The Prez is WRONG! (from a Trump Loyalist)

I find it interesting that a lot of conservatives on here were bitching that Obama was becoming a dictator and doing things that he wasn't authorized to do.

Trump on the other hand, is seeing how far he can push the envelope. If Obama had done even a third of what Trump has done so far, he would have been ran out of town on a rail.

You guys bitched incessantly about how Obama was lining the pockets of his friends with Solyndra (he wasn't by the way), yet you don't say anything when Trump has it written into the bill that specialty farmers (those who grow grapes for wine) will be allowed to get money as well. Trump stands to collect 2.2 million from this bill.
I did complain about Obama's EOs, sure and I have complained recently about Trumps gathering authority that most people are unaware of.

I have not seen that Trump has acted any differently than Obama.

In fact, I've seen people on your side, actually demanding that Trump use executive orders.

What is ridiculous is that when Obama was pushing the envelope, no one on the left complained. When Trump hasn't done anything more than Obama, they claim it's pushing the envelope.

It's amazing how the standard changes to fit who is in office.

All that said... I personally am against all subsidies, all to them, and against executive orders. I was against it under Obama, and now I'm against it under Trump.
then the economy should be opened back up right?

Sorry, but I'm not smart enough, or have all the data available, to make such a judgement.

At a glance, it appears that there is no logical reason to have the economy shut down. It does not appear as though any of our efforts have actually had a positive effect.

When I look around the world, I don't see that the lock downs have significantly reduced the spread, or that countries with more liberal policies, have had significantly higher infections and deaths.

But you need to remember, I'm operating on a tiny fraction of the knowledge out there. So I don't know.

You said at a glance, it appears there is no logical reason for a shutdown.

When this first started, CA and NY were showing the virus increasing at roughly the same levels. CA decided to do a shut down 2 weeks before NY did, and they have managed to flatten the curve on their outbreaks quite a bit better.
I find it interesting that a lot of conservatives on here were bitching that Obama was becoming a dictator and doing things that he wasn't authorized to do.

Trump on the other hand, is seeing how far he can push the envelope. If Obama had done even a third of what Trump has done so far, he would have been ran out of town on a rail.

You guys bitched incessantly about how Obama was lining the pockets of his friends with Solyndra (he wasn't by the way), yet you don't say anything when Trump has it written into the bill that specialty farmers (those who grow grapes for wine) will be allowed to get money as well. Trump stands to collect 2.2 million from this bill.
I did complain about Obama's EOs, sure and I have complained recently about Trumps gathering authority that most people are unaware of.

I have not seen that Trump has acted any differently than Obama.

In fact, I've seen people on your side, actually demanding that Trump use executive orders.

What is ridiculous is that when Obama was pushing the envelope, no one on the left complained. When Trump hasn't done anything more than Obama, they claim it's pushing the envelope.

It's amazing how the standard changes to fit who is in office.

All that said... I personally am against all subsidies, all to them, and against executive orders. I was against it under Obama, and now I'm against it under Trump.
then the economy should be opened back up right?

Sorry, but I'm not smart enough, or have all the data available, to make such a judgement.

At a glance, it appears that there is no logical reason to have the economy shut down. It does not appear as though any of our efforts have actually had a positive effect.

When I look around the world, I don't see that the lock downs have significantly reduced the spread, or that countries with more liberal policies, have had significantly higher infections and deaths.

But you need to remember, I'm operating on a tiny fraction of the knowledge out there. So I don't know.

You said at a glance, it appears there is no logical reason for a shutdown.

When this first started, CA and NY were showing the virus increasing at roughly the same levels. CA decided to do a shut down 2 weeks before NY did, and they have managed to flatten the curve on their outbreaks quite a bit better.
To weeks? Naw
we know you hate him. what else do you want us to say?

Not hardly. I disagree with a lot of what he says and does, but I don't hate President Trump. I know there isn't any difference between the two for you creepy zealots, but there is.

russia, mueller, ukraine, impeachment, now this. what is it you think you haven't tried? let us know now.

I haven't tried anything. In fact, I've posted very little about the aforementioned subjects. I would ask you to stop making shit up, but for that to happen you would have to close your account. lol
I know there isn't any difference between the two for you creepy zealots, but there is.
sure, you know there isn't a difference and yet then say there is. too fking funny. confused huh?

I haven't tried anything. In fact
you're a leftist wannabee, we have three years of shit trump went through and I know you bashed him during them. so yeah, I'm confident in my accusation.
Can you point me to "emergency powers" in the constitution?
It is in the article 2 section 1 clause 1 under war powers and executive powers.

"The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America."

Section 2 clause 1:

"The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; "

Section 3 clause 5

(The president must) "take care that the laws be faithfully executed."

