The Presidents Speech at CPAC Today

That speech altered my opinion of Trump dramatically. I am beginning to think that he's truly a genius and will do wonderful things in the coming months.
such as?

I guess you just can’t handle facts.
What facts?

All of them. All the facts.
I thought you were being sarcastic but I thought I should ask in case I missed something. Which I may have, since I can't bring myself to watch the CPAC speech. I've read some write ups on the major take aways, but nothing that struck me as genius level and a delight to a blue dog such as yourself.
So I asked and as usual you are being a snotty peckerhead. Fuck you then.

It never ceases to amaze me how some people can spend hours here and not know who is who. Of course I was being sarcastic.

I guess you just can’t handle facts.
What facts?

All of them. All the facts.
I thought you were being sarcastic but I thought I should ask in case I missed something. Which I may have, since I can't bring myself to watch the CPAC speech. I've read some write ups on the major take aways, but nothing that struck me as genius level and a delight to a blue dog such as yourself.
So I asked and as usual you are being a snotty peckerhead. Fuck you then.
Lol, great response OldLady, but LoneLaugher is up to some game though he might actually truly have enjoyed the same things Id did about the speech.

I would share them if you would read them; would you?
My curiosity was over LL calling Trump a genius and predicting him to do great things. While I respect you, Jim, I'm not surprised you found the President's speech enjoyable and therefore you don't need to share those bits with me--not for my sake, anyway.
The Donald breaks every rule of public speaking, and daily assaults most principles of rhetoric.

His 'speeches' are rambling, half-considered, frequently wrong on the facts, and often nearly pointless.

I am a Trump supporter, and I watched his speech, cringing frequently when he went "off script."

How this man can be such a great President I'll never understand, but it is what it is.

I guess you just can’t handle facts.
What facts?

All of them. All the facts.
I thought you were being sarcastic but I thought I should ask in case I missed something. Which I may have, since I can't bring myself to watch the CPAC speech. I've read some write ups on the major take aways, but nothing that struck me as genius level and a delight to a blue dog such as yourself.
So I asked and as usual you are being a snotty peckerhead. Fuck you then.

It never ceases to amaze me how some people can spend hours here and not know who is who. Of course I was being sarcastic.
First guess is usually best, I always tell my students, and then I second guess myself.

And I do know who you are, unfortunately.
It was a can kick that will take 50 years to unwind. However if somebody didn't do something it is possible that we might have had wide spread chaos....not really sure
We were better off doing what we did.
It's not gone btw only rewritten as a more long-term debt.
Truth is we did collapse...we just don't realize it yet.
You didn't think that the rest of the world was going to take this sitting down did you?
Well, I dont know. It seems that right now, with the PetroDollar staying strong, we can keep kicking the can down the road and paying only what is due at any given time, kind of like a personal mortgage. The MBSes and so forth that the Federal Reserve bought is actually bringing in more money to the Federal Reserve and they are making a killing off these things as the Federalis have no mark-to-market rule and can do pretty much whatever they want (which is a big reason that they dont want to ever have a simultaneous universal audit of all their system banks, as they can shuffle money between them to meet individual audits, lol).

So the federalis are making money off the worlds dependency on the PetroDollar in yet one more way and they are doing it to pay off our debt this time, lol.

The strength of our outsourcing our currency from the US Treasury to the Federali Reserve is that they have a stake in keeping its value up and rolling. That is their primary product; US Dollars and they make a killing on it.

I would much rather trust professional sharks like the Federalis with maintaining the value of their debt notes than US politicians; dont you?

To the Federalis it is their money and their livelihood they are managing, tweaking and ensnarling the globe with, for the politicians it is just tax payer money which in their minds falls from Heaven like Mose's mana in the Sinai desert.

I'll go with the Federalis, thank you.
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I guess you just can’t handle facts.
What facts?

All of them. All the facts.
I thought you were being sarcastic but I thought I should ask in case I missed something. Which I may have, since I can't bring myself to watch the CPAC speech. I've read some write ups on the major take aways, but nothing that struck me as genius level and a delight to a blue dog such as yourself.
So I asked and as usual you are being a snotty peckerhead. Fuck you then.

It never ceases to amaze me how some people can spend hours here and not know who is who. Of course I was being sarcastic.
First guess is usually best, I always tell my students, and then I second guess myself.

