The Post-Trump GOP

Republicans are being short sighted
Pandering to the MAGA crowd may help them win with the older, white Christians who fear their loss of power.
But younger Americans and minorities are repulsed by the actions of the far right. They are lost forever
Might be true, but the Dems are making a big mistake if they assume too much. They're certainly capable of going too far, as well.

This is why I don't like seeing the GOP turn into a fuckin' psycho ward like this. We need (at least) two strong parties.

When I checked the website of the Dem's national convention in 2016, it took me 15 minutes of clicking around until I saw the first picture of a white male who wasn't obviously depicted as gay.

It's all nice and fine when Democrats care for the issues of non-whites and other minorities ... but if they give a damn about white workers, they shouldn't be surprised when 70% of them then vote for someone like Trump.
This is a very large part of why Trump won in 2016 and why the Dems underperformed in November. The Regressive Left wing of the party -- the illiberal, authoritarian end that pushes Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture -- has damaged the party considerably.

And, just as the Trumpsters are refusing to look clearly and honestly in the mirror, so is the Regressive Left. As I always say, the two ends of our political spectrum can be comically similar in their behaviors.

We are NOT using mob violence to terrorize our enemies, and arresting people that defend themselves.

So, the similarities, are not very impressive.
He does not seem to care, and in fact has shown that he revels in the "fuck you" he is watching. I would conclude that he does not believe that we are dead fucking serious.

Texas is GONE. Leaving. It may not be this year, or next year, but the sentiment is real and serious. We are getting the fuck out one way or another. If it's peaceful, great. But, I suspect that the powerbrokers will not give up on the world's 10th largest economy that easily. I am at peace with that eventuality and will die for it.

I don't know how this will shake out

I do know that if they want to marginalize and oppress the single largest ethnic group in the country, that there will be civil unrest that will START at the level of the 60s and grow from there.

I do.
Biden is President.
You won't do shit.
Please keep saying that.

The more you run your shrill mouth, the more this becomes likely:


Your pictures make you look so brave! Behind your keyboard!
He did this all day yesterday. He thinks this is threatening somehow.

Go. Split. Take Texas. There's plenty of room for all you paranoids to shoot your guns at trees.


Except, you dems would not let him/us go. You would fight. So, you are talking shit. Again.
I'm just trying to help you guys with your feelz.

You keep talking about civil war and secession, so I'm just trying to help.

Dismissing our grievances as "feelz" is you throwing gasoline on the fire. People are dying in the streets and you are still fanning the flames of division and partisan hate.

Does that seem like a good idea to you, or have you just stopped thinking?

The problem is today those so called grieviences that have festered in white males for 40 years do not matter to the younger generation. They are tired of the whining, voting for old white men who simply feed what they want to hear, do nothing to fix the problems, simply feed the lobbyists who support them.

I actually hear this in my own family and listening to others. The generation of anger is slowly dying out, the young are moving in and if you do not keep up you will be knocked aside.

Just like the older Greatest Generation built the Middle Class the View attachment 430670Baby Boomers tore it down. Now the young are fed up. It will not happen over night but you are seeing the last gasps of White superiority.

This is funny but it shows those wanting Civil War.

View attachment 430670and I watched it happen over 40/ 50 years.
The world is changing, their country is changing, and there are people who make their living doing little more than feeding their anger, frustration and paranoia.

So, in their emotional state, they'd rather "fight" some all-or-nothing "war" than intelligently play a part in managing the change. All that does is make things worse.

So, those who make their living doing little more than feeding their anger, frustration and paranoia have more material to work with, and the cycle just continues.
Trump, Mitch, many others, Gym Jordan, Steve Scalise, too many to name just feed the misplaced anger so now the crazies are taking over!

Call us crazy and ws some more. And then act like our anger is something wrong with us.

YEah, keep it up.
Are you reading my posts or just ranting?

My point was clear and concise. Your pretense otherwise, is just you gaslighting.

Knock that shit off.
See? Once again, blame me for your grievances You can not seem to let go.
You can't seem to let us go.

Isn't this a thing of beauty?


God Bless America, right?
It’s a thing of ignorance and stupidity.

American citizens who reside in Texas and wish to remain American citizens cannot have their citizenship taken from them against their will or absent due process – that would violate the 14th Amendment – regardless whether Texas lawmakers vote to ‘secede.’

The only recourse, therefore, for those in Texas who no longer wish to be American citizens is for them to renounce their American citizenship and leave the country; Texas remains with its sister states and part of the United States.


It is funny when liberals pretend to care about the constitution.

It's even funnier when a Trump support mentions the Constitution, even as Trump is attempting to subvert it.
Of course, they don't care about the constitution. Never did. They proved this many times over before election day. Before 2020, even.

Actually, the Constitution was designed to prevent a Retard like Sleepy Joe from assuming power. The same thing that President Trump is trying to prevent.
What's next for the GOP?

A couple of very interesting pieces this morning. Interestingly, much of what they cover includes what we've been talking about here. The anti-Trump types like the Lincoln Project know damn well that he has a vice-like grip on the party, and will even have to consider running separate candidates, which we haven't really talked about here. The party is so afraid of Trump, in fact, that they're not even engaging in the traditional post-mortem for fear of angering him. Holy crap.

At the same time, they did do better than expected down ticket (or was it the Democrats doing worse than expected?), so that just muddies the waters even more. So what do the next few years look like for the GOP?

