The Presidents Speech at CPAC Today

The CPAC speech may have played well to the Trump supporters, which I guess a CPAC is full of, so it shouldn't be a great surprise to anyone he went full out FOX and Limbaugh.
I don't think he is playing the clown on purpose, Jim, and I have a feeling it is Trump being influenced by them more than his feelings influencing their opinions.

And as another buffalo wing eating, beer drinking American, he sure as hell ain't speakin' to me.
The CPAC speech may have played well to the Trump supporters, which I guess a CPAC is full of, so it shouldn't be a great surprise to anyone he went full out FOX and Limbaugh.
I don't think he is playing the clown on purpose, Jim, and I have a feeling it is Trump being influenced by them more than his feelings influencing their opinions.

And as another buffalo wing eating, beer drinking American, he sure as hell ain't speakin' to me.

Yeah, you have to pick your audience, and Trump is not looking at liberals like you.

But Trump has given serious speeches before without all the red meat tossing gag lines, so I know he can do it.

Trump is a real estate investor who competes with other investor to buy properties at fire sale prices, clean them up, run them to show a profit and then sell them off. A sort of Vulture Capitalist Romney who only uses his powers for Good, lol.

This is all carefully calculated on his part, in fact that speech was him doing research about which lines draw the strongest reactions as he studies his audience, looks for cues from his political analysts in the audience and then gives another series of knee slappers.

Trump is a Master of this form of communication, but believe what you want. Getting his opponents to underestimate him is part of the investors toolbox they employ to win, also.
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The CPAC speech may have played well to the Trump supporters, which I guess a CPAC is full of, so it shouldn't be a great surprise to anyone he went full out FOX and Limbaugh.
I don't think he is playing the clown on purpose, Jim, and I have a feeling it is Trump being influenced by them more than his feelings influencing their opinions.

And as another buffalo wing eating, beer drinking American, he sure as hell ain't speakin' to me.

Yeah, you have to pick your audience, and Trump is not looking at liberals like you.

But Trump has given serious speeches before without all the red meat tossing gag lines, so I know he can do it.

Trump is a real estate investor who competes with other investor to buy properties at fire sale prices, clean them up, run them to show a profit and then sell them off. A sort of Vulture Capitalist Romney who only uses his powers for Good, lol.

This is all carefully calculated on his part, in fact that speech was him doing research about which lines draw the strongest reactions as he studies his audience, looks for cues from his political analysts in the audience and then gives another series of knee slappers.

Trump is a Master of this form of communication, but believe what you want. Getting his opponents to underestimate him is part of the investors toolbox they employ to win, also.
That's a bit chilling, tbh.
I have sometimes wondered if he was up to that, too. He knows how to sell something. But as President he is supposed to try and sell to a larger market. That is his problem.
I think the speech was great. I watched it all and thought the off-script parts made all the difference. I agree that 2020 is going to be a record breaker - as well as breaking the back of the Dimocrap party.
Trump will be in jail by then

Hopefully, but I sincerely doubt it. It seems that there's nothing he can do that will bring him down. Something eventually will, but it won't happen by 2020 I'm afraid.
The CPAC speech may have played well to the Trump supporters, which I guess a CPAC is full of, so it shouldn't be a great surprise to anyone he went full out FOX and Limbaugh.
I don't think he is playing the clown on purpose, Jim, and I have a feeling it is Trump being influenced by them more than his feelings influencing their opinions.

And as another buffalo wing eating, beer drinking American, he sure as hell ain't speakin' to me.

Yeah, you have to pick your audience, and Trump is not looking at liberals like you.

But Trump has given serious speeches before without all the red meat tossing gag lines, so I know he can do it.

Trump is a real estate investor who competes with other investor to buy properties at fire sale prices, clean them up, run them to show a profit and then sell them off. A sort of Vulture Capitalist Romney who only uses his powers for Good, lol.

This is all carefully calculated on his part, in fact that speech was him doing research about which lines draw the strongest reactions as he studies his audience, looks for cues from his political analysts in the audience and then gives another series of knee slappers.

