The Press is the enemy

How many of you even KNOW a 'Journalist'?

Very few, if any of you. They run in their own circles.

I knew them because my business required their physical presence to purchase a required (by law) product.

Let me tell you about them......

First off, they don't make a lot of money. Only the VERY top people make any money.

Even in our area (fairly big) they made very little and were on a quarterly contract. At the end of that quarter, they could be fired without cause by simply not renewing the contract.

I worked with one. He was trying to raise a family and couldn't do it by being a corporate nomad and getting paid peanots.

So let's go back to the beginning....

How do you become a 'journalist'?

You have to go to College and get a J-Degree to start with. If, when you graduate, you don't want to be working for the Tractors-R-Us fishwrapper, you better go to an Ivy League School or, at the very least, something like NYU.

Whcih costs money.

LOTS of money. Lots and lots and lots of money.

Then, when you get out, IF you're lucky (and I mean REAL lucky) you can get on as an intern at one of the big productions in New Yawk Shitty.

Know how much Interns make? Nothing. Or next to nothing.

And then you have to be there for at least a couple years before you have ANY shot at a full time job as a writer.

Know what writers at the smaller (and even some bigger) papers make?

We're talking $50k a year. Tops.

Know what rent is in New Yawk Shitty??

More than your take home from the $50k a year job.

So who goes to College, spends $75k on a BULLSHIT Journalism degree, gets out, works for free for 2 years, then gets a job paying less than the rent?? All the while having to pay back that College Loan (which is a LOT more than just tuition, girls)

dimocrap scum, that's who. They were dimocrap scum when they started College and they'll be dimocrap scum for decades after. Probably forever.

So look, why wouldn't somebody with that kind of smarts (Columbia is a liberal cesspool but it's still a tough COllege to get through) -- Why would he or she become something useful........ A Nurse Practitioner, maybe. THAT would really be helping people.

Or an Engineer? That's a REAL Degree. Or maybe even a Doctor?


First, because they're lazy, like all dimocrap scum are, and second because they want o be noticed.

No, not noticed...... Worshiped. Like Actors, Actresses, perfessers, etc

It isn't the media that is The Enemy Of The People.

It is THE PEOPLE IN THE MEDIA that are the enemy of the people

I know wherefore I speak. Believe it
Why does the press want the names of jurors? funny how it's in this case.

Other than trying to intimidate and scare people, why do you want to know who the jurors are?

CNN, NYT And Other News Outlets Ask Manafort Judge To Release Jurors’ Names, Addresses

The real enemy of the people? It's not the press [Editorial]

Here's the other side to that argument buckeye45_73

I guess freedom of the press is similar to gun rights.
It's not the guns or the press that is the danger,
it's the abuse of them to violate due process and start punishing people without defense or trial.
That makes little sense. Guns are a tool. the press is people.....not the same. The press makes decisions, guns do not.
But again what does any of this have to do with the press demanding the names of jurors?
Can someone tell me why they need to know that?
Other than publishing their names so then leftwing minions can harass and intimidate them (ala DeVoss, Sanders, ect) I don't see a point.

Nope, both the guns and the press are tools used by people.

People make the decision to pull the trigger or to write the article.

As for why, so they can contact them after the trial and get them on their TVs and in their newspapers to sell ad space
Or to give their information to leftists , their pals

That's what it is.

Death threats have been made to the judge. Everybody knows, listening
to Maxine, that the dems are out to harass all good people.

Those names go out and those jurors know they will be harassed to no
end or harmed by the left, if they don't give them a verdict they want.

Those names should not be released and anybody that would even attempt
to harass or harm should get s stiff prison sentence or say goodbye to'
justice as it is in America.
You don't read, and always lose, bucky. " A disparate group of far-right writers—from the late Pat Buchanan adviser and slavery apologist Sam Francis, to Greg Johnson of the intellectual racist journal Counter-Currents, to “pan-anarchist” Keith Preston of Attack the System—have been bashing capitalism and attempting to recruit the left for many years. Most chillingly, “anticapitalism” is one of the main points of agreement of the Nationalist Front, a coalition of roughly 10 American neo-Nazi groups organized in 2016 by Matthew Heimbach of the Traditionalist Worker Party, an anti-gay, anti-Semitic group linked to street violence."

Please read what you write carefully, then pull the knife that has nailed your foot to the far right fascist floor.
Why does the press want the names of jurors? funny how it's in this case.

Other than trying to intimidate and scare people, why do you want to know who the jurors are?

CNN, NYT And Other News Outlets Ask Manafort Judge To Release Jurors’ Names, Addresses

If the Judge agrees to make the list of names and addresses public he should allow the jurors a say in if they want to be on the list or if they wish to remain anonymous. It's foolish to not think there is a strong potential they will face threats or be publicly harassed over their verdict.
Why does the press want the names of jurors? funny how it's in this case.