So, the President must faithfully execute the laws passed by Congress, and in regard to what specific military and peace time power the President has, there is also this:

Federal Emergency Declarations and Authorities
As with the states, federal law imbues designated federal officials with broad powers that allow them to respond to and assist states and localities in responding to emergencies even without a federal emergency declaration. Thus, the secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) has broad authority under Sections 301 and 311 of the Public Health Service Act to provide assistance to states and localities.2 Federal law also provides the president and other federal officials with authority to declare emergencies under specified conditions. Some of these federal authorities relevant to the public health context include:
Actions and Authorities Triggered by Federal Emergency Declarations
Federal emergency declarations activate legal and programmatic responses from federal agencies including:
Implications of State and Federal Emergency Declarations and Authorities
An emergency declaration can change the legal and operational landscape in which governments, private organizations, and the public operate during an emergency. Emergency declarations, especially if they occur at multiple levels (federal, state, local), can confuse organizations and individuals. All state agencies need to understand the implications of operating under an emergency declaration, especially those that are not directly involved in response activities such as state procurement offices. States must also understand the legal and operational effects of a federal emergency declaration. Federal declarations may affect compliance with federal legal and programmatic requirements. Federal declarations generally do not alter state legislative and regulatory requirements; however, state law will be preempted to the extent it conflicts with federal law. State declarations are necessary to modify states legal requirements.
During H1N1, some states declared emergencies, while neighboring states did not. For some states, the relatively mild severity of the H1N1 influenza pandemic did not rise to the level needed to trigger the statutory requirements for an emergency declaration, or made states conclude that existing authorities were sufficient to handle the response. Differences in states’ decisions to declare an emergency, as well as the federal declaration and World Health Organization pandemic levels, proved confusing for healthcare providers, the private sector, and the public. State agencies were required to clearly communicate the impact of various declarations had in responding to H1N1.

I know you dont really give a shit about the actual laws and legal basis for the POTUS executive powers, but there it is anyway.
I will ask AGAIN where the constitution mentions emergency powers.
See, the constitution gives the fed gov a certain list of powers. Going beyond that is called "unconstitutional"
So, try again.
nope, the president can actually mandate marshall law and have all governors abide. he does have that power.
Show me in the constitution where the president can mandate Marshall law.
we know you hate him. what else do you want us to say?

Not hardly. I disagree with a lot of what he says and does, but I don't hate President Trump. I know there isn't any difference between the two for you creepy zealots, but there is.

russia, mueller, ukraine, impeachment, now this. what is it you think you haven't tried? let us know now.

I haven't tried anything. In fact, I've posted very little about the aforementioned subjects. I would ask you to stop making shit up, but for that to happen you would have to close your account. lol
I know there isn't any difference between the two for you creepy zealots, but there is.
sure, you know there isn't a difference and yet then say there is. too fking funny. confused huh?

I haven't tried anything. In fact
you're a leftist wannabee, we have three years of shit trump went through and I know you bashed him during them. so yeah, I'm confident in my accusation.


I’ve admonished President Trump when I feel he deserves it. I don’t go rushing around to bash him at ever pass.

The only thing you have in your accusation is confidence b/c you sure as fuck don’t have any evidence. You’re one of the many here likes make to shit up so you can rail against it, but that’s a common practice for unprincipled cucks.
we know you hate him. what else do you want us to say?

Not hardly. I disagree with a lot of what he says and does, but I don't hate President Trump. I know there isn't any difference between the two for you creepy zealots, but there is.

russia, mueller, ukraine, impeachment, now this. what is it you think you haven't tried? let us know now.

I haven't tried anything. In fact, I've posted very little about the aforementioned subjects. I would ask you to stop making shit up, but for that to happen you would have to close your account. lol
I know there isn't any difference between the two for you creepy zealots, but there is.
sure, you know there isn't a difference and yet then say there is. too fking funny. confused huh?

I haven't tried anything. In fact
you're a leftist wannabee, we have three years of shit trump went through and I know you bashed him during them. so yeah, I'm confident in my accusation.


I’ve admonished President Trump when I feel he deserves it. I don’t go rushing around to bash him at ever pass.

The only thing you have in your accusation is confidence b/c you sure as fuck don’t have any evidence. You’re one of the many here likes make to shit up so you can rail against it, but that’s a common practice for unprincipled cucks.
my principles start here:

First Amendment
The First Amendment guarantees freedoms concerning religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition. It forbids Congress from both promoting one religion over others and also restricting an individual’s religious practices. It guarantees freedom of expression by prohibiting Congress from restricting the press or the rights of individuals to speak freely. It also guarantees the right of citizens to assemble peaceably and to petition their government.

I treat everyone with the respect under this language. I will chastise anyone attempting to take this away. Trump never tried to do away with this. I respect that you might have issues with him. You're entitled to by this paragraph. I really don't care how you vote either. your choice. I object when fingers get pointed. I will point back. that's all. you don't like fingers pointed at you, stop pointing yours. Me, I'm ok with someone disagreeing with me as long as there is evidence to support it. I will now go look for that evidence since you seem to think you didn't. And if I find none, my integrity will allow me to apologize like a person is expected to when wrong. I've eaten much crow in here. I'm not embarrassed by being wrong once in a while, I'm human.
Trump is an idiot and has zero idea as to how the government works and whose authority supercedes whose.

States rights win over federal authority every time.
States rights aren't supreme but trump is wrong here.
we know you hate him. what else do you want us to say?

Not hardly. I disagree with a lot of what he says and does, but I don't hate President Trump. I know there isn't any difference between the two for you creepy zealots, but there is.

russia, mueller, ukraine, impeachment, now this. what is it you think you haven't tried? let us know now.

I haven't tried anything. In fact, I've posted very little about the aforementioned subjects. I would ask you to stop making shit up, but for that to happen you would have to close your account. lol
I know there isn't any difference between the two for you creepy zealots, but there is.
sure, you know there isn't a difference and yet then say there is. too fking funny. confused huh?

I haven't tried anything. In fact
you're a leftist wannabee, we have three years of shