The president's family is fair game…

The same people complaining about Trump's family being mocked are the same ones who called Obama's family all kinds of monkeys and apes. Questioned Michelle 's gender.

They also called Chelsea Clinton ugliest first child during Clinton Administration.
I say its fair game.

Ya gotta link of actual politicians and media going after barry's kids?

GOP staffer to resign after slamming Obama girls

West Virginia official who called Michelle Obama 'ape in heels' fired

Trump's New York Co-Chair Says Michelle Obama Is A Man Who Should Live In Africa With Gorillas | The Huffington Post

The right seems to have a case of amnesia after these 8 years.
I cant tell if you are saying that is right or wrong.

You stupid hypocrite.
The same people complaining about Trump's family being mocked are the same ones who called Obama's family all kinds of monkeys and apes. Questioned Michelle 's gender.

They also called Chelsea Clinton ugliest first child during Clinton Administration.
I say its fair game.

Ya gotta link of actual politicians and media going after barry's kids?
It was all over these boards, so do not act ignorant of the facts.
wait a minute now, he does have a point, being all over this board is not in the least equal to the media and or other politicians talking about them. Nobody here is the media, we dont influence others, we simply spout our personal beliefs or whatever it takes to start an argument. Public figures and the media, are different, an lets put this on the media, even what another politician says is not going to go public without the media, but, the media influences people, it does change perception and thought. I totally agree with free speech but I also think that the media has a certain responsibility to try and maintain just a little dignity.
a 10 year old child is going to have friends, and others in school that are going to read and repeat, what he media says in a one line comment could become the source of bullying by other children. To a 10 year old that can be a life shattering thing.
take obamas daughters, bulldog is right, I never tried to stop others from saying what they did about them, and maybe I should have, after all the comments were mean and untrue, Ive read in forums where some compared his daughters to chimps or monkeys, said they were ugly, looked like michelle etc.. I never said a word, even though the reality is that the obama girls are not ugly, they happen to be two above average looking young ladies. so the comments were nothing but ignorance. Fortunately, (I hope) they dont read this forums.
So I will say it now. People on both sides of the spectrum, leave the children out of it, the children are not who you are angry with, the children are there only because their parents are who they are.
The same people complaining about Trump's family being mocked are the same ones who called Obama's family all kinds of monkeys and apes. Questioned Michelle 's gender.

They also called Chelsea Clinton ugliest first child during Clinton Administration.
I say its fair game.

Ya gotta link of actual politicians and media going after barry's kids?

GOP staffer to resign after slamming Obama girls

West Virginia official who called Michelle Obama 'ape in heels' fired

Trump's New York Co-Chair Says Michelle Obama Is A Man Who Should Live In Africa With Gorillas | The Huffington Post

The right seems to have a case of amnesia after these 8 years.
I cant tell if you are saying that is right or wrong.

You stupid hypocrite.

You can't tell because you have amnesia. Confusion is a symptom of memory disorders.

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