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The Post-Trump GOP

How do we get the MSM to ignore the Trump anti-reality show that is yet to come.

That will be the problem

How do we get the media to just ignore Trumps antics?
The more you ignore him, the more obnoxious he becomes
Personally, I think Nixon gets a bad rap. If you take out Watergate, he's actually was a pretty accomplished president. - Normalized relations with China, ended Vietnam, established OSHA and the EPA and the EEOC. But there was that Watergate thing.

Much like Trump, Nixon had serious personality issues that impacted his ability to lead.

Unlike Trump, Nixon was eminently qualified to do the job he was elected to do.
“I really hope this party comes back to its senses.”
And realize what? That they have the most popular, most desired politician of all time on their side?

You mean that politician who just lost the election with a margin of 7 million votes and handles losing worse than the average six year old?

Yeah, the almost dead dude wearing the Depends, the dude who can’t fill a small parking lot with supporters.

How many Republicans have garnered 74,000,000 LEGITIMATE votes?

Those who ran against a Democrat who garnered 81,000,000 legitimate votes. :p
10 million were fraudulent.

That African Americans, Americans of color, and other minorities voted doesn’t make those votes ‘fraudulent.’
Republicans are being short sighted
Pandering to the MAGA crowd may help them win with the older, white Christians who fear their loss of power.
But younger Americans and minorities are repulsed by the actions of the far right. They are lost forever
Might be true, but the Dems are making a big mistake if they assume too much. They're certainly capable of going too far, as well.

This is why I don't like seeing the GOP turn into a fuckin' psycho ward like this. We need (at least) two strong parties.

When I checked the website of the Dem's national convention in 2016, it took me 15 minutes of clicking around until I saw the first picture of a white male who wasn't obviously depicted as gay.

It's all nice and fine when Democrats care for the issues of non-whites and other minorities ... but if they give a damn about white workers, they shouldn't be surprised when 70% of them then vote for someone like Trump.
This is a very large part of why Trump won in 2016 and why the Dems underperformed in November. The Regressive Left wing of the party -- the illiberal, authoritarian end that pushes Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture -- has damaged the party considerably.

And, just as the Trumpsters are refusing to look clearly and honestly in the mirror, so is the Regressive Left. As I always say, the two ends of our political spectrum can be comically similar in their behaviors.

We are NOT using mob violence to terrorize our enemies, and arresting people that defend themselves.

So, the similarities, are not very impressive.
He does not seem to care, and in fact has shown that he revels in the "fuck you" he is watching. I would conclude that he does not believe that we are dead fucking serious.

Texas is GONE. Leaving. It may not be this year, or next year, but the sentiment is real and serious. We are getting the fuck out one way or another. If it's peaceful, great. But, I suspect that the powerbrokers will not give up on the world's 10th largest economy that easily. I am at peace with that eventuality and will die for it.

I don't know how this will shake out

I do know that if they want to marginalize and oppress the single largest ethnic group in the country, that there will be civil unrest that will START at the level of the 60s and grow from there.

I do.
Biden is President.
You won't do shit.
Please keep saying that.

The more you run your shrill mouth, the more this becomes likely:


Your pictures make you look so brave! Behind your keyboard!
He did this all day yesterday. He thinks this is threatening somehow.

Go. Split. Take Texas. There's plenty of room for all you paranoids to shoot your guns at trees.


Except, you dems would not let him/us go. You would fight. So, you are talking shit. Again.
I'm just trying to help you guys with your feelz.

You keep talking about civil war and secession, so I'm just trying to help.

Dismissing our grievances as "feelz" is you throwing gasoline on the fire. People are dying in the streets and you are still fanning the flames of division and partisan hate.

Does that seem like a good idea to you, or have you just stopped thinking?

The problem is today those so called grieviences that have festered in white males for 40 years do not matter to the younger generation. They are tired of the whining, voting for old white men who simply feed what they want to hear, do nothing to fix the problems, simply feed the lobbyists who support them.

I actually hear this in my own family and listening to others. The generation of anger is slowly dying out, the young are moving in and if you do not keep up you will be knocked aside.

Just like the older Greatest Generation built the Middle Class the View attachment 430670Baby Boomers tore it down. Now the young are fed up. It will not happen over night but you are seeing the last gasps of White superiority.

This is funny but it shows those wanting Civil War.

