The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

The unemployed under Trumps term were all the result of Shutdowns by Dims governors.

Who listened to Trump's recommendations, fucking moron.

You're insane. :cuckoo:

Covid was unknown prior to November, 2019.
Exposing the True Origins of the Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic
Trump was right: Obama and Biden made a “terrible mistake” by funding dangerous bat coronavirus research in Wuhan, China, knowing the potentially catastrophic consequences.

In 2014, the Obama-Biden administration gave the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) and its American partners the Ecohealth Alliance a five-year NIH research grant to search bat caves in southern China to look for new and deadly strains of bat coronavirus like the one responsible for the terrible SARS epidemic in 2003. The researchers at the WIV discovered exactly what Obama and Biden paid them to find: a deadly strain of bat coronavirus, now known as COVID-19. Due to the lax safety protocols at WIV, this deadly coronavirus was released, resulting in the global pandemic that started in Wuhan and rapidly spread across China and the rest of the world with disastrous consequences.

This groundbreaking short book confirms U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s and Senator Tom Cotton’s claim that COVID-19 is linked to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The book analyzes the origin of COVID-19 as it relates to China’s geography, demographics, ecology, legal system, and culture. The book also explores the flawed safety standards prevalent in some medical research universities, such as the WIV. It reveals what went wrong, and how the worst pandemic in modern history could have been avoided.
Exposing the True Origins of the Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic
Trump was right: Obama and Biden made a “terrible mistake” by funding dangerous bat coronavirus research in Wuhan, China, knowing the potentially catastrophic consequences.

In 2014, the Obama-Biden administration gave the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) and its American partners the Ecohealth Alliance a five-year NIH research grant to search bat caves in southern China to look for new and deadly strains of bat coronavirus like the one responsible for the terrible SARS epidemic in 2003. The researchers at the WIV discovered exactly what Obama and Biden paid them to find: a deadly strain of bat coronavirus, now known as COVID-19. Due to the lax safety protocols at WIV, this deadly coronavirus was released, resulting in the global pandemic that started in Wuhan and rapidly spread across China and the rest of the world with disastrous consequences.
Amazon product ASIN B08FKXD1CV
Exposing the True Origins of the Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic
Trump was right: Obama and Biden made a “terrible mistake” by funding dangerous bat coronavirus research in Wuhan, China, knowing the potentially catastrophic consequences.

In 2014, the Obama-Biden administration gave the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) and its American partners the Ecohealth Alliance a five-year NIH research grant to search bat caves in southern China to look for new and deadly strains of bat coronavirus like the one responsible for the terrible SARS epidemic in 2003. The researchers at the WIV discovered exactly what Obama and Biden paid them to find: a deadly strain of bat coronavirus, now known as COVID-19. Due to the lax safety protocols at WIV, this deadly coronavirus was released, resulting in the global pandemic that started in Wuhan and rapidly spread across China and the rest of the world with disastrous consequences.
Amazon product ASIN B08FKXD1CV

The post immediately before yours bitch-slaps you silly.
So then why did the especially democrat run states , CA, NY, Ill , all shut down? Did they not listen to Trump ?
Please explain.

Trump recommended states shut down restaurants & bars, recommended schools be shut down, recommended no social gatherings of more than 10 people, recommended social distancing; and the states, whether red or blue, complied.
The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Barrack Obama: 8.86%

Average Unemployment Rates For US Presidents since World War II:

01. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
02. Harry Truman: 4.26%
03. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
04. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
05. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
06. George W. Bush: 5.27%
07. John Kennedy: 5.98%
08. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
09. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
10. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
11. Gerald Ford: 7.77%
12. Barack Obama: 8.86%
Considering Obama was handed the worse recession since 1929 where millions list their job, 8.86 % is pretty fking good.
The real story.
Trump recommended states shut down restaurants & bars, recommended schools be shut down, recommended no social gatherings of more than 10 people, recommended social distancing; and the states, whether red or blue, complied.
How easily they forget....or purposefully lie.
Nope, he didn't recommend that any state shut down.

Again.... Trump recommended states shut down restaurants & bars, recommended schools be shut down, recommended no social gatherings of more than 10 people, recommended social distancing; and the states, whether red or blue, complied.

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