The Presidents Speech at CPAC Today

Can't we just print more money like obozo did?

You mean with Bush left office with the worst recession in 80 years.

Bush was doing fine until Democrats took over the purse strings and F'd it all up, as usual.
Losing 745,000 jobs a month is "doing fine".

What are you lying about now Butt Hurt?
Wow, you are so fucking stupid that you did not know we had two months with each month losing over 745,000 jobs a month.

I just love how you assfucks post like you know something when you don't know shit.

It's your party that has assfluck parades Shit for Brains...……..
I wanted to watch the speech, but I did not want to miss my root canal. At any rate, I saw the clip of him hugging the flag, so I am sure that I did not miss anything important. That was a special Trump moment that warmed the cockles of my heart. On the other hand, it might have just been a reaction to the hot dog with sour kraut that I had eaten.
I wanted to watch the speech, but I did not want to miss my root canal. At any rate, I saw the clip of him hugging the flag, so I am sure that I did not miss anything important. That was a special Trump moment that warmed the cockles of my heart. On the other hand, it might have just been a reaction to the hot dog with sour kraut that I had eaten.
Dry humped the flag to represent how he is fucking over this country every day.
That speech altered my opinion of Trump dramatically. I am beginning to think that he's truly a genius and will do wonderful things in the coming months.
Every president adds debt. Obama nearly doubled it.
How many presidents walked into the mess that Obama did? The DOW below 8,000 and losing 745,000 jobs a month. The stock market rose 258% during Obama`s years and so far it`s risen 25% under Trump/Putin. He`s got some catching up to do and you got some learning to do. I`m here to help.

It wasn't Obama that walked into the mess.
Honestly you guys are so distorted by your politics that I'm surprised you don't count sunspots as presidential accomplishments. The mess as you refer to it engulfed the entire world economy and transcended at least five previous administration's.

The 2008 crash was 20 times the size of the US economy. It is not possible for one man, one POTUS, or even a dozen POTUS people to be either responsible for it .... or responsible for even beginning to fix it. That would be tantamount to the ant on the train track winning his battle with the train. This kind of economics dwarfs local politics.


If you actually payed attention to the things Obama did you'd know that a lot of the debt was added because of his own efforts as president. A lot of it had nothing to do with all of the stuff you're blaming. Partisan hacks can never accept the reality that both sides are imperfect and that they've both caused these problems.

Wow, you are either a liar or just another dumbasss Trumpette.

Very little of the debt accumulated during the Obama Presidency was due to Obama generated actions. You can look at the ARRA but it was necessary due to the Bush recession.

Debt came from Bush's unfunded two quagmire wars, unfunded Bush tax cuts, unfunded Medicare expansion, to nasme the bigger ones.

Talk about a DUMB ASS…..what does "nasme" mean?

Have you ever heard of obozo’s stimulus package for shovel ready jobs?

Tell us how much was that and did it add to the deficit….

By the way, where did all that money end up……

It was all given to libtarde causes………..

You Tards are all so Full of SHIT.

"nasme" means I made a fucking typo./ Deal with it.

Obama spent 1.5 billion on transportation projects. Why did we need a stimulus action?

Stimulus projects work on borrowed money, hence the term "Stimulus". The stimulus was 800 some billion.

37% of the stimulus was tax breaks. Even a stupid lying assfuck like you benefited.
How many presidents walked into the mess that Obama did? The DOW below 8,000 and losing 745,000 jobs a month. The stock market rose 258% during Obama`s years and so far it`s risen 25% under Trump/Putin. He`s got some catching up to do and you got some learning to do. I`m here to help.

It wasn't Obama that walked into the mess.
Honestly you guys are so distorted by your politics that I'm surprised you don't count sunspots as presidential accomplishments. The mess as you refer to it engulfed the entire world economy and transcended at least five previous administration's.

The 2008 crash was 20 times the size of the US economy. It is not possible for one man, one POTUS, or even a dozen POTUS people to be either responsible for it .... or responsible for even beginning to fix it. That would be tantamount to the ant on the train track winning his battle with the train. This kind of economics dwarfs local politics.


If you actually payed attention to the things Obama did you'd know that a lot of the debt was added because of his own efforts as president. A lot of it had nothing to do with all of the stuff you're blaming. Partisan hacks can never accept the reality that both sides are imperfect and that they've both caused these problems.

Wow, you are either a liar or just another dumbasss Trumpette.

