The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

You're fucking insane. I said nothing hypocritical.

Obama is not responsible for the first year of his Presidency, W's budget

Reagan is responsible for a recession that started 5 months into his Presidency

You are a flaming hypocrite, own it.
You remain a liar and a moron ... I didn't say that about Reagan.
Its the only accurate way to asses how things went of the course of 96 months. Your GPA is an average because its the most accurate way to assess how you did as far as your grades in school. Understand?
Actually, colleges and graduate schools value where you started and where you ended over the average, putting finishing with a higher GPA on top and finishing with a lower GPA at the bottom. Bush started at around 4% UE and nearly doubled it. Obama started at nearly 8% UE and may well halve it by the time he leavers.

The only reason Obama might half it is because the babyboom generation is leaving the workforce. The economy is not performing well enough to support a labor force participation rate of 66% at below 6% unemployment. Finally, GPA is still calculated by averaging ones grades because its the only way to take a look at everything. Having one steller semester or one last poor semester is not going to radically change the result of the prior 7 or so semesters in school. Employers primarily look at the GPA, not individual grades and in what semester you got those grades.

So the average for the Presidents is important and reported here. Its a fact, and obviously many in politics don't like facts that make the people they support look weak relative to others. But these are simply the facts.
Flunk your final semester and you won't graduate.
Why don't you ask Hillary Clinton since she is the one who made the statement? That is why her statement is in quotation marks.
Obama is already at 7.25% and still has another 18 months to drop it lower

Considering where he started, it is miraculous

7.25% after almost 6 1/2 years is "miraculous?" Your incredible standards for Republicans just disappear with Democrats...
No President since FDR has been given a gloomier employment figure
Obama has it down to 5.3%

What made it miraculous was Obama did it with Republicans insisting on austerity and reducing government employment at all levels
That's right, Big Government Reagan brought UE down by growing the government while preaching smaller government.
Go figure! :dunno:
The "Reagan miracle" was a result of massively increased defense spending and borrowing

Did you know that tax revenues doubled from the start of Reagan's presidency to the end? Facts are not a leftist's friend, are they, big guy?
Not by fiscal budgets in real revenue, he didn't. In fact, even Obama is doing better in that department than Reagan...

Clinton ..... 49%
Obama ..... 33%
Reagan .... 25%
Carter ....... 22%
Bush41 ....... 4%
Bush43 .... -12%

Notice how the Bush's almost always bring up the rear on the economy? And the idiot right is running a third Bush now. :lmao::lmao::lmao: Such fuckin' idiots.

No President since FDR has been given a gloomier employment figure
Obama has it down to 5.3%

What made it miraculous was Obama did it with Republicans insisting on austerity and reducing government employment at all levels
That's right, Big Government Reagan brought UE down by growing the government while preaching smaller government.
Go figure! :dunno:
The "Reagan miracle" was a result of massively increased defense spending and borrowing

Did you know that tax revenues doubled from the start of Reagan's presidency to the end? Facts are not a leftist's friend, are they, big guy?
Did you know that is a Limbaugh lie!. Tax revenues DROPPED the first 2 years of Reagan's tax cuts and only went up after Reagan's largest peacetime tax increase in history.
Facts do not exist in the Right's fantasyland.

Hey bitch. I'm a libertarian, if what you want it to argue with Republicans, they are all over the board I'm not interested in arguing for them. If you do want to debate a libertarian I'm here though. Since all you have are memorized Democratic talking points, that probably isn't going to work though, is it?
Who cares what party you belong to? You're still a brain-dead rightie who couldn't tell the truth even when it slaps you in the face. :thup:
Tax cuts reduce revenue which increases deficits

1) Tax cuts reduce the drain on the economy and stimulate growth which increases taxes
2) That growth reduces the debt in the most important aspect, as a percent of GDP

When you can explain how you know more than the field of economics, get back to me
When you can explain why revenue went down for the first 2 years after Reagan's massive tax cuts and revenue went up after Reagan's massive tax increase you can speak for the "field of economics."

You are doing two things wrong:

1) You are looking at too short a time period

2) You are assuming only one thing is happening in the economy at one time

Tax cuts do in the first year reduce tax receipts, but every year the economic growth stimulating the economy has a bigger and bigger effect.

Would you rather I give you: $1,000


1 penny, then double the amount every day for a 30 day month?

Tax cuts work like the penny. They compound year after year. Which BTW you would have if you took the penny deal, you would have $5.4 million
You're fucking insane. I said nothing hypocritical.
Obama is not responsible for the first year of his Presidency, W's budget

Reagan is responsible for a recession that started 5 months into his Presidency
You remain a liar and a moron ... I didn't say that about Reagan.

You realize this site has a search function, no?

