The Post-Trump GOP

There is a civil war being fought within the Republican party.

I don't see it.

Its certainly a possibility that President Trump might leave the Republican Party to the Bushes and Romneys and McCains. But he won't have to fight for control. He'll just let it go.
Why does trump have support after being such a giant failure? Huge deficits, giant bailouts, most pandemic deaths, tariffs that hurt manufacturing, didn't deliver the best healthcare.... It's like republicans are a bunch of loser who like failure.
Republicans are being short sighted
Pandering to the MAGA crowd may help them win with the older, white Christians who fear their loss of power.
But younger Americans and minorities are repulsed by the actions of the far right. They are lost forever
Might be true, but the Dems are making a big mistake if they assume too much. They're certainly capable of going too far, as well.

This is why I don't like seeing the GOP turn into a fuckin' psycho ward like this. We need (at least) two strong parties.

When I checked the website of the Dem's national convention in 2016, it took me 15 minutes of clicking around until I saw the first picture of a white male who wasn't obviously depicted as gay.

It's all nice and fine when Democrats care for the issues of non-whites and other minorities ... but if they give a damn about white workers, they shouldn't be surprised when 70% of them then vote for someone like Trump.
This is a very large part of why Trump won in 2016 and why the Dems underperformed in November. The Regressive Left wing of the party -- the illiberal, authoritarian end that pushes Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture -- has damaged the party considerably.

And, just as the Trumpsters are refusing to look clearly and honestly in the mirror, so is the Regressive Left. As I always say, the two ends of our political spectrum can be comically similar in their behaviors.

We are NOT using mob violence to terrorize our enemies, and arresting people that defend themselves.

So, the similarities, are not very impressive.
He does not seem to care, and in fact has shown that he revels in the "fuck you" he is watching. I would conclude that he does not believe that we are dead fucking serious.

Texas is GONE. Leaving. It may not be this year, or next year, but the sentiment is real and serious. We are getting the fuck out one way or another. If it's peaceful, great. But, I suspect that the powerbrokers will not give up on the world's 10th largest economy that easily. I am at peace with that eventuality and will die for it.

I don't know how this will shake out

I do know that if they want to marginalize and oppress the single largest ethnic group in the country, that there will be civil unrest that will START at the level of the 60s and grow from there.

I do.
Biden is President.
You won't do shit.
Please keep saying that.

The more you run your shrill mouth, the more this becomes likely:


Your pictures make you look so brave! Behind your keyboard!
He did this all day yesterday. He thinks this is threatening somehow.

Go. Split. Take Texas. There's plenty of room for all you paranoids to shoot your guns at trees.


Except, you dems would not let him/us go. You would fight. So, you are talking shit. Again.
I'm just trying to help you guys with your feelz.

You keep talking about civil war and secession, so I'm just trying to help.

Dismissing our grievances as "feelz" is you throwing gasoline on the fire. People are dying in the streets and you are still fanning the flames of division and partisan hate.

Does that seem like a good idea to you, or have you just stopped thinking?

The problem is today those so called grieviences that have festered in white males for 40 years do not matter to the younger generation. They are tired of the whining, voting for old white men who simply feed what they want to hear, do nothing to fix the problems, simply feed the lobbyists who support them.

I actually hear this in my own family and listening to others. The generation of anger is slowly dying out, the young are moving in and if you do not keep up you will be knocked aside.

Just like the older Greatest Generation built the Middle Class the View attachment 430670Baby Boomers tore it down. Now the young are fed up. It will not happen over night but you are seeing the last gasps of White superiority.

This is funny but it shows those wanting Civil War.

View attachment 430670and I watched it happen over 40/ 50 years.
The world is changing, their country is changing, and there are people who make their living doing little more than feeding their anger, frustration and paranoia.

So, in their emotional state, they'd rather "fight" some all-or-nothing "war" than intelligently play a part in managing the change. All that does is make things worse.

So, those who make their living doing little more than feeding their anger, frustration and paranoia have more material to work with, and the cycle just continues.
Trump, Mitch, many others, Gym Jordan, Steve Scalise, too many to name just feed the misplaced anger so now the crazies are taking over!

Call us crazy and ws some more. And then act like our anger is something wrong with us.

YEah, keep it up.
Are you reading my posts or just ranting?
He can’t post without ranting
Perpetual anger

I get angry, when people are assholes.

You people, are always assholes.

Cause and effect. A concept you are too fucking stupid to understand.

<sob> It’s not my fault.....People are MEAN to me
Did I really call him a WS? Whatever that is.
There is a civil war being fought within the Republican party.

I don't see it.

Its certainly a possibility that President Trump might leave the Republican Party to the Bushes and Romneys and McCains. But he won't have to fight for control. He'll just let it go.
Why does trump have support after being such a giant failure? Huge deficits, giant bailouts, most pandemic deaths, tariffs that hurt manufacturing, didn't deliver the best healthcare.... It's like republicans are a bunch of loser who like failure.

Trump feeds their desire to blame anyone but me. He does the same thing, especially now that he lost the election.
Republicans are being short sighted
Pandering to the MAGA crowd may help them win with the older, white Christians who fear their loss of power.
But younger Americans and minorities are repulsed by the actions of the far right. They are lost forever
Might be true, but the Dems are making a big mistake if they assume too much. They're certainly capable of going too far, as well.

This is why I don't like seeing the GOP turn into a fuckin' psycho ward like this. We need (at least) two strong parties.

When I checked the website of the Dem's national convention in 2016, it took me 15 minutes of clicking around until I saw the first picture of a white male who wasn't obviously depicted as gay.

It's all nice and fine when Democrats care for the issues of non-whites and other minorities ... but if they give a damn about white workers, they shouldn't be surprised when 70% of them then vote for someone like Trump.
This is a very large part of why Trump won in 2016 and why the Dems underperformed in November. The Regressive Left wing of the party -- the illiberal, authoritarian end that pushes Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture -- has damaged the party considerably.

And, just as the Trumpsters are refusing to look clearly and honestly in the mirror, so is the Regressive Left. As I always say, the two ends of our political spectrum can be comically similar in their behaviors.

We are NOT using mob violence to terrorize our enemies, and arresting people that defend themselves.

So, the similarities, are not very impressive.
He does not seem to care, and in fact has shown that he revels in the "fuck you" he is watching. I would conclude that he does not believe that we are dead fucking serious.

Texas is GONE. Leaving. It may not be this year, or next year, but the sentiment is real and serious. We are getting the fuck out one way or another. If it's peaceful, great. But, I suspect that the powerbrokers will not give up on the world's 10th largest economy that easily. I am at peace with that eventuality and will die for it.

I don't know how this will shake out

I do know that if they want to marginalize and oppress the single largest ethnic group in the country, that there will be civil unrest that will START at the level of the 60s and grow from there.

I do.
Biden is President.
You won't do shit.
Please keep saying that.

The more you run your shrill mouth, the more this becomes likely:


Your pictures make you look so brave! Behind your keyboard!
He did this all day yesterday. He thinks this is threatening somehow.

Go. Split. Take Texas. There's plenty of room for all you paranoids to shoot your guns at trees.


Except, you dems would not let him/us go. You would fight. So, you are talking shit. Again.
I'm just trying to help you guys with your feelz.

You keep talking about civil war and secession, so I'm just trying to help.

Dismissing our grievances as "feelz" is you throwing gasoline on the fire. People are dying in the streets and you are still fanning the flames of division and partisan hate.

Does that seem like a good idea to you, or have you just stopped thinking?

The problem is today those so called grieviences that have festered in white males for 40 years do not matter to the younger generation. They are tired of the whining, voting for old white men who simply feed what they want to hear, do nothing to fix the problems, simply feed the lobbyists who support them.

I actually hear this in my own family and listening to others. The generation of anger is slowly dying out, the young are moving in and if you do not keep up you will be knocked aside.

Just like the older Greatest Generation built the Middle Class the View attachment 430670Baby Boomers tore it down. Now the young are fed up. It will not happen over night but you are seeing the last gasps of White superiority.

We have had a bi-partisan consensus against ws, since the dems flipped on the issue in the mid 60s.

That you pretend that our grievances TODAY, are about that, is infuriating and unjust.

The young? As they grow up and have to deal with the fact that they are second class citizens, will wake up.

The first time they don't get a job they deserve, because, WS, they might suck it up as deserved.

The second and third too.

When they have a family that they can't provide for, because of ws, and people like you are telling them to suck it up, because ws,

they will eventually wake up.

And, they will realize that they were lied to. A lot. And fucked. A lot.
So how do you propose to turn back the clock? Of course the set asides,busing, other things were not handled well by Congress. They actually destroyed the cities with that ill advised rule. I have talked to many black parents who moved with us to the suburbs because they wanted their Schools fixed, not bused to the other side of town We all now live in an integrated suburb, vey happy.

I am not going to tell you there was not good reason years ago. I just know the young do not carry all those grievances and they are voting like crazy. They have other concerns. Their classmates being shot down, College expenses out of sight, decent well paying jobs, Climate Change.

Don't put words in my mouth. I said nothing of "clock".

That is your stupid talk of ws, still.

I was talking about our ACTUAL grievances. Perhaps if you are going to address my post, do me the courtesy of addressing what I actually said.

Step one, drop the ws shit. YOu know that is fucking bullshit and when you throw it, you are being a fucking monkey.
I addressed your grievances. You just do not like what I answered. You can carry a grievance for the rest of your life, wallow in it, does not solve one problem you have. You can do that or move on, improve your life. The choice is yours alone.

Jobs are lost, people lose loved ones, adversity happens to all of us. What you do with the rest of your life is up to you. Men and Women went back, learned new skills when all the plants closed in the Bush recession, moved on to be more successful. Others are still whining today. Life is what you make it, trust me, I know.

1. No, you called me a ws and addressed that. That was you being an asshole.

2. My life and the lives of my people, have been and will continue to be negatively impacted by your side's polices. That is a source of grievance that we cannot walk away from, because it is you with the power of government coming after us.

3. That you dismiss that as "whining" is just you being an asshole. Do you like seeing people die in the streets? Because this is how you get people dying in the streets.
Republicans are being short sighted
Pandering to the MAGA crowd may help them win with the older, white Christians who fear their loss of power.
But younger Americans and minorities are repulsed by the actions of the far right. They are lost forever
Might be true, but the Dems are making a big mistake if they assume too much. They're certainly capable of going too far, as well.

This is why I don't like seeing the GOP turn into a fuckin' psycho ward like this. We need (at least) two strong parties.

When I checked the website of the Dem's national convention in 2016, it took me 15 minutes of clicking around until I saw the first picture of a white male who wasn't obviously depicted as gay.

It's all nice and fine when Democrats care for the issues of non-whites and other minorities ... but if they give a damn about white workers, they shouldn't be surprised when 70% of them then vote for someone like Trump.
This is a very large part of why Trump won in 2016 and why the Dems underperformed in November. The Regressive Left wing of the party -- the illiberal, authoritarian end that pushes Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture -- has damaged the party considerably.

And, just as the Trumpsters are refusing to look clearly and honestly in the mirror, so is the Regressive Left. As I always say, the two ends of our political spectrum can be comically similar in their behaviors.

We are NOT using mob violence to terrorize our enemies, and arresting people that defend themselves.

So, the similarities, are not very impressive.
He does not seem to care, and in fact has shown that he revels in the "fuck you" he is watching. I would conclude that he does not believe that we are dead fucking serious.

Texas is GONE. Leaving. It may not be this year, or next year, but the sentiment is real and serious. We are getting the fuck out one way or another. If it's peaceful, great. But, I suspect that the powerbrokers will not give up on the world's 10th largest economy that easily. I am at peace with that eventuality and will die for it.

I don't know how this will shake out

I do know that if they want to marginalize and oppress the single largest ethnic group in the country, that there will be civil unrest that will START at the level of the 60s and grow from there.

I do.
Biden is President.
You won't do shit.
Please keep saying that.

The more you run your shrill mouth, the more this becomes likely:


Your pictures make you look so brave! Behind your keyboard!
He did this all day yesterday. He thinks this is threatening somehow.

Go. Split. Take Texas. There's plenty of room for all you paranoids to shoot your guns at trees.


Except, you dems would not let him/us go. You would fight. So, you are talking shit. Again.
I'm just trying to help you guys with your feelz.

You keep talking about civil war and secession, so I'm just trying to help.

Dismissing our grievances as "feelz" is you throwing gasoline on the fire. People are dying in the streets and you are still fanning the flames of division and partisan hate.

Does that seem like a good idea to you, or have you just stopped thinking?

The problem is today those so called grieviences that have festered in white males for 40 years do not matter to the younger generation. They are tired of the whining, voting for old white men who simply feed what they want to hear, do nothing to fix the problems, simply feed the lobbyists who support them.

I actually hear this in my own family and listening to others. The generation of anger is slowly dying out, the young are moving in and if you do not keep up you will be knocked aside.

Just like the older Greatest Generation built the Middle Class the View attachment 430670Baby Boomers tore it down. Now the young are fed up. It will not happen over night but you are seeing the last gasps of White superiority.

This is funny but it shows those wanting Civil War.

View attachment 430670and I watched it happen over 40/ 50 years.
The world is changing, their country is changing, and there are people who make their living doing little more than feeding their anger, frustration and paranoia.

So, in their emotional state, they'd rather "fight" some all-or-nothing "war" than intelligently play a part in managing the change. All that does is make things worse.

So, those who make their living doing little more than feeding their anger, frustration and paranoia have more material to work with, and the cycle just continues.
Trump, Mitch, many others, Gym Jordan, Steve Scalise, too many to name just feed the misplaced anger so now the crazies are taking over!

Call us crazy and ws some more. And then act like our anger is something wrong with us.

YEah, keep it up.
Are you reading my posts or just ranting?

My point was clear and concise. Your pretense otherwise, is just you gaslighting.

Knock that shit off.
See? Once again, blame me for your grievances You can not seem to let go.

Actually, no. I blamed you for your asshole gaslighting behavior.

And told you to knock it off.

You know, words actually mean shit. Please try to limit your replies to words that actually have meaning that have SOME connection to what I said.
Republicans are being short sighted
Pandering to the MAGA crowd may help them win with the older, white Christians who fear their loss of power.
But younger Americans and minorities are repulsed by the actions of the far right. They are lost forever
Might be true, but the Dems are making a big mistake if they assume too much. They're certainly capable of going too far, as well.

This is why I don't like seeing the GOP turn into a fuckin' psycho ward like this. We need (at least) two strong parties.

When I checked the website of the Dem's national convention in 2016, it took me 15 minutes of clicking around until I saw the first picture of a white male who wasn't obviously depicted as gay.

It's all nice and fine when Democrats care for the issues of non-whites and other minorities ... but if they give a damn about white workers, they shouldn't be surprised when 70% of them then vote for someone like Trump.
This is a very large part of why Trump won in 2016 and why the Dems underperformed in November. The Regressive Left wing of the party -- the illiberal, authoritarian end that pushes Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture -- has damaged the party considerably.

And, just as the Trumpsters are refusing to look clearly and honestly in the mirror, so is the Regressive Left. As I always say, the two ends of our political spectrum can be comically similar in their behaviors.

We are NOT using mob violence to terrorize our enemies, and arresting people that defend themselves.

So, the similarities, are not very impressive.
He does not seem to care, and in fact has shown that he revels in the "fuck you" he is watching. I would conclude that he does not believe that we are dead fucking serious.

Texas is GONE. Leaving. It may not be this year, or next year, but the sentiment is real and serious. We are getting the fuck out one way or another. If it's peaceful, great. But, I suspect that the powerbrokers will not give up on the world's 10th largest economy that easily. I am at peace with that eventuality and will die for it.

I don't know how this will shake out

I do know that if they want to marginalize and oppress the single largest ethnic group in the country, that there will be civil unrest that will START at the level of the 60s and grow from there.

I do.
Biden is President.
You won't do shit.
Please keep saying that.

The more you run your shrill mouth, the more this becomes likely:


Your pictures make you look so brave! Behind your keyboard!
He did this all day yesterday. He thinks this is threatening somehow.

Go. Split. Take Texas. There's plenty of room for all you paranoids to shoot your guns at trees.


Except, you dems would not let him/us go. You would fight. So, you are talking shit. Again.
I'm just trying to help you guys with your feelz.

You keep talking about civil war and secession, so I'm just trying to help.

Dismissing our grievances as "feelz" is you throwing gasoline on the fire. People are dying in the streets and you are still fanning the flames of division and partisan hate.

Does that seem like a good idea to you, or have you just stopped thinking?

The problem is today those so called grieviences that have festered in white males for 40 years do not matter to the younger generation. They are tired of the whining, voting for old white men who simply feed what they want to hear, do nothing to fix the problems, simply feed the lobbyists who support them.

I actually hear this in my own family and listening to others. The generation of anger is slowly dying out, the young are moving in and if you do not keep up you will be knocked aside.

Just like the older Greatest Generation built the Middle Class the View attachment 430670Baby Boomers tore it down. Now the young are fed up. It will not happen over night but you are seeing the last gasps of White superiority.

We have had a bi-partisan consensus against ws, since the dems flipped on the issue in the mid 60s.

That you pretend that our grievances TODAY, are about that, is infuriating and unjust.

The young? As they grow up and have to deal with the fact that they are second class citizens, will wake up.

The first time they don't get a job they deserve, because, WS, they might suck it up as deserved.

The second and third too.

When they have a family that they can't provide for, because of ws, and people like you are telling them to suck it up, because ws,

they will eventually wake up.

And, they will realize that they were lied to. A lot. And fucked. A lot.
So how do you propose to turn back the clock? Of course the set asides,busing, other things were not handled well by Congress. They actually destroyed the cities with that ill advised rule. I have talked to many black parents who moved with us to the suburbs because they wanted their Schools fixed, not bused to the other side of town We all now live in an integrated suburb, vey happy.

I am not going to tell you there was not good reason years ago. I just know the young do not carry all those grievances and they are voting like crazy. They have other concerns. Their classmates being shot down, College expenses out of sight, decent well paying jobs, Climate Change.

Don't put words in my mouth. I said nothing of "clock".

That is your stupid talk of ws, still.

I was talking about our ACTUAL grievances. Perhaps if you are going to address my post, do me the courtesy of addressing what I actually said.

Step one, drop the ws shit. YOu know that is fucking bullshit and when you throw it, you are being a fucking monkey.
I addressed your grievances. You just do not like what I answered. You can carry a grievance for the rest of your life, wallow in it, does not solve one problem you have. You can do that or move on, improve your life. The choice is yours alone.

Jobs are lost, people lose loved ones, adversity happens to all of us. What you do with the rest of your life is up to you. Men and Women went back, learned new skills when all the plants closed in the Bush recession, moved on to be more successful. Others are still whining today. Life is what you make it, trust me, I know.

1. No, you called me a ws and addressed that. That was you being an asshole.

2. My life and the lives of my people, have been and will continue to be negatively impacted by your side's polices. That is a source of grievance that we cannot walk away from, because it is you with the power of government coming after us.

3. That you dismiss that as "whining" is just you being an asshole. Do you like seeing people die in the streets? Because this is how you get people dying in the streets.
And your sides policies delivered huge deficits, giant bailouts, couldn't hit 3% gdp growth, most pandemic deaths, failed to give the best healthcare. Your sides policies are a failure.
Republicans are being short sighted
Pandering to the MAGA crowd may help them win with the older, white Christians who fear their loss of power.
But younger Americans and minorities are repulsed by the actions of the far right. They are lost forever
Might be true, but the Dems are making a big mistake if they assume too much. They're certainly capable of going too far, as well.

This is why I don't like seeing the GOP turn into a fuckin' psycho ward like this. We need (at least) two strong parties.

When I checked the website of the Dem's national convention in 2016, it took me 15 minutes of clicking around until I saw the first picture of a white male who wasn't obviously depicted as gay.

It's all nice and fine when Democrats care for the issues of non-whites and other minorities ... but if they give a damn about white workers, they shouldn't be surprised when 70% of them then vote for someone like Trump.
This is a very large part of why Trump won in 2016 and why the Dems underperformed in November. The Regressive Left wing of the party -- the illiberal, authoritarian end that pushes Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture -- has damaged the party considerably.

And, just as the Trumpsters are refusing to look clearly and honestly in the mirror, so is the Regressive Left. As I always say, the two ends of our political spectrum can be comically similar in their behaviors.

We are NOT using mob violence to terrorize our enemies, and arresting people that defend themselves.

So, the similarities, are not very impressive.
He does not seem to care, and in fact has shown that he revels in the "fuck you" he is watching. I would conclude that he does not believe that we are dead fucking serious.

Texas is GONE. Leaving. It may not be this year, or next year, but the sentiment is real and serious. We are getting the fuck out one way or another. If it's peaceful, great. But, I suspect that the powerbrokers will not give up on the world's 10th largest economy that easily. I am at peace with that eventuality and will die for it.

I don't know how this will shake out

I do know that if they want to marginalize and oppress the single largest ethnic group in the country, that there will be civil unrest that will START at the level of the 60s and grow from there.

I do.
Biden is President.
You won't do shit.
Please keep saying that.

The more you run your shrill mouth, the more this becomes likely:


Your pictures make you look so brave! Behind your keyboard!
He did this all day yesterday. He thinks this is threatening somehow.

Go. Split. Take Texas. There's plenty of room for all you paranoids to shoot your guns at trees.


Except, you dems would not let him/us go. You would fight. So, you are talking shit. Again.
I'm just trying to help you guys with your feelz.

You keep talking about civil war and secession, so I'm just trying to help.

Dismissing our grievances as "feelz" is you throwing gasoline on the fire. People are dying in the streets and you are still fanning the flames of division and partisan hate.

Does that seem like a good idea to you, or have you just stopped thinking?

The problem is today those so called grieviences that have festered in white males for 40 years do not matter to the younger generation. They are tired of the whining, voting for old white men who simply feed what they want to hear, do nothing to fix the problems, simply feed the lobbyists who support them.

I actually hear this in my own family and listening to others. The generation of anger is slowly dying out, the young are moving in and if you do not keep up you will be knocked aside.

Just like the older Greatest Generation built the Middle Class the View attachment 430670Baby Boomers tore it down. Now the young are fed up. It will not happen over night but you are seeing the last gasps of White superiority.

This is funny but it shows those wanting Civil War.

View attachment 430670and I watched it happen over 40/ 50 years.
The world is changing, their country is changing, and there are people who make their living doing little more than feeding their anger, frustration and paranoia.

So, in their emotional state, they'd rather "fight" some all-or-nothing "war" than intelligently play a part in managing the change. All that does is make things worse.

So, those who make their living doing little more than feeding their anger, frustration and paranoia have more material to work with, and the cycle just continues.
Trump, Mitch, many others, Gym Jordan, Steve Scalise, too many to name just feed the misplaced anger so now the crazies are taking over!

Call us crazy and ws some more. And then act like our anger is something wrong with us.

YEah, keep it up.
Are you reading my posts or just ranting?
He can’t post without ranting
Perpetual anger

I get angry, when people are assholes.

You people, are always assholes.

Cause and effect. A concept you are too fucking stupid to understand.

<sob> It’s not my fault.....People are MEAN to me

So, when I point out that my anger is justified by you being an asshole,

you attempt to refute that by being an asshole?

Three points.

1. You are fucking stupid.

2.. YOu lose.

3. FUck you.
Republicans are being short sighted
Pandering to the MAGA crowd may help them win with the older, white Christians who fear their loss of power.
But younger Americans and minorities are repulsed by the actions of the far right. They are lost forever
Might be true, but the Dems are making a big mistake if they assume too much. They're certainly capable of going too far, as well.

This is why I don't like seeing the GOP turn into a fuckin' psycho ward like this. We need (at least) two strong parties.

When I checked the website of the Dem's national convention in 2016, it took me 15 minutes of clicking around until I saw the first picture of a white male who wasn't obviously depicted as gay.

It's all nice and fine when Democrats care for the issues of non-whites and other minorities ... but if they give a damn about white workers, they shouldn't be surprised when 70% of them then vote for someone like Trump.
This is a very large part of why Trump won in 2016 and why the Dems underperformed in November. The Regressive Left wing of the party -- the illiberal, authoritarian end that pushes Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture -- has damaged the party considerably.

And, just as the Trumpsters are refusing to look clearly and honestly in the mirror, so is the Regressive Left. As I always say, the two ends of our political spectrum can be comically similar in their behaviors.

We are NOT using mob violence to terrorize our enemies, and arresting people that defend themselves.

So, the similarities, are not very impressive.
He does not seem to care, and in fact has shown that he revels in the "fuck you" he is watching. I would conclude that he does not believe that we are dead fucking serious.

Texas is GONE. Leaving. It may not be this year, or next year, but the sentiment is real and serious. We are getting the fuck out one way or another. If it's peaceful, great. But, I suspect that the powerbrokers will not give up on the world's 10th largest economy that easily. I am at peace with that eventuality and will die for it.

I don't know how this will shake out

I do know that if they want to marginalize and oppress the single largest ethnic group in the country, that there will be civil unrest that will START at the level of the 60s and grow from there.

I do.
Biden is President.
You won't do shit.
Please keep saying that.

The more you run your shrill mouth, the more this becomes likely:


Your pictures make you look so brave! Behind your keyboard!
He did this all day yesterday. He thinks this is threatening somehow.

Go. Split. Take Texas. There's plenty of room for all you paranoids to shoot your guns at trees.


Except, you dems would not let him/us go. You would fight. So, you are talking shit. Again.
I'm just trying to help you guys with your feelz.

You keep talking about civil war and secession, so I'm just trying to help.

Dismissing our grievances as "feelz" is you throwing gasoline on the fire. People are dying in the streets and you are still fanning the flames of division and partisan hate.

Does that seem like a good idea to you, or have you just stopped thinking?

The problem is today those so called grieviences that have festered in white males for 40 years do not matter to the younger generation. They are tired of the whining, voting for old white men who simply feed what they want to hear, do nothing to fix the problems, simply feed the lobbyists who support them.

I actually hear this in my own family and listening to others. The generation of anger is slowly dying out, the young are moving in and if you do not keep up you will be knocked aside.

Just like the older Greatest Generation built the Middle Class the View attachment 430670Baby Boomers tore it down. Now the young are fed up. It will not happen over night but you are seeing the last gasps of White superiority.

This is funny but it shows those wanting Civil War.

View attachment 430670and I watched it happen over 40/ 50 years.
The world is changing, their country is changing, and there are people who make their living doing little more than feeding their anger, frustration and paranoia.

So, in their emotional state, they'd rather "fight" some all-or-nothing "war" than intelligently play a part in managing the change. All that does is make things worse.

So, those who make their living doing little more than feeding their anger, frustration and paranoia have more material to work with, and the cycle just continues.
Trump, Mitch, many others, Gym Jordan, Steve Scalise, too many to name just feed the misplaced anger so now the crazies are taking over!

Call us crazy and ws some more. And then act like our anger is something wrong with us.

YEah, keep it up.
Are you reading my posts or just ranting?
He can’t post without ranting
Perpetual anger

I get angry, when people are assholes.

You people, are always assholes.

Cause and effect. A concept you are too fucking stupid to understand.

I have to ask, are you really that much of a failure in your personal life? Or do you just like to bitch and call names?

Says the woman that immediately called me a ws and has failed to ask ONE substance related question or make ONE statement that actually, seriously addressed my point(s).

All you have is the wace card and gaslighting. You are an asshole.
Republicans are being short sighted
Pandering to the MAGA crowd may help them win with the older, white Christians who fear their loss of power.
But younger Americans and minorities are repulsed by the actions of the far right. They are lost forever
Might be true, but the Dems are making a big mistake if they assume too much. They're certainly capable of going too far, as well.

This is why I don't like seeing the GOP turn into a fuckin' psycho ward like this. We need (at least) two strong parties.

When I checked the website of the Dem's national convention in 2016, it took me 15 minutes of clicking around until I saw the first picture of a white male who wasn't obviously depicted as gay.

It's all nice and fine when Democrats care for the issues of non-whites and other minorities ... but if they give a damn about white workers, they shouldn't be surprised when 70% of them then vote for someone like Trump.
This is a very large part of why Trump won in 2016 and why the Dems underperformed in November. The Regressive Left wing of the party -- the illiberal, authoritarian end that pushes Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture -- has damaged the party considerably.

And, just as the Trumpsters are refusing to look clearly and honestly in the mirror, so is the Regressive Left. As I always say, the two ends of our political spectrum can be comically similar in their behaviors.

We are NOT using mob violence to terrorize our enemies, and arresting people that defend themselves.

So, the similarities, are not very impressive.
He does not seem to care, and in fact has shown that he revels in the "fuck you" he is watching. I would conclude that he does not believe that we are dead fucking serious.

Texas is GONE. Leaving. It may not be this year, or next year, but the sentiment is real and serious. We are getting the fuck out one way or another. If it's peaceful, great. But, I suspect that the powerbrokers will not give up on the world's 10th largest economy that easily. I am at peace with that eventuality and will die for it.

I don't know how this will shake out

I do know that if they want to marginalize and oppress the single largest ethnic group in the country, that there will be civil unrest that will START at the level of the 60s and grow from there.

I do.
Biden is President.
You won't do shit.
Please keep saying that.

The more you run your shrill mouth, the more this becomes likely:


Your pictures make you look so brave! Behind your keyboard!
He did this all day yesterday. He thinks this is threatening somehow.

Go. Split. Take Texas. There's plenty of room for all you paranoids to shoot your guns at trees.


Except, you dems would not let him/us go. You would fight. So, you are talking shit. Again.
I'm just trying to help you guys with your feelz.

You keep talking about civil war and secession, so I'm just trying to help.

Dismissing our grievances as "feelz" is you throwing gasoline on the fire. People are dying in the streets and you are still fanning the flames of division and partisan hate.

Does that seem like a good idea to you, or have you just stopped thinking?

The problem is today those so called grieviences that have festered in white males for 40 years do not matter to the younger generation. They are tired of the whining, voting for old white men who simply feed what they want to hear, do nothing to fix the problems, simply feed the lobbyists who support them.

I actually hear this in my own family and listening to others. The generation of anger is slowly dying out, the young are moving in and if you do not keep up you will be knocked aside.

Just like the older Greatest Generation built the Middle Class the View attachment 430670Baby Boomers tore it down. Now the young are fed up. It will not happen over night but you are seeing the last gasps of White superiority.

This is funny but it shows those wanting Civil War.

View attachment 430670and I watched it happen over 40/ 50 years.
The world is changing, their country is changing, and there are people who make their living doing little more than feeding their anger, frustration and paranoia.

So, in their emotional state, they'd rather "fight" some all-or-nothing "war" than intelligently play a part in managing the change. All that does is make things worse.

So, those who make their living doing little more than feeding their anger, frustration and paranoia have more material to work with, and the cycle just continues.
Trump, Mitch, many others, Gym Jordan, Steve Scalise, too many to name just feed the misplaced anger so now the crazies are taking over!

Call us crazy and ws some more. And then act like our anger is something wrong with us.

YEah, keep it up.
Are you reading my posts or just ranting?
He can’t post without ranting
Perpetual anger

I get angry, when people are assholes.

You people, are always assholes.

Cause and effect. A concept you are too fucking stupid to understand.

I have to ask, are you really that much of a failure in your personal life? Or do you just like to bitch and call names?

Says the woman that immediately called me a ws and has failed to ask ONE substance related question or make ONE statement that actually, seriously addressed my point(s).

All you have is the wace card and gaslighting. You are an asshole.

Have you ever noticed how every conversation you have on this board ends up with you calling the person who bothers to give you a moment of their time an "asshole"?
Republicans are being short sighted
Pandering to the MAGA crowd may help them win with the older, white Christians who fear their loss of power.
But younger Americans and minorities are repulsed by the actions of the far right. They are lost forever
Might be true, but the Dems are making a big mistake if they assume too much. They're certainly capable of going too far, as well.

This is why I don't like seeing the GOP turn into a fuckin' psycho ward like this. We need (at least) two strong parties.

When I checked the website of the Dem's national convention in 2016, it took me 15 minutes of clicking around until I saw the first picture of a white male who wasn't obviously depicted as gay.

It's all nice and fine when Democrats care for the issues of non-whites and other minorities ... but if they give a damn about white workers, they shouldn't be surprised when 70% of them then vote for someone like Trump.
This is a very large part of why Trump won in 2016 and why the Dems underperformed in November. The Regressive Left wing of the party -- the illiberal, authoritarian end that pushes Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture -- has damaged the party considerably.

And, just as the Trumpsters are refusing to look clearly and honestly in the mirror, so is the Regressive Left. As I always say, the two ends of our political spectrum can be comically similar in their behaviors.

We are NOT using mob violence to terrorize our enemies, and arresting people that defend themselves.

So, the similarities, are not very impressive.
He does not seem to care, and in fact has shown that he revels in the "fuck you" he is watching. I would conclude that he does not believe that we are dead fucking serious.

Texas is GONE. Leaving. It may not be this year, or next year, but the sentiment is real and serious. We are getting the fuck out one way or another. If it's peaceful, great. But, I suspect that the powerbrokers will not give up on the world's 10th largest economy that easily. I am at peace with that eventuality and will die for it.

I don't know how this will shake out

I do know that if they want to marginalize and oppress the single largest ethnic group in the country, that there will be civil unrest that will START at the level of the 60s and grow from there.

I do.
Biden is President.
You won't do shit.
Please keep saying that.

The more you run your shrill mouth, the more this becomes likely:


Your pictures make you look so brave! Behind your keyboard!
He did this all day yesterday. He thinks this is threatening somehow.

Go. Split. Take Texas. There's plenty of room for all you paranoids to shoot your guns at trees.


Except, you dems would not let him/us go. You would fight. So, you are talking shit. Again.
I'm just trying to help you guys with your feelz.

You keep talking about civil war and secession, so I'm just trying to help.

Dismissing our grievances as "feelz" is you throwing gasoline on the fire. People are dying in the streets and you are still fanning the flames of division and partisan hate.

Does that seem like a good idea to you, or have you just stopped thinking?

The problem is today those so called grieviences that have festered in white males for 40 years do not matter to the younger generation. They are tired of the whining, voting for old white men who simply feed what they want to hear, do nothing to fix the problems, simply feed the lobbyists who support them.

I actually hear this in my own family and listening to others. The generation of anger is slowly dying out, the young are moving in and if you do not keep up you will be knocked aside.

Just like the older Greatest Generation built the Middle Class the View attachment 430670Baby Boomers tore it down. Now the young are fed up. It will not happen over night but you are seeing the last gasps of White superiority.

We have had a bi-partisan consensus against ws, since the dems flipped on the issue in the mid 60s.

That you pretend that our grievances TODAY, are about that, is infuriating and unjust.

The young? As they grow up and have to deal with the fact that they are second class citizens, will wake up.

The first time they don't get a job they deserve, because, WS, they might suck it up as deserved.

The second and third too.

When they have a family that they can't provide for, because of ws, and people like you are telling them to suck it up, because ws,

they will eventually wake up.

And, they will realize that they were lied to. A lot. And fucked. A lot.
So how do you propose to turn back the clock? Of course the set asides,busing, other things were not handled well by Congress. They actually destroyed the cities with that ill advised rule. I have talked to many black parents who moved with us to the suburbs because they wanted their Schools fixed, not bused to the other side of town We all now live in an integrated suburb, vey happy.

I am not going to tell you there was not good reason years ago. I just know the young do not carry all those grievances and they are voting like crazy. They have other concerns. Their classmates being shot down, College expenses out of sight, decent well paying jobs, Climate Change.

Don't put words in my mouth. I said nothing of "clock".

That is your stupid talk of ws, still.

I was talking about our ACTUAL grievances. Perhaps if you are going to address my post, do me the courtesy of addressing what I actually said.

Step one, drop the ws shit. YOu know that is fucking bullshit and when you throw it, you are being a fucking monkey.
I addressed your grievances. You just do not like what I answered. You can carry a grievance for the rest of your life, wallow in it, does not solve one problem you have. You can do that or move on, improve your life. The choice is yours alone.

Jobs are lost, people lose loved ones, adversity happens to all of us. What you do with the rest of your life is up to you. Men and Women went back, learned new skills when all the plants closed in the Bush recession, moved on to be more successful. Others are still whining today. Life is what you make it, trust me, I know.

1. No, you called me a ws and addressed that. That was you being an asshole.

2. My life and the lives of my people, have been and will continue to be negatively impacted by your side's polices. That is a source of grievance that we cannot walk away from, because it is you with the power of government coming after us.

3. That you dismiss that as "whining" is just you being an asshole. Do you like seeing people die in the streets? Because this is how you get people dying in the streets.
And your sides policies delivered huge deficits, giant bailouts, couldn't hit 3% gdp growth, most pandemic deaths, failed to give the best healthcare. Your sides policies are a failure.

I disagree with your analysis but the point is, that they were not targeted with the intent of causing harm to a group of Americans, and marginalizing them.

IN the context of this discussion, that you jumped into, your comment is off topic.
Republicans are being short sighted
Pandering to the MAGA crowd may help them win with the older, white Christians who fear their loss of power.
But younger Americans and minorities are repulsed by the actions of the far right. They are lost forever
Might be true, but the Dems are making a big mistake if they assume too much. They're certainly capable of going too far, as well.

This is why I don't like seeing the GOP turn into a fuckin' psycho ward like this. We need (at least) two strong parties.

When I checked the website of the Dem's national convention in 2016, it took me 15 minutes of clicking around until I saw the first picture of a white male who wasn't obviously depicted as gay.

It's all nice and fine when Democrats care for the issues of non-whites and other minorities ... but if they give a damn about white workers, they shouldn't be surprised when 70% of them then vote for someone like Trump.
This is a very large part of why Trump won in 2016 and why the Dems underperformed in November. The Regressive Left wing of the party -- the illiberal, authoritarian end that pushes Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture -- has damaged the party considerably.

And, just as the Trumpsters are refusing to look clearly and honestly in the mirror, so is the Regressive Left. As I always say, the two ends of our political spectrum can be comically similar in their behaviors.

We are NOT using mob violence to terrorize our enemies, and arresting people that defend themselves.

So, the similarities, are not very impressive.
He does not seem to care, and in fact has shown that he revels in the "fuck you" he is watching. I would conclude that he does not believe that we are dead fucking serious.

Texas is GONE. Leaving. It may not be this year, or next year, but the sentiment is real and serious. We are getting the fuck out one way or another. If it's peaceful, great. But, I suspect that the powerbrokers will not give up on the world's 10th largest economy that easily. I am at peace with that eventuality and will die for it.

I don't know how this will shake out

I do know that if they want to marginalize and oppress the single largest ethnic group in the country, that there will be civil unrest that will START at the level of the 60s and grow from there.

I do.
Biden is President.
You won't do shit.
Please keep saying that.

The more you run your shrill mouth, the more this becomes likely:


Your pictures make you look so brave! Behind your keyboard!
He did this all day yesterday. He thinks this is threatening somehow.

Go. Split. Take Texas. There's plenty of room for all you paranoids to shoot your guns at trees.


Except, you dems would not let him/us go. You would fight. So, you are talking shit. Again.
I'm just trying to help you guys with your feelz.

You keep talking about civil war and secession, so I'm just trying to help.

Dismissing our grievances as "feelz" is you throwing gasoline on the fire. People are dying in the streets and you are still fanning the flames of division and partisan hate.

Does that seem like a good idea to you, or have you just stopped thinking?

The problem is today those so called grieviences that have festered in white males for 40 years do not matter to the younger generation. They are tired of the whining, voting for old white men who simply feed what they want to hear, do nothing to fix the problems, simply feed the lobbyists who support them.

I actually hear this in my own family and listening to others. The generation of anger is slowly dying out, the young are moving in and if you do not keep up you will be knocked aside.

Just like the older Greatest Generation built the Middle Class the View attachment 430670Baby Boomers tore it down. Now the young are fed up. It will not happen over night but you are seeing the last gasps of White superiority.

We have had a bi-partisan consensus against ws, since the dems flipped on the issue in the mid 60s.

That you pretend that our grievances TODAY, are about that, is infuriating and unjust.

The young? As they grow up and have to deal with the fact that they are second class citizens, will wake up.

The first time they don't get a job they deserve, because, WS, they might suck it up as deserved.

The second and third too.

When they have a family that they can't provide for, because of ws, and people like you are telling them to suck it up, because ws,

they will eventually wake up.

And, they will realize that they were lied to. A lot. And fucked. A lot.
So how do you propose to turn back the clock? Of course the set asides,busing, other things were not handled well by Congress. They actually destroyed the cities with that ill advised rule. I have talked to many black parents who moved with us to the suburbs because they wanted their Schools fixed, not bused to the other side of town We all now live in an integrated suburb, vey happy.

I am not going to tell you there was not good reason years ago. I just know the young do not carry all those grievances and they are voting like crazy. They have other concerns. Their classmates being shot down, College expenses out of sight, decent well paying jobs, Climate Change.

Don't put words in my mouth. I said nothing of "clock".

That is your stupid talk of ws, still.

I was talking about our ACTUAL grievances. Perhaps if you are going to address my post, do me the courtesy of addressing what I actually said.

Step one, drop the ws shit. YOu know that is fucking bullshit and when you throw it, you are being a fucking monkey.
I addressed your grievances. You just do not like what I answered. You can carry a grievance for the rest of your life, wallow in it, does not solve one problem you have. You can do that or move on, improve your life. The choice is yours alone.

Jobs are lost, people lose loved ones, adversity happens to all of us. What you do with the rest of your life is up to you. Men and Women went back, learned new skills when all the plants closed in the Bush recession, moved on to be more successful. Others are still whining today. Life is what you make it, trust me, I know.

1. No, you called me a ws and addressed that. That was you being an asshole.

2. My life and the lives of my people, have been and will continue to be negatively impacted by your side's polices. That is a source of grievance that we cannot walk away from, because it is you with the power of government coming after us.

3. That you dismiss that as "whining" is just you being an asshole. Do you like seeing people die in the streets? Because this is how you get people dying in the streets.
And your sides policies delivered huge deficits, giant bailouts, couldn't hit 3% gdp growth, most pandemic deaths, failed to give the best healthcare. Your sides policies are a failure.

I disagree with your analysis but the point is, that they were not targeted with the intent of causing harm to a group of Americans, and marginalizing them.

IN the context of this discussion, that you jumped into, your comment is off topic.
Well what do you disagree with? Record deficits, trillion dollar last year before the pandemic. Trumps tariffs hurt manufacturing and led to the giant farmer bailout. trump did not hit 3% gdp growth. We do have the most pandemic deaths. He failed on healthcare. Your policies are a failure. Post trump gop better find some policy that works.
Republicans are being short sighted
Pandering to the MAGA crowd may help them win with the older, white Christians who fear their loss of power.
But younger Americans and minorities are repulsed by the actions of the far right. They are lost forever
Might be true, but the Dems are making a big mistake if they assume too much. They're certainly capable of going too far, as well.

This is why I don't like seeing the GOP turn into a fuckin' psycho ward like this. We need (at least) two strong parties.

When I checked the website of the Dem's national convention in 2016, it took me 15 minutes of clicking around until I saw the first picture of a white male who wasn't obviously depicted as gay.

It's all nice and fine when Democrats care for the issues of non-whites and other minorities ... but if they give a damn about white workers, they shouldn't be surprised when 70% of them then vote for someone like Trump.
This is a very large part of why Trump won in 2016 and why the Dems underperformed in November. The Regressive Left wing of the party -- the illiberal, authoritarian end that pushes Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture -- has damaged the party considerably.

And, just as the Trumpsters are refusing to look clearly and honestly in the mirror, so is the Regressive Left. As I always say, the two ends of our political spectrum can be comically similar in their behaviors.

We are NOT using mob violence to terrorize our enemies, and arresting people that defend themselves.

So, the similarities, are not very impressive.
He does not seem to care, and in fact has shown that he revels in the "fuck you" he is watching. I would conclude that he does not believe that we are dead fucking serious.

Texas is GONE. Leaving. It may not be this year, or next year, but the sentiment is real and serious. We are getting the fuck out one way or another. If it's peaceful, great. But, I suspect that the powerbrokers will not give up on the world's 10th largest economy that easily. I am at peace with that eventuality and will die for it.

I don't know how this will shake out

I do know that if they want to marginalize and oppress the single largest ethnic group in the country, that there will be civil unrest that will START at the level of the 60s and grow from there.

I do.
Biden is President.
You won't do shit.
Please keep saying that.

The more you run your shrill mouth, the more this becomes likely:


Your pictures make you look so brave! Behind your keyboard!
He did this all day yesterday. He thinks this is threatening somehow.

Go. Split. Take Texas. There's plenty of room for all you paranoids to shoot your guns at trees.


Except, you dems would not let him/us go. You would fight. So, you are talking shit. Again.
I'm just trying to help you guys with your feelz.

You keep talking about civil war and secession, so I'm just trying to help.

Dismissing our grievances as "feelz" is you throwing gasoline on the fire. People are dying in the streets and you are still fanning the flames of division and partisan hate.

Does that seem like a good idea to you, or have you just stopped thinking?

The problem is today those so called grieviences that have festered in white males for 40 years do not matter to the younger generation. They are tired of the whining, voting for old white men who simply feed what they want to hear, do nothing to fix the problems, simply feed the lobbyists who support them.

I actually hear this in my own family and listening to others. The generation of anger is slowly dying out, the young are moving in and if you do not keep up you will be knocked aside.

Just like the older Greatest Generation built the Middle Class the View attachment 430670Baby Boomers tore it down. Now the young are fed up. It will not happen over night but you are seeing the last gasps of White superiority.

We have had a bi-partisan consensus against ws, since the dems flipped on the issue in the mid 60s.

That you pretend that our grievances TODAY, are about that, is infuriating and unjust.

The young? As they grow up and have to deal with the fact that they are second class citizens, will wake up.

The first time they don't get a job they deserve, because, WS, they might suck it up as deserved.

The second and third too.

When they have a family that they can't provide for, because of ws, and people like you are telling them to suck it up, because ws,

they will eventually wake up.

And, they will realize that they were lied to. A lot. And fucked. A lot.
So how do you propose to turn back the clock? Of course the set asides,busing, other things were not handled well by Congress. They actually destroyed the cities with that ill advised rule. I have talked to many black parents who moved with us to the suburbs because they wanted their Schools fixed, not bused to the other side of town We all now live in an integrated suburb, vey happy.

I am not going to tell you there was not good reason years ago. I just know the young do not carry all those grievances and they are voting like crazy. They have other concerns. Their classmates being shot down, College expenses out of sight, decent well paying jobs, Climate Change.

Don't put words in my mouth. I said nothing of "clock".

That is your stupid talk of ws, still.

I was talking about our ACTUAL grievances. Perhaps if you are going to address my post, do me the courtesy of addressing what I actually said.

Step one, drop the ws shit. YOu know that is fucking bullshit and when you throw it, you are being a fucking monkey.
I addressed your grievances. You just do not like what I answered. You can carry a grievance for the rest of your life, wallow in it, does not solve one problem you have. You can do that or move on, improve your life. The choice is yours alone.

Jobs are lost, people lose loved ones, adversity happens to all of us. What you do with the rest of your life is up to you. Men and Women went back, learned new skills when all the plants closed in the Bush recession, moved on to be more successful. Others are still whining today. Life is what you make it, trust me, I know.

1. No, you called me a ws and addressed that. That was you being an asshole.

2. My life and the lives of my people, have been and will continue to be negatively impacted by your side's polices. That is a source of grievance that we cannot walk away from, because it is you with the power of government coming after us.

3. That you dismiss that as "whining" is just you being an asshole. Do you like seeing people die in the streets? Because this is how you get people dying in the streets.

And your sides policies delivered huge deficits, giant bailouts, couldn't hit 3% gdp growth, most pandemic deaths, failed to give the best healthcare. Your sides policies are a failure.

I disagree with your analysis but the point is, that they were not targeted with the intent of causing harm to a group of Americans, and marginalizing them.

IN the context of this discussion, that you jumped into, your comment is off topic.
Well what do you disagree with? Record deficits, trillion dollar last year before the pandemic. Trumps tariffs hurt manufacturing and led to the giant farmer bailout. trump did not hit 3% gdp growth. We do have the most pandemic deaths. He failed on healthcare. Your policies are a failure. Post trump gop better find some policy that works.

DOesn't matter. It is off topic. What part of off topic did you not get?

Oh, wait. I get it. YOu know that your side's polices ARE targeted to harm people like me, and you support that and want to derail the discussion to hide that fact.

I understand now.

Ok. I busted you, this is the part where you stone wall. Some personal attacks as additional distraction is normal.

Republicans are being short sighted
Pandering to the MAGA crowd may help them win with the older, white Christians who fear their loss of power.
But younger Americans and minorities are repulsed by the actions of the far right. They are lost forever
Might be true, but the Dems are making a big mistake if they assume too much. They're certainly capable of going too far, as well.

This is why I don't like seeing the GOP turn into a fuckin' psycho ward like this. We need (at least) two strong parties.

When I checked the website of the Dem's national convention in 2016, it took me 15 minutes of clicking around until I saw the first picture of a white male who wasn't obviously depicted as gay.

It's all nice and fine when Democrats care for the issues of non-whites and other minorities ... but if they give a damn about white workers, they shouldn't be surprised when 70% of them then vote for someone like Trump.
This is a very large part of why Trump won in 2016 and why the Dems underperformed in November. The Regressive Left wing of the party -- the illiberal, authoritarian end that pushes Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture -- has damaged the party considerably.

And, just as the Trumpsters are refusing to look clearly and honestly in the mirror, so is the Regressive Left. As I always say, the two ends of our political spectrum can be comically similar in their behaviors.

We are NOT using mob violence to terrorize our enemies, and arresting people that defend themselves.

So, the similarities, are not very impressive.
He does not seem to care, and in fact has shown that he revels in the "fuck you" he is watching. I would conclude that he does not believe that we are dead fucking serious.

Texas is GONE. Leaving. It may not be this year, or next year, but the sentiment is real and serious. We are getting the fuck out one way or another. If it's peaceful, great. But, I suspect that the powerbrokers will not give up on the world's 10th largest economy that easily. I am at peace with that eventuality and will die for it.

I don't know how this will shake out

I do know that if they want to marginalize and oppress the single largest ethnic group in the country, that there will be civil unrest that will START at the level of the 60s and grow from there.

I do.
Biden is President.
You won't do shit.
Please keep saying that.

The more you run your shrill mouth, the more this becomes likely:


Your pictures make you look so brave! Behind your keyboard!
He did this all day yesterday. He thinks this is threatening somehow.

Go. Split. Take Texas. There's plenty of room for all you paranoids to shoot your guns at trees.


Except, you dems would not let him/us go. You would fight. So, you are talking shit. Again.
I'm just trying to help you guys with your feelz.

You keep talking about civil war and secession, so I'm just trying to help.

Dismissing our grievances as "feelz" is you throwing gasoline on the fire. People are dying in the streets and you are still fanning the flames of division and partisan hate.

Does that seem like a good idea to you, or have you just stopped thinking?

The problem is today those so called grieviences that have festered in white males for 40 years do not matter to the younger generation. They are tired of the whining, voting for old white men who simply feed what they want to hear, do nothing to fix the problems, simply feed the lobbyists who support them.

I actually hear this in my own family and listening to others. The generation of anger is slowly dying out, the young are moving in and if you do not keep up you will be knocked aside.

Just like the older Greatest Generation built the Middle Class the View attachment 430670Baby Boomers tore it down. Now the young are fed up. It will not happen over night but you are seeing the last gasps of White superiority.

We have had a bi-partisan consensus against ws, since the dems flipped on the issue in the mid 60s.

That you pretend that our grievances TODAY, are about that, is infuriating and unjust.

The young? As they grow up and have to deal with the fact that they are second class citizens, will wake up.

The first time they don't get a job they deserve, because, WS, they might suck it up as deserved.

The second and third too.

When they have a family that they can't provide for, because of ws, and people like you are telling them to suck it up, because ws,

they will eventually wake up.

And, they will realize that they were lied to. A lot. And fucked. A lot.
So how do you propose to turn back the clock? Of course the set asides,busing, other things were not handled well by Congress. They actually destroyed the cities with that ill advised rule. I have talked to many black parents who moved with us to the suburbs because they wanted their Schools fixed, not bused to the other side of town We all now live in an integrated suburb, vey happy.

I am not going to tell you there was not good reason years ago. I just know the young do not carry all those grievances and they are voting like crazy. They have other concerns. Their classmates being shot down, College expenses out of sight, decent well paying jobs, Climate Change.

Don't put words in my mouth. I said nothing of "clock".

That is your stupid talk of ws, still.

I was talking about our ACTUAL grievances. Perhaps if you are going to address my post, do me the courtesy of addressing what I actually said.

Step one, drop the ws shit. YOu know that is fucking bullshit and when you throw it, you are being a fucking monkey.
I addressed your grievances. You just do not like what I answered. You can carry a grievance for the rest of your life, wallow in it, does not solve one problem you have. You can do that or move on, improve your life. The choice is yours alone.

Jobs are lost, people lose loved ones, adversity happens to all of us. What you do with the rest of your life is up to you. Men and Women went back, learned new skills when all the plants closed in the Bush recession, moved on to be more successful. Others are still whining today. Life is what you make it, trust me, I know.

1. No, you called me a ws and addressed that. That was you being an asshole.

2. My life and the lives of my people, have been and will continue to be negatively impacted by your side's polices. That is a source of grievance that we cannot walk away from, because it is you with the power of government coming after us.

3. That you dismiss that as "whining" is just you being an asshole. Do you like seeing people die in the streets? Because this is how you get people dying in the streets.

And your sides policies delivered huge deficits, giant bailouts, couldn't hit 3% gdp growth, most pandemic deaths, failed to give the best healthcare. Your sides policies are a failure.

I disagree with your analysis but the point is, that they were not targeted with the intent of causing harm to a group of Americans, and marginalizing them.

IN the context of this discussion, that you jumped into, your comment is off topic.
Well what do you disagree with? Record deficits, trillion dollar last year before the pandemic. Trumps tariffs hurt manufacturing and led to the giant farmer bailout. trump did not hit 3% gdp growth. We do have the most pandemic deaths. He failed on healthcare. Your policies are a failure. Post trump gop better find some policy that works.

DOesn't matter. It is off topic. What part of off topic did you not get?

Oh, wait. I get it. YOu know that your side's polices ARE targeted to harm people like me, and you support that and want to derail the discussion to hide that fact.

I understand now.

Ok. I busted you, this is the part where you stone wall. Some personal attacks as additional distraction is normal.

I just explained how your policy hurt the whole country. Clearly you can't defend the failures.
Republicans are being short sighted
Pandering to the MAGA crowd may help them win with the older, white Christians who fear their loss of power.
But younger Americans and minorities are repulsed by the actions of the far right. They are lost forever
Might be true, but the Dems are making a big mistake if they assume too much. They're certainly capable of going too far, as well.

This is why I don't like seeing the GOP turn into a fuckin' psycho ward like this. We need (at least) two strong parties.

When I checked the website of the Dem's national convention in 2016, it took me 15 minutes of clicking around until I saw the first picture of a white male who wasn't obviously depicted as gay.

It's all nice and fine when Democrats care for the issues of non-whites and other minorities ... but if they give a damn about white workers, they shouldn't be surprised when 70% of them then vote for someone like Trump.
This is a very large part of why Trump won in 2016 and why the Dems underperformed in November. The Regressive Left wing of the party -- the illiberal, authoritarian end that pushes Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture -- has damaged the party considerably.

And, just as the Trumpsters are refusing to look clearly and honestly in the mirror, so is the Regressive Left. As I always say, the two ends of our political spectrum can be comically similar in their behaviors.

We are NOT using mob violence to terrorize our enemies, and arresting people that defend themselves.

So, the similarities, are not very impressive.
He does not seem to care, and in fact has shown that he revels in the "fuck you" he is watching. I would conclude that he does not believe that we are dead fucking serious.

Texas is GONE. Leaving. It may not be this year, or next year, but the sentiment is real and serious. We are getting the fuck out one way or another. If it's peaceful, great. But, I suspect that the powerbrokers will not give up on the world's 10th largest economy that easily. I am at peace with that eventuality and will die for it.

I don't know how this will shake out

I do know that if they want to marginalize and oppress the single largest ethnic group in the country, that there will be civil unrest that will START at the level of the 60s and grow from there.

I do.
Biden is President.
You won't do shit.
Please keep saying that.

The more you run your shrill mouth, the more this becomes likely:


Your pictures make you look so brave! Behind your keyboard!
He did this all day yesterday. He thinks this is threatening somehow.

Go. Split. Take Texas. There's plenty of room for all you paranoids to shoot your guns at trees.


Except, you dems would not let him/us go. You would fight. So, you are talking shit. Again.
I'm just trying to help you guys with your feelz.

You keep talking about civil war and secession, so I'm just trying to help.

Dismissing our grievances as "feelz" is you throwing gasoline on the fire. People are dying in the streets and you are still fanning the flames of division and partisan hate.

Does that seem like a good idea to you, or have you just stopped thinking?

The problem is today those so called grieviences that have festered in white males for 40 years do not matter to the younger generation. They are tired of the whining, voting for old white men who simply feed what they want to hear, do nothing to fix the problems, simply feed the lobbyists who support them.

I actually hear this in my own family and listening to others. The generation of anger is slowly dying out, the young are moving in and if you do not keep up you will be knocked aside.

Just like the older Greatest Generation built the Middle Class the View attachment 430670Baby Boomers tore it down. Now the young are fed up. It will not happen over night but you are seeing the last gasps of White superiority.

This is funny but it shows those wanting Civil War.

View attachment 430670and I watched it happen over 40/ 50 years.
The world is changing, their country is changing, and there are people who make their living doing little more than feeding their anger, frustration and paranoia.

So, in their emotional state, they'd rather "fight" some all-or-nothing "war" than intelligently play a part in managing the change. All that does is make things worse.

So, those who make their living doing little more than feeding their anger, frustration and paranoia have more material to work with, and the cycle just continues.
Trump, Mitch, many others, Gym Jordan, Steve Scalise, too many to name just feed the misplaced anger so now the crazies are taking over!

Call us crazy and ws some more. And then act like our anger is something wrong with us.

YEah, keep it up.
Are you reading my posts or just ranting?
He can’t post without ranting
Perpetual anger

I get angry, when people are assholes.

You people, are always assholes.

Cause and effect. A concept you are too fucking stupid to understand.

I have to ask, are you really that much of a failure in your personal life? Or do you just like to bitch and call names?

Says the woman that immediately called me a ws and has failed to ask ONE substance related question or make ONE statement that actually, seriously addressed my point(s).

All you have is the wace card and gaslighting. You are an asshole.

Have you ever noticed how every conversation you have on this board ends up with you calling the person who bothers to give you a moment of their time an "asshole"?
Correll is of limited vocabulary
Republicans are being short sighted
Pandering to the MAGA crowd may help them win with the older, white Christians who fear their loss of power.
But younger Americans and minorities are repulsed by the actions of the far right. They are lost forever
Might be true, but the Dems are making a big mistake if they assume too much. They're certainly capable of going too far, as well.

This is why I don't like seeing the GOP turn into a fuckin' psycho ward like this. We need (at least) two strong parties.

When I checked the website of the Dem's national convention in 2016, it took me 15 minutes of clicking around until I saw the first picture of a white male who wasn't obviously depicted as gay.

It's all nice and fine when Democrats care for the issues of non-whites and other minorities ... but if they give a damn about white workers, they shouldn't be surprised when 70% of them then vote for someone like Trump.
This is a very large part of why Trump won in 2016 and why the Dems underperformed in November. The Regressive Left wing of the party -- the illiberal, authoritarian end that pushes Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture -- has damaged the party considerably.

And, just as the Trumpsters are refusing to look clearly and honestly in the mirror, so is the Regressive Left. As I always say, the two ends of our political spectrum can be comically similar in their behaviors.

We are NOT using mob violence to terrorize our enemies, and arresting people that defend themselves.

So, the similarities, are not very impressive.
He does not seem to care, and in fact has shown that he revels in the "fuck you" he is watching. I would conclude that he does not believe that we are dead fucking serious.

Texas is GONE. Leaving. It may not be this year, or next year, but the sentiment is real and serious. We are getting the fuck out one way or another. If it's peaceful, great. But, I suspect that the powerbrokers will not give up on the world's 10th largest economy that easily. I am at peace with that eventuality and will die for it.

I don't know how this will shake out

I do know that if they want to marginalize and oppress the single largest ethnic group in the country, that there will be civil unrest that will START at the level of the 60s and grow from there.

I do.
Biden is President.
You won't do shit.
Please keep saying that.

The more you run your shrill mouth, the more this becomes likely:


Your pictures make you look so brave! Behind your keyboard!
He did this all day yesterday. He thinks this is threatening somehow.

Go. Split. Take Texas. There's plenty of room for all you paranoids to shoot your guns at trees.


Except, you dems would not let him/us go. You would fight. So, you are talking shit. Again.
I'm just trying to help you guys with your feelz.

You keep talking about civil war and secession, so I'm just trying to help.

Dismissing our grievances as "feelz" is you throwing gasoline on the fire. People are dying in the streets and you are still fanning the flames of division and partisan hate.

Does that seem like a good idea to you, or have you just stopped thinking?

The problem is today those so called grieviences that have festered in white males for 40 years do not matter to the younger generation. They are tired of the whining, voting for old white men who simply feed what they want to hear, do nothing to fix the problems, simply feed the lobbyists who support them.

I actually hear this in my own family and listening to others. The generation of anger is slowly dying out, the young are moving in and if you do not keep up you will be knocked aside.

Just like the older Greatest Generation built the Middle Class the View attachment 430670Baby Boomers tore it down. Now the young are fed up. It will not happen over night but you are seeing the last gasps of White superiority.

We have had a bi-partisan consensus against ws, since the dems flipped on the issue in the mid 60s.

That you pretend that our grievances TODAY, are about that, is infuriating and unjust.

The young? As they grow up and have to deal with the fact that they are second class citizens, will wake up.

The first time they don't get a job they deserve, because, WS, they might suck it up as deserved.

The second and third too.

When they have a family that they can't provide for, because of ws, and people like you are telling them to suck it up, because ws,

they will eventually wake up.

And, they will realize that they were lied to. A lot. And fucked. A lot.
So how do you propose to turn back the clock? Of course the set asides,busing, other things were not handled well by Congress. They actually destroyed the cities with that ill advised rule. I have talked to many black parents who moved with us to the suburbs because they wanted their Schools fixed, not bused to the other side of town We all now live in an integrated suburb, vey happy.

I am not going to tell you there was not good reason years ago. I just know the young do not carry all those grievances and they are voting like crazy. They have other concerns. Their classmates being shot down, College expenses out of sight, decent well paying jobs, Climate Change.

Don't put words in my mouth. I said nothing of "clock".

That is your stupid talk of ws, still.

I was talking about our ACTUAL grievances. Perhaps if you are going to address my post, do me the courtesy of addressing what I actually said.

Step one, drop the ws shit. YOu know that is fucking bullshit and when you throw it, you are being a fucking monkey.
I addressed your grievances. You just do not like what I answered. You can carry a grievance for the rest of your life, wallow in it, does not solve one problem you have. You can do that or move on, improve your life. The choice is yours alone.

Jobs are lost, people lose loved ones, adversity happens to all of us. What you do with the rest of your life is up to you. Men and Women went back, learned new skills when all the plants closed in the Bush recession, moved on to be more successful. Others are still whining today. Life is what you make it, trust me, I know.

1. No, you called me a ws and addressed that. That was you being an asshole.

2. My life and the lives of my people, have been and will continue to be negatively impacted by your side's polices. That is a source of grievance that we cannot walk away from, because it is you with the power of government coming after us.

3. That you dismiss that as "whining" is just you being an asshole. Do you like seeing people die in the streets? Because this is how you get people dying in the streets.

And your sides policies delivered huge deficits, giant bailouts, couldn't hit 3% gdp growth, most pandemic deaths, failed to give the best healthcare. Your sides policies are a failure.

I disagree with your analysis but the point is, that they were not targeted with the intent of causing harm to a group of Americans, and marginalizing them.

IN the context of this discussion, that you jumped into, your comment is off topic.
Well what do you disagree with? Record deficits, trillion dollar last year before the pandemic. Trumps tariffs hurt manufacturing and led to the giant farmer bailout. trump did not hit 3% gdp growth. We do have the most pandemic deaths. He failed on healthcare. Your policies are a failure. Post trump gop better find some policy that works.

DOesn't matter. It is off topic. What part of off topic did you not get?

Oh, wait. I get it. YOu know that your side's polices ARE targeted to harm people like me, and you support that and want to derail the discussion to hide that fact.

I understand now.

Ok. I busted you, this is the part where you stone wall. Some personal attacks as additional distraction is normal.

I just explained how your policy hurt the whole country. Clearly you can't defend the failures.

Weak. Couldn't even work in a wace card play.

My point stands.

We have had a bi-partisan consensus against ws, since the dems flipped on the issue in the mid 60s.

That you pretend that our grievances TODAY, are about that, is infuriating and unjust.

The young? As they grow up and have to deal with the fact that they are second class citizens, will wake up.

The first time they don't get a job they deserve, because, WS, they might suck it up as deserved.

The second and third too.

When they have a family that they can't provide for, because of ws, and people like you are telling them to suck it up, because ws,

they will eventually wake up.

And, they will realize that they were lied to. A lot. And fucked. A lot.
Republicans are being short sighted
Pandering to the MAGA crowd may help them win with the older, white Christians who fear their loss of power.
But younger Americans and minorities are repulsed by the actions of the far right. They are lost forever
Might be true, but the Dems are making a big mistake if they assume too much. They're certainly capable of going too far, as well.

This is why I don't like seeing the GOP turn into a fuckin' psycho ward like this. We need (at least) two strong parties.

When I checked the website of the Dem's national convention in 2016, it took me 15 minutes of clicking around until I saw the first picture of a white male who wasn't obviously depicted as gay.

It's all nice and fine when Democrats care for the issues of non-whites and other minorities ... but if they give a damn about white workers, they shouldn't be surprised when 70% of them then vote for someone like Trump.
This is a very large part of why Trump won in 2016 and why the Dems underperformed in November. The Regressive Left wing of the party -- the illiberal, authoritarian end that pushes Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture -- has damaged the party considerably.

And, just as the Trumpsters are refusing to look clearly and honestly in the mirror, so is the Regressive Left. As I always say, the two ends of our political spectrum can be comically similar in their behaviors.

We are NOT using mob violence to terrorize our enemies, and arresting people that defend themselves.

So, the similarities, are not very impressive.
He does not seem to care, and in fact has shown that he revels in the "fuck you" he is watching. I would conclude that he does not believe that we are dead fucking serious.

Texas is GONE. Leaving. It may not be this year, or next year, but the sentiment is real and serious. We are getting the fuck out one way or another. If it's peaceful, great. But, I suspect that the powerbrokers will not give up on the world's 10th largest economy that easily. I am at peace with that eventuality and will die for it.

I don't know how this will shake out

I do know that if they want to marginalize and oppress the single largest ethnic group in the country, that there will be civil unrest that will START at the level of the 60s and grow from there.

I do.
Biden is President.
You won't do shit.
Please keep saying that.

The more you run your shrill mouth, the more this becomes likely:


Your pictures make you look so brave! Behind your keyboard!
He did this all day yesterday. He thinks this is threatening somehow.

Go. Split. Take Texas. There's plenty of room for all you paranoids to shoot your guns at trees.


Except, you dems would not let him/us go. You would fight. So, you are talking shit. Again.
I'm just trying to help you guys with your feelz.

You keep talking about civil war and secession, so I'm just trying to help.

Dismissing our grievances as "feelz" is you throwing gasoline on the fire. People are dying in the streets and you are still fanning the flames of division and partisan hate.

Does that seem like a good idea to you, or have you just stopped thinking?

The problem is today those so called grieviences that have festered in white males for 40 years do not matter to the younger generation. They are tired of the whining, voting for old white men who simply feed what they want to hear, do nothing to fix the problems, simply feed the lobbyists who support them.

I actually hear this in my own family and listening to others. The generation of anger is slowly dying out, the young are moving in and if you do not keep up you will be knocked aside.

Just like the older Greatest Generation built the Middle Class the View attachment 430670Baby Boomers tore it down. Now the young are fed up. It will not happen over night but you are seeing the last gasps of White superiority.

We have had a bi-partisan consensus against ws, since the dems flipped on the issue in the mid 60s.

That you pretend that our grievances TODAY, are about that, is infuriating and unjust.

The young? As they grow up and have to deal with the fact that they are second class citizens, will wake up.

The first time they don't get a job they deserve, because, WS, they might suck it up as deserved.

The second and third too.

When they have a family that they can't provide for, because of ws, and people like you are telling them to suck it up, because ws,

they will eventually wake up.

And, they will realize that they were lied to. A lot. And fucked. A lot.
So how do you propose to turn back the clock? Of course the set asides,busing, other things were not handled well by Congress. They actually destroyed the cities with that ill advised rule. I have talked to many black parents who moved with us to the suburbs because they wanted their Schools fixed, not bused to the other side of town We all now live in an integrated suburb, vey happy.

I am not going to tell you there was not good reason years ago. I just know the young do not carry all those grievances and they are voting like crazy. They have other concerns. Their classmates being shot down, College expenses out of sight, decent well paying jobs, Climate Change.

Don't put words in my mouth. I said nothing of "clock".

That is your stupid talk of ws, still.

I was talking about our ACTUAL grievances. Perhaps if you are going to address my post, do me the courtesy of addressing what I actually said.

Step one, drop the ws shit. YOu know that is fucking bullshit and when you throw it, you are being a fucking monkey.
I addressed your grievances. You just do not like what I answered. You can carry a grievance for the rest of your life, wallow in it, does not solve one problem you have. You can do that or move on, improve your life. The choice is yours alone.

Jobs are lost, people lose loved ones, adversity happens to all of us. What you do with the rest of your life is up to you. Men and Women went back, learned new skills when all the plants closed in the Bush recession, moved on to be more successful. Others are still whining today. Life is what you make it, trust me, I know.

1. No, you called me a ws and addressed that. That was you being an asshole.

2. My life and the lives of my people, have been and will continue to be negatively impacted by your side's polices. That is a source of grievance that we cannot walk away from, because it is you with the power of government coming after us.

3. That you dismiss that as "whining" is just you being an asshole. Do you like seeing people die in the streets? Because this is how you get people dying in the streets.

And your sides policies delivered huge deficits, giant bailouts, couldn't hit 3% gdp growth, most pandemic deaths, failed to give the best healthcare. Your sides policies are a failure.

I disagree with your analysis but the point is, that they were not targeted with the intent of causing harm to a group of Americans, and marginalizing them.

IN the context of this discussion, that you jumped into, your comment is off topic.
Well what do you disagree with? Record deficits, trillion dollar last year before the pandemic. Trumps tariffs hurt manufacturing and led to the giant farmer bailout. trump did not hit 3% gdp growth. We do have the most pandemic deaths. He failed on healthcare. Your policies are a failure. Post trump gop better find some policy that works.

DOesn't matter. It is off topic. What part of off topic did you not get?

Oh, wait. I get it. YOu know that your side's polices ARE targeted to harm people like me, and you support that and want to derail the discussion to hide that fact.

I understand now.

Ok. I busted you, this is the part where you stone wall. Some personal attacks as additional distraction is normal.

I just explained how your policy hurt the whole country. Clearly you can't defend the failures.

Weak. Couldn't even work in a wace card play.