Very little of the debt accumulated during the Obama Presidency was due to Obama generated actions. You can look at the ARRA but it was necessary due to the Bush recession.

Debt came from Bush's unfunded two quagmire wars, unfunded Bush tax cuts, unfunded Medicare expansion, to nasme the bigger ones.

Talk about a DUMB ASS…..what does "nasme" mean?

Have you ever heard of obozo’s stimulus package for shovel ready jobs?

Tell us how much was that and did it add to the deficit….

By the way, where did all that money end up……

It was all given to libtarde causes………..

You Tards are all so Full of SHIT.

"nasme" means I made a fucking typo./ Deal with it.

Obama spent 1.5 billion on transportation projects. Why did we need a stimulus action?

Stimulus projects work on borrowed money, hence the term "Stimulus". The stimulus was 800 some billion.

37% of the stimulus was tax breaks. Even a stupid lying assfuck like you benefited.

You are Full of Shit...…

When is your next assfluck Parade?

Which Float will you be on?
It wasn't Obama that walked into the mess.
Honestly you guys are so distorted by your politics that I'm surprised you don't count sunspots as presidential accomplishments. The mess as you refer to it engulfed the entire world economy and transcended at least five previous administration's.

The 2008 crash was 20 times the size of the US economy. It is not possible for one man, one POTUS, or even a dozen POTUS people to be either responsible for it .... or responsible for even beginning to fix it. That would be tantamount to the ant on the train track winning his battle with the train. This kind of economics dwarfs local politics.


If you actually payed attention to the things Obama did you'd know that a lot of the debt was added because of his own efforts as president. A lot of it had nothing to do with all of the stuff you're blaming. Partisan hacks can never accept the reality that both sides are imperfect and that they've both caused these problems.

Wow, you are either a liar or just another dumbasss Trumpette.

Very little of the debt accumulated during the Obama Presidency was due to Obama generated actions. You can look at the ARRA but it was necessary due to the Bush recession.

Debt came from Bush's unfunded two quagmire wars, unfunded Bush tax cuts, unfunded Medicare expansion, to nasme the bigger ones.

Talk about a DUMB ASS…..what does "nasme" mean?

Have you ever heard of obozo’s stimulus package for shovel ready jobs?

Tell us how much was that and did it add to the deficit….

By the way, where did all that money end up……

It was all given to libtarde causes………..

You Tards are all so Full of SHIT.

"nasme" means I made a fucking typo./ Deal with it.

Obama spent 1.5 billion on transportation projects. Why did we need a stimulus action?

Stimulus projects work on borrowed money, hence the term "Stimulus". The stimulus was 800 some billion.

37% of the stimulus was tax breaks. Even a stupid lying assfuck like you benefited.

You are Full of Shit...…

When is your next assfluck Parade?

Which Float will you be on?
Jeezus! Now Don`t know is having gay fantasies.
If you actually payed attention to the things Obama did you'd know that a lot of the debt was added because of his own efforts as president. A lot of it had nothing to do with all of the stuff you're blaming. Partisan hacks can never accept the reality that both sides are imperfect and that they've both caused these problems.

Wow, you are either a liar or just another dumbasss Trumpette.

Very little of the debt accumulated during the Obama Presidency was due to Obama generated actions. You can look at the ARRA but it was necessary due to the Bush recession.

Debt came from Bush's unfunded two quagmire wars, unfunded Bush tax cuts, unfunded Medicare expansion, to nasme the bigger ones.

Talk about a DUMB ASS…..what does "nasme" mean?

Have you ever heard of obozo’s stimulus package for shovel ready jobs?

Tell us how much was that and did it add to the deficit….

By the way, where did all that money end up……

It was all given to libtarde causes………..

You Tards are all so Full of SHIT.

"nasme" means I made a fucking typo./ Deal with it.

Obama spent 1.5 billion on transportation projects. Why did we need a stimulus action?

Stimulus projects work on borrowed money, hence the term "Stimulus". The stimulus was 800 some billion.

37% of the stimulus was tax breaks. Even a stupid lying assfuck like you benefited.

You are Full of Shit...…

When is your next assfluck Parade?

Which Float will you be on?
Jeezus! Now Don`t know is having gay fantasies.

It's not my party Sponsoring your gay float...

Don’t forget your dick nose….
You know this is going to be a barn burner.....

Can't wait to see the Tard reaction.....

