance happens unless and until we get beyond this, or until they are marginalized.
Until WHO is marginalized?

What is it that you think we want? It's certainly not to force anything on you. Where did you get that idea?
how about this one, Chris Miller just shut down all transition meetings with incoming Biden team. Reason, two week vacation for Christmas! Guy has only had the job for a month & is taking a vacation? WHAT does that mean for America, That the incoming presidents team doesn't have all the necessary information needed in case of a national emergency happing in the next 30 days?
REAL conservatives have already had a come to Jesus moment with respect to Donald Trump. Then there are the sycophants who will follow him into whatever hellhole he chooses. Then after the Rumpster mercifully extricated, normal Republicans will abandon him because they know how out of touch his schtick is with the party they will need to reinvent - say in Reagan's image.

This of course splits the party into 3 camps which I'll wager will shake out approximately like this.

The Trump Party - 20%
The NEW Republican Party - 70%
Those who leave the party thanks to Trump and become Democrats or Independents - 10%

I warned Trumpublicans that Donald would eviscerate the Republican party. I still say that's pretty close to the truth.

*For the record, GREAT thread concept. Thanks!
REAL conservatives have already had a come to Jesus moment with respect to Donald Trump. Then there are the sycophants who will follow him into whatever hellhole he chooses. Then after the Rumpster mercifully extricated, normal Republicans will abandon him because they know how out of touch his schtick is with the party they will need to reinvent - say in Reagan's image.

This of course splits the party into 3 camps which I'll wager will shake out approximately like this.

The Trump Party - 20%
The NEW Republican Party - 70%
Those who leave the party thanks to Trump and become Democrats or Independents - 10%

I warned Trumpublicans that Donald would eviscerate the Republican party. I still say that's pretty close to the truth.

*For the record, GREAT thread concept. Thanks!
It's going to be VERY interesting to see how much progress the Lincoln Project makes. From what I've read, I think they know they'll have to make the party suffer some short term pain if they're going to pull it out of the insane asylum.

I don't think they have a choice at this point. They have to rip off the scab.
Chris Miller shut down all transition meetings with Biden team. WHY? for a two week vacation for Christmas! The guy has only had the job for a Month & wants a two week vacation. & what does that do for America? That the incoming presidents team doesn't have all the information it needs in case of a national emergency in its 1st 30 days.
Chris Miller shut down all transition meetings with Biden team. WHY? for a two week vacation for Christmas! The guy has only had the job for a Month & wants a two week vacation. & what does that do for America? That the incoming presidents team doesn't have all the information it needs in case of a national emergency in its 1st 30 days.
The Trumpsters just don't give a shit. He's shut it down. He has a great big sad, and he's done.

Now we just have to make it to Inauguration Day in one fucking piece.
REAL conservatives have already had a come to Jesus moment with respect to Donald Trump. Then there are the sycophants who will follow him into whatever hellhole he chooses. Then after the Rumpster mercifully extricated, normal Republicans will abandon him because they know how out of touch his schtick is with the party they will need to reinvent - say in Reagan's image.

This of course splits the party into 3 camps which I'll wager will shake out approximately like this.

The Trump Party - 20%
The NEW Republican Party - 70%
Those who leave the party thanks to Trump and become Democrats or Independents - 10%

I warned Trumpublicans that Donald would eviscerate the Republican party. I still say that's pretty close to the truth.

*For the record, GREAT thread concept. Thanks!
It's going to be VERY interesting to see how much progress the Lincoln Project makes. From what I've read, I think they know they'll have to make the party suffer some short term pain if they're going to pull it out of the insane asylum.

I don't think they have a choice at this point. They have to rip off the scab.

"Scab" is an apt description of Donald Trump at this point.
Best to grip it and RIP it! ;-)

The Democrats are a mess, the Republicans have gone power crazy & think they can do or say anything & the party first supporters will not say a word.
They're all afraid to give an inch. It's evidently a sign of weakness.

Nothing of lasting substance happens unless and until we get beyond this, or until they are marginalized.
You and Biden are never getting beyond this until you are defeated.
The Democrats are a mess, the Republicans have gone power crazy & think they can do or say anything & the party first supporters will not say a word.
They're all afraid to give an inch. It's evidently a sign of weakness.

Nothing of lasting substance happens unless and until we get beyond this, or until they are marginalized.
You and Biden are never getting beyond this until you are defeated.
Sure we are, poopsie.
What's next for the GOP?

A couple of very interesting pieces this morning. Interestingly, much of what they cover includes what we've been talking about here. The anti-Trump types like the Lincoln Project know damn well that he has a vice-like grip on the party, and will even have to consider running separate candidates, which we haven't really talked about here. The party is so afraid of Trump, in fact, that they're not even engaging in the traditional post-mortem for fear of angering him. Holy crap.

At the same time, they did do better than expected down ticket (or was it the Democrats doing worse than expected?), so that just muddies the waters even more. So what do the next few years look like for the GOP?