Oh, for Trumpsters: Ignore all this, he won, "by a lot", they cheated, he'll stay in office, MAGA.
These cultists don't actually care about results. They only care about deference to the cult leader. So all the GOP politicians have to do is sneak in a lick of Trump's boots once in a while, and the cult will follow. It doesn't matter if they end up doing something Trump criticizes, or if they do something against the best interests of the cult. The cult will find a way to justify it and even LOVE it, as long as there is a whiff of Trump buttlicking attached to it. What a powerful political tool. People like to call Trump a conman, and he is. But he is a moron and incompetent. The smart conmen will use him and his cult better than he ever could.
Another load that needs to be flushed.
And yet every word you will do all the work of proving for me, for the next 4 years. My little assistant.
Nothing you ever posted is true
You're even proving it right now, cultist. Please, continue.
How am I proving it
Well of course you are oblivious. That's what cultism is.
You keep avaoiding an answer to the question. That's because we all know you are full of shit.
Nah, the smart people all know the answer. Even you, deep down.
Avoided it again. Who do you think you're fooling?
Republicans are being short sighted
Pandering to the MAGA crowd may help them win with the older, white Christians who fear their loss of power.
But younger Americans and minorities are repulsed by the actions of the far right. They are lost forever
Might be true, but the Dems are making a big mistake if they assume too much. They're certainly capable of going too far, as well.

This is why I don't like seeing the GOP turn into a fuckin' psycho ward like this. We need (at least) two strong parties.

When I checked the website of the Dem's national convention in 2016, it took me 15 minutes of clicking around until I saw the first picture of a white male who wasn't obviously depicted as gay.

It's all nice and fine when Democrats care for the issues of non-whites and other minorities ... but if they give a damn about white workers, they shouldn't be surprised when 70% of them then vote for someone like Trump.
This is a very large part of why Trump won in 2016 and why the Dems underperformed in November. The Regressive Left wing of the party -- the illiberal, authoritarian end that pushes Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture -- has damaged the party considerably.

And, just as the Trumpsters are refusing to look clearly and honestly in the mirror, so is the Regressive Left. As I always say, the two ends of our political spectrum can be comically similar in their behaviors.

We are NOT using mob violence to terrorize our enemies, and arresting people that defend themselves.

So, the similarities, are not very impressive.
He does not seem to care, and in fact has shown that he revels in the "fuck you" he is watching. I would conclude that he does not believe that we are dead fucking serious.

Texas is GONE. Leaving. It may not be this year, or next year, but the sentiment is real and serious. We are getting the fuck out one way or another. If it's peaceful, great. But, I suspect that the powerbrokers will not give up on the world's 10th largest economy that easily. I am at peace with that eventuality and will die for it.

I don't know how this will shake out

I do know that if they want to marginalize and oppress the single largest ethnic group in the country, that there will be civil unrest that will START at the level of the 60s and grow from there.

I do.
Biden is President.
You won't do shit.
Please keep saying that.

The more you run your shrill mouth, the more this becomes likely:


Your pictures make you look so brave! Behind your keyboard!
He did this all day yesterday. He thinks this is threatening somehow.

Go. Split. Take Texas. There's plenty of room for all you paranoids to shoot your guns at trees.


Except, you dems would not let him/us go. You would fight. So, you are talking shit. Again.
I'm just trying to help you guys with your feelz.

You keep talking about civil war and secession, so I'm just trying to help.

Dismissing our grievances as "feelz" is you throwing gasoline on the fire. People are dying in the streets and you are still fanning the flames of division and partisan hate.

Does that seem like a good idea to you, or have you just stopped thinking?

The problem is today those so called grieviences that have festered in white males for 40 years do not matter to the younger generation. They are tired of the whining, voting for old white men who simply feed what they want to hear, do nothing to fix the problems, simply feed the lobbyists who support them.

I actually hear this in my own family and listening to others. The generation of anger is slowly dying out, the young are moving in and if you do not keep up you will be knocked aside.

Just like the older Greatest Generation built the Middle Class the View attachment 430670Baby Boomers tore it down. Now the young are fed up. It will not happen over night but you are seeing the last gasps of White superiority.

This is funny but it shows those wanting Civil War.

View attachment 430670and I watched it happen over 40/ 50 years.
The world is changing, their country is changing, and there are people who make their living doing little more than feeding their anger, frustration and paranoia.

So, in their emotional state, they'd rather "fight" some all-or-nothing "war" than intelligently play a part in managing the change. All that does is make things worse.

So, those who make their living doing little more than feeding their anger, frustration and paranoia have more material to work with, and the cycle just continues.
Trump, Mitch, many others, Gym Jordan, Steve Scalise, too many to name just feed the misplaced anger so now the crazies are taking over!

Call us crazy and ws some more. And then act like our anger is something wrong with us.

YEah, keep it up.
Are you reading my posts or just ranting?

My point was clear and concise. Your pretense otherwise, is just you gaslighting.

Knock that shit off.
See? Once again, blame me for your grievances You can not seem to let go.
You can't seem to let us go.

Isn't this a thing of beauty?


God Bless America, right?
It’s a thing of ignorance and stupidity.

American citizens who reside in Texas and wish to remain American citizens cannot have their citizenship taken from them against their will or absent due process – that would violate the 14th Amendment – regardless whether Texas lawmakers vote to ‘secede.’

The only recourse, therefore, for those in Texas who no longer wish to be American citizens is for them to renounce their American citizenship and leave the country; Texas remains with its sister states and part of the United States.