My point stands.

We have had a bi-partisan consensus against ws, since the dems flipped on the issue in the mid 60s.

That you pretend that our grievances TODAY, are about that, is infuriating and unjust.

The young? As they grow up and have to deal with the fact that they are second class citizens, will wake up.

The first time they don't get a job they deserve, because, WS, they might suck it up as deserved.

The second and third too.

When they have a family that they can't provide for, because of ws, and people like you are telling them to suck it up, because ws,

they will eventually wake up.

And, they will realize that they were lied to. A lot. And fucked. A lot.
What are you babbling about? The policy you support is a failure.
Republicans are being short sighted
Pandering to the MAGA crowd may help them win with the older, white Christians who fear their loss of power.
But younger Americans and minorities are repulsed by the actions of the far right. They are lost forever
Might be true, but the Dems are making a big mistake if they assume too much. They're certainly capable of going too far, as well.

This is why I don't like seeing the GOP turn into a fuckin' psycho ward like this. We need (at least) two strong parties.

When I checked the website of the Dem's national convention in 2016, it took me 15 minutes of clicking around until I saw the first picture of a white male who wasn't obviously depicted as gay.

It's all nice and fine when Democrats care for the issues of non-whites and other minorities ... but if they give a damn about white workers, they shouldn't be surprised when 70% of them then vote for someone like Trump.
This is a very large part of why Trump won in 2016 and why the Dems underperformed in November. The Regressive Left wing of the party -- the illiberal, authoritarian end that pushes Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture -- has damaged the party considerably.

And, just as the Trumpsters are refusing to look clearly and honestly in the mirror, so is the Regressive Left. As I always say, the two ends of our political spectrum can be comically similar in their behaviors.

We are NOT using mob violence to terrorize our enemies, and arresting people that defend themselves.

So, the similarities, are not very impressive.
He does not seem to care, and in fact has shown that he revels in the "fuck you" he is watching. I would conclude that he does not believe that we are dead fucking serious.

Texas is GONE. Leaving. It may not be this year, or next year, but the sentiment is real and serious. We are getting the fuck out one way or another. If it's peaceful, great. But, I suspect that the powerbrokers will not give up on the world's 10th largest economy that easily. I am at peace with that eventuality and will die for it.

I don't know how this will shake out

I do know that if they want to marginalize and oppress the single largest ethnic group in the country, that there will be civil unrest that will START at the level of the 60s and grow from there.

I do.
Biden is President.
You won't do shit.
Please keep saying that.

The more you run your shrill mouth, the more this becomes likely:


Your pictures make you look so brave! Behind your keyboard!
He did this all day yesterday. He thinks this is threatening somehow.

Go. Split. Take Texas. There's plenty of room for all you paranoids to shoot your guns at trees.


Except, you dems would not let him/us go. You would fight. So, you are talking shit. Again.
I'm just trying to help you guys with your feelz.

You keep talking about civil war and secession, so I'm just trying to help.

Dismissing our grievances as "feelz" is you throwing gasoline on the fire. People are dying in the streets and you are still fanning the flames of division and partisan hate.

Does that seem like a good idea to you, or have you just stopped thinking?

The problem is today those so called grieviences that have festered in white males for 40 years do not matter to the younger generation. They are tired of the whining, voting for old white men who simply feed what they want to hear, do nothing to fix the problems, simply feed the lobbyists who support them.

I actually hear this in my own family and listening to others. The generation of anger is slowly dying out, the young are moving in and if you do not keep up you will be knocked aside.

Just like the older Greatest Generation built the Middle Class the View attachment 430670Baby Boomers tore it down. Now the young are fed up. It will not happen over night but you are seeing the last gasps of White superiority.

This is funny but it shows those wanting Civil War.

View attachment 430670and I watched it happen over 40/ 50 years.
The world is changing, their country is changing, and there are people who make their living doing little more than feeding their anger, frustration and paranoia.

So, in their emotional state, they'd rather "fight" some all-or-nothing "war" than intelligently play a part in managing the change. All that does is make things worse.

So, those who make their living doing little more than feeding their anger, frustration and paranoia have more material to work with, and the cycle just continues.
Trump, Mitch, many others, Gym Jordan, Steve Scalise, too many to name just feed the misplaced anger so now the crazies are taking over!

Call us crazy and ws some more. And then act like our anger is something wrong with us.

YEah, keep it up.
Are you reading my posts or just ranting?
He can’t post without ranting
Perpetual anger

I get angry, when people are assholes.

You people, are always assholes.

Cause and effect. A concept you are too fucking stupid to understand.

I have to ask, are you really that much of a failure in your personal life? Or do you just like to bitch and call names?

Says the woman that immediately called me a ws and has failed to ask ONE substance related question or make ONE statement that actually, seriously addressed my point(s).

All you have is the wace card and gaslighting. You are an asshole.

Have you ever noticed how every conversation you have on this board ends up with you calling the person who bothers to give you a moment of their time an "asshole"?

Only with liberals. I have noticed it.

I think it is because you people have convinced yourself, that calling someone a ist or a phobe, is a valid supporting argument for your position,

while I recognize it for what it actually is, ie you people being assholes, and I respond appropriately.

BY calling you out on your behavior.
Republicans are being short sighted
Pandering to the MAGA crowd may help them win with the older, white Christians who fear their loss of power.
But younger Americans and minorities are repulsed by the actions of the far right. They are lost forever
Might be true, but the Dems are making a big mistake if they assume too much. They're certainly capable of going too far, as well.

This is why I don't like seeing the GOP turn into a fuckin' psycho ward like this. We need (at least) two strong parties.

When I checked the website of the Dem's national convention in 2016, it took me 15 minutes of clicking around until I saw the first picture of a white male who wasn't obviously depicted as gay.

It's all nice and fine when Democrats care for the issues of non-whites and other minorities ... but if they give a damn about white workers, they shouldn't be surprised when 70% of them then vote for someone like Trump.
This is a very large part of why Trump won in 2016 and why the Dems underperformed in November. The Regressive Left wing of the party -- the illiberal, authoritarian end that pushes Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture -- has damaged the party considerably.

And, just as the Trumpsters are refusing to look clearly and honestly in the mirror, so is the Regressive Left. As I always say, the two ends of our political spectrum can be comically similar in their behaviors.

We are NOT using mob violence to terrorize our enemies, and arresting people that defend themselves.

So, the similarities, are not very impressive.
He does not seem to care, and in fact has shown that he revels in the "fuck you" he is watching. I would conclude that he does not believe that we are dead fucking serious.

Texas is GONE. Leaving. It may not be this year, or next year, but the sentiment is real and serious. We are getting the fuck out one way or another. If it's peaceful, great. But, I suspect that the powerbrokers will not give up on the world's 10th largest economy that easily. I am at peace with that eventuality and will die for it.

I don't know how this will shake out

I do know that if they want to marginalize and oppress the single largest ethnic group in the country, that there will be civil unrest that will START at the level of the 60s and grow from there.

I do.
Biden is President.
You won't do shit.
Please keep saying that.

The more you run your shrill mouth, the more this becomes likely:


Your pictures make you look so brave! Behind your keyboard!
He did this all day yesterday. He thinks this is threatening somehow.

Go. Split. Take Texas. There's plenty of room for all you paranoids to shoot your guns at trees.


Except, you dems would not let him/us go. You would fight. So, you are talking shit. Again.
I'm just trying to help you guys with your feelz.

You keep talking about civil war and secession, so I'm just trying to help.

Dismissing our grievances as "feelz" is you throwing gasoline on the fire. People are dying in the streets and you are still fanning the flames of division and partisan hate.

Does that seem like a good idea to you, or have you just stopped thinking?

The problem is today those so called grieviences that have festered in white males for 40 years do not matter to the younger generation. They are tired of the whining, voting for old white men who simply feed what they want to hear, do nothing to fix the problems, simply feed the lobbyists who support them.

I actually hear this in my own family and listening to others. The generation of anger is slowly dying out, the young are moving in and if you do not keep up you will be knocked aside.

Just like the older Greatest Generation built the Middle Class the View attachment 430670Baby Boomers tore it down. Now the young are fed up. It will not happen over night but you are seeing the last gasps of White superiority.

We have had a bi-partisan consensus against ws, since the dems flipped on the issue in the mid 60s.

That you pretend that our grievances TODAY, are about that, is infuriating and unjust.

The young? As they grow up and have to deal with the fact that they are second class citizens, will wake up.

The first time they don't get a job they deserve, because, WS, they might suck it up as deserved.

The second and third too.

When they have a family that they can't provide for, because of ws, and people like you are telling them to suck it up, because ws,

they will eventually wake up.

And, they will realize that they were lied to. A lot. And fucked. A lot.
So how do you propose to turn back the clock? Of course the set asides,busing, other things were not handled well by Congress. They actually destroyed the cities with that ill advised rule. I have talked to many black parents who moved with us to the suburbs because they wanted their Schools fixed, not bused to the other side of town We all now live in an integrated suburb, vey happy.

I am not going to tell you there was not good reason years ago. I just know the young do not carry all those grievances and they are voting like crazy. They have other concerns. Their classmates being shot down, College expenses out of sight, decent well paying jobs, Climate Change.

Don't put words in my mouth. I said nothing of "clock".

That is your stupid talk of ws, still.

I was talking about our ACTUAL grievances. Perhaps if you are going to address my post, do me the courtesy of addressing what I actually said.

Step one, drop the ws shit. YOu know that is fucking bullshit and when you throw it, you are being a fucking monkey.
I addressed your grievances. You just do not like what I answered. You can carry a grievance for the rest of your life, wallow in it, does not solve one problem you have. You can do that or move on, improve your life. The choice is yours alone.

Jobs are lost, people lose loved ones, adversity happens to all of us. What you do with the rest of your life is up to you. Men and Women went back, learned new skills when all the plants closed in the Bush recession, moved on to be more successful. Others are still whining today. Life is what you make it, trust me, I know.

1. No, you called me a ws and addressed that. That was you being an asshole.

2. My life and the lives of my people, have been and will continue to be negatively impacted by your side's polices. That is a source of grievance that we cannot walk away from, because it is you with the power of government coming after us.

3. That you dismiss that as "whining" is just you being an asshole. Do you like seeing people die in the streets? Because this is how you get people dying in the streets.

And your sides policies delivered huge deficits, giant bailouts, couldn't hit 3% gdp growth, most pandemic deaths, failed to give the best healthcare. Your sides policies are a failure.

I disagree with your analysis but the point is, that they were not targeted with the intent of causing harm to a group of Americans, and marginalizing them.

IN the context of this discussion, that you jumped into, your comment is off topic.
Well what do you disagree with? Record deficits, trillion dollar last year before the pandemic. Trumps tariffs hurt manufacturing and led to the giant farmer bailout. trump did not hit 3% gdp growth. We do have the most pandemic deaths. He failed on healthcare. Your policies are a failure. Post trump gop better find some policy that works.

DOesn't matter. It is off topic. What part of off topic did you not get?

Oh, wait. I get it. YOu know that your side's polices ARE targeted to harm people like me, and you support that and want to derail the discussion to hide that fact.

I understand now.

Ok. I busted you, this is the part where you stone wall. Some personal attacks as additional distraction is normal.

I just explained how your policy hurt the whole country. Clearly you can't defend the failures.

Weak. Couldn't even work in a wace card play.

My point stands.

We have had a bi-partisan consensus against ws, since the dems flipped on the issue in the mid 60s.

That you pretend that our grievances TODAY, are about that, is infuriating and unjust.

The young? As they grow up and have to deal with the fact that they are second class citizens, will wake up.

The first time they don't get a job they deserve, because, WS, they might suck it up as deserved.

The second and third too.

When they have a family that they can't provide for, because of ws, and people like you are telling them to suck it up, because ws,

they will eventually wake up.

And, they will realize that they were lied to. A lot. And fucked. A lot.
What are you babbling about? The policy you support is a failure.

Which is irrelevant to the discussion you joined.

As I explained to you.