Other than trying to intimidate and scare people, why do you want to know who the jurors are?

CNN, NYT And Other News Outlets Ask Manafort Judge To Release Jurors’ Names, Addresses

The real enemy of the people? It's not the press [Editorial]

Here's the other side to that argument buckeye45_73

I guess freedom of the press is similar to gun rights.
It's not the guns or the press that is the danger,
it's the abuse of them to violate due process and start punishing people without defense or trial.
That makes little sense. Guns are a tool. the press is people.....not the same. The press makes decisions, guns do not.
But again what does any of this have to do with the press demanding the names of jurors?
Can someone tell me why they need to know that?
Other than publishing their names so then leftwing minions can harass and intimidate them (ala DeVoss, Sanders, ect) I don't see a point.

Manafort has another trial after this one so it could be viewed as intimidating the next jury.
Why does the press want the names of jurors? funny how it's in this case.

Other than trying to intimidate and scare people, why do you want to know who the jurors are?

CNN, NYT And Other News Outlets Ask Manafort Judge To Release Jurors’ Names, Addresses

The real enemy of the people? It's not the press [Editorial]

Here's the other side to that argument buckeye45_73

I guess freedom of the press is similar to gun rights.
It's not the guns or the press that is the danger,
it's the abuse of them to violate due process and start punishing people without defense or trial.
That makes little sense. Guns are a tool. the press is people.....not the same. The press makes decisions, guns do not.
But again what does any of this have to do with the press demanding the names of jurors?
Can someone tell me why they need to know that?
Other than publishing their names so then leftwing minions can harass and intimidate them (ala DeVoss, Sanders, ect) I don't see a point.

Manafort has another trial after this one so it could be viewed as intimidating the next jury. that makes sense.......release the names, let ANTIFA and BLM people to harass and intimidate jurors so the next group knows what's coming...........that is a really good point...
I'll ask this again...why do they need those names?

why do you need the constitution ?
This has nothing to do with the constitution.....
you're dodging the question.....WHY do they need to know their names?

it has everything to do with the constitution you moron ...

how damn dumb are you ?
I'll ask this again...why do they need those names?

why do you need the constitution ?
This has nothing to do with the constitution.....
you're dodging the question.....WHY do they need to know their names?

it has everything to do with the constitution you moron ...

how damn dumb are you ?
No it doesn't. Releasing names of jurors is not a constitutional issue. Where is it in the constitution?
And again you never told us whey they needed them.
I'll ask this again...why do they need those names?

why do you need the constitution ?
This has nothing to do with the constitution.....
you're dodging the question.....WHY do they need to know their names?

it has everything to do with the constitution you moron ...

how damn dumb are you ?

You have a right to face your accuser. That's what is in the constitution.
There is nothing about the names of your peers being printed all over
the newspapers.
fuck the 1st amendmant huh .. figures.
I'll ask this again...why do they need those names?

why do you need the constitution ?
This has nothing to do with the constitution.....
you're dodging the question.....WHY do they need to know their names?

it has everything to do with the constitution you moron ...

how damn dumb are you ?
No it doesn't. Releasing names of jurors is not a constitutional issue. Where is it in the constitution?
And again you never told us whey they needed them.

explaining reality to you is like teaching a door to spell ..

here ya go iotboi -

Excellent examples of cases recognizing the qualified First Amendment right of access to juror names and addresses include United States v. Wecht,[37] United States v. Doherty,[38] Commonwealth v. Long,[39] State ex rel. Beacon Journal Publ’g Co. v. Bond, [40] and People v. Mitchell.[41]

now please stfu.

morons arguing about something they know nothing about - amazing
fuck the 1st amendmant huh .. figures.
I'll ask this again...why do they need those names?

why do you need the constitution ?
This has nothing to do with the constitution.....
you're dodging the question.....WHY do they need to know their names?

it has everything to do with the constitution you moron ...

how damn dumb are you ?

You have a right to face your accuser. That's what is in the constitution.
There is nothing about the names of your peers being printed all over
the newspapers.
Yeah, I mean the press posts accusations by unnamed sources and siete doesn't get pissed by that. But she wants to know the jurors which decide if the prosecution proved its case....and the question is WHY?
I'll ask this again...why do they need those names?

why do you need the constitution ?
This has nothing to do with the constitution.....
you're dodging the question.....WHY do they need to know their names?

it has everything to do with the constitution you moron ...

how damn dumb are you ?
No it doesn't. Releasing names of jurors is not a constitutional issue. Where is it in the constitution?
And again you never told us whey they needed them.

explaining reality to you is like teaching a door to spell ..