It is funny when liberals pretend to care about the constitution.

It's even funnier when a Trump support mentions the Constitution, even as Trump is attempting to subvert it.
Of course, they don't care about the constitution. Never did. They proved this many times over before election day. Before 2020, even.
How did they prove they don't care about the Constitution?
Republicans are being short sighted
Pandering to the MAGA crowd may help them win with the older, white Christians who fear their loss of power.
But younger Americans and minorities are repulsed by the actions of the far right. They are lost forever
Might be true, but the Dems are making a big mistake if they assume too much. They're certainly capable of going too far, as well.

This is why I don't like seeing the GOP turn into a fuckin' psycho ward like this. We need (at least) two strong parties.

When I checked the website of the Dem's national convention in 2016, it took me 15 minutes of clicking around until I saw the first picture of a white male who wasn't obviously depicted as gay.

It's all nice and fine when Democrats care for the issues of non-whites and other minorities ... but if they give a damn about white workers, they shouldn't be surprised when 70% of them then vote for someone like Trump.
This is a very large part of why Trump won in 2016 and why the Dems underperformed in November. The Regressive Left wing of the party -- the illiberal, authoritarian end that pushes Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture -- has damaged the party considerably.

And, just as the Trumpsters are refusing to look clearly and honestly in the mirror, so is the Regressive Left. As I always say, the two ends of our political spectrum can be comically similar in their behaviors.

We are NOT using mob violence to terrorize our enemies, and arresting people that defend themselves.

So, the similarities, are not very impressive.
He does not seem to care, and in fact has shown that he revels in the "fuck you" he is watching. I would conclude that he does not believe that we are dead fucking serious.

Texas is GONE. Leaving. It may not be this year, or next year, but the sentiment is real and serious. We are getting the fuck out one way or another. If it's peaceful, great. But, I suspect that the powerbrokers will not give up on the world's 10th largest economy that easily. I am at peace with that eventuality and will die for it.

I don't know how this will shake out

I do know that if they want to marginalize and oppress the single largest ethnic group in the country, that there will be civil unrest that will START at the level of the 60s and grow from there.

I do.
Biden is President.
You won't do shit.
Please keep saying that.

The more you run your shrill mouth, the more this becomes likely:


Your pictures make you look so brave! Behind your keyboard!
He did this all day yesterday. He thinks this is threatening somehow.

Go. Split. Take Texas. There's plenty of room for all you paranoids to shoot your guns at trees.


Except, you dems would not let him/us go. You would fight. So, you are talking shit. Again.
I'm just trying to help you guys with your feelz.

You keep talking about civil war and secession, so I'm just trying to help.

Dismissing our grievances as "feelz" is you throwing gasoline on the fire. People are dying in the streets and you are still fanning the flames of division and partisan hate.

Does that seem like a good idea to you, or have you just stopped thinking?

The problem is today those so called grieviences that have festered in white males for 40 years do not matter to the younger generation. They are tired of the whining, voting for old white men who simply feed what they want to hear, do nothing to fix the problems, simply feed the lobbyists who support them.

I actually hear this in my own family and listening to others. The generation of anger is slowly dying out, the young are moving in and if you do not keep up you will be knocked aside.

Just like the older Greatest Generation built the Middle Class the View attachment 430670Baby Boomers tore it down. Now the young are fed up. It will not happen over night but you are seeing the last gasps of White superiority.

This is funny but it shows those wanting Civil War.

View attachment 430670and I watched it happen over 40/ 50 years.
The world is changing, their country is changing, and there are people who make their living doing little more than feeding their anger, frustration and paranoia.

So, in their emotional state, they'd rather "fight" some all-or-nothing "war" than intelligently play a part in managing the change. All that does is make things worse.

So, those who make their living doing little more than feeding their anger, frustration and paranoia have more material to work with, and the cycle just continues.
Trump, Mitch, many others, Gym Jordan, Steve Scalise, too many to name just feed the misplaced anger so now the crazies are taking over!

Call us crazy and ws some more. And then act like our anger is something wrong with us.

YEah, keep it up.
Are you reading my posts or just ranting?

My point was clear and concise. Your pretense otherwise, is just you gaslighting.

Knock that shit off.
See? Once again, blame me for your grievances You can not seem to let go.
You can't seem to let us go.

Isn't this a thing of beauty?


God Bless America, right?
It’s a thing of ignorance and stupidity.

American citizens who reside in Texas and wish to remain American citizens cannot have their citizenship taken from them against their will or absent due process – that would violate the 14th Amendment – regardless whether Texas lawmakers vote to ‘secede.’

The only recourse, therefore, for those in Texas who no longer wish to be American citizens is for them to renounce their American citizenship and leave the country; Texas remains with its sister states and part of the United States.


It is funny when liberals pretend to care about the constitution.

It's even funnier when a Trump support mentions the Constitution, even as Trump is attempting to subvert it.
Of course, they don't care about the constitution. Never did. They proved this many times over before election day. Before 2020, even.

Actually, the Constitution was designed to prevent a Retard like Sleepy Joe from assuming power. The same thing that President Trump is trying to prevent.

The voting booth means dimwits like Trump are shown the door when people realize how destructive they are. And boy is Trump ever revealing his true colors since he lost the election at that voting booth.

An arrogant, incompetent, narcissistic piece of humanity!
Republicans are being short sighted
Pandering to the MAGA crowd may help them win with the older, white Christians who fear their loss of power.
But younger Americans and minorities are repulsed by the actions of the far right. They are lost forever
Might be true, but the Dems are making a big mistake if they assume too much. They're certainly capable of going too far, as well.