Trump is a Master of this form of communication, but believe what you want. Getting his opponents to underestimate him is part of the investors toolbox they employ to win, also.

Trump is a brand manager who bilked contractors out of earned pay and played loose with his books for decades as he ran a scam outfit from his faux gold tower.

His scripted speeches remind one of a 6th grader reading the book report that his mommy wrote for him over breakfast.

Normal people see a fool riffing for snarky laughs from willing participants and this Trombie sees market research. It’s awesome.
I have sometimes wondered if he was up to that, too. He knows how to sell something. But as President he is supposed to try and sell to a larger market. That is his problem.

Were he subscribing to a more conventional ideal as President, yes, I would agree, but he is not.

He is a New York Realtor as President, and that is another species entirely.
I have sometimes wondered if he was up to that, too. He knows how to sell something. But as President he is supposed to try and sell to a larger market. That is his problem.

Were he subscribing to a more conventional ideal as President, yes, I would agree, but he is not.

He is a New York Realtor as President, and that is another species entirely.

He’s completely out of his depth and you will refuse to see it until his final day. You’re a Trombie.
It was a can kick that will take 50 years to unwind. However if somebody didn't do something it is possible that we might have had wide spread chaos....not really sure
We were better off doing what we did.
It's not gone btw only rewritten as a more long-term debt.
Truth is we did collapse...we just don't realize it yet.
You didn't think that the rest of the world was going to take this sitting down did you?
Well, I dont know. It seems that right now, with the PetroDollar staying strong, we can keep kicking the can down the road and paying only what is due at any given time, kind of like a personal mortgage. The MBSes and so forth that the Federal Reserve bought is actually bringing in more money to the Federal Reserve and they are making a killing off these things as the Federalis have no mark-to-market rule and can do pretty much whatever they want (which is a big reason that they dont want to ever have a simultaneous universal audit of all their system banks, as they can shuffle money between them to meet individual audits, lol).

So the federalis are making money off the worlds dependency on the PetroDollar in yet one more way and they are doing it to pay of our debt this time, lol.

The strength of our outsourcing our currency from the US Treasury to the Federali Reserve is that they have a stake in keeping its value up and rolling. That is heir primary product; US Dollars and they make a killing on it.

I would much rather trust professional sharks like the Federalis with maintaining the value of their debt notes than US politicians; dont you?

To the Federalis it is their money and their livelihood they are managing, tweaking and ensnarling the globe with, for the politicians it is just tax payer money which in their minds falls from Heaven like Mose's mana in the Sinai desert.

I'll go with the Federalis, thank you.

I would much rather trust professional sharks like the Federalis with maintaining the value of their debt notes than US politicians; dont you?

Good God yes!

Look... This asset ghost is not going to go away until we can totally robotize the entire process from seed to Flotsom thus removing the man hour from the equation. The other alternative is to squeeze the labor out of the serf class to the point where it rebalances the 70 trillion in destroyed or should I say inferred wealth that went poof in 08. It's not impossible but it's like trying to cross Niagara falls on a tight rope with one bad foot. So yeah please keep this away from the DC dumkopfs.

In the final analysis we will either re-monetize by substituting things like the
Petro dollar valuation against dirt cheap labor or de-monetize by abandoning Fiat altogether. I hope we can do the former...
The latter would be quite ugly. It will be one of the two almost certainly.


I am hoping that we can shift to a basket of commodities that the bank can choose to redeem notes in at their own choosing. I think that that can work, but I also think that theyu are already evaluating this as we speak.

They dont trust the tender hearts of Arab Oil Sheiks any more than any other reasonable person.

I dunno.... First you have to keep tabs on real value and make sure it doesn't morph into inferred value and then get rolled up into peekaboo financial bombs like the former derivatives fiasco. My preference would be not to negotiate but simply to stab the high tier brokers in the eye with a hot iron every time they try that shit. With enough eye patches showing on Wall Street maybe they'll remember to be fiduciaries instead of pirates. But you know I seriously doubt that. For as long as we leverage on a fiat system the money trolls will be lurking under the bridge looking for ways to create phony wealth. I hate the thought of trading two
Salmon for a gallon of gas....but at least you can't leverage a salmon.