President Donald Trump to speak at CPAC following Cohen testimony, North Korea meetings
Wonder of the Liar in Chief will mention that he has added 2.06 trillion dollars to the deficit since taking office? Or that his magnificent, record setting, best by any President ever, economy is based on borrowed money. But, then again, the national debt is no longer an issue with conservatives.

Can't we just print more money like obozo did?

You mean with Bush left office with the worst recession in 80 years.

Bush was doing fine until Democrats took over the purse strings and F'd it all up, as usual.
Losing 745,000 jobs a month is "doing fine".

Who lost what? Do you honestly believe that It is even possible for one man to do that? If so you have no idea whatsoever what the 2008 crash was. You might as well blame the next sunspot on Trump.

That speech altered my opinion of Trump dramatically. I am beginning to think that he's truly a genius and will do wonderful things in the coming months.
such as?

I guess you just can’t handle facts.
What facts?

All of them. All the facts.
I thought you were being sarcastic but I thought I should ask in case I missed something. Which I may have, since I can't bring myself to watch the CPAC speech. I've read some write ups on the major take aways, but nothing that struck me as genius level and a delight to a blue dog such as yourself.
So I asked and as usual you are being a snotty peckerhead. Fuck you then.
It wasn't Obama that walked into the mess.
Honestly you guys are so distorted by your politics that I'm surprised you don't count sunspots as presidential accomplishments. The mess as you refer to it engulfed the entire world economy and transcended at least five previous administration's.

The 2008 crash was 20 times the size of the US economy. It is not possible for one man, one POTUS, or even a dozen POTUS people to be either responsible for it .... or responsible for even beginning to fix it. That would be tantamount to the ant on the train track winning his battle with the train. This kind of economics dwarfs local politics.

While I gave you a 'win' response, I do disagree with this one point; Obama did save the US economy by applying a huge amount of money that did not come from the US budget to fix the critical problem; US Big Banks had to be recapitalized so they could function again.

Obama did that with QE to Infinity.

He assured the banks he would buy all those subprime equities/derivatives off them despite them having no market value, and thereby recapitalize a credit system that had frozen due to technicalities. Our financial system had fallen into what I call a 'Mark to Market Trap' in that they had equities and derivatives that were making money for them, but because the instruments used to calculate their value were no longer trusted, these money making instruments were technically worthless because no one could legally buy them that normally buy such financial objects because of in-house rules that prohibit buying anything that has no mark-to-market value. Once you try to sell an equity on the market, its value in your accountant ledger is technically ZERO if no one will offer anything to buy it.

So to keep from going into a fractional reserve lending collapse due to inadequate capitalization ratio to credit already lent out, the Big Banks had to keep billions of USD in money making derivatives off the market so they could continue pricing them at the price they paid for them instead of what they could actually get from selling them; $ZERO. This gave the banks enough time for Obama to yank their wang from the meat grinder.

I give Obama well deserved credit for this. Not only did he understand the problem for what it was, something W couldnt do, he also figured out a way of recapitalizing the banks without hitting the US budget. We got it essentially for free by leveraging the USD as the world reserve currency. Essentially Obama had the rest of the world pay off our Big Banks debts.

Now I know that a whole lot of people playing the markets didnt like QE and there were aspects of it I still do not like, but it WORKED. Our financial system, and thus our entire economy, owes Obama a huge debt for saving it from a mark-to-market collapse.
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That speech altered my opinion of Trump dramatically. I am beginning to think that he's truly a genius and will do wonderful things in the coming months.
such as?

I guess you just can’t handle facts.
What facts?

All of them. All the facts.
I thought you were being sarcastic but I thought I should ask in case I missed something. Which I may have, since I can't bring myself to watch the CPAC speech. I've read some write ups on the major take aways, but nothing that struck me as genius level and a delight to a blue dog such as yourself.
So I asked and as usual you are being a snotty peckerhead. Fuck you then.
Lol, great response OldLady, but LoneLaugher is up to some game though he might actually truly have enjoyed the same things Id did about the speech.

I would share them if you would read them; would you?
It wasn't Obama that walked into the mess.
Honestly you guys are so distorted by your politics that I'm surprised you don't count sunspots as presidential accomplishments. The mess as you refer to it engulfed the entire world economy and transcended at least five previous administration's.

The 2008 crash was 20 times the size of the US economy. It is not possible for one man, one POTUS, or even a dozen POTUS people to be either responsible for it .... or responsible for even beginning to fix it. That would be tantamount to the ant on the train track winning his battle with the train. This kind of economics dwarfs local politics.