View attachment 430670and I watched it happen over 40/ 50 years.
The world is changing, their country is changing, and there are people who make their living doing little more than feeding their anger, frustration and paranoia.

So, in their emotional state, they'd rather "fight" some all-or-nothing "war" than intelligently play a part in managing the change. All that does is make things worse.

So, those who make their living doing little more than feeding their anger, frustration and paranoia have more material to work with, and the cycle just continues.
Trump, Mitch, many others, Gym Jordan, Steve Scalise, too many to name just feed the misplaced anger so now the crazies are taking over!

Call us crazy and ws some more. And then act like our anger is something wrong with us.

YEah, keep it up.
Are you reading my posts or just ranting?

My point was clear and concise. Your pretense otherwise, is just you gaslighting.

Knock that shit off.
See? Once again, blame me for your grievances You can not seem to let go.
You can't seem to let us go.

Isn't this a thing of beauty?


God Bless America, right?
It’s a thing of ignorance and stupidity.

American citizens who reside in Texas and wish to remain American citizens cannot have their citizenship taken from them against their will or absent due process – that would violate the 14th Amendment – regardless whether Texas lawmakers vote to ‘secede.’

The only recourse, therefore, for those in Texas who no longer wish to be American citizens is for them to renounce their American citizenship and leave the country; Texas remains with its sister states and part of the United States.

“The Post-Trump GOP”

…will be the same as the pre-Trump GOP: nativist and reactionary, frightened of positive, beneficial change, hostile to diversity, inclusion, and expressions of individual liberty, authoritarian, seeking to compel conformity and punish dissent, and pursuing an agenda to increase the authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty.
What's next for the GOP?

A couple of very interesting pieces this morning. Interestingly, much of what they cover includes what we've been talking about here. The anti-Trump types like the Lincoln Project know damn well that he has a vice-like grip on the party, and will even have to consider running separate candidates, which we haven't really talked about here. The party is so afraid of Trump, in fact, that they're not even engaging in the traditional post-mortem for fear of angering him. Holy crap.

At the same time, they did do better than expected down ticket (or was it the Democrats doing worse than expected?), so that just muddies the waters even more. So what do the next few years look like for the GOP?

Oh, for Trumpsters: Ignore all this, he won, "by a lot", they cheated, he'll stay in office, MAGA.
The Republican Party needs to promote states rights and rage against the tyranny of Washington D.C.

And how exactly will Republicans 'promote' states' rights – by seeking to have the Supreme Court overturn other states’ fair and valid elections consistent with those states’ election laws…

Too funny.
10 million were fraudulent.
Do you have an exact ‘proven’ number?
They don't need one.

I saw another one of them say, absolutely seriously, that Biden only got about 12 million actual votes.

It's the alternate universe, and they're dead serious. All you can do is observe and leverage it as a cautionary tale.
How do we get the MSM to ignore the Trump anti-reality show that is yet to come.

That will be the problem

How do we get the media to just ignore Trumps antics?
The more you ignore him, the more obnoxious he becomes

Once Trump is no longer President, the media will ignore him. He thinks what he says or does will still be relevant but it won't be. Trump had a voice before he became President, and most of us thought he was an idiot. I don't think his voice will be any more than any other celebrity after he is out of office.

Trump thinks they'll follow him around like they have for the past 6 years but that won't happen either. Once Trump is out of the White House, even FOX News will ignore him.
What's next for the GOP?

A couple of very interesting pieces this morning. ..
Actually they are run of the mill garbage completely lacking in insight of the issues they claim to explicate.
... Interestingly, much of what they cover includes what we've been talking about here. ...
That's because you guys regurgitate the same talking points like mindless parrots.
... The anti-Trump types like the Lincoln Project know damn well that he has a vice-like grip on the party, and will even have to consider running separate candidates, which we haven't really talked about here...
They can do whatever they want, we don't want them. You are welcome to them. Further, they already tried this crap when they ran Evan McMuffin.
... The party is so afraid of Trump...
Fake News. Trump was good to the party, that's why we chose him over Jeb!, the choice of the Lincoln Project Pukes.
in fact, that they're not even engaging in the traditional post-mortem for fear of angering him...
Holy crap....
Fake News. They are free to do whatever they want, they are dead to us. The 74 million who voted for Trump are the most unified group in the nation, we run our party. The Dems? Stole the primaries from Bernie twice, stole the general from Trump, and cannot even pretend to win anymore without wholesale cheating. That door was cracked open for you slightly wider than usual because of the Pandemic, but, with the dried up old hag, Nancy, STILL holding up COVID aid even while millions have been forcibly idled, the whole country has your number now. Looks like you'll have to be satisfied with watching the horrid Dem establishment knife AOC.
... At the same time, they did do better than expected down ticket (or was it the Democrats doing worse than expected?), so that just muddies the waters even more. So what do the next few years look like for the GOP? ...
We kicked your asses, you just managed to steal enough states for Biden to win with stacks of ballot with only Biden votes delivered in the middle of the night while the counting was supposedly "stopped".

You have a washed up old Lame Duck who will lose the House in 2022 and the GOP will retake the Presidency in 2024.

Illegitimate Joe will get little done and spend most of his time running from the Special Counsel investigation

Biden thinks attacking Hunter is foul play
Placeholder Image
Fair game.

Biden whines to Colbert that he still plans to pursue relationships with Republican leadership, even though they participated in attacks on Hunter as a way to “get to me.”

Biden spox Andrew Bates tried to clean up after Illegitimate Lame Duck Joe's Biiden attacks US Attorney” narrative Fake News CBS reporter Bo Erickson floated it on Twitter. Bates provided the full context of Colbert’s question, in which the Late Night host explicitly framed the issue of those who “use your adult son as a cudgel against you”:

Pointing out all of the questions and troublesome connections that Hunter Biden, and for that matter Joe’s brothers James and Frank, have cultivated over the years is not “foul play” at all. Hunter’s no adolescent or grammar-school child; he’s older than some of the Democrats who ran against his father. Given that these Bidens keep seeming to make $BILLIONS off of their connections to Illegitimate Lame Duck Joe, including Joe’s policy areas and interests, the putrid stench of corruption is real. And now that Biden’s president, those family connections will bear even more scrutiny.

Biden wants to preclude that by promising to roll over for the GOP in exchange for an end to questions about the business operations of the other Bidens. Republicans in Congress won't take that deal. While Illegitimate Lame Duck Joe needs the GOP very badly, illegitimate lame duck Joe, destroyed, works very well for the GOP and they have zero incentive to help illegitimate Lame Duck Joe have any success on his anti- American Worker agenda. His thrashing about claiming that the exercise of their responsibility to check his blatant corruption is “foul play,” is simply his bleeding in the water while surrounded by sharks.

But, no one wants a President Kamala either, so, Lame Duck Joe will be kept just above zombie status and allowed to serve out his term. Kamala will likely get rejected, once again, by even the Democrat primary electorate.


Fake News and the Left are the dog that caught the car. Have fun with that!
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What's next for the GOP?

A couple of very interesting pieces this morning. ..
Actually they are run of the mill garbage completely lacking in insight of the issues they claim to explicate.
... Interestingly, much of what they cover includes what we've been talking about here. ...
That's because you guys regurgitate the same talking points like mindless parrots.
... The anti-Trump types like the Lincoln Project know damn well that he has a vice-like grip on the party, and will even have to consider running separate candidates, which we haven't really talked about here...
They can do whatever they want, we don't want them. You are welcome to them. Further, they already tried this crap when they ran Evan McMuffin.
... The party is so afraid of Trump...
Fake News. Trump was good to the party, that's why we chose him over Jeb!, the choice of the Lincoln Project Pukes.
in fact, that they're not even engaging in the traditional post-mortem for fear of angering him...
Holy crap....
Fake News. They are free to do whatever they want, they are dead to us. The 74 million who voted for Trump are the most unified group in the nation, we run our party. The Dems? Stole the primaries from Bernie twice, stole the general from Trump, and cannot even pretend to win anymore without wholesale cheating. That door was cracked open for you slightly wider than usual because of the Pandemic, but, with the dried up old hag, Nancy, STILL holding up COVID aid even while millions have been forcibly idled, the whole country has your number now. Looks like you'll have to be satisfied with watching the horrid Dem establishment knife AOC.
... At the same time, they did do better than expected down ticket (or was it the Democrats doing worse than expected?), so that just muddies the waters even more. So what do the next few years look like for the GOP? ...
We kicked your asses, you just managed to steal enough states for Biden to win with stacks of ballot with only Biden votes delivered in the middle of the night while the counting was supposedly "stopped".

You have a washed up old Lame Duck who will lose the House in 2022 and the GOP will retake the Presidency in 2024.

Illegitimate Joe will get little done and spend most of his time running from the Special Counsel investigation

Biden thinks attacking Hunter is foul play
Placeholder Image
Fair game.

Biden whines to Colbert that he still plans to pursue relationships with Republican leadership, even though they participated in attacks on Hunter as a way to “get to me.”

Biden spox Andrew Bates tried to clean up after Illegitimate Lame Duck Joe's Biiden attacks US Attorney” narrative Fake News CBS reporter Bo Erickson floated it on Twitter. Bates provided the full context of Colbert’s question, in which the Late Night host explicitly framed the issue of those who “use your adult son as a cudgel against you”:

Pointing out all of the questions and troublesome connections that Hunter Biden, and for that matter Joe’s brothers James and Frank, have cultivated over the years is not “foul play” at all. Hunter’s no adolescent or grammar-school child; he’s older than some of the Democrats who ran against his father. Given that these Bidens keep seeming to make $BILLIONS off of their connections to Illegitimate Lame Duck Joe, including Joe’s policy areas and interests, the putrid stench of corruption is real. And now that Biden’s president, those family connections will bear even more scrutiny.

Biden wants to preclude that by promising to roll over for the GOP in exchange for an end to questions about the business operations of the other Bidens. Republicans in Congress won't take that deal. While Illegitimate Lame Duck Joe needs the GOP very badly, illegitimate lame duck Joe, destroyed, works very well for the GOP and they have zero incentive to help illegitimate Lame Duck Joe have any success on his anti- American Worker agenda. His thrashing about claiming that the exercise of their responsibility to check his blatant corruption is “foul play,” is simply his bleeding in the water while surrounded by sharks.

But, no one wants a President Kamala either, so, Lame Duck Joe will be kept just above zombie status and allowed to serve out his term. Kamala will likely get rejected, once again, by even the Democrat primary electorate.

View attachment 431112
Fake News and the Left are the dog that caught the car.

The DEMS.......
cannot even pretend to win anymore without wholesale cheating

You, better figure out what the cheating is because you lost 60 times mostly in conservative courts.

Sounds like your game plan for Trumpism to win again will be rooting out and ending wholesale cheating by the DEMS.

If Trump and his seventy million strong cult following can’t find real evidence of cheating in this last go around anywhere and not in Republican controlled states how in the hell are you going to find it when your master and god-like saint has zero authority and power over anything in thirty days?

All Trump will have is the money the gullible will send him. And if you think he spends it investigating the election fraud conspiracy theories he has glommed onto you are even dumber than you’ve been so far.
This is a very large part of why Trump won in 2016 and why the Dems underperformed in November. The Regressive Left wing of the party -- the illiberal, authoritarian end that pushes Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture -- has damaged the party considerably.
You're describing the WHOLE FUCKING PARTY.

There are no more liberals in the Dem party. They all bailed. It's a goose-stepping commie fest.

Guess if you took the effort of actually talking with some Democrats, you'd probably realize many of them are decent human beings, rather than the silly caricatures the Trump fake news machine wants you to believe they are.

Considering how many Reps still cling to Trump and fail to defend the Constitution against Trump's attempts to piss on it, looks like they're in lockstep to me... but I'm pretty sure there must still be many decent people among them. It's just about time they finally speak up again.
They can't do that. I don't know how familiar you are with the alternate universe they have created, but they are conditioned to avoid / ignore / dismiss anything they are provided in their ideological ecosystem as "fake news" and "commie lies". This alternate universe is now entirely self-sustaining and fully functional. They have their reality, the rest of the country and world has another.

I'm being dead serious. This is what we're dealing with here.

Yeah, I have a vague idea about this problem ... over here in Germany, we have such a faction as well. Fortunately, it's still relatively small, the only party that panders to them and fuels their ideas is the far-right AfD, but it only gets around 10% of the votes and is shunned by all other parties, including the moderate right. Hope it stays that way.

But it's really scary to imagine they might rise in numbers. You got them siding with conspiracy ideologues denying Covid, watching racist anti-immigrant fake news online and watching Russian propaganda like RT News that rallys them up against our free, republican system. Really disgusting.

I'd call them what they are, traitors, but the problem is that won't bring us any further and will convince none of them.
Well, try to look at us as a cautionary tale. You went through the 30s and 40s with something similar in a few ways. You made it, but not before a great deal of damage was done. It's difficult for many of us to understand how this is happening. We thought that history taught us something.

I have a brother who lives in London, and as goofy as things are there now, he's just stunned by what he's seeing coming from us. We're in regression right now, and we have to find a way past this. Soon.

Yes, it's especially the division in America that worries me a lot. Looks like you guys can't even agree anymore what's facts and the truth.

As you say, we had such a massive division over here, too, in the 1920s... with genuine communists on one side winning more than 20% of the vote, and genuine fascists on the other winning 30-40% ... and a far-right media corporation owning more than 50% of the papers and radio stations at that time spreading fake news. Both sides were no longer capable of even agreeing on reality.

We all know how that ended: One side finally got the power, did away with the republic and murdered the other side in camps and gas chambers.

Fingers crossed.
The left has finally got power.. It's only a matter of time until they open up the camps and fire up the gas chambers.
The DEMS.......
cannot even pretend to win anymore without wholesale cheating

You, better figure out what the cheating is because you lost 60 times mostly in conservative courts.

Sounds like your game plan for Trumpism to win again will be rooting out and ending wholesale cheating by the DEMS.

If Trump and his seventy million strong cult following can’t find real evidence of cheating in this last go around anywhere and not in Republican controlled states how in the hell are you going to find it when your master and god-like saint has zero authority and power over anything in thirty days?

All Trump will have is the money the gullible will send him. And if you think he spends it investigating the election fraud conspiracy theories he has glommed onto you are even dumber than you’ve been so far.
The losses were almost entirely over procedural issues.
“I really hope this party comes back to its senses.”
And realize what? That they have the most popular, most desired politician of all time on their side?

You mean that politician who just lost the election with a margin of 7 million votes and handles losing worse than the average six year old?

Yeah, the almost dead dude wearing the Depends, the dude who can’t fill a small parking lot with supporters.

How many Republicans have garnered 74,000,000 LEGITIMATE votes?

Those who ran against a Democrat who garnered 81,000,000 legitimate votes. :p
10 million were fraudulent.

That African Americans, Americans of color, and other minorities voted doesn’t make those votes ‘fraudulent.’
It does when they aren't elligable to vote. Dead people voted. People in other states voted. Illegal aliens voted, and millions of votes were manufactures in someone's house and shipped across state lines.
Republicans are being short sighted
Pandering to the MAGA crowd may help them win with the older, white Christians who fear their loss of power.
But younger Americans and minorities are repulsed by the actions of the far right. They are lost forever
Might be true, but the Dems are making a big mistake if they assume too much. They're certainly capable of going too far, as well.

This is why I don't like seeing the GOP turn into a fuckin' psycho ward like this. We need (at least) two strong parties.

When I checked the website of the Dem's national convention in 2016, it took me 15 minutes of clicking around until I saw the first picture of a white male who wasn't obviously depicted as gay.

It's all nice and fine when Democrats care for the issues of non-whites and other minorities ... but if they give a damn about white workers, they shouldn't be surprised when 70% of them then vote for someone like Trump.
This is a very large part of why Trump won in 2016 and why the Dems underperformed in November. The Regressive Left wing of the party -- the illiberal, authoritarian end that pushes Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture -- has damaged the party considerably.

And, just as the Trumpsters are refusing to look clearly and honestly in the mirror, so is the Regressive Left. As I always say, the two ends of our political spectrum can be comically similar in their behaviors.

We are NOT using mob violence to terrorize our enemies, and arresting people that defend themselves.

So, the similarities, are not very impressive.
He does not seem to care, and in fact has shown that he revels in the "fuck you" he is watching. I would conclude that he does not believe that we are dead fucking serious.

Texas is GONE. Leaving. It may not be this year, or next year, but the sentiment is real and serious. We are getting the fuck out one way or another. If it's peaceful, great. But, I suspect that the powerbrokers will not give up on the world's 10th largest economy that easily. I am at peace with that eventuality and will die for it.

I don't know how this will shake out

I do know that if they want to marginalize and oppress the single largest ethnic group in the country, that there will be civil unrest that will START at the level of the 60s and grow from there.

I do.
Biden is President.
You won't do shit.
Please keep saying that.

The more you run your shrill mouth, the more this becomes likely:


Your pictures make you look so brave! Behind your keyboard!
He did this all day yesterday. He thinks this is threatening somehow.

Go. Split. Take Texas. There's plenty of room for all you paranoids to shoot your guns at trees.


Except, you dems would not let him/us go. You would fight. So, you are talking shit. Again.
I'm just trying to help you guys with your feelz.

You keep talking about civil war and secession, so I'm just trying to help.

Dismissing our grievances as "feelz" is you throwing gasoline on the fire. People are dying in the streets and you are still fanning the flames of division and partisan hate.

Does that seem like a good idea to you, or have you just stopped thinking?

The problem is today those so called grieviences that have festered in white males for 40 years do not matter to the younger generation. They are tired of the whining, voting for old white men who simply feed what they want to hear, do nothing to fix the problems, simply feed the lobbyists who support them.

I actually hear this in my own family and listening to others. The generation of anger is slowly dying out, the young are moving in and if you do not keep up you will be knocked aside.

Just like the older Greatest Generation built the Middle Class the View attachment 430670Baby Boomers tore it down. Now the young are fed up. It will not happen over night but you are seeing the last gasps of White superiority.

We have had a bi-partisan consensus against ws, since the dems flipped on the issue in the mid 60s.

That you pretend that our grievances TODAY, are about that, is infuriating and unjust.

The young? As they grow up and have to deal with the fact that they are second class citizens, will wake up.

The first time they don't get a job they deserve, because, WS, they might suck it up as deserved.

The second and third too.

When they have a family that they can't provide for, because of ws, and people like you are telling them to suck it up, because ws,

they will eventually wake up.

And, they will realize that they were lied to. A lot. And fucked. A lot.
So how do you propose to turn back the clock? Of course the set asides,busing, other things were not handled well by Congress. They actually destroyed the cities with that ill advised rule. I have talked to many black parents who moved with us to the suburbs because they wanted their Schools fixed, not bused to the other side of town We all now live in an integrated suburb, vey happy.

I am not going to tell you there was not good reason years ago. I just know the young do not carry all those grievances and they are voting like crazy. They have other concerns. Their classmates being shot down, College expenses out of sight, decent well paying jobs, Climate Change.

Don't put words in my mouth. I said nothing of "clock".

That is your stupid talk of ws, still.

I was talking about our ACTUAL grievances. Perhaps if you are going to address my post, do me the courtesy of addressing what I actually said.

Step one, drop the ws shit. YOu know that is fucking bullshit and when you throw it, you are being a fucking monkey.
I addressed your grievances. You just do not like what I answered. You can carry a grievance for the rest of your life, wallow in it, does not solve one problem you have. You can do that or move on, improve your life. The choice is yours alone.

Jobs are lost, people lose loved ones, adversity happens to all of us. What you do with the rest of your life is up to you. Men and Women went back, learned new skills when all the plants closed in the Bush recession, moved on to be more successful. Others are still whining today. Life is what you make it, trust me, I know.

1. No, you called me a ws and addressed that. That was you being an asshole.

2. My life and the lives of my people, have been and will continue to be negatively impacted by your side's polices. That is a source of grievance that we cannot walk away from, because it is you with the power of government coming after us.

3. That you dismiss that as "whining" is just you being an asshole. Do you like seeing people die in the streets? Because this is how you get people dying in the streets.

And your sides policies delivered huge deficits, giant bailouts, couldn't hit 3% gdp growth, most pandemic deaths, failed to give the best healthcare. Your sides policies are a failure.

I disagree with your analysis but the point is, that they were not targeted with the intent of causing harm to a group of Americans, and marginalizing them.

IN the context of this discussion, that you jumped into, your comment is off topic.
Well what do you disagree with? Record deficits, trillion dollar last year before the pandemic. Trumps tariffs hurt manufacturing and led to the giant farmer bailout. trump did not hit 3% gdp growth. We do have the most pandemic deaths. He failed on healthcare. Your policies are a failure. Post trump gop better find some policy that works.

DOesn't matter. It is off topic. What part of off topic did you not get?

Oh, wait. I get it. YOu know that your side's polices ARE targeted to harm people like me, and you support that and want to derail the discussion to hide that fact.

I understand now.

Ok. I busted you, this is the part where you stone wall. Some personal attacks as additional distraction is normal.

I just explained how your policy hurt the whole country. Clearly you can't defend the failures.

Weak. Couldn't even work in a wace card play.

My point stands.

We have had a bi-partisan consensus against ws, since the dems flipped on the issue in the mid 60s.

That you pretend that our grievances TODAY, are about that, is infuriating and unjust.

The young? As they grow up and have to deal with the fact that they are second class citizens, will wake up.

The first time they don't get a job they deserve, because, WS, they might suck it up as deserved.

The second and third too.

When they have a family that they can't provide for, because of ws, and people like you are telling them to suck it up, because ws,

they will eventually wake up.

And, they will realize that they were lied to. A lot. And fucked. A lot.
What are you babbling about? The policy you support is a failure.

Which is irrelevant to the discussion you joined.

As I explained to you.

And I further called that you would now stonewall. As you are doing.
It's very telling you can't defend all the failed policy. You must really hate your country.
What failed policy?
Well lets see economically he couldn't even hit 3% gdp growth. He promised his tax cuts would deliver 4-6% growth, instead they just delivered a giant trillion dollar deficit. Tariffs hurt manufacturing and led to the giant farmer bailout. We have the most pandemic deaths. Mexico didn't pay for a wall. We didn't get the greatest healthcare. The failures are many.
Republicans are being short sighted
Pandering to the MAGA crowd may help them win with the older, white Christians who fear their loss of power.
But younger Americans and minorities are repulsed by the actions of the far right. They are lost forever
Might be true, but the Dems are making a big mistake if they assume too much. They're certainly capable of going too far, as well.

This is why I don't like seeing the GOP turn into a fuckin' psycho ward like this. We need (at least) two strong parties.

When I checked the website of the Dem's national convention in 2016, it took me 15 minutes of clicking around until I saw the first picture of a white male who wasn't obviously depicted as gay.

It's all nice and fine when Democrats care for the issues of non-whites and other minorities ... but if they give a damn about white workers, they shouldn't be surprised when 70% of them then vote for someone like Trump.
This is a very large part of why Trump won in 2016 and why the Dems underperformed in November. The Regressive Left wing of the party -- the illiberal, authoritarian end that pushes Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture -- has damaged the party considerably.

And, just as the Trumpsters are refusing to look clearly and honestly in the mirror, so is the Regressive Left. As I always say, the two ends of our political spectrum can be comically similar in their behaviors.

We are NOT using mob violence to terrorize our enemies, and arresting people that defend themselves.

So, the similarities, are not very impressive.
He does not seem to care, and in fact has shown that he revels in the "fuck you" he is watching. I would conclude that he does not believe that we are dead fucking serious.

Texas is GONE. Leaving. It may not be this year, or next year, but the sentiment is real and serious. We are getting the fuck out one way or another. If it's peaceful, great. But, I suspect that the powerbrokers will not give up on the world's 10th largest economy that easily. I am at peace with that eventuality and will die for it.

I don't know how this will shake out

I do know that if they want to marginalize and oppress the single largest ethnic group in the country, that there will be civil unrest that will START at the level of the 60s and grow from there.

I do.
Biden is President.
You won't do shit.
Please keep saying that.

The more you run your shrill mouth, the more this becomes likely:


Your pictures make you look so brave! Behind your keyboard!
He did this all day yesterday. He thinks this is threatening somehow.

Go. Split. Take Texas. There's plenty of room for all you paranoids to shoot your guns at trees.


Except, you dems would not let him/us go. You would fight. So, you are talking shit. Again.
I'm just trying to help you guys with your feelz.

You keep talking about civil war and secession, so I'm just trying to help.

Dismissing our grievances as "feelz" is you throwing gasoline on the fire. People are dying in the streets and you are still fanning the flames of division and partisan hate.

Does that seem like a good idea to you, or have you just stopped thinking?

The problem is today those so called grieviences that have festered in white males for 40 years do not matter to the younger generation. They are tired of the whining, voting for old white men who simply feed what they want to hear, do nothing to fix the problems, simply feed the lobbyists who support them.

I actually hear this in my own family and listening to others. The generation of anger is slowly dying out, the young are moving in and if you do not keep up you will be knocked aside.

Just like the older Greatest Generation built the Middle Class the View attachment 430670Baby Boomers tore it down. Now the young are fed up. It will not happen over night but you are seeing the last gasps of White superiority.

We have had a bi-partisan consensus against ws, since the dems flipped on the issue in the mid 60s.

That you pretend that our grievances TODAY, are about that, is infuriating and unjust.

The young? As they grow up and have to deal with the fact that they are second class citizens, will wake up.

