The Presidents Speech at CPAC Today

That speech altered my opinion of Trump dramatically. I am beginning to think that he's truly a genius and will do wonderful things in the coming months.

I think you need to essplain that to LL first, dude.

No need. He already said it was sarcasm.

i think you need to essplain what 'sarcasm' is. He seems to confuse it with lying, a common Dimocrat symptom of stupidity.

Everything is a lie to Lefty.
If it's not his opinion... It's a lie.

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Commodities are anything you want them to be. It could be Pork Bellies. It cold be pineapples. It could be precious metals.


What I am talking about would be a 'basket' of say 13 metals that are precious to semi-precious and not precious at all.

I would have gold, platinum, silver, Rhodium, Palladium, ruthenium, osminium, rhodium, iridium, nickel, copper, zinc, and tin as redeemable metals.

So say I have $100,000 and I want it in metal bullion. I notify the closest Federal Reserve Bank of my desire to redeem my cash in metals, and go there at the appointed time.

They then give me an invoice with an assortment of the above listed metals in a sum quantity OF THEIR CHOOSING that equates to the $100,000 at the time of the transaction. Yes they can play the market a bit and give me metals that are thought to b e about to lose value or just give me all of it in tin or zinc to harass me if they want. I would be responsible for taking the delivery in a reasonable amount of time after I sign off on the list of quantities they are giving me or turn around and sell it back to them if they would take it.

To give the currency more of an immediate boost, I would start making all coinage in an alloy of 75% copper and 25% nickel and allow the selling of these coins for their melt value. The size and weight of the coins would have to be redesigned to give an approximate equivalent to purchase value. But that is entirely against the grain of the current currency experts, lol.
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Commodities are anything you want them to be. It could be Pork Bellies. It cold be pineapples. It could be precious metals.


What I am talking about would be a 'basket' of say 13 metals that are precious to semi-precious and not precious at all.

I would have gold, platinum, silver, Rhodium, Palladium, ruthenium, osminium, rhodium, iridium, nickel, copper, zinc, and tin as redeemable metals.

So say I have $100,000 and I want it in metal bullion. I notify the closest Federal Reserve Bank of my desire to redeem my cash in metals, and go there at the appointed time.

They then give me an assortment of the above listed metals in a sum quantity OF THEIR CHOOSING that equates to the $100,000. Yes they can play the market a bit and give me metals that are thought to b e about to lose value or just give me all of it in tin to harass me if they want. I would be responsible for taking the delivery in a reasonable amount of time after I sign off on the list of quantities they are giving me.

To give the currency more of an immediate boost, I would start making all coinage in an alloy of 75% copper and 25% nickel and allow the selling of these coins for their melt value. But that is entirely against the grain of the curent currency experts, lol.

Hah! Great idea..... Problem is it's still Fiat....better than paper yes but still subject to Comparative value exchange at the behest of those who choose to make it worth more or less depending on what it is they want to steal. But I would sooner see it done like that than to endure a hard correction....but somehow I fear we will have one anyway. Sale based on melt value eh? Neat little built in anti inflation mechanism?

It was a can kick that will take 50 years to unwind. However if somebody didn't do something it is possible that we might have had wide spread chaos....not really sure
We were better off doing what we did.
It's not gone btw only rewritten as a more long-term debt.
Truth is we did collapse...we just don't realize it yet.
You didn't think that the rest of the world was going to take this sitting down did you?
Well, I dont know. It seems that right now, with the PetroDollar staying strong, we can keep kicking the can down the road and paying only what is due at any given time, kind of like a personal mortgage. The MBSes and so forth that the Federal Reserve bought is actually bringing in more money to the Federal Reserve and they are making a killing off these things as the Federalis have no mark-to-market rule and can do pretty much whatever they want (which is a big reason that they dont want to ever have a simultaneous universal audit of all their system banks, as they can shuffle money between them to meet individual audits, lol).

So the federalis are making money off the worlds dependency on the PetroDollar in yet one more way and they are doing it to pay of our debt this time, lol.

The strength of our outsourcing our currency from the US Treasury to the Federali Reserve is that they have a stake in keeping its value up and rolling. That is heir primary product; US Dollars and they make a killing on it.

I would much rather trust professional sharks like the Federalis with maintaining the value of their debt notes than US politicians; dont you?

To the Federalis it is their money and their livelihood they are managing, tweaking and ensnarling the globe with, for the politicians it is just tax payer money which in their minds falls from Heaven like Mose's mana in the Sinai desert.

I'll go with the Federalis, thank you.

I would much rather trust professional sharks like the Federalis with maintaining the value of their debt notes than US politicians; dont you?

Good God yes!