here ya go iotboi -

Excellent examples of cases recognizing the qualified First Amendment right of access to juror names and addresses include United States v. Wecht,[37] United States v. Doherty,[38] Commonwealth v. Long,[39] State ex rel. Beacon Journal Publ’g Co. v. Bond, [40] and People v. Mitchell.[41]

now please stfu.
Again, you haven't answered the question....WHY does the press need to know?
why do you need the constitution ?
This has nothing to do with the constitution.....
you're dodging the question.....WHY do they need to know their names?

it has everything to do with the constitution you moron ...

how damn dumb are you ?
No it doesn't. Releasing names of jurors is not a constitutional issue. Where is it in the constitution?
And again you never told us whey they needed them.

explaining reality to you is like teaching a door to spell ..

here ya go iotboi -

Excellent examples of cases recognizing the qualified First Amendment right of access to juror names and addresses include United States v. Wecht,[37] United States v. Doherty,[38] Commonwealth v. Long,[39] State ex rel. Beacon Journal Publ’g Co. v. Bond, [40] and People v. Mitchell.[41]

now please stfu.
Again, you haven't answered the question....WHY does the press need to know?


stupid ass RW's crack me up
I'll ask this again...why do they need those names?

why do you need the constitution ?
This has nothing to do with the constitution.....
you're dodging the question.....WHY do they need to know their names?

it has everything to do with the constitution you moron ...

how damn dumb are you ?
No it doesn't. Releasing names of jurors is not a constitutional issue. Where is it in the constitution?
And again you never told us whey they needed them.

explaining reality to you is like teaching a door to spell ..

here ya go iotboi -

Excellent examples of cases recognizing the qualified First Amendment right of access to juror names and addresses include United States v. Wecht,[37] United States v. Doherty,[38] Commonwealth v. Long,[39] State ex rel. Beacon Journal Publ’g Co. v. Bond, [40] and People v. Mitchell.[41]

now please stfu.

morons arguing about something they know nothing about - amazing
From your article

The use of anonymous juries undoubtedly raises important questions concerning a defendant’s Sixth Amendment right to a fair trial.[10] Their use, however, also raises important questions for journalists who cover the courts. Jurors in high profile cases are often a fundamental part of the story. Even though journalists, as a matter of ethics, typically refrain from interviewing jurors during a trial, journalists routinely make post-verdict requests for interviews. These interviews can enlighten the judicial process for readers and viewers, often shedding light on why a particular juror voted as he or she did.[11] Moreover, although journalists typically avoid naming jurors before and after a verdict is entered, journalists occasionally feel it is necessary to name jurors when serving as “watchdogs” of the democratic process. For instance, as the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit recently noted, a press investigation into the jury in the corruption trial of former Illinois Governor George Ryan revealed that several jurors “had lied on their questionnaires and had disqualifying convictions or otherwise might have been subject to challenge for cause.”[12]

Ah they want to serve as "watchdogs" IE.....unleash the mob on these people......and like kitty said earlier because they want to show the next jury what will happen if they don't give the correct result (guilty)
This has nothing to do with the constitution.....
you're dodging the question.....WHY do they need to know their names?

it has everything to do with the constitution you moron ...

how damn dumb are you ?
No it doesn't. Releasing names of jurors is not a constitutional issue. Where is it in the constitution?
And again you never told us whey they needed them.

explaining reality to you is like teaching a door to spell ..

here ya go iotboi -

Excellent examples of cases recognizing the qualified First Amendment right of access to juror names and addresses include United States v. Wecht,[37] United States v. Doherty,[38] Commonwealth v. Long,[39] State ex rel. Beacon Journal Publ’g Co. v. Bond, [40] and People v. Mitchell.[41]

now please stfu.
Again, you haven't answered the question....WHY does the press need to know?


stupid ass RW's crack me up
REally, so they should have access to all of our secrets then. they should be able to post your address that what you're saying?
it has everything to do with the constitution you moron ...

how damn dumb are you ?
No it doesn't. Releasing names of jurors is not a constitutional issue. Where is it in the constitution?
And again you never told us whey they needed them.

explaining reality to you is like teaching a door to spell ..

here ya go iotboi -

Excellent examples of cases recognizing the qualified First Amendment right of access to juror names and addresses include United States v. Wecht,[37] United States v. Doherty,[38] Commonwealth v. Long,[39] State ex rel. Beacon Journal Publ’g Co. v. Bond, [40] and People v. Mitchell.[41]

now please stfu.
Again, you haven't answered the question....WHY does the press need to know?


stupid ass RW's crack me up
REally, so they should have access to all of our secrets then. they should be able to post your address that what you're saying?

you're a Russian - its easy to understand why you are clueless about the US Constitution - and a dumb one at that .. :itsok:

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