And I further called that you would now stonewall. As you are doing.
Republicans are being short sighted
Pandering to the MAGA crowd may help them win with the older, white Christians who fear their loss of power.
But younger Americans and minorities are repulsed by the actions of the far right. They are lost forever
Might be true, but the Dems are making a big mistake if they assume too much. They're certainly capable of going too far, as well.

This is why I don't like seeing the GOP turn into a fuckin' psycho ward like this. We need (at least) two strong parties.

When I checked the website of the Dem's national convention in 2016, it took me 15 minutes of clicking around until I saw the first picture of a white male who wasn't obviously depicted as gay.

It's all nice and fine when Democrats care for the issues of non-whites and other minorities ... but if they give a damn about white workers, they shouldn't be surprised when 70% of them then vote for someone like Trump.
This is a very large part of why Trump won in 2016 and why the Dems underperformed in November. The Regressive Left wing of the party -- the illiberal, authoritarian end that pushes Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture -- has damaged the party considerably.

And, just as the Trumpsters are refusing to look clearly and honestly in the mirror, so is the Regressive Left. As I always say, the two ends of our political spectrum can be comically similar in their behaviors.

We are NOT using mob violence to terrorize our enemies, and arresting people that defend themselves.

So, the similarities, are not very impressive.
He does not seem to care, and in fact has shown that he revels in the "fuck you" he is watching. I would conclude that he does not believe that we are dead fucking serious.

Texas is GONE. Leaving. It may not be this year, or next year, but the sentiment is real and serious. We are getting the fuck out one way or another. If it's peaceful, great. But, I suspect that the powerbrokers will not give up on the world's 10th largest economy that easily. I am at peace with that eventuality and will die for it.

I don't know how this will shake out

I do know that if they want to marginalize and oppress the single largest ethnic group in the country, that there will be civil unrest that will START at the level of the 60s and grow from there.

I do.
Biden is President.
You won't do shit.
Please keep saying that.

The more you run your shrill mouth, the more this becomes likely:


Your pictures make you look so brave! Behind your keyboard!
He did this all day yesterday. He thinks this is threatening somehow.

Go. Split. Take Texas. There's plenty of room for all you paranoids to shoot your guns at trees.


Except, you dems would not let him/us go. You would fight. So, you are talking shit. Again.
I'm just trying to help you guys with your feelz.

You keep talking about civil war and secession, so I'm just trying to help.

Dismissing our grievances as "feelz" is you throwing gasoline on the fire. People are dying in the streets and you are still fanning the flames of division and partisan hate.

Does that seem like a good idea to you, or have you just stopped thinking?

The problem is today those so called grieviences that have festered in white males for 40 years do not matter to the younger generation. They are tired of the whining, voting for old white men who simply feed what they want to hear, do nothing to fix the problems, simply feed the lobbyists who support them.

I actually hear this in my own family and listening to others. The generation of anger is slowly dying out, the young are moving in and if you do not keep up you will be knocked aside.

Just like the older Greatest Generation built the Middle Class the View attachment 430670Baby Boomers tore it down. Now the young are fed up. It will not happen over night but you are seeing the last gasps of White superiority.

We have had a bi-partisan consensus against ws, since the dems flipped on the issue in the mid 60s.

That you pretend that our grievances TODAY, are about that, is infuriating and unjust.

The young? As they grow up and have to deal with the fact that they are second class citizens, will wake up.

The first time they don't get a job they deserve, because, WS, they might suck it up as deserved.

The second and third too.

When they have a family that they can't provide for, because of ws, and people like you are telling them to suck it up, because ws,

they will eventually wake up.

And, they will realize that they were lied to. A lot. And fucked. A lot.
So how do you propose to turn back the clock? Of course the set asides,busing, other things were not handled well by Congress. They actually destroyed the cities with that ill advised rule. I have talked to many black parents who moved with us to the suburbs because they wanted their Schools fixed, not bused to the other side of town We all now live in an integrated suburb, vey happy.

I am not going to tell you there was not good reason years ago. I just know the young do not carry all those grievances and they are voting like crazy. They have other concerns. Their classmates being shot down, College expenses out of sight, decent well paying jobs, Climate Change.

Don't put words in my mouth. I said nothing of "clock".

That is your stupid talk of ws, still.

I was talking about our ACTUAL grievances. Perhaps if you are going to address my post, do me the courtesy of addressing what I actually said.

Step one, drop the ws shit. YOu know that is fucking bullshit and when you throw it, you are being a fucking monkey.
I addressed your grievances. You just do not like what I answered. You can carry a grievance for the rest of your life, wallow in it, does not solve one problem you have. You can do that or move on, improve your life. The choice is yours alone.

Jobs are lost, people lose loved ones, adversity happens to all of us. What you do with the rest of your life is up to you. Men and Women went back, learned new skills when all the plants closed in the Bush recession, moved on to be more successful. Others are still whining today. Life is what you make it, trust me, I know.

1. No, you called me a ws and addressed that. That was you being an asshole.

2. My life and the lives of my people, have been and will continue to be negatively impacted by your side's polices. That is a source of grievance that we cannot walk away from, because it is you with the power of government coming after us.

3. That you dismiss that as "whining" is just you being an asshole. Do you like seeing people die in the streets? Because this is how you get people dying in the streets.

And your sides policies delivered huge deficits, giant bailouts, couldn't hit 3% gdp growth, most pandemic deaths, failed to give the best healthcare. Your sides policies are a failure.

I disagree with your analysis but the point is, that they were not targeted with the intent of causing harm to a group of Americans, and marginalizing them.

IN the context of this discussion, that you jumped into, your comment is off topic.
Well what do you disagree with? Record deficits, trillion dollar last year before the pandemic. Trumps tariffs hurt manufacturing and led to the giant farmer bailout. trump did not hit 3% gdp growth. We do have the most pandemic deaths. He failed on healthcare. Your policies are a failure. Post trump gop better find some policy that works.

DOesn't matter. It is off topic. What part of off topic did you not get?

Oh, wait. I get it. YOu know that your side's polices ARE targeted to harm people like me, and you support that and want to derail the discussion to hide that fact.

I understand now.

Ok. I busted you, this is the part where you stone wall. Some personal attacks as additional distraction is normal.

I just explained how your policy hurt the whole country. Clearly you can't defend the failures.

Weak. Couldn't even work in a wace card play.

My point stands.

We have had a bi-partisan consensus against ws, since the dems flipped on the issue in the mid 60s.

That you pretend that our grievances TODAY, are about that, is infuriating and unjust.

The young? As they grow up and have to deal with the fact that they are second class citizens, will wake up.

The first time they don't get a job they deserve, because, WS, they might suck it up as deserved.

The second and third too.

When they have a family that they can't provide for, because of ws, and people like you are telling them to suck it up, because ws,

they will eventually wake up.

And, they will realize that they were lied to. A lot. And fucked. A lot.
What are you babbling about? The policy you support is a failure.

Which is irrelevant to the discussion you joined.

As I explained to you.

And I further called that you would now stonewall. As you are doing.
It's very telling you can't defend all the failed policy. You must really hate your country.
Republicans are being short sighted
Pandering to the MAGA crowd may help them win with the older, white Christians who fear their loss of power.
But younger Americans and minorities are repulsed by the actions of the far right. They are lost forever
Might be true, but the Dems are making a big mistake if they assume too much. They're certainly capable of going too far, as well.

This is why I don't like seeing the GOP turn into a fuckin' psycho ward like this. We need (at least) two strong parties.

When I checked the website of the Dem's national convention in 2016, it took me 15 minutes of clicking around until I saw the first picture of a white male who wasn't obviously depicted as gay.

It's all nice and fine when Democrats care for the issues of non-whites and other minorities ... but if they give a damn about white workers, they shouldn't be surprised when 70% of them then vote for someone like Trump.
This is a very large part of why Trump won in 2016 and why the Dems underperformed in November. The Regressive Left wing of the party -- the illiberal, authoritarian end that pushes Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture -- has damaged the party considerably.

And, just as the Trumpsters are refusing to look clearly and honestly in the mirror, so is the Regressive Left. As I always say, the two ends of our political spectrum can be comically similar in their behaviors.

We are NOT using mob violence to terrorize our enemies, and arresting people that defend themselves.

So, the similarities, are not very impressive.
He does not seem to care, and in fact has shown that he revels in the "fuck you" he is watching. I would conclude that he does not believe that we are dead fucking serious.

Texas is GONE. Leaving. It may not be this year, or next year, but the sentiment is real and serious. We are getting the fuck out one way or another. If it's peaceful, great. But, I suspect that the powerbrokers will not give up on the world's 10th largest economy that easily. I am at peace with that eventuality and will die for it.

I don't know how this will shake out

I do know that if they want to marginalize and oppress the single largest ethnic group in the country, that there will be civil unrest that will START at the level of the 60s and grow from there.

I do.
Biden is President.
You won't do shit.
Please keep saying that.

The more you run your shrill mouth, the more this becomes likely:


Your pictures make you look so brave! Behind your keyboard!
He did this all day yesterday. He thinks this is threatening somehow.

Go. Split. Take Texas. There's plenty of room for all you paranoids to shoot your guns at trees.


Except, you dems would not let him/us go. You would fight. So, you are talking shit. Again.
I'm just trying to help you guys with your feelz.

You keep talking about civil war and secession, so I'm just trying to help.

Dismissing our grievances as "feelz" is you throwing gasoline on the fire. People are dying in the streets and you are still fanning the flames of division and partisan hate.

Does that seem like a good idea to you, or have you just stopped thinking?

The problem is today those so called grieviences that have festered in white males for 40 years do not matter to the younger generation. They are tired of the whining, voting for old white men who simply feed what they want to hear, do nothing to fix the problems, simply feed the lobbyists who support them.

I actually hear this in my own family and listening to others. The generation of anger is slowly dying out, the young are moving in and if you do not keep up you will be knocked aside.

Just like the older Greatest Generation built the Middle Class the View attachment 430670Baby Boomers tore it down. Now the young are fed up. It will not happen over night but you are seeing the last gasps of White superiority.

We have had a bi-partisan consensus against ws, since the dems flipped on the issue in the mid 60s.

That you pretend that our grievances TODAY, are about that, is infuriating and unjust.

The young? As they grow up and have to deal with the fact that they are second class citizens, will wake up.

The first time they don't get a job they deserve, because, WS, they might suck it up as deserved.

The second and third too.

When they have a family that they can't provide for, because of ws, and people like you are telling them to suck it up, because ws,

they will eventually wake up.

And, they will realize that they were lied to. A lot. And fucked. A lot.
So how do you propose to turn back the clock? Of course the set asides,busing, other things were not handled well by Congress. They actually destroyed the cities with that ill advised rule. I have talked to many black parents who moved with us to the suburbs because they wanted their Schools fixed, not bused to the other side of town We all now live in an integrated suburb, vey happy.

I am not going to tell you there was not good reason years ago. I just know the young do not carry all those grievances and they are voting like crazy. They have other concerns. Their classmates being shot down, College expenses out of sight, decent well paying jobs, Climate Change.

Don't put words in my mouth. I said nothing of "clock".

That is your stupid talk of ws, still.

I was talking about our ACTUAL grievances. Perhaps if you are going to address my post, do me the courtesy of addressing what I actually said.

Step one, drop the ws shit. YOu know that is fucking bullshit and when you throw it, you are being a fucking monkey.
I addressed your grievances. You just do not like what I answered. You can carry a grievance for the rest of your life, wallow in it, does not solve one problem you have. You can do that or move on, improve your life. The choice is yours alone.

Jobs are lost, people lose loved ones, adversity happens to all of us. What you do with the rest of your life is up to you. Men and Women went back, learned new skills when all the plants closed in the Bush recession, moved on to be more successful. Others are still whining today. Life is what you make it, trust me, I know.

1. No, you called me a ws and addressed that. That was you being an asshole.

2. My life and the lives of my people, have been and will continue to be negatively impacted by your side's polices. That is a source of grievance that we cannot walk away from, because it is you with the power of government coming after us.

3. That you dismiss that as "whining" is just you being an asshole. Do you like seeing people die in the streets? Because this is how you get people dying in the streets.
Carry on, whine for the rest of your life. As for me,I have picked myself up many times. I admit I have little sympathy for those who choose not to.

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