Look... This asset ghost is not going to go away until we can totally robotize the entire process from seed to Flotsom thus removing the man hour from the equation. The other alternative is to squeeze the labor out of the serf class to the point where it rebalances the 70 trillion in destroyed or should I say inferred wealth that went poof in 08. It's not impossible but it's like trying to cross Niagara falls on a tight rope with one bad foot. So yeah please keep this away from the DC dumkopfs.

In the final analysis we will either re-monetize by substituting things like the
Petro dollar valuation against dirt cheap labor or de-monetize by abandoning Fiat altogether. I hope we can do the former...
The latter would be quite ugly. It will be one of the two almost certainly.


I am hoping that we can shift to a basket of commodities that the bank can choose to redeem notes in at their own choosing. I think that that can work, but I also think that theyu are already evaluating this as we speak.

They dont trust the tender hearts of Arab Oil Sheiks any more than any other reasonable person.
I know with a basket of deplorable‘s are, but what is a basket of commodities?

Commodities are anything you want them to be. It could be Pork Bellies. It cold be pineapples. It could be precious metals.

Oh, c’mon! Don’t make it so confusing for them.
all these comparisons of trump to hitler are laughable. hitler was never that funny. and if you actually laughed, you went to prison!
They not only compare Trump to Hitler, but they compare Republicans to Nazi fascists. But they have a problem.

1. Fascists are for BIG, strong government. Republicans aren't.

2. Fascist are for lots of control and regulation of people and businesses. Republicans aren't.

3. Fascists seize people's guns. Republicans don't.

4. Fascists kill people (including newborn babies). Republicans don't .

5. Fascists suppress religious freedom. Republicans don't.

So who DOES fit this fascist profile ? DEMOCRATS, that's who.
all these comparisons of trump to hitler are laughable. hitler was never that funny. and if you actually laughed, you went to prison!
They not only compare Trump to Hitler, but they compare Republicans to Nazi fascists. But they have a problem.

1. Fascists are for BIG, strong government. Republicans aren't.

2. Fascist are for lots of control and regulation of people and businesses. Republicans aren't.

3. Fascists seize people's guns. Republicans don't.

4. Fascists kill people (including newborn babies). Republicans don't .

5. Fascists suppress religious freedom. Republicans don't.

So who DOES fit this fascist profile ? DEMOCRATS, that's who.

Republicans will ill Americans by allowing for more pollution.

No one is killing newborn babies. Quit lying.

Republican suppress Islam. You are all bigots against Muslims.
Republicans will ill Americans by allowing for more pollution.

No one is killing newborn babies. Quit lying.

Republican suppress Islam. You are all bigots against Muslims.
I clicked on your post thinking it would be a bunch of laughable idiocy.

Looks like I was right.
Republicans will ill Americans by allowing for more pollution.

No one is killing newborn babies. Quit lying.

Republican suppress Islam. You are all bigots against Muslims.
I clicked on your post thinking it would be a bunch of laughable idiocy.

Looks like I was right.
Really. You assfucks run around here on this messageboard every day trashing Muslims. I would think even a dumbass like you would see that much.
Republicans will ill Americans by allowing for more pollution.

No one is killing newborn babies. Quit lying.

Republican suppress Islam. You are all bigots against Muslims.
Democrats have openly called for the killing of already born babies. where have you been ?

Islam SHOULD and MUST be suppressed. It is an unconstitutional supremacism, outlawed by the Constitution's Supremacy Clause. It's aim is to overthrow the US, the Constitution, and all of western civilization, and this has been its goal for 1400 years. If you don't know that, you're not ready to discuss Islam.

"The process of settlement [of Islam in the United States] is a "Civilization-Jihadist" process with all that the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood in North America] must understand that all their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" their miserable house by their hands, and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated, and Allah's religion is made victorious over all religions."

Mohamed Akram, "An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America" May 22, 1991, Government Exhibit 003-0085, United States vs. Holy Land Foundation, et al. 7 (21)
Republicans will ill Americans by allowing for more pollution.

No one is killing newborn babies. Quit lying.

Republican suppress Islam. You are all bigots against Muslims.
Democrats have openly called for the killing of already born babies. where have you been ?

Islam SHOULD and MUST be suppressed. It is an unconstitutional supremacism, outlawed by the Constitution's Supremacy Clause. It's aim is to overthrow the US, the Constitution, and all of western civilization, and this has been its goal for 1400 years. If you don't know that, you're not ready to discuss Islam.

"The process of settlement [of Islam in the United States] is a "Civilization-Jihadist" process with all that the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood in North America] must understand that all their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" their miserable house by their hands, and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated, and Allah's religion is made victorious over all religions."

Mohamed Akram, "An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America" May 22, 1991, Government Exhibit 003-0085, United States vs. Holy Land Foundation, et al. 7 (21)
Then again, many if not most Muslims come here to enjoy our free way of life too.

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