The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Yah, and Trump was the first president to be impeached twice . What a guy. Mr. White supremest Putin Humper traitor. Trump couldn’t go out in public.
/——-/ Yeah, democrats pulled out all the stops trying to remove our president on bogus charges.

You aren't worth the trouble of digging up a post.

BTW moron, Florida defied the lockdowns for the most part.

Don't you remember lying that DeSantis was killing billions?

You don't post it because you can't post it since I never said I live in New York. Here's a post of mine from 6 years ago where I said I live in Florida...

Your insanity is noted, but Boca Raton is hardly "the woods."
So, the last to enter lockdown, the first to leave it, and the one that never went into another. And Florida is doing better than any blue state. So, you are confirmed as a liar.

Great, so Republicans are to blame too for the lockdowns.

And in terms of cases per population, the only blue state doing worse than Florida is Rhode Island.
The monthly unemployment rate for August 2021 was 3.7%. This is the 20th unemployment report with Biden in office, his 20th month recorded for this list. This brings Biden's average unemployment rate for his term in office to date, down from 4.74% in July 2022 to 4.69% in August 2022.

The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Gerald Ford: 7.77%

Average Unemployment Rates for US Presidents since after World War II:

01. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
02. Harry Truman: 4.26%
03. Joe Biden: 4.69%
04. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
05. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
06. Donald Trump: 5.01%
07. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
08. George W. Bush: 5.27%
09. John Kennedy: 5.98%
10. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
11. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
12. Barack Obama: 7.45%
13. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
14. Gerald Ford: 7.77%

The labor force Participation rate was 62.4% for August 2022, up from 62.1% in July 2022.

Joe Biden is on track to have the lowest average monthly unemployment rate of any U.S. President in history!

  • The unemployment rate was 3.7% in August 2022. That number is slightly higher than July when it was 3.5%, the same as before the pandemic. 1
  • Overall, there were 6 million unemployed people. Job seekers have had the upper hand in recent months because there are nearly two available jobs for every unemployed person.
  • In August, 315,000 jobs were added to the market, but 786,000 people joined the labor force, which caused the unemployment rate to rise.
They reposted the numbers straight from the BLS.

U.S. Unemployment Rate August 2022 - The Balance

Aug 02, 2007 · The unemployment rate was 3.7% in August 2022. That number is slightly higher than July when it was 3.5%, the same as before the pandemic. …

The labor force participation rate?

Haven't heard that, since the LAST democrat was in office.
The go to statistic, for republicans when a democrat is in office and unemployment is low.
You are just waiting for your uranium to collapse……what ever the fk that means. You're posts are a world wind if woo woo and made up shit. Are you and “ chemengineer “ brothers in “bullschik ? “

It's not my fault Hillary wanted a reset.
Or that Obama wanted to be all flexible and didn't think Russia was a threat.
Dems fellated Russia for nearly 100 years after their revolution.
It's not my fault Hillary wanted a reset.
Or that Obama wanted to be all flexible and didn't think Russia was a threat.
Dems fellated Russia for nearly 100 years after their revolution.
/——-/ Remember when BO mocked Mitt in the debates about the Russia threat? The 80s want their foreign policy back.” Or some such asshole comment.

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