I dunno.... First you have to keep tabs on real value and make sure it doesn't morph into inferred value and then get rolled up into peekaboo financial bombs like the former derivatives fiasco. My preference would be not to negotiate but simply to stab the high tier brokers in the eye with a hot iron every time they try that shit. With enough eye patches showing on Wall Street maybe they'll remember to be fiduciaries instead of pirates. But you know I seriously doubt that. For as long as we leverage on a fiat system the money trolls will be lurking under the bridge looking for ways to create phony wealth. I hate the thought of trading two
Salmon for a gallon of gas....but at least you can't leverage a salmon.


Oh Derivatives sharks can leverage your eye teeth while they're still in your own head.

Dont ever under estimate their malfeance.
The Donald breaks every rule of public speaking, and daily assaults most principles of rhetoric.

His 'speeches' are rambling, half-considered, frequently wrong on the facts, and often nearly pointless.

I am a Trump supporter, and I watched his speech, cringing frequently when he went "off script."

How this man can be such a great President I'll never understand, but it is what it is.

I am not a Trump supporter by principle, but I do love and admire the guy.

Just remember when watching Trump; he is drawing from his years as a Reality TV star in communicating with the public. he wants to win over the beer guzzling, Buffalo wing America, and not the serious Gravitas people of the political class. Each line/sentence is an attempt at winning the audience over like a Gladiator in the Colosseum, "Have we not entertained you?" rings in my mind when I watch him speak.

If you can remember that, he starts to make sense, sort of.
What do you love and admire about him? The entertainer? The salesman/schmoozer? The outrageous larger than life billionaire lifestyle and unrepentant attitude toward beautiful women and about men with enormous power?

I cant respond for him but I'll give you my take.
I really wanted Cruze and thought Trump was just a novelty runner.
After watching what Trump has accomplished I've become a big fan.
I like his no bullshit way of speaking and his take no prisoners attitude.
He is unabashedly pro American and speaks his mind without fear of retribution from the press,in fact he welcomes their idiocy and uses it rightfully against them.
He says what most Americans are thinking when most republicans refuse to do so.

He has turned into the greatest President in my lifetime.
The CPAC speech may have played well to the Trump supporters, which I guess a CPAC is full of, so it shouldn't be a great surprise to anyone he went full out FOX and Limbaugh.
I don't think he is playing the clown on purpose, Jim, and I have a feeling it is Trump being influenced by them more than his feelings influencing their opinions.

And as another buffalo wing eating, beer drinking American, he sure as hell ain't speakin' to me.

Yeah, you have to pick your audience, and Trump is not looking at liberals like you.

But Trump has given serious speeches before without all the red meat tossing gag lines, so I know he can do it.

Trump is a real estate investor who competes with other investor to buy properties at fire sale prices, clean them up, run them to show a profit and then sell them off. A sort of Vulture Capitalist Romney who only uses his powers for Good, lol.

This is all carefully calculated on his part, in fact that speech was him doing research about which lines draw the strongest reactions as he studies his audience, looks for cues from his political analysts in the audience and then gives another series of knee slappers.

Trump is a Master of this form of communication, but believe what you want. Getting his opponents to underestimate him is part of the investors toolbox they employ to win, also.
That's a bit chilling, tbh.
I have sometimes wondered if he was up to that, too. He knows how to sell something. But as President he is supposed to try and sell to a larger market. That is his problem.

If what Trump is selling doesnt appeal to you you're flat out un American.
The Donald breaks every rule of public speaking, and daily assaults most principles of rhetoric.

His 'speeches' are rambling, half-considered, frequently wrong on the facts, and often nearly pointless.

I am a Trump supporter, and I watched his speech, cringing frequently when he went "off script."

How this man can be such a great President I'll never understand, but it is what it is.

I am not a Trump supporter by principle, but I do love and admire the guy.

