The President Takes Leadership Action Since Republicans Won't!

Here's more proof of why President Obama had to take matters into his own hands and act on immigration since the Do-Nothing Republicans STILL won't budge an inch. But they did shut down the government. So, they can kiss their chances of capturing the White House in 2016 Goodbye. America Won't Forget Their Inaction and the Shut Down of the Government That Caused Many Americans Plenty of Heartaches.

Opinion: GOP left Obama no choice on immigration -

When Obama was elected the Republicans declared he would be a one term president. When that failed they declared no legislation would be passed.

Now they've declared to do nothing, absolutely nothing.
Nothing NEEDS to be done in connection with Immigration, other than to create conditions (no jobs, housing, etc.) that force 12,000,000 invaders to return home under their own power and at their own expect, as quickly as may be practicable.
Tell me more about your job. Do they pay you more to post if the subject is just plain ridiculous? Come on I can do this, I am a mainstream democrat just like Jake is a mainstream republican. Come to think of it they are paying double with you two I suppose they don't need another shill.

Any way, it took 6 years for Obama to realize that HE is the leader? Six whole years of not working with the other side. Blaming Bush for all of his failures. Creating a human tragedy at the boarder and now he realizes he is a leader? WTF we have laws that regulate immigration. The only thing that the left wants is amnesty to let the disease ridden into our country. This is really a strange situation. People are violating the law that Obama swore to uphold and the solution is to change the law so it isn't against the law. Never mind the damage to the country and the unfairness to legal immigrant.

If this same situation were occurring anywhere else in the world the UN would be calling it a humanitarian disaster. It should be here too and the newly self-realized leader of the free world should receive all the blame.
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What Bullshit this is; and what else should anyone expect from "a Democratic strategist"?

Congress doesn't want to pass a law the President wants, and under current Pinhead logis, that gives the President the right to implement the lew hecwants, as if Congress passed it anyway---Damn the Constitution.

As I wrote, he has no authority by fiat.

Damned shame he hasn't figured that out.
Here's more proof of why President Obama had to take matters into his own hands and act on immigration since the Do-Nothing Republicans STILL won't budge an inch. But they did shut down the government. So, they can kiss their chances of capturing the White House in 2016 Goodbye. America Won't Forget Their Inaction and the Shut Down of the Government That Caused Many Americans Plenty of Heartaches.

Opinion: GOP left Obama no choice on immigration -

When Obama was elected the Republicans declared he would be a one term president. When that failed they declared no legislation would be passed.

Now they've declared to do nothing, absolutely nothing.

You're a fucking liar, the house has passed almost 300 bills that ended up in reids trash can.
What Bullshit this is; and what else should anyone expect from "a Democratic strategist"?

Congress doesn't want to pass a law the President wants, and under current Pinhead logis, that gives the President the right to implement the lew hecwants, as if Congress passed it anyway---Damn the Constitution.

As I wrote, he has no authority by fiat.

Damned shame he hasn't figured that out.
Then again, SCOTUS continues to bitch-slap him, so, mebbe he'll eventually get it...
Really? So, wasn't he the same guy saying a fence wouldn't work?

How are you going to build a fence on a river, lake, mountain, or through tunnels? And how much will it cost? From Forbes, hardly a left wing site.

It is impossible to pin down exactly, but there are some estimates. In a 2007 study the non-partisan Congressional Research Office pegged the bill to construct and maintain (for 25 years) a 700 mile fence to be $49 billion. This is the same type of double fences contemplated in today’s bill. That was six years ago…..materials and labor prices have increased and then there is my “law of government”……..things always take longer and cost more, usually much more, than they tell us. So what’s the cost today….you pick a number.

And that’s just the beginning. We haven’t tallied the costs for all the new ancillary surveillance paraphernalia; unmanned aerial drones, helicopters, radars, night vision goggles, high tech cameras, airboats, blimps, other high speed power boats, who knows what else…..and then factor all the costs of maintenance on this high tech equipment…..over time it’s well into the billions.

Cuellar: Gary, your points are well taken. When I was on Homeland Security Committee I put forth some simple questions. How much does one mile of fence cost versus one mile of technology (high frequency sensors, etc.) A mile of technology costs $1 million while the fence is many many multiples of that. I then wanted to know if statistics are available that could tell whether technology or fences were more effective at securing our borders.

You seem to forget that a wall was already paid for and the legislation said the Homeland Security Secretary "SHALL BUILD", then along comes your mulatto messiah said not so much and refused to build what was authorized. The motherfucker belongs in jail just for that boneheaded bullshit.
Here's more proof of why President Obama had to take matters into his own hands and act on immigration since the Do-Nothing Republicans STILL won't budge an inch. But they did shut down the government. So, they can kiss their chances of capturing the White House in 2016 Goodbye. America Won't Forget Their Inaction and the Shut Down of the Government That Caused Many Americans Plenty of Heartaches.

Opinion: GOP left Obama no choice on immigration -

When Obama was elected the Republicans declared he would be a one term president. When that failed they declared no legislation would be passed.

Now they've declared to do nothing, absolutely nothing.
Nothing NEEDS to be done in connection with Immigration, other than to create conditions (no jobs, housing, etc.) that force 12,000,000 invaders to return home under their own power and at their own expect, as quickly as may be practicable.

That'll be a cinch:D
Really? So, wasn't he the same guy saying a fence wouldn't work?

How are you going to build a fence on a river, lake, mountain, or through tunnels? And how much will it cost? From Forbes, hardly a left wing site.