What a great example of just how brain-dead you are. I point out how Reagan was handed an economy which wasn't in recession (which it wasn"t) -- and your deformed brain translated that into it meaning the economy was good. :ack-1:

Sucks to be you, once again the liar reveals himself. Hello, liar
7.25% after almost 6 1/2 years is "miraculous?" Your incredible standards for Republicans just disappear with Democrats...
No President since FDR has been given a gloomier employment figure
Obama has it down to 5.3%

What made it miraculous was Obama did it with Republicans insisting on austerity and reducing government employment at all levels
That's right, Big Government Reagan brought UE down by growing the government while preaching smaller government.
Go figure! :dunno:
The "Reagan miracle" was a result of massively increased defense spending and borrowing

Did you know that tax revenues doubled from the start of Reagan's presidency to the end? Facts are not a leftist's friend, are they, big guy?
Not by fiscal budgets in real revenue, he didn't. In fact, even Obama is doing better in that department than Reagan...

Clinton ..... 49%
Obama ..... 33%
Reagan .... 25%
Carter ....... 22%
Bush41 ....... 4%
Bush43 .... -12%

Notice how the Bush's almost always bring up the rear on the economy? And the idiot right is running a third Bush now. :lmao::lmao::lmao: Such fuckin' idiots.

Since you didn't source your data, I'll have to ask you. How are you converting nominal dollars into "real" dollars?
Who cares what party you belong to? You're still a brain-dead rightie who couldn't tell the truth even when it slaps you in the face. :thup:

Maybe you can do what your friends can't. Give me some examples of positions I have which are "right" and are not "libertarian." So far I've gotten background music to that
You're fucking insane. I said nothing hypocritical.
Obama is not responsible for the first year of his Presidency, W's budget

Reagan is responsible for a recession that started 5 months into his Presidency
You remain a liar and a moron ... I didn't say that about Reagan.

You realize this site has a search function, no?

What a great example of just how brain-dead you are. I point out how Reagan was handed an economy which wasn't in recession (which it wasn"t) -- and your deformed brain translated that into it meaning the economy was good. :ack-1:

Sucks to be you, once again the liar reveals himself. Hello, liar
I have people like that on Ignore for a reason.
Tax cuts reduce revenue which increases deficits

1) Tax cuts reduce the drain on the economy and stimulate growth which increases taxes
2) That growth reduces the debt in the most important aspect, as a percent of GDP

When you can explain how you know more than the field of economics, get back to me
When you can explain why revenue went down for the first 2 years after Reagan's massive tax cuts and revenue went up after Reagan's massive tax increase you can speak for the "field of economics."

Since the Democrats controlled the House from 1933 until 1997 for all but 4 years and from 1957 until 1997 for 40 straight years and also controlled the Senate for 57 of the same 67 years it is no wonder Reagan didn't get a lot done for the economy.
You're fucking insane. I said nothing hypocritical.
Obama is not responsible for the first year of his Presidency, W's budget

Reagan is responsible for a recession that started 5 months into his Presidency
You remain a liar and a moron ... I didn't say that about Reagan.

You realize this site has a search function, no?

What a great example of just how brain-dead you are. I point out how Reagan was handed an economy which wasn't in recession (which it wasn"t) -- and your deformed brain translated that into it meaning the economy was good. :ack-1:

Sucks to be you, once again the liar reveals himself. Hello, liar
How can you be so fucking retarded? Nowhere in that post did I blame Reagan for the recession. What I did do was to point out that, unlike Obama, Reagan did not inherit one. Which is fact. Even worse for your delusions, in another post, I even blamed the Fed, not Reagan, for the recession.

You remain ridiculously insane. :cuckoo:
No President since FDR has been given a gloomier employment figure
Obama has it down to 5.3%

What made it miraculous was Obama did it with Republicans insisting on austerity and reducing government employment at all levels
That's right, Big Government Reagan brought UE down by growing the government while preaching smaller government.
Go figure! :dunno:
The "Reagan miracle" was a result of massively increased defense spending and borrowing

Did you know that tax revenues doubled from the start of Reagan's presidency to the end? Facts are not a leftist's friend, are they, big guy?
Not by fiscal budgets in real revenue, he didn't. In fact, even Obama is doing better in that department than Reagan...

Clinton ..... 49%
Obama ..... 33%
Reagan .... 25%
Carter ....... 22%
Bush41 ....... 4%
Bush43 .... -12%

Notice how the Bush's almost always bring up the rear on the economy? And the idiot right is running a third Bush now. :lmao::lmao::lmao: Such fuckin' idiots.