And I do know who you are, unfortunately.
Damn, and for a moment I was hoping that some sanity was seeping into LoneLaffer's braincase, lol.
The Donald breaks every rule of public speaking, and daily assaults most principles of rhetoric.

His 'speeches' are rambling, half-considered, frequently wrong on the facts, and often nearly pointless.

I am a Trump supporter, and I watched his speech, cringing frequently when he went "off script."

How this man can be such a great President I'll never understand, but it is what it is.

I am not a Trump supporter by principle, but I do love and admire the guy.

Just remember when watching Trump; he is drawing from his years as a Reality TV star in communicating with the public. he wants to win over the beer guzzling, Buffalo wing America, and not the serious Gravitas people of the political class. Each line/sentence is an attempt at winning the audience over like a Gladiator in the Colosseum, "Have we not entertained you?" rings in my mind when I watch him speak.

If you can remember that, he starts to make sense, sort of.
What facts?

All of them. All the facts.
I thought you were being sarcastic but I thought I should ask in case I missed something. Which I may have, since I can't bring myself to watch the CPAC speech. I've read some write ups on the major take aways, but nothing that struck me as genius level and a delight to a blue dog such as yourself.
So I asked and as usual you are being a snotty peckerhead. Fuck you then.

It never ceases to amaze me how some people can spend hours here and not know who is who. Of course I was being sarcastic.
First guess is usually best, I always tell my students, and then I second guess myself.

And I do know who you are, unfortunately.
Damn, and for a moment I was hoping that some sanity was seeping into LoneLaffer's braincase, lol.
He's sane enough, just seems to think he's got some right to be the boss of me and tell me how to think.
The Donald breaks every rule of public speaking, and daily assaults most principles of rhetoric.

His 'speeches' are rambling, half-considered, frequently wrong on the facts, and often nearly pointless.

I am a Trump supporter, and I watched his speech, cringing frequently when he went "off script."

How this man can be such a great President I'll never understand, but it is what it is.

I am not a Trump supporter by principle, but I do love and admire the guy.

Just remember when watching Trump; he is drawing from his years as a Reality TV star in communicating with the public. he wants to win over the beer guzzling, Buffalo wing America, and not the serious Gravitas people of the political class. Each line/sentence is an attempt at winning the audience over like a Gladiator in the Colosseum, "Have we not entertained you?" rings in my mind when I watch him speak.

If you can remember that, he starts to make sense, sort of.
What do you love and admire about him? The entertainer? The salesman/schmoozer? The outrageous larger than life billionaire lifestyle and unrepentant attitude toward beautiful women and about men with enormous power?
What do you love and admire about him? The entertainer? The salesman/schmoozer? The outrageous larger than life billionaire lifestyle and unrepentant attitude toward beautiful women and about men with enormous power?

I most prominently love how Trump is kicking our Political Class right in the testes and then rubbing their face in a big pile of dog poopoo. This is not the same as humiliating America as he is getting things done for the Working Class finally after five decades of political neglect and presumption directed at them from both parties.

But yes, I love his style as an entertainer, sort of a rich man's WWE wrestlemania thing. It is just too perfect given the way Trump is beating the Political Class at their own game, roflmao. Its bad enough, from their point of view, that a total amateur took over their carefully guarded system, but to do it while wearing a clown outfit is just icing on the cake and Trump is definitely wearing the Clown Outfit quite deliberately. You can thank Seth Myers for that.

But from a serious perspective, Trump is not trying to manage every problem we have to the End of Time like the Political Class always does. Her is actually fixing problems and he doesnt care how much credit or blame he gets for it as long as he can leverage it to win the next election (if he truly intends to run, which I dont understand).

All the same I will vote for any moderate Democrat who rejects the Green New Deal in 2020 instead of Trump.

The top problem facing America today is how the Marxist far left controls the Democratic party. Eventually they will win an election more because of how bad the current GOP POTUS is, I call it the W Principle, and we cannot allow that to happen, for the sake of the entire planet.
The Donald breaks every rule of public speaking, and daily assaults most principles of rhetoric.

His 'speeches' are rambling, half-considered, frequently wrong on the facts, and often nearly pointless.

I am a Trump supporter, and I watched his speech, cringing frequently when he went "off script."