It is impossible to pin down exactly, but there are some estimates. In a 2007 study the non-partisan Congressional Research Office pegged the bill to construct and maintain (for 25 years) a 700 mile fence to be $49 billion. This is the same type of double fences contemplated in today’s bill. That was six years ago…..materials and labor prices have increased and then there is my “law of government”……..things always take longer and cost more, usually much more, than they tell us. So what’s the cost today….you pick a number.

And that’s just the beginning. We haven’t tallied the costs for all the new ancillary surveillance paraphernalia; unmanned aerial drones, helicopters, radars, night vision goggles, high tech cameras, airboats, blimps, other high speed power boats, who knows what else…..and then factor all the costs of maintenance on this high tech equipment…..over time it’s well into the billions.

Cuellar: Gary, your points are well taken. When I was on Homeland Security Committee I put forth some simple questions. How much does one mile of fence cost versus one mile of technology (high frequency sensors, etc.) A mile of technology costs $1 million while the fence is many many multiples of that. I then wanted to know if statistics are available that could tell whether technology or fences were more effective at securing our borders.

You seem to forget that a wall was already paid for and the legislation said the Homeland Security Secretary "SHALL BUILD", then along comes your mulatto messiah said not so much and refused to build what was authorized. The motherfucker belongs in jail just for that boneheaded bullshit.

Too many private property interests on the US side objected, until new legislation is enacted however, the President must work within existing law.
Obama was elected as the 44th President of the United States he was not anointed King Obama the First meaning he does not get to do anything he wants simply because he wants to. Thirteen 9-0 Supreme Court decisions against him is all the proof you need to confirm this.
Obama was elected as the 44th President of the United States he was not anointed King Obama the First meaning he does not get to do anything he wants simply because he wants to. Thirteen 9-0 Supreme Court decisions against him is all the proof you need to confirm this.

It takes nothing from the Judicial branch to confirm the President cannot legislate.
Obama was elected as the 44th President of the United States he was not anointed King Obama the First meaning he does not get to do anything he wants simply because he wants to. Thirteen 9-0 Supreme Court decisions against him is all the proof you need to confirm this.

It takes nothing from the Judicial branch to confirm the President cannot legislate.

But it DOES take a ruling by the Supreme Court of the United States to force the President to recognize that he has overstepped his Constitutional authority by attempting to do things that are reserved to the Congress to do.

And there have been a boatload of those in recent months, haven't there?

THAT was the point being made, above.

A point that was very well made, I should add.
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Obama was elected as the 44th President of the United States he was not anointed King Obama the First meaning he does not get to do anything he wants simply because he wants to. Thirteen 9-0 Supreme Court decisions against him is all the proof you need to confirm this.

It takes nothing from the Judicial branch to confirm the President cannot legislate.

But it DOES take a ruling by the Supreme Court of the United States to force the President to recognize that he has overstepped his Constitutional authority by attempting to do things that are reserved to the Congress to do.

And there have been a boatload of those in recent months, haven't there?

THAT was the point being made, above.

A point that was very well made, I should add.

And there will be more should he again legislate by EOs, it doesn't matter how many Reagan, Bush II, or Millard Fillmore signed.
Really? So, wasn't he the same guy saying a fence wouldn't work? We have immigration laws for a reason! He had plenty of a choice. He could have obeyed the law instead of granting amnesty to millions of illegals. He chose to flout the Constitution, and as a result left himself with no other way out.

This is his own doing.

yes, and like everything else done by obama, we the people are being punished for his incompetence and lying.

Obama to Seek Over $2 Billion to Address Flood of Illegal Immigrants, Official Says |
It takes nothing from the Judicial branch to confirm the President cannot legislate.

But it DOES take a ruling by the Supreme Court of the United States to force the President to recognize that he has overstepped his Constitutional authority by attempting to do things that are reserved to the Congress to do.

And there have been a boatload of those in recent months, haven't there?

THAT was the point being made, above.

A point that was very well made, I should add.

And there will be more should he again legislate by EOs, it doesn't matter how many Reagan, Bush II, or Millard Fillmore signed.
It's not the QUANTITY of the EO...

It's the NATURE of the EO...

Big difference, methinks...

The sad truth is, nobody trusts the Failed Messiah anymore...

So they're gonna do their best to pigeon-hole and stonewall him until he's safely out of office and unable to inflict further harm upon the country...

It is for this reason that the House controls the nation's Purse...

The Founding Fathers showed great wisdom in setting things up in that manner...
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Here's more proof of why President Obama had to take matters into his own hands and act on immigration since the Do-Nothing Republicans STILL won't budge an inch. But they did shut down the government. So, they can kiss their chances of capturing the White House in 2016 Goodbye. America Won't Forget Their Inaction and the Shut Down of the Government That Caused Many Americans Plenty of Heartaches.

Opinion: GOP left Obama no choice on immigration -

When Obama was elected the Republicans declared he would be a one term president. When that failed they declared no legislation would be passed.

Now they've declared to do nothing, absolutely nothing.

When did Harry Reid become a republican?
How are you going to build a fence on a river, lake, mountain, or through tunnels? And how much will it cost? From Forbes, hardly a left wing site.

You seem to forget that a wall was already paid for and the legislation said the Homeland Security Secretary "SHALL BUILD", then along comes your mulatto messiah said not so much and refused to build what was authorized. The motherfucker belongs in jail just for that boneheaded bullshit.

Too many private property interests on the US side objected, until new legislation is enacted however, the President must work within existing law.

The point is he's not and that can not be explained away other that telling it like it is, he thinks he's above the law.

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