The President Takes Leadership Action Since Republicans Won't!


VIP Member
Jun 9, 2014
Here's more proof of why President Obama had to take matters into his own hands and act on immigration since the Do-Nothing Republicans STILL won't budge an inch. But they did shut down the government. So, they can kiss their chances of capturing the White House in 2016 Goodbye. America Won't Forget Their Inaction and the Shut Down of the Government That Caused Many Americans Plenty of Heartaches.

Opinion: GOP left Obama no choice on immigration -
Really? So, wasn't he the same guy saying a fence wouldn't work? We have immigration laws for a reason! He had plenty of a choice. He could have obeyed the law instead of granting amnesty to millions of illegals. He chose to flout the Constitution, and as a result left himself with no other way out.

This is his own doing.
Really? So, wasn't he the same guy saying a fence wouldn't work? We have immigration laws for a reason! He had plenty of a choice. He could have obeyed the law instead of granting amnesty to millions of illegals. He chose to flout the Constitution, and as a result left himself with no other way out.

This is his own doing.

yes, and like everything else done by obama, we the people are being punished for his incompetence and lying.
Here's more proof of why President Obama had to take matters into his own hands and act on immigration since the Do-Nothing Republicans STILL won't budge an inch. But they did shut down the government. So, they can kiss their chances of capturing the White House in 2016 Goodbye. America Won't Forget Their Inaction and the Shut Down of the Government That Caused Many Americans Plenty of Heartaches.

Opinion: GOP left Obama no choice on immigration -

Give it a rest ass wipe.:cuckoo::cuckoo:
Here's more proof of why President Obama had to take matters into his own hands and act on immigration since the Do-Nothing Republicans STILL won't budge an inch. But they did shut down the government. So, they can kiss their chances of capturing the White House in 2016 Goodbye. America Won't Forget Their Inaction and the Shut Down of the Government That Caused Many Americans Plenty of Heartaches.

Opinion: GOP left Obama no choice on immigration -

Obama does not have the constitutional authority to change immigration laws. If he does, he has violated his oath of office and must be impeached.
Really? So, wasn't he the same guy saying a fence wouldn't work? We have immigration laws for a reason! He had plenty of a choice. He could have obeyed the law instead of granting amnesty to millions of illegals. He chose to flout the Constitution, and as a result left himself with no other way out.

This is his own doing.
You're conveniently forgetting that it was Dubya Bush who signed the law to protect immigrant children. The President now has to follow that law and protect the children until the courts rule on what to do with them on a case-by-case basis as per that law.
Here's more proof of why President Obama had to take matters into his own hands and act on immigration since the Do-Nothing Republicans STILL won't budge an inch. But they did shut down the government. So, they can kiss their chances of capturing the White House in 2016 Goodbye. America Won't Forget Their Inaction and the Shut Down of the Government That Caused Many Americans Plenty of Heartaches.

Opinion: GOP left Obama no choice on immigration -

Any action is subject to judicial review, and whatever Congress does, if they ever get around to it; Obama must obey the same rules every other President has.
Here's more proof of why President Obama had to take matters into his own hands and act on immigration since the Do-Nothing Republicans STILL won't budge an inch. But they did shut down the government. So, they can kiss their chances of capturing the White House in 2016 Goodbye. America Won't Forget Their Inaction and the Shut Down of the Government That Caused Many Americans Plenty of Heartaches.

Opinion: GOP left Obama no choice on immigration -

An op-ed piece by a Democratic Party hack...

...Here's more proof of why President Obama had to take matters into his own hands...
"...The country's divided. The legislature won't act on my agenda. The other party(ies) are stonewalling me. I've gotta do something..."

Sounds a lot like the rationale The Party used to ram the Enabling Act of 1933 through the Reichstag, doesn't it?
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cheering for a dick-tator

boy what a change from just six years ago when they accusing Bush of being a dictator, should be impeach, tried for war crimes

now They Obama he can nothing wrong and should go it alone the hell with all You who has Representation in CONGRESS..LET HIM WALK on you
What Bullshit this is; and what else should anyone expect from "a Democratic strategist"?

Congress doesn't want to pass a law the President wants, and under current Pinhead logic, that gives the President the right to implement the law he wants, as if Congress passed it anyway---Damn the Constitution.

How about this cocksucker of a President send the National Guard down to CLOSE the damn the current laws says it ought to be...then maybe we can work out what to do with all the illegal aliens who have already invaded this country.

Fuck Barak Obama.

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What Bullshit this is; and what else should anyone expect from "a Democratic strategist"?

Congress doesn't want to pass a law the President wants, and under current Pinhead logis, that gives the President the right to implement the lew hecwants, as if Congress passed it anyway---Damn the Constitution.

