The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

China flu.

So? Obama inherited a bad recession. The numbers on his watch are still attributable to him. Same with Trump.

1.5% GDP growth.

2½ million jobs lost.

$8t added to the debt.

Kicked out of office before he could do more harm to the nation.
Trump added over 8 trillion in just four year

Less than $7 trillion. Biden is going to add more than that.

Obama REDUCED THE YEARLY DEFICIT OVER BUSH after the first year.

And still added $10 trillion.


That's some pretty lousyconservative rounding there.

In reality, the debt increased $7.8 trillion during Trump's term. Laughably, you round that to $7t.

Then under Obama's two terms, it went up $9.3t. That you Laughably round up to $10t.

1/20/2009: $10.6t
1/20/2017: $19.9t
1/20/2021: $27.7t
Currently: $33.7t

So? Obama inherited a bad recession. The numbers on his watch are still attributable to him. Same with Trump.

1.5% GDP growth.

2½ million jobs lost.

$8t added to the debt.

Kicked out of office before he could do more harm to the nation.
That's from COVID, moron. Only dishonest douchebags fail to take that into consideration.

That's some pretty lousyconservative rounding there.

In reality, the debt increased $7.8 trillion during Trump's term. Laughably, you round that to $7t.

Then under Obama's two terms, it went up $9.3t. That you Laughably round up to $10t.

1/20/2009: $10.6t
1/20/2017: $19.9t
1/20/2021: $27.7t
Currently: $33.7t

And you blame Trump for all the COVID spending even though the Dims demanded it.
That's from COVID, moron. Only dishonest douchebags fail to take that into consideration.


It doesn't matter what it's from. He was president for 4 years, not 3. They're his numbers.

Here, have an asterisk --> *

You can put it next to his name and numbers in the history books.


It doesn't matter what it's from. He was president for 4 years, not 3. They're his numbers.

Here, have an asterisk --> *

You can put it next to his name and numbers in the history books.

Yes it does matter. Only a douchebag would claim otherwise.
Fucking moron, a) Trump didn't have to sign it; and b) Trump asked for more than Democrats offered.
Right, and you also don't have to sign a speeding ticket when you get one. and filing your income taxes is voluntary.

The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?


Obama’s Final Numbers​

Statistical indicators of President Obama's eight years in office.
By Brooks Jackson
Posted on September 29, 2017 | Updated on May 22, 2020


Trump’s Final Numbers

Statistical indicators of President Trump's four years in office.
By Eugene Kiely, Brooks Jackson, Brea Jones, D'Angelo Gore, Lori Robertson and Robert Farley
Posted on October 8, 2021



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