How this man can be such a great President I'll never understand, but it is what it is.

I am not a Trump supporter by principle, but I do love and admire the guy.

Just remember when watching Trump; he is drawing from his years as a Reality TV star in communicating with the public. he wants to win over the beer guzzling, Buffalo wing America, and not the serious Gravitas people of the political class. Each line/sentence is an attempt at winning the audience over like a Gladiator in the Colosseum, "Have we not entertained you?" rings in my mind when I watch him speak.

If you can remember that, he starts to make sense, sort of.

I'm a beer guzzling buffalo wing American. I see his every sentence as a continuous flow of bullshit aimed at getting morons to
admire him. He's done that. And you are a perfect example.
All of them. All the facts.
I thought you were being sarcastic but I thought I should ask in case I missed something. Which I may have, since I can't bring myself to watch the CPAC speech. I've read some write ups on the major take aways, but nothing that struck me as genius level and a delight to a blue dog such as yourself.
So I asked and as usual you are being a snotty peckerhead. Fuck you then.

It never ceases to amaze me how some people can spend hours here and not know who is who. Of course I was being sarcastic.
First guess is usually best, I always tell my students, and then I second guess myself.

And I do know who you are, unfortunately.
Damn, and for a moment I was hoping that some sanity was seeping into LoneLaffer's braincase, lol.
He's sane enough, just seems to think he's got some right to be the boss of me and tell me how to think.

I don't tell you how to think. I tell you that the way you think is weird. You object. It is all good.
What do you love and admire about him? The entertainer? The salesman/schmoozer? The outrageous larger than life billionaire lifestyle and unrepentant attitude toward beautiful women and about men with enormous power?

I most prominently love how Trump is kicking our Political Class right in the testes and then rubbing their face in a big pile of dog poopoo. This is not the same as humiliating America as he is getting things done for the Working Class finally after five decades of political neglect and presumption directed at them from both parties.

But yes, I love his style as an entertainer, sort of a rich man's WWE wrestlemania thing. It is just too perfect given the way Trump is beating the Political Class at their own game, roflmao. Its bad enough, from their point of view, that a total amateur took over their carefully guarded system, but to do it while wearing a clown outfit is just icing on the cake and Trump is definitely wearing the Clown Outfit quite deliberately. You can thank Seth Myers for that.

But from a serious perspective, Trump is not trying to manage every problem we have to the End of Time like the Political Class always does. Her is actually fixing problems and he doesnt care how much credit or blame he gets for it as long as he can leverage it to win the next election (if he truly intends to run, which I dont understand).

All the same I will vote for any moderate Democrat who rejects the Green New Deal in 2020 instead of Trump.

The top problem facing America today is how the Marxist far left controls the Democratic party. Eventually they will win an election more because of how bad the current GOP POTUS is, I call it the W Principle, and we cannot allow that to happen, for the sake of the entire planet.
a rich man's WWE wrestlemania thing.
That's a really good way to put it!
I thought you were being sarcastic but I thought I should ask in case I missed something. Which I may have, since I can't bring myself to watch the CPAC speech. I've read some write ups on the major take aways, but nothing that struck me as genius level and a delight to a blue dog such as yourself.
So I asked and as usual you are being a snotty peckerhead. Fuck you then.

It never ceases to amaze me how some people can spend hours here and not know who is who. Of course I was being sarcastic.
First guess is usually best, I always tell my students, and then I second guess myself.

And I do know who you are, unfortunately.
Damn, and for a moment I was hoping that some sanity was seeping into LoneLaffer's braincase, lol.
He's sane enough, just seems to think he's got some right to be the boss of me and tell me how to think.

I don't tell you how to think. I tell you that the way you think is weird. You object. It is all good.
No you don't. You troll me, but never mind.
It was a can kick that will take 50 years to unwind. However if somebody didn't do something it is possible that we might have had wide spread chaos....not really sure
We were better off doing what we did.
It's not gone btw only rewritten as a more long-term debt.
Truth is we did collapse...we just don't realize it yet.
You didn't think that the rest of the world was going to take this sitting down did you?
Well, I dont know. It seems that right now, with the PetroDollar staying strong, we can keep kicking the can down the road and paying only what is due at any given time, kind of like a personal mortgage. The MBSes and so forth that the Federal Reserve bought is actually bringing in more money to the Federal Reserve and they are making a killing off these things as the Federalis have no mark-to-market rule and can do pretty much whatever they want (which is a big reason that they dont want to ever have a simultaneous universal audit of all their system banks, as they can shuffle money between them to meet individual audits, lol).