The first time they don't get a job they deserve, because, WS, they might suck it up as deserved.

The second and third too.

When they have a family that they can't provide for, because of ws, and people like you are telling them to suck it up, because ws,

they will eventually wake up.

And, they will realize that they were lied to. A lot. And fucked. A lot.
So how do you propose to turn back the clock? Of course the set asides,busing, other things were not handled well by Congress. They actually destroyed the cities with that ill advised rule. I have talked to many black parents who moved with us to the suburbs because they wanted their Schools fixed, not bused to the other side of town We all now live in an integrated suburb, vey happy.

I am not going to tell you there was not good reason years ago. I just know the young do not carry all those grievances and they are voting like crazy. They have other concerns. Their classmates being shot down, College expenses out of sight, decent well paying jobs, Climate Change.

Don't put words in my mouth. I said nothing of "clock".

That is your stupid talk of ws, still.

I was talking about our ACTUAL grievances. Perhaps if you are going to address my post, do me the courtesy of addressing what I actually said.

Step one, drop the ws shit. YOu know that is fucking bullshit and when you throw it, you are being a fucking monkey.
I addressed your grievances. You just do not like what I answered. You can carry a grievance for the rest of your life, wallow in it, does not solve one problem you have. You can do that or move on, improve your life. The choice is yours alone.

Jobs are lost, people lose loved ones, adversity happens to all of us. What you do with the rest of your life is up to you. Men and Women went back, learned new skills when all the plants closed in the Bush recession, moved on to be more successful. Others are still whining today. Life is what you make it, trust me, I know.

1. No, you called me a ws and addressed that. That was you being an asshole.

2. My life and the lives of my people, have been and will continue to be negatively impacted by your side's polices. That is a source of grievance that we cannot walk away from, because it is you with the power of government coming after us.

3. That you dismiss that as "whining" is just you being an asshole. Do you like seeing people die in the streets? Because this is how you get people dying in the streets.

And your sides policies delivered huge deficits, giant bailouts, couldn't hit 3% gdp growth, most pandemic deaths, failed to give the best healthcare. Your sides policies are a failure.

I disagree with your analysis but the point is, that they were not targeted with the intent of causing harm to a group of Americans, and marginalizing them.

IN the context of this discussion, that you jumped into, your comment is off topic.
Well what do you disagree with? Record deficits, trillion dollar last year before the pandemic. Trumps tariffs hurt manufacturing and led to the giant farmer bailout. trump did not hit 3% gdp growth. We do have the most pandemic deaths. He failed on healthcare. Your policies are a failure. Post trump gop better find some policy that works.

DOesn't matter. It is off topic. What part of off topic did you not get?

Oh, wait. I get it. YOu know that your side's polices ARE targeted to harm people like me, and you support that and want to derail the discussion to hide that fact.

I understand now.

Ok. I busted you, this is the part where you stone wall. Some personal attacks as additional distraction is normal.

I just explained how your policy hurt the whole country. Clearly you can't defend the failures.

Weak. Couldn't even work in a wace card play.

My point stands.

We have had a bi-partisan consensus against ws, since the dems flipped on the issue in the mid 60s.

That you pretend that our grievances TODAY, are about that, is infuriating and unjust.

The young? As they grow up and have to deal with the fact that they are second class citizens, will wake up.

The first time they don't get a job they deserve, because, WS, they might suck it up as deserved.

The second and third too.

When they have a family that they can't provide for, because of ws, and people like you are telling them to suck it up, because ws,

they will eventually wake up.

And, they will realize that they were lied to. A lot. And fucked. A lot.
What are you babbling about? The policy you support is a failure.

Which is irrelevant to the discussion you joined.

As I explained to you.

And I further called that you would now stonewall. As you are doing.
It's very telling you can't defend all the failed policy. You must really hate your country.
What failed policy?
Well lets see economically he couldn't even hit 3% gdp growth. He promised his tax cuts would deliver 4-6% growth, instead they just delivered a giant trillion dollar deficit. Tariffs hurt manufacturing and led to the giant farmer bailout. We have the most pandemic deaths. Mexico didn't pay for a wall. We didn't get the greatest healthcare. The failures are many.
Remember, in their world, that's either (a) fake news or (b) someone else's fault.
The Democrats are a mess, the Republicans have gone power crazy & think they can do or say anything & the party first supporters will not say a word.

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