Oh, for Trumpsters: Ignore all this, he won, "by a lot", they cheated, he'll stay in office, MAGA.
These cultists don't actually care about results. They only care about deference to the cult leader. So all the GOP politicians have to do is sneak in a lick of Trump's boots once in a while, and the cult will follow. It doesn't matter if they end up doing something Trump criticizes, or if they do something against the best interests of the cult. The cult will find a way to justify it and even LOVE it, as long as there is a whiff of Trump buttlicking attached to it. What a powerful political tool. People like to call Trump a conman, and he is. But he is a moron and incompetent. The smart conmen will use him and his cult better than he ever could.
What's next for the GOP?

A couple of very interesting pieces this morning. Interestingly, much of what they cover includes what we've been talking about here. The anti-Trump types like the Lincoln Project know damn well that he has a vice-like grip on the party, and will even have to consider running separate candidates, which we haven't really talked about here. The party is so afraid of Trump, in fact, that they're not even engaging in the traditional post-mortem for fear of angering him. Holy crap.

At the same time, they did do better than expected down ticket (or was it the Democrats doing worse than expected?), so that just muddies the waters even more. So what do the next few years look like for the GOP?

Oh, for Trumpsters: Ignore all this, he won, "by a lot", they cheated, he'll stay in office, MAGA.
These cultists don't actually care about results. They only care about deference to the cult leader. So all the GOP politicians have to do is sneak in a lick of Trump's boots once in a while, and the cult will follow. It doesn't matter if they end up doing something Trump criticizes, or if they do something against the best interests of the cult. The cult will find a way to justify it and even LOVE it, as long as there is a whiff of Trump buttlicking attached to it. What a powerful political tool. People like to call Trump a conman, and he is. But he is a moron and incompetent. The smart conmen will use him and his cult better than he ever could.
Another load that needs to be flushed.
What's next for the GOP?

A couple of very interesting pieces this morning. Interestingly, much of what they cover includes what we've been talking about here. The anti-Trump types like the Lincoln Project know damn well that he has a vice-like grip on the party, and will even have to consider running separate candidates, which we haven't really talked about here. The party is so afraid of Trump, in fact, that they're not even engaging in the traditional post-mortem for fear of angering him. Holy crap.

At the same time, they did do better than expected down ticket (or was it the Democrats doing worse than expected?), so that just muddies the waters even more. So what do the next few years look like for the GOP?

Oh, for Trumpsters: Ignore all this, he won, "by a lot", they cheated, he'll stay in office, MAGA.
These cultists don't actually care about results. They only care about deference to the cult leader. So all the GOP politicians have to do is sneak in a lick of Trump's boots once in a while, and the cult will follow. It doesn't matter if they end up doing something Trump criticizes, or if they do something against the best interests of the cult. The cult will find a way to justify it and even LOVE it, as long as there is a whiff of Trump buttlicking attached to it. What a powerful political tool. People like to call Trump a conman, and he is. But he is a moron and incompetent. The smart conmen will use him and his cult better than he ever could.
Another load that needs to be flushed.
And yet every word you will do all the work of proving for me, for the next 4 years. My little assistant.
Why would anyone have an exact number?

(a) If you had actual evidence of one ineligible voter committing voter fraud you would have an exact total amount of one and you would know where it occurred.

(b) If you had actual evidence of an Iranian agent in Frankfurt Germany working for Biden operating a server that had the capability to flip votes on Dominion machines in Georgia from Trump to Biden you would know who the agent was and the actual one vote that was flipped.

(c) If you had actual evidence of Democrat poll workers smuggling in one single counterfeit ballot to match the machine count into Detroit you would have exactly one fraudulent vote and you would know who did it and where.

So you can take the exact total amount of those three proven fraudulent votes into the courtroom and multiply them by 3.33 million for a total amount at ten million. You would probably make the case and change the results and send a bunch of people you hate to prison.

But you can’t get the first three. So why in the hell do you think you can get to ten million.
What's next for the GOP?

A couple of very interesting pieces this morning. Interestingly, much of what they cover includes what we've been talking about here. The anti-Trump types like the Lincoln Project know damn well that he has a vice-like grip on the party, and will even have to consider running separate candidates, which we haven't really talked about here. The party is so afraid of Trump, in fact, that they're not even engaging in the traditional post-mortem for fear of angering him. Holy crap.

At the same time, they did do better than expected down ticket (or was it the Democrats doing worse than expected?), so that just muddies the waters even more. So what do the next few years look like for the GOP?

Oh, for Trumpsters: Ignore all this, he won, "by a lot", they cheated, he'll stay in office, MAGA.
These cultists don't actually care about results. They only care about deference to the cult leader. So all the GOP politicians have to do is sneak in a lick of Trump's boots once in a while, and the cult will follow. It doesn't matter if they end up doing something Trump criticizes, or if they do something against the best interests of the cult. The cult will find a way to justify it and even LOVE it, as long as there is a whiff of Trump buttlicking attached to it. What a powerful political tool. People like to call Trump a conman, and he is. But he is a moron and incompetent. The smart conmen will use him and his cult better than he ever could.
Another load that needs to be flushed.
And yet every word you will do all the work of proving for me, for the next 4 years. My little assistant.
Nothing you ever posted is true, shit for brains.

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