This is why I don't like seeing the GOP turn into a fuckin' psycho ward like this. We need (at least) two strong parties.

When I checked the website of the Dem's national convention in 2016, it took me 15 minutes of clicking around until I saw the first picture of a white male who wasn't obviously depicted as gay.

It's all nice and fine when Democrats care for the issues of non-whites and other minorities ... but if they give a damn about white workers, they shouldn't be surprised when 70% of them then vote for someone like Trump.
This is a very large part of why Trump won in 2016 and why the Dems underperformed in November. The Regressive Left wing of the party -- the illiberal, authoritarian end that pushes Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture -- has damaged the party considerably.

And, just as the Trumpsters are refusing to look clearly and honestly in the mirror, so is the Regressive Left. As I always say, the two ends of our political spectrum can be comically similar in their behaviors.

We are NOT using mob violence to terrorize our enemies, and arresting people that defend themselves.

So, the similarities, are not very impressive.
He does not seem to care, and in fact has shown that he revels in the "fuck you" he is watching. I would conclude that he does not believe that we are dead fucking serious.

Texas is GONE. Leaving. It may not be this year, or next year, but the sentiment is real and serious. We are getting the fuck out one way or another. If it's peaceful, great. But, I suspect that the powerbrokers will not give up on the world's 10th largest economy that easily. I am at peace with that eventuality and will die for it.

I don't know how this will shake out

I do know that if they want to marginalize and oppress the single largest ethnic group in the country, that there will be civil unrest that will START at the level of the 60s and grow from there.

I do.
Biden is President.
You won't do shit.
Please keep saying that.

The more you run your shrill mouth, the more this becomes likely:


Your pictures make you look so brave! Behind your keyboard!
He did this all day yesterday. He thinks this is threatening somehow.

Go. Split. Take Texas. There's plenty of room for all you paranoids to shoot your guns at trees.


Except, you dems would not let him/us go. You would fight. So, you are talking shit. Again.
I'm just trying to help you guys with your feelz.

You keep talking about civil war and secession, so I'm just trying to help.

Dismissing our grievances as "feelz" is you throwing gasoline on the fire. People are dying in the streets and you are still fanning the flames of division and partisan hate.

Does that seem like a good idea to you, or have you just stopped thinking?

The problem is today those so called grieviences that have festered in white males for 40 years do not matter to the younger generation. They are tired of the whining, voting for old white men who simply feed what they want to hear, do nothing to fix the problems, simply feed the lobbyists who support them.

I actually hear this in my own family and listening to others. The generation of anger is slowly dying out, the young are moving in and if you do not keep up you will be knocked aside.

Just like the older Greatest Generation built the Middle Class the View attachment 430670Baby Boomers tore it down. Now the young are fed up. It will not happen over night but you are seeing the last gasps of White superiority.

This is funny but it shows those wanting Civil War.

View attachment 430670and I watched it happen over 40/ 50 years.
The world is changing, their country is changing, and there are people who make their living doing little more than feeding their anger, frustration and paranoia.

So, in their emotional state, they'd rather "fight" some all-or-nothing "war" than intelligently play a part in managing the change. All that does is make things worse.

So, those who make their living doing little more than feeding their anger, frustration and paranoia have more material to work with, and the cycle just continues.
Trump, Mitch, many others, Gym Jordan, Steve Scalise, too many to name just feed the misplaced anger so now the crazies are taking over!

Call us crazy and ws some more. And then act like our anger is something wrong with us.

YEah, keep it up.
Are you reading my posts or just ranting?

My point was clear and concise. Your pretense otherwise, is just you gaslighting.

Knock that shit off.
See? Once again, blame me for your grievances You can not seem to let go.
You can't seem to let us go.

Isn't this a thing of beauty?


God Bless America, right?
It’s a thing of ignorance and stupidity.

American citizens who reside in Texas and wish to remain American citizens cannot have their citizenship taken from them against their will or absent due process – that would violate the 14th Amendment – regardless whether Texas lawmakers vote to ‘secede.’

The only recourse, therefore, for those in Texas who no longer wish to be American citizens is for them to renounce their American citizenship and leave the country; Texas remains with its sister states and part of the United States.


It is funny when liberals pretend to care about the constitution.

It's even funnier when a Trump support mentions the Constitution, even as Trump is attempting to subvert it.
There's always an excuse with authoritarians.
  • No more endless, pointless wars in the Mideast
  • Support for Israel
  • Strong resistance to Chinese military/economic aggression
  • Lower taxes and less regulation, economic growth through free enterprise
  • Lower immigration
  • Judges that don’t legislate
  • Opposition to PC attacks on freedom of speech
Leftists would add RACISM and subservience to Putin and authoritarianism but that would be unfair.

Have I described Trumpism accurately? Do you support Trumpism?

Maybe it’s time to focus on Trump the ideology rather than Trump the individual.
  • No more endless, pointless wars in the Mideast
  • Support for Israel

Okay, you realize the reason why we have pointless wars in the middle east is because we support the Zionist Entity, right?

That Trump didn't start a new one (although he almost did with Iran) is nothing to be proud of.

Strong resistance to Chinese military/economic aggression

Uh, guy, I'm not really keen on going to war over some little islands in the South China Sea. I'm not sure why you are.