As I wrote, he has no authority by fiat.
Here's more proof of why President Obama had to take matters into his own hands and act on immigration since the Do-Nothing Republicans STILL won't budge an inch. But they did shut down the government. So, they can kiss their chances of capturing the White House in 2016 Goodbye. America Won't Forget Their Inaction and the Shut Down of the Government That Caused Many Americans Plenty of Heartaches.

Opinion: GOP left Obama no choice on immigration -

Any action is subject to judicial review, and whatever Congress does, if they ever get around to it; Obama must obey the same rules every other President has.

the house has passed several immigration bills, Reid has not allowed a single one to be debated or voted on in the senate. Any idea why?
Here's more proof of why President Obama had to take matters into his own hands and act on immigration since the Do-Nothing Republicans STILL won't budge an inch. But they did shut down the government. So, they can kiss their chances of capturing the White House in 2016 Goodbye. America Won't Forget Their Inaction and the Shut Down of the Government That Caused Many Americans Plenty of Heartaches.

Opinion: GOP left Obama no choice on immigration -

Yeah right, that must be why his numbers are tanking and Democrats who are running for seats are running away from the idiot in the White House.

You are a fucking moron dude, seriously.
You might as forget CNN for anything unbiased

how they would run this knowing that it is walking on the minority party and the people in it
Here's more proof of why President Obama had to take matters into his own hands and act on immigration since the Do-Nothing Republicans STILL won't budge an inch. But they did shut down the government. So, they can kiss their chances of capturing the White House in 2016 Goodbye. America Won't Forget Their Inaction and the Shut Down of the Government That Caused Many Americans Plenty of Heartaches.

Opinion: GOP left Obama no choice on immigration -

When Obama was elected the Republicans declared he would be a one term president. When that failed they declared no legislation would be passed.

Now they've declared to do nothing, absolutely nothing.
Really? So, wasn't he the same guy saying a fence wouldn't work? We have immigration laws for a reason! He had plenty of a choice. He could have obeyed the law instead of granting amnesty to millions of illegals. He chose to flout the Constitution, and as a result left himself with no other way out.

This is his own doing.
You're conveniently forgetting that it was Dubya Bush who signed the law to protect immigrant children. The President now has to follow that law and protect the children until the courts rule on what to do with them on a case-by-case basis as per that law.

I'll say this much, at least he had the balls to not make it an executive order.

The president only follows laws he likes, and breaks those he sees as irrelevant. Really? You act as if he is a president who sticks to every letter of the law. Newsflash, he doesn't. Obama's EO enforcing the DREAM Act brought down that deluge upon us, not some stupid law signed by President Bush.

One other thing: Bush isn't the president anymore. I suggest you snap back to reality.
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Really? So, wasn't he the same guy saying a fence wouldn't work?

How are you going to build a fence on a river, lake, mountain, or through tunnels? And how much will it cost? From Forbes, hardly a left wing site.

It is impossible to pin down exactly, but there are some estimates. In a 2007 study the non-partisan Congressional Research Office pegged the bill to construct and maintain (for 25 years) a 700 mile fence to be $49 billion. This is the same type of double fences contemplated in today’s bill. That was six years ago…..materials and labor prices have increased and then there is my “law of government”……..things always take longer and cost more, usually much more, than they tell us. So what’s the cost today….you pick a number.

And that’s just the beginning. We haven’t tallied the costs for all the new ancillary surveillance paraphernalia; unmanned aerial drones, helicopters, radars, night vision goggles, high tech cameras, airboats, blimps, other high speed power boats, who knows what else…..and then factor all the costs of maintenance on this high tech equipment…..over time it’s well into the billions.

Cuellar: Gary, your points are well taken. When I was on Homeland Security Committee I put forth some simple questions. How much does one mile of fence cost versus one mile of technology (high frequency sensors, etc.) A mile of technology costs $1 million while the fence is many many multiples of that. I then wanted to know if statistics are available that could tell whether technology or fences were more effective at securing our borders.
When are radical lefties going to stop whining about the unfairness of only controlling 2/3 of the federal government? Barry Hussein hasn't lead anything yet. His strategy is to get out of town and campaign when the going gets rough. Republicans want tight borders. Democrats want chaos, anger, unrest and the infiltration of exotic diseases by walking incubators who have never been inoculated for any disease. Would Obama risk the health of border states in order to gain a potential voting minority? You betcha.
When are radical lefties going to stop whining about the unfairness of only controlling 2/3 of the federal government? Barry Hussein hasn't lead anything yet. His strategy is to get out of town and campaign when the going gets rough. Republicans want tight borders. Democrats want chaos, anger, unrest and the infiltration of exotic diseases by walking incubators who have never been inoculated for any disease. Would Obama risk the health of border states in order to gain a potential voting minority? You betcha.
Ouch. Though it pains me to be thinking in these terms, it seems to me, that there's more right than wrong, with what you're saying here.

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