Since you didn't source your data, I'll have to ask you. How are you converting nominal dollars into "real" dollars?
Moron... my post contained a link to my source. You really are a fucking retard.
You're fucking insane. I said nothing hypocritical.
Obama is not responsible for the first year of his Presidency, W's budget

Reagan is responsible for a recession that started 5 months into his Presidency
You remain a liar and a moron ... I didn't say that about Reagan.

You realize this site has a search function, no?

What a great example of just how brain-dead you are. I point out how Reagan was handed an economy which wasn't in recession (which it wasn"t) -- and your deformed brain translated that into it meaning the economy was good. :ack-1:

Sucks to be you, once again the liar reveals himself. Hello, liar
How can you be so fucking retarded? Nowhere in that post did I blame Reagan for the recession. What I did do was to point out that, unlike Obama, Reagan did not inherit one. Which is fact. Even worse for your delusions, in another post, I even blamed the Fed, not Reagan, for the recession.

You remain ridiculously insane. :cuckoo:

So according to you, the President is not responsible for the economy until the second year of their Presidency, but they are "handed" the economy the day they enter office. And you call me "fucking retarded." LOL. You may want to invest in a mirror. Small expenditure, great insight into yourself...

Here are the quotes, Scooter. You may then proceed to not grasp them again:

Faun said:
Nowhere in that post did I blame Reagan for the recession

Faun said:
Reagan was handed an economy which wasn't in recession (which it wasn"t)
You're fucking insane. I said nothing hypocritical.
Obama is not responsible for the first year of his Presidency, W's budget

Reagan is responsible for a recession that started 5 months into his Presidency
You remain a liar and a moron ... I didn't say that about Reagan.

You realize this site has a search function, no?

What a great example of just how brain-dead you are. I point out how Reagan was handed an economy which wasn't in recession (which it wasn"t) -- and your deformed brain translated that into it meaning the economy was good. :ack-1:

Sucks to be you, once again the liar reveals himself. Hello, liar
How can you be so fucking retarded? Nowhere in that post did I blame Reagan for the recession. What I did do was to point out that, unlike Obama, Reagan did not inherit one. Which is fact. Even worse for your delusions, in another post, I even blamed the Fed, not Reagan, for the recession.

You remain ridiculously insane. :cuckoo:

So according to you, the President is not responsible for the economy until the second year of their Presidency, but they are "handed" the economy the day they enter office. And you call me "fucking retarded." LOL. You may want to invest in a mirror. Small expenditure, great insight into yourself...

Here are the quotes, Scooter. You may then proceed to not grasp them again:

Faun said:
Nowhere in that post did I blame Reagan for the recession

Faun said:
Reagan was handed an economy which wasn't in recession (which it wasn"t)
You're a complete whack job. You really are. Was the economy in recession when Reagan took over? No, of course not. So me pointing that out is being factually accurate. I understand that to a pathological liar like you, truth and facts are unrecognizable. Still, pointing out there was no recession when Reagan became president does not translate into me blaming Reagan for the Recession.

And here's where you demonstrate abject insanity ... I told you who I blamed for the recession and why, and it was Paul Volker, not Ronald Reagan. :eusa_doh::eusa_doh::eusa_doh:

"It was Fed policy of keeping interest rates excessively high to combat inflation." - Faun, #1487

My favorite thing about you is how you never tire of being owned. :thup:
Faun said:
Reagan was handed an economy which wasn't in recession (which it wasn"t)
You're a complete whack job. You really are. Was the economy in recession when Reagan took over? No, of course not. So me pointing that out is being factually accurate. I understand that to a pathological liar like you, truth and facts are unrecognizable. Still, pointing out there was no recession when Reagan became president does not translate into me blaming Reagan for the Recession.

And here's where you demonstrate abject insanity ... I told you who I blamed for the recession and why, and it was Paul Volker, not Ronald Reagan. :eusa_doh::eusa_doh::eusa_doh:

"It was Fed policy of keeping interest rates excessively high to combat inflation." - Faun, #1487

My favorite thing about you is how you never tire of being owned. :thup:

You couldn't own a puppy.

You're the liar, Sparky. When Presidents own the economy according to you changes by a year depending on expediency. Reagan owned the economy day one, it went into recession five months after he took office. W owned the economy day one, it went into recession two months after he took office. Obama didn't own the economy at all for a year. Six and a half years later he still only partially owns it, he gets credit for anything good. Anything bad still belongs to W.

And you spike the ball and claim that as a rhetorical victory and declare you own me? You're just showing your ignorance, stupidity and inability to discern truth from Democrat propaganda
Faun said:
Reagan was handed an economy which wasn't in recession (which it wasn"t)
You're a complete whack job. You really are. Was the economy in recession when Reagan took over? No, of course not. So me pointing that out is being factually accurate. I understand that to a pathological liar like you, truth and facts are unrecognizable. Still, pointing out there was no recession when Reagan became president does not translate into me blaming Reagan for the Recession.