Lower taxes and less regulation, economic growth through free enterprise

We are 26 Trillion in debt and deregulation always leads to economic crashes.

Lower immigration

Well, at least you are admitting you are against all immigrants, and not just "illegal" immigrants. The reality is, we need immigrants, otherwise we'd be in a demographic death spiral like Japan.

Judges that don’t legislate

So you will be really upset when they try to ban abortion or gay marriage?

Opposition to PC attacks on freedom of speech

You are totally free to say any racist shit you want. But they will have consequences if you say them at work or in public.

Have I described Trumpism accurately? Do you support Trumpism?

Maybe it’s time to focus on Trump the ideology rather than Trump the individual.

Trump Ideology is like Trump Airlines, Trump Steaks, Trump Vodka or any other number of failures that has the word "Trump" in front of them.

  • No more endless, pointless wars in the Mideast
  • Support for Israel

Okay, you realize the reason why we have pointless wars in the middle east is because we support the Zionist Entity, right?

That Trump didn't start a new one (although he almost did with Iran) is nothing to be proud of.

Strong resistance to Chinese military/economic aggression

Uh, guy, I'm not really keen on going to war over some little islands in the South China Sea. I'm not sure why you are.

Lower taxes and less regulation, economic growth through free enterprise

We are 26 Trillion in debt and deregulation always leads to economic crashes.

Lower immigration

Well, at least you are admitting you are against all immigrants, and not just "illegal" immigrants. The reality is, we need immigrants, otherwise we'd be in a demographic death spiral like Japan.

Judges that don’t legislate

So you will be really upset when they try to ban abortion or gay marriage?

Opposition to PC attacks on freedom of speech

You are totally free to say any racist shit you want. But they will have consequences if you say them at work or in public.

Have I described Trumpism accurately? Do you support Trumpism?

Maybe it’s time to focus on Trump the ideology rather than Trump the individual.

Trump Ideology is like Trump Airlines, Trump Steaks, Trump Vodka or any other number of failures that has the word "Trump" in front of them.

View attachment 431446
How can you possibly say that Trump shouldn’t be proud of not starting s new war?

Can we agree Obama should be ashamed of his Libya fiasco?

Do you actually think the genocidal CCP is only after a few small islands??

Do you really think putting overstuffed bureaucracies on a diet will inevitably lead to an economic crash?

The only people who favor mass immigration are corporate executives who want to bid down the cost if labor.

If you are worried about a demographic death spiral you must be pro-life.

The Supreme Court might overturn Roe v. Wade, but they won’t ban abortion. The decision would be left to the legislature.

Why do you hate free speech?

I have to say your remarks seem totally unhinged.
Last edited:
Said a man that wants to deprive the largest single ethnic group in the country, of equality before the law.

Liberals wrote the Declaration of Independence and US Constitution. BOTH documents were opposed by Conservatives

THe Enlightenment Beliefs enshrined in the Constitution are the beliefs of Conservatives today and completely opposed by radical leftists today.

You are just talking shit now.
How can you possibly say that Trump shouldn’t be proud of not starting s new war?

Trump did not start new wars but escalated global tension by creating conflicts with China and Iran while weakening the Western alliance.
His support of Dictators in Russia, N Korea and Saudi Arabia has made us less safe
Said a man that wants to deprive the largest single ethnic group in the country, of equality before the law.

Liberals wrote the Declaration of Independence and US Constitution. BOTH documents were opposed by Conservatives

THe Enlightenment Beliefs enshrined in the Constitution are the beliefs of Conservatives today and completely opposed by radical leftists today.

You are just talking shit now.

The only part of the Constitution supported by Conservatives is the Second Amendment......and they only read half of it
What's next for the GOP?

A couple of very interesting pieces this morning. Interestingly, much of what they cover includes what we've been talking about here. The anti-Trump types like the Lincoln Project know damn well that he has a vice-like grip on the party, and will even have to consider running separate candidates, which we haven't really talked about here. The party is so afraid of Trump, in fact, that they're not even engaging in the traditional post-mortem for fear of angering him. Holy crap.

At the same time, they did do better than expected down ticket (or was it the Democrats doing worse than expected?), so that just muddies the waters even more. So what do the next few years look like for the GOP?

Oh, for Trumpsters: Ignore all this, he won, "by a lot", they cheated, he'll stay in office, MAGA.
These cultists don't actually care about results. They only care about deference to the cult leader. So all the GOP politicians have to do is sneak in a lick of Trump's boots once in a while, and the cult will follow. It doesn't matter if they end up doing something Trump criticizes, or if they do something against the best interests of the cult. The cult will find a way to justify it and even LOVE it, as long as there is a whiff of Trump buttlicking attached to it. What a powerful political tool. People like to call Trump a conman, and he is. But he is a moron and incompetent. The smart conmen will use him and his cult better than he ever could.
Another load that needs to be flushed.
And yet every word you will do all the work of proving for me, for the next 4 years. My little assistant.
Nothing you ever posted is true
You're even proving it right now, cultist. Please, continue.
How am I proving it
Well of course you are oblivious. That's what cultism is.

If that is what cultism, is, then how would YOU know, if you were in a cult?

Of course, you aren't concerned by that possibility, because even when you said that, you knew it was just shit you were throwing at your enemies.

Because you are a monkey.
How can you possibly say that Trump shouldn’t be proud of not starting s new war?