Just remember when watching Trump; he is drawing from his years as a Reality TV star in communicating with the public. he wants to win over the beer guzzling, Buffalo wing America, and not the serious Gravitas people of the political class. Each line/sentence is an attempt at winning the audience over like a Gladiator in the Colosseum, "Have we not entertained you?" rings in my mind when I watch him speak.

If you can remember that, he starts to make sense, sort of.
What do you love and admire about him? The entertainer? The salesman/schmoozer? The outrageous larger than life billionaire lifestyle and unrepentant attitude toward beautiful women and about men with enormous power?

I cant respond for him but I'll give you my take.
I really wanted Cruze and thought Trump was just a novelty runner.
After watching what Trump has accomplished I've become a big fan.
I like his no bullshit way of speaking and his take no prisoners attitude.
He is unabashedly pro American and speaks his mind without fear of retribution from the press,in fact he welcomes their idiocy and uses it rightfully against them.
He says what most Americans are thinking when most republicans refuse to do so.

He has turned into the greatest President in my lifetime.

Yeah. He’s got a real “no bullshit” way of speaking. You nailed it.
The CPAC speech may have played well to the Trump supporters, which I guess a CPAC is full of, so it shouldn't be a great surprise to anyone he went full out FOX and Limbaugh.
I don't think he is playing the clown on purpose, Jim, and I have a feeling it is Trump being influenced by them more than his feelings influencing their opinions.

And as another buffalo wing eating, beer drinking American, he sure as hell ain't speakin' to me.

Yeah, you have to pick your audience, and Trump is not looking at liberals like you.

But Trump has given serious speeches before without all the red meat tossing gag lines, so I know he can do it.

Trump is a real estate investor who competes with other investor to buy properties at fire sale prices, clean them up, run them to show a profit and then sell them off. A sort of Vulture Capitalist Romney who only uses his powers for Good, lol.

This is all carefully calculated on his part, in fact that speech was him doing research about which lines draw the strongest reactions as he studies his audience, looks for cues from his political analysts in the audience and then gives another series of knee slappers.

Trump is a Master of this form of communication, but believe what you want. Getting his opponents to underestimate him is part of the investors toolbox they employ to win, also.
That's a bit chilling, tbh.
I have sometimes wondered if he was up to that, too. He knows how to sell something. But as President he is supposed to try and sell to a larger market. That is his problem.

If what Trump is selling doesnt appeal to you you're flat out un American. that sarcasm?
That speech altered my opinion of Trump dramatically. I am beginning to think that he's truly a genius and will do wonderful things in the coming months.

I think you need to essplain that to LL first, dude.

No need. He already said it was sarcasm.

i think you need to essplain what 'sarcasm' is. He seems to confuse it with lying, a common Dimocrat symptom of stupidity.
It was a can kick that will take 50 years to unwind. However if somebody didn't do something it is possible that we might have had wide spread chaos....not really sure
We were better off doing what we did.
It's not gone btw only rewritten as a more long-term debt.
Truth is we did collapse...we just don't realize it yet.
You didn't think that the rest of the world was going to take this sitting down did you?
Well, I dont know. It seems that right now, with the PetroDollar staying strong, we can keep kicking the can down the road and paying only what is due at any given time, kind of like a personal mortgage. The MBSes and so forth that the Federal Reserve bought is actually bringing in more money to the Federal Reserve and they are making a killing off these things as the Federalis have no mark-to-market rule and can do pretty much whatever they want (which is a big reason that they dont want to ever have a simultaneous universal audit of all their system banks, as they can shuffle money between them to meet individual audits, lol).

So the federalis are making money off the worlds dependency on the PetroDollar in yet one more way and they are doing it to pay of our debt this time, lol.

The strength of our outsourcing our currency from the US Treasury to the Federali Reserve is that they have a stake in keeping its value up and rolling. That is heir primary product; US Dollars and they make a killing on it.

I would much rather trust professional sharks like the Federalis with maintaining the value of their debt notes than US politicians; dont you?