While I gave you a 'win' response, I do disagree with this one point; Obama did save the US economy by applying a huge amount of money that did not come from the US budget to fix the critical problem; US Big Banks had to be recapitalized so they could function again.

Obama did that with QE to Infinity.

He assured the banks he would buy all those subprime equities/derivatives off them despite them having no market value, and thereby recapitalize a credit system that had frozen due to technicalities. Our financial system had fallen into what I call a 'Mark to Market Trap' in that they had equities and derivatives that were making money for them, but because the instruments used to calculate their value were no longer trusted, these money making instruments were technically worthless because no one could legally buy them that normally buy such financial objects because of in-house rules that prohibit buying anything that has no mark-to-market value. Once you try to sell an equity on the market, its value in your accountant ledger is technically ZERO. So to keep from going into a fractional reserve lending collapse due to inadequate capitalization ratio to credit already lent out, the Big Banks had to keep billions of USD in money making derivatives off the market so they could continue pricing them at the price they paid for them instead of what they could actually get from selling them. This gave the banks enough time for Obama to yank their wang from the meat grinder.

I give Obama well deserved credit for this. Not only did he understand the problem for what it was, something W couldnt do, he also figured out a way of recapitalizing the banks without hitting the US budget. We got it essentially for free by leveraging the USD as the world reserve currency. Essentially Obama had the rest of the world pay off our Big Banks debts.

Now I know that a whole lot of people playing the markets didnt like QE and there were aspects of it I still do not like, but it WORKED. Our financial system, and thus our entire economy, owes Obama a huge debt for saving it from a mark-to-market collapse.

It was a can kick that will take 50 years to unwind. However if somebody didn't do something it is possible that we might have had wide spread chaos....not really sure
We were better off doing what we did.
It's not gone btw only rewritten as a more long-term debt.

Truth is we did collapse...we just don't realize it yet.

You didn't think that the rest of the world was going to take this sitting down did you?

Bush was doing fine until Democrats took over the purse strings and F'd it all up, as usual.
Losing 745,000 jobs a month is "doing fine".
The Bush 2008 Subprime collapse is going to go down in the History books as the biggest post disaster myth since the Great Betrayal Myth in Germany post WW1.

Though the 2008 Subprime Collapse was not Bushes fault, in fact he did try to address the issue around 2006 but it was too late by then and he wasnt taking the right approach, but it was Bushes job to fix the damned thing and no one would play nice so he could, which didnt matter because it wouldnt have worked anyway.

Don't Blame Bush for Subprime Mess | RealClearMarkets

In November 2003, just two months after Frank's remarks, Bush's top economist, Gregory Mankiw, warned: "The enormous size of the mortgage-backed securities market means that any problems at the GSEs matter for the financial system as a whole." He too proposed reforms, and they too went nowhere.

In the next two years, a parade of White House officials traipsed to Capitol Hill, calling repeatedly for GSE reform. They were ignored. Even after several multibillion-dollar accounting errors by Fannie and Freddie, Congress put off reforms.

In 2005, Fed chief Alan Greenspan sounded the most serious warning of all: "We are placing the total financial system of the future at a substantial risk" by doing nothing, he said. When a bill later that year emerged from the Senate Banking Committee, it looked like something might finally be done.

Unfortunately, as economist Kevin Hassett of the American Enterprise Institute has noted, "the bill didn't become law, for a simple reason: Democrats opposed it on a party-line vote in the committee, signaling that this would be a partisan issue. Republicans, tied in knots by the tight Democratic opposition, couldn't even get the Senate to vote on the matter."​

The above is horse shit. Tinkering around with the edges of the Subprime problem would not have fixed the underlying problem which was how the whole rotten derivatives market had a huge bet on subprimes being good for ever, which is stupid, and it was all being exponentially magnified by Credit Default Swaps, and the rules on mark-to-market were going to freeze up all the available credit in our financial system even as ginormous as it is.

The key to fixing this whole thing was to work around the mark-to-market rule and get fresh funding to the banks who h ad been loaning out too much risky money in credit instruments that they could not longer sell. And Obama understood this and the rest of the Federal government did not, or at least not that I have seen.

So I give Obama credit for fixing the market, and agreeing it was not directly Bushes fault, but only indirectly in that he did not understand how to fix it.

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