Trump did not start new wars but escalated global tension by creating conflicts with China and Iran while weakening the Western alliance.
His support of Dictators in Russia, N Korea and Saudi Arabia has made us less safe
Trump created conflict with China??

Does it become one to serve as an apologist for genocidal dictators?

And I’m sure you don’t honestly believe the Russian hoax.

No more endless, pointless wars in the Mideast

Ever since Bush a Republican lied America into invading and so utterly fucking up the post invasion occupation there has been little chance that Republicans as a Party Would ever do anything like that again. There is no chance that Democrats would start an endless ground war anywhere since Dems are the anti-war party in the first place.

You give credit to Trump for not doing something that never was going to happen anyway.

And you ignore the fact that Trump was in favor of invading Iraq on the record.

Trump ran as a Republican. The pointless war of Iraq was a Republican war based on a lie to justify it. Prior to the invasion, I opposed the idea of invading Iraq like the majority of all Democrats. I marched in protests in DC and it’s funny I don’t recall seeing Trump there or hearing about Trump opposing the war. That’s because Trump is quoted on record in 2002 saying he supported an invasion of Iraq and not once uttering an anti-war sound before Bush launched it in March 2003.

The ultimate Bush lie was in March 2003 when he declared this:

Bush lied on March 17, 2003 when he claimed to have “intelligence that left no doubt that Iraq was concealing the most lethal weapons ever devised from UN inspectors."

That was the lie. Note it was about the status of UN Inspections in Iraq, not the October 2002 WMD intelligence that Sen. Clinton used when voting for the AUMF only if Saddam Hussein refused to allow the inspectors back in.

I’ve explained the Bush 2003 Iraq lie very often:

Its not a lie that the United States and other intelligence agencies around the world had intelligence that Saddam had WMD.
You are not responding to what I've written. On 07-13-2014 10:24 AM I wrote, “I have presented a case that Bush lied on March 17, 2003 that he claimed to have intelligence that left no doubt that Iraq was concealing the most lethal weapons ever devised from UN inspectors."

No Democrats made that claim. I am not disputing that "the United States and other intelligence agencies around the world had intelligence that Saddam had WMD" in the past.

We all know that Saddam "had" WMD. Bush lied on March 17, 2003 because ten days before that he exposed the truth that he did not have any such incriminating intelligence that would justify a US and UK invasion.

If some intelligence was obtained after March 7, 2003 Bush was obligated as a UNSC member nation to offer that intelligence to the UN inspectors to be checked out. There was no offer because the inspectors left on March 18 an 19 because Bush was planning to invade. Are you suggesting that he lied to the UNSC by concealing intelligence from them?

Now for Trump’s lying that he opposed the war prior to the start:

"I was totally against the war in Iraq," Trump said during the NBC News event. "You can look at Esquire magazine from '04. You can look at before that."
PolitiFact - Trump repeats wrong claim that he opposed Iraq War

Well, we have gone back further than the 2004 interview Trump mentioned, and the record tells a different story.

Trump has a hard time getting past a September 2002 interview with shock jock Howard Stern. Stern asked Trump if he supported the looming invasion.

Trump responded, "Yeah, I guess so."

Trump dialed that back a bit in another interview in January 2003, a few months before the invasion. Fox News’ Neil Cavuto asked Trump whether President George W. Bush should be more focused on Iraq or the economy.

"Well, he has either got to do something or not do something, perhaps, because perhaps shouldn't be doing it yet and perhaps we should be waiting for the United Nations, you know," Trump said. "He's under a lot of pressure. I think he's doing a very good job. But, of course, if you look at the polls, a lot of people are getting a little tired. I think the Iraqi situation is a problem. And I think the economy is a much bigger problem as far as the president is concerned."

So Trump put the economy ahead of confronting Iraq, but he didn’t speak against going to war. At most he suggested waiting for the United Nations to do something.

September 2002 interview with shock jock Howard Stern. Stern asked Trump if he supported the looming invasion.

Trump responded, "Yeah, I guess so."
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How can you possibly say that Trump shouldn’t be proud of not starting s new war?

Trump did not start new wars but escalated global tension by creating conflicts with China and Iran while weakening the Western alliance.
His support of Dictators in Russia, N Korea and Saudi Arabia has made us less safe
Trump created conflict with China??

Does it become one to serve as an apologist for genocidal dictators?

And I’m sure you don’t honestly believe the Russian hoax.

Trump started an unnecessary trade war with China and destroyed the Iran nuclear deal. Since then, Iran has resumed its nuclear program
No more endless, pointless wars in the Mideast

Trump’s most potent Bloc of voters are his white Evangelical Christian nationalist base. They were fully in support of the invasion of Iraq and still are. They don’t regret it. I expect most of them still believe Saddam Hussein’s WMD are on a cargo ship circling around out on the ocean somewhere or buried in the desert somewhere in Syria.

Your point is a farce.
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Republicans are being short sighted
Pandering to the MAGA crowd may help them win with the older, white Christians who fear their loss of power.
But younger Americans and minorities are repulsed by the actions of the far right. They are lost forever
Might be true, but the Dems are making a big mistake if they assume too much. They're certainly capable of going too far, as well.

This is why I don't like seeing the GOP turn into a fuckin' psycho ward like this. We need (at least) two strong parties.

When I checked the website of the Dem's national convention in 2016, it took me 15 minutes of clicking around until I saw the first picture of a white male who wasn't obviously depicted as gay.