So the federalis are making money off the worlds dependency on the PetroDollar in yet one more way and they are doing it to pay of our debt this time, lol.

The strength of our outsourcing our currency from the US Treasury to the Federali Reserve is that they have a stake in keeping its value up and rolling. That is heir primary product; US Dollars and they make a killing on it.

I would much rather trust professional sharks like the Federalis with maintaining the value of their debt notes than US politicians; dont you?

To the Federalis it is their money and their livelihood they are managing, tweaking and ensnarling the globe with, for the politicians it is just tax payer money which in their minds falls from Heaven like Mose's mana in the Sinai desert.

I'll go with the Federalis, thank you.

I would much rather trust professional sharks like the Federalis with maintaining the value of their debt notes than US politicians; dont you?

Good God yes!

Look... This asset ghost is not going to go away until we can totally robotize the entire process from seed to flotsom thus removing the man hour from the equation. The other alternative is to squeeze the labor out of the serf class to the point where it rebalances the 70 trillion in destroyed or should I say inferred wealth that went poof in 08. It's not impossible but it's like trying to cross Niagara falls on a tight rope with one bad foot. So yeah please keep this away from the DC dumkopfs.

In the final analysis we will either re-monetize by substituting things like the
Petro dollar valuation against dirt cheap labor or de-monetize by abandoning Fiat altogether. I hope we can do the former...
The latter would be quite ugly. It will be one of the two almost certainly.

It was a can kick that will take 50 years to unwind. However if somebody didn't do something it is possible that we might have had wide spread chaos....not really sure
We were better off doing what we did.
It's not gone btw only rewritten as a more long-term debt.
Truth is we did collapse...we just don't realize it yet.
You didn't think that the rest of the world was going to take this sitting down did you?
Well, I dont know. It seems that right now, with the PetroDollar staying strong, we can keep kicking the can down the road and paying only what is due at any given time, kind of like a personal mortgage. The MBSes and so forth that the Federal Reserve bought is actually bringing in more money to the Federal Reserve and they are making a killing off these things as the Federalis have no mark-to-market rule and can do pretty much whatever they want (which is a big reason that they dont want to ever have a simultaneous universal audit of all their system banks, as they can shuffle money between them to meet individual audits, lol).

So the federalis are making money off the worlds dependency on the PetroDollar in yet one more way and they are doing it to pay of our debt this time, lol.

The strength of our outsourcing our currency from the US Treasury to the Federali Reserve is that they have a stake in keeping its value up and rolling. That is heir primary product; US Dollars and they make a killing on it.

I would much rather trust professional sharks like the Federalis with maintaining the value of their debt notes than US politicians; dont you?

To the Federalis it is their money and their livelihood they are managing, tweaking and ensnarling the globe with, for the politicians it is just tax payer money which in their minds falls from Heaven like Mose's mana in the Sinai desert.

I'll go with the Federalis, thank you.

I would much rather trust professional sharks like the Federalis with maintaining the value of their debt notes than US politicians; dont you?

Good God yes!

Look... This asset ghost is not going to go away until we can totally robotize the entire process from seed to Flotsom thus removing the man hour from the equation. The other alternative is to squeeze the labor out of the serf class to the point where it rebalances the 70 trillion in destroyed or should I say inferred wealth that went poof in 08. It's not impossible but it's like trying to cross Niagara falls on a tight rope with one bad foot. So yeah please keep this away from the DC dumkopfs.

In the final analysis we will either re-monetize by substituting things like the
Petro dollar valuation against dirt cheap labor or de-monetize by abandoning Fiat altogether. I hope we can do the former...
The latter would be quite ugly. It will be one of the two almost certainly.


I am hoping that we can shift to a basket of commodities that the bank can choose to redeem notes in at their own choosing. I think that that can work, but I also think that theyu are already evaluating this as we speak.

They dont trust the tender hearts of Arab Oil Sheiks any more than any other reasonable person.

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