And here's where you demonstrate abject insanity ... I told you who I blamed for the recession and why, and it was Paul Volker, not Ronald Reagan. :eusa_doh::eusa_doh::eusa_doh:

"It was Fed policy of keeping interest rates excessively high to combat inflation." - Faun, #1487

My favorite thing about you is how you never tire of being owned. :thup:

You couldn't own a puppy.

You're the liar, Sparky. When Presidents own the economy according to you changes by a year depending on expediency. Reagan owned the economy day one, it went into recession five months after he took office. W owned the economy day one, it went into recession two months after he took office. Obama didn't own the economy at all for a year. Six and a half years later he still only partially owns it, he gets credit for anything good. Anything bad still belongs to W.

And you spike the ball and claim that as a rhetorical victory and declare you own me? You're just showing your ignorance, stupidity and inability to discern truth from Democrat propaganda
This is yet more evidence of just how fucked in the head you are. You actually think you're capable of switching the argument after making complete ass of yourself. :eusa_doh:

Let me remind of the idiocy you spouted ... after I said I blamed the Fed for the recession by keeping interest rates excessively high to combat excessively high inflation, you moronically thought I blamed Reagan for the recession.

After getting caught exhibiting such abject idiocy, you think you can switch it from falsely ascribing to me, blame upon Reagan for the recession -- to owning the economy from day one. You don't get to make that switch. You fucked up when you accused me of blaming Reagan for the recession when in fact, I never did. You own that nonsense. Man up and own it or I'll keep rubbing your face in it.

And yes, I own you repeatedly in debate. The record is here. Doesn't matter that you're dumb enough to think your recognition is required. :mm:
Let me remind of the idiocy you spouted ... after I said I blamed the Fed for the recession by keeping interest rates excessively high to combat excessively high inflation, you moronically thought I blamed Reagan for the recession

This is how mind numbingly stupid you are. You aren't even arguing the right point. You said Reagan didn't inherit a recession, then emphasized it with "he just didn't." When I pointed out the double standard you say Obama's not responsible for the first year economy, W's budget, you keep arguing who is responsible for the Reagan inherited, which you said he didn't inherit, but it was Volker not the Democrat Carter. Your fixation with arguing that it wasn't the Democrats blinds you to what the point even question even is.

You're an idiot who knows noting about Federal budgets or the economy, but I wasn't even nailing for that. I was pointing out you can't even keep your own story straight, and you keep proving me right.

So who's responsible for the recession handed Reagan that Reagan didn't get again?


You're always good for a laugh ... laugh at
Let me remind of the idiocy you spouted ... after I said I blamed the Fed for the recession by keeping interest rates excessively high to combat excessively high inflation, you moronically thought I blamed Reagan for the recession

This is how mind numbingly stupid you are. You aren't even arguing the right point. You said Reagan didn't inherit a recession, then emphasized it with "he just didn't." When I pointed out the double standard you say Obama's not responsible for the first year economy, W's budget, you keep arguing who is responsible for the Reagan inherited, which you said he didn't inherit, but it was Volker not the Democrat Carter. Your fixation with arguing that it wasn't the Democrats blinds you to what the point even question even is.

You're an idiot who knows noting about Federal budgets or the economy, but I wasn't even nailing for that. I was pointing out you can't even keep your own story straight, and you keep proving me right.

So who's responsible for the recession handed Reagan that Reagan didn't get again?


You're always good for a laugh ... laugh at
I said Reagan didn't inherit a recession because he didn't. You moronically thought that meant I said he inherited a good economy.

I said Volker's policies caused the recession. You moronically that I meant Reagan caused the recession.

You moronically thought that because you are a moron. There truly is no other explanation.

[edit] btw, I find it quite amusing when the imbecile who posted nominal figures when discussing revenue under Reagan projects that it's me who's the economic illiterate. :lmao:
I said Reagan didn't inherit a recession because he didn't. You moronically thought that meant I said he inherited a good economy.

I said Volker's policies caused the recession. You moronically that I meant Reagan caused the recession.

You moronically thought that because you are a moron. There truly is no other explanation.

Volker caused the recession that Reagan got that he didn't get. Thanks for clarifying, I understand now...
I said Reagan didn't inherit a recession because he didn't. You moronically thought that meant I said he inherited a good economy.

I said Volker's policies caused the recession. You moronically that I meant Reagan caused the recession.

You moronically thought that because you are a moron. There truly is no other explanation.

Volker caused the recession that Reagan got that he didn't get. Thanks for clarifying, I understand now...
My posts have been nothing but clear all along. If you struggle to keep up with them, that's due to your own G-d given limitations.

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