To the Federalis it is their money and their livelihood they are managing, tweaking and ensnarling the globe with, for the politicians it is just tax payer money which in their minds falls from Heaven like Mose's mana in the Sinai desert.

I'll go with the Federalis, thank you.

I would much rather trust professional sharks like the Federalis with maintaining the value of their debt notes than US politicians; dont you?

Good God yes!

Look... This asset ghost is not going to go away until we can totally robotize the entire process from seed to Flotsom thus removing the man hour from the equation. The other alternative is to squeeze the labor out of the serf class to the point where it rebalances the 70 trillion in destroyed or should I say inferred wealth that went poof in 08. It's not impossible but it's like trying to cross Niagara falls on a tight rope with one bad foot. So yeah please keep this away from the DC dumkopfs.

In the final analysis we will either re-monetize by substituting things like the
Petro dollar valuation against dirt cheap labor or de-monetize by abandoning Fiat altogether. I hope we can do the former...
The latter would be quite ugly. It will be one of the two almost certainly.


I am hoping that we can shift to a basket of commodities that the bank can choose to redeem notes in at their own choosing. I think that that can work, but I also think that theyu are already evaluating this as we speak.

They dont trust the tender hearts of Arab Oil Sheiks any more than any other reasonable person.
I know with a basket of deplorable‘s are, but what is a basket of commodities?
It was a can kick that will take 50 years to unwind. However if somebody didn't do something it is possible that we might have had wide spread chaos....not really sure
We were better off doing what we did.
It's not gone btw only rewritten as a more long-term debt.
Truth is we did collapse...we just don't realize it yet.
You didn't think that the rest of the world was going to take this sitting down did you?
Well, I dont know. It seems that right now, with the PetroDollar staying strong, we can keep kicking the can down the road and paying only what is due at any given time, kind of like a personal mortgage. The MBSes and so forth that the Federal Reserve bought is actually bringing in more money to the Federal Reserve and they are making a killing off these things as the Federalis have no mark-to-market rule and can do pretty much whatever they want (which is a big reason that they dont want to ever have a simultaneous universal audit of all their system banks, as they can shuffle money between them to meet individual audits, lol).

So the federalis are making money off the worlds dependency on the PetroDollar in yet one more way and they are doing it to pay of our debt this time, lol.

The strength of our outsourcing our currency from the US Treasury to the Federali Reserve is that they have a stake in keeping its value up and rolling. That is heir primary product; US Dollars and they make a killing on it.

I would much rather trust professional sharks like the Federalis with maintaining the value of their debt notes than US politicians; dont you?

To the Federalis it is their money and their livelihood they are managing, tweaking and ensnarling the globe with, for the politicians it is just tax payer money which in their minds falls from Heaven like Mose's mana in the Sinai desert.

I'll go with the Federalis, thank you.

I would much rather trust professional sharks like the Federalis with maintaining the value of their debt notes than US politicians; dont you?

Good God yes!

Look... This asset ghost is not going to go away until we can totally robotize the entire process from seed to Flotsom thus removing the man hour from the equation. The other alternative is to squeeze the labor out of the serf class to the point where it rebalances the 70 trillion in destroyed or should I say inferred wealth that went poof in 08. It's not impossible but it's like trying to cross Niagara falls on a tight rope with one bad foot. So yeah please keep this away from the DC dumkopfs.

In the final analysis we will either re-monetize by substituting things like the
Petro dollar valuation against dirt cheap labor or de-monetize by abandoning Fiat altogether. I hope we can do the former...
The latter would be quite ugly. It will be one of the two almost certainly.


I am hoping that we can shift to a basket of commodities that the bank can choose to redeem notes in at their own choosing. I think that that can work, but I also think that theyu are already evaluating this as we speak.

They dont trust the tender hearts of Arab Oil Sheiks any more than any other reasonable person.
I know with a basket of deplorable‘s are, but what is a basket of commodities?

Commodities are anything you want them to be. It could be Pork Bellies. It cold be pineapples. It could be precious metals.


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