It's all nice and fine when Democrats care for the issues of non-whites and other minorities ... but if they give a damn about white workers, they shouldn't be surprised when 70% of them then vote for someone like Trump.
This is a very large part of why Trump won in 2016 and why the Dems underperformed in November. The Regressive Left wing of the party -- the illiberal, authoritarian end that pushes Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture -- has damaged the party considerably.

And, just as the Trumpsters are refusing to look clearly and honestly in the mirror, so is the Regressive Left. As I always say, the two ends of our political spectrum can be comically similar in their behaviors.

We are NOT using mob violence to terrorize our enemies, and arresting people that defend themselves.

So, the similarities, are not very impressive.
He does not seem to care, and in fact has shown that he revels in the "fuck you" he is watching. I would conclude that he does not believe that we are dead fucking serious.

Texas is GONE. Leaving. It may not be this year, or next year, but the sentiment is real and serious. We are getting the fuck out one way or another. If it's peaceful, great. But, I suspect that the powerbrokers will not give up on the world's 10th largest economy that easily. I am at peace with that eventuality and will die for it.

I don't know how this will shake out

I do know that if they want to marginalize and oppress the single largest ethnic group in the country, that there will be civil unrest that will START at the level of the 60s and grow from there.

I do.
Biden is President.
You won't do shit.
Please keep saying that.

The more you run your shrill mouth, the more this becomes likely:


Your pictures make you look so brave! Behind your keyboard!
He did this all day yesterday. He thinks this is threatening somehow.

Go. Split. Take Texas. There's plenty of room for all you paranoids to shoot your guns at trees.


Except, you dems would not let him/us go. You would fight. So, you are talking shit. Again.
I'm just trying to help you guys with your feelz.

You keep talking about civil war and secession, so I'm just trying to help.

Dismissing our grievances as "feelz" is you throwing gasoline on the fire. People are dying in the streets and you are still fanning the flames of division and partisan hate.

Does that seem like a good idea to you, or have you just stopped thinking?

The problem is today those so called grieviences that have festered in white males for 40 years do not matter to the younger generation. They are tired of the whining, voting for old white men who simply feed what they want to hear, do nothing to fix the problems, simply feed the lobbyists who support them.

I actually hear this in my own family and listening to others. The generation of anger is slowly dying out, the young are moving in and if you do not keep up you will be knocked aside.

Just like the older Greatest Generation built the Middle Class the View attachment 430670Baby Boomers tore it down. Now the young are fed up. It will not happen over night but you are seeing the last gasps of White superiority.

This is funny but it shows those wanting Civil War.

View attachment 430670and I watched it happen over 40/ 50 years.
The world is changing, their country is changing, and there are people who make their living doing little more than feeding their anger, frustration and paranoia.

So, in their emotional state, they'd rather "fight" some all-or-nothing "war" than intelligently play a part in managing the change. All that does is make things worse.

So, those who make their living doing little more than feeding their anger, frustration and paranoia have more material to work with, and the cycle just continues.
Trump, Mitch, many others, Gym Jordan, Steve Scalise, too many to name just feed the misplaced anger so now the crazies are taking over!

Call us crazy and ws some more. And then act like our anger is something wrong with us.

YEah, keep it up.
Are you reading my posts or just ranting?

My point was clear and concise. Your pretense otherwise, is just you gaslighting.

Knock that shit off.
See? Once again, blame me for your grievances You can not seem to let go.
You can't seem to let us go.

Isn't this a thing of beauty?


God Bless America, right?
It’s a thing of ignorance and stupidity.

American citizens who reside in Texas and wish to remain American citizens cannot have their citizenship taken from them against their will or absent due process – that would violate the 14th Amendment – regardless whether Texas lawmakers vote to ‘secede.’

The only recourse, therefore, for those in Texas who no longer wish to be American citizens is for them to renounce their American citizenship and leave the country; Texas remains with its sister states and part of the United States.


It is funny when liberals pretend to care about the constitution.

It's even funnier when a Trump support mentions the Constitution, even as Trump is attempting to subvert it.
Of course, they don't care about the constitution. Never did. They proved this many times over before election day. Before 2020, even.

Actually, the Constitution was designed to prevent a Retard like Sleepy Joe from assuming power. The same thing that President Trump is trying to prevent.

Wrong a$$hat. The Constitution was designed to prevent an authoritarian dictator from taking over the country, and it's working. Trump will be gone on January 21st.
How can you possibly say that Trump shouldn’t be proud of not starting s new war?

Trump did not start new wars but escalated global tension by creating conflicts with China and Iran while weakening the Western alliance.
His support of Dictators in Russia, N Korea and Saudi Arabia has made us less safe
Trump created conflict with China??

Does it become one to serve as an apologist for genocidal dictators?

And I’m sure you don’t honestly believe the Russian hoax.

The conflict with China has been going on since the Communists took over.

The fact that you don't believe that Russian interfered with the 2016 Election shows you're a gullible fool.

As for the link, it's an opinion piece, not fact, and Trump has NOT implemented a single sanction against Russia since he took office. It's a lie.
Republicans are being short sighted
Pandering to the MAGA crowd may help them win with the older, white Christians who fear their loss of power.
But younger Americans and minorities are repulsed by the actions of the far right. They are lost forever
Might be true, but the Dems are making a big mistake if they assume too much. They're certainly capable of going too far, as well.

This is why I don't like seeing the GOP turn into a fuckin' psycho ward like this. We need (at least) two strong parties.

When I checked the website of the Dem's national convention in 2016, it took me 15 minutes of clicking around until I saw the first picture of a white male who wasn't obviously depicted as gay.

It's all nice and fine when Democrats care for the issues of non-whites and other minorities ... but if they give a damn about white workers, they shouldn't be surprised when 70% of them then vote for someone like Trump.
This is a very large part of why Trump won in 2016 and why the Dems underperformed in November. The Regressive Left wing of the party -- the illiberal, authoritarian end that pushes Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture -- has damaged the party considerably.

And, just as the Trumpsters are refusing to look clearly and honestly in the mirror, so is the Regressive Left. As I always say, the two ends of our political spectrum can be comically similar in their behaviors.

We are NOT using mob violence to terrorize our enemies, and arresting people that defend themselves.

So, the similarities, are not very impressive.
He does not seem to care, and in fact has shown that he revels in the "fuck you" he is watching. I would conclude that he does not believe that we are dead fucking serious.

Texas is GONE. Leaving. It may not be this year, or next year, but the sentiment is real and serious. We are getting the fuck out one way or another. If it's peaceful, great. But, I suspect that the powerbrokers will not give up on the world's 10th largest economy that easily. I am at peace with that eventuality and will die for it.

I don't know how this will shake out

I do know that if they want to marginalize and oppress the single largest ethnic group in the country, that there will be civil unrest that will START at the level of the 60s and grow from there.

I do.
Biden is President.
You won't do shit.
Please keep saying that.

The more you run your shrill mouth, the more this becomes likely:


Your pictures make you look so brave! Behind your keyboard!
He did this all day yesterday. He thinks this is threatening somehow.

Go. Split. Take Texas. There's plenty of room for all you paranoids to shoot your guns at trees.


Except, you dems would not let him/us go. You would fight. So, you are talking shit. Again.
I'm just trying to help you guys with your feelz.

You keep talking about civil war and secession, so I'm just trying to help.

Dismissing our grievances as "feelz" is you throwing gasoline on the fire. People are dying in the streets and you are still fanning the flames of division and partisan hate.

Does that seem like a good idea to you, or have you just stopped thinking?

The problem is today those so called grieviences that have festered in white males for 40 years do not matter to the younger generation. They are tired of the whining, voting for old white men who simply feed what they want to hear, do nothing to fix the problems, simply feed the lobbyists who support them.

I actually hear this in my own family and listening to others. The generation of anger is slowly dying out, the young are moving in and if you do not keep up you will be knocked aside.

Just like the older Greatest Generation built the Middle Class the View attachment 430670Baby Boomers tore it down. Now the young are fed up. It will not happen over night but you are seeing the last gasps of White superiority.

This is funny but it shows those wanting Civil War.

View attachment 430670and I watched it happen over 40/ 50 years.
The world is changing, their country is changing, and there are people who make their living doing little more than feeding their anger, frustration and paranoia.

So, in their emotional state, they'd rather "fight" some all-or-nothing "war" than intelligently play a part in managing the change. All that does is make things worse.

So, those who make their living doing little more than feeding their anger, frustration and paranoia have more material to work with, and the cycle just continues.
Trump, Mitch, many others, Gym Jordan, Steve Scalise, too many to name just feed the misplaced anger so now the crazies are taking over!

Call us crazy and ws some more. And then act like our anger is something wrong with us.

YEah, keep it up.
Are you reading my posts or just ranting?

My point was clear and concise. Your pretense otherwise, is just you gaslighting.

Knock that shit off.
See? Once again, blame me for your grievances You can not seem to let go.
You can't seem to let us go.

Isn't this a thing of beauty?


God Bless America, right?
It’s a thing of ignorance and stupidity.

American citizens who reside in Texas and wish to remain American citizens cannot have their citizenship taken from them against their will or absent due process – that would violate the 14th Amendment – regardless whether Texas lawmakers vote to ‘secede.’

The only recourse, therefore, for those in Texas who no longer wish to be American citizens is for them to renounce their American citizenship and leave the country; Texas remains with its sister states and part of the United States.


It is funny when liberals pretend to care about the constitution.

It's even funnier when a Trump support mentions the Constitution, even as Trump is attempting to subvert it.
Of course, they don't care about the constitution. Never did. They proved this many times over before election day. Before 2020, even.

Actually, the Constitution was designed to prevent a Retard like Sleepy Joe from assuming power. The same thing that President Trump is trying to prevent.

The voting booth means dimwits like Trump are shown the door when people realize how destructive they are. And boy is Trump ever revealing his true colors since he lost the election at that voting booth.

An arrogant, incompetent, narcissistic piece of humanity!
Only election fraud allows that. Do you turds actually believe that anyone accepts this swindle election?

How has Trump been "destructive," by getting criminals out of our government?
How can you possibly say that Trump shouldn’t be proud of not starting s new war?

Trump did not start new wars but escalated global tension by creating conflicts with China and Iran while weakening the Western alliance.
His support of Dictators in Russia, N Korea and Saudi Arabia has made us less safe
Trump created conflict with China??

Does it become one to serve as an apologist for genocidal dictators?

And I’m sure you don’t honestly believe the Russian hoax.

The conflict with China has been going on since the Communists took over.

The fact that you don't believe that Russian interfered with the 2016 Election shows you're a gullible fool.

As for the link, it's an opinion piece, not fact, and Trump has NOT implemented a single sanction against Russia since he took office. It's a lie.
The Mueller report stated that the Trump campaign had nothing to do with any Russian interference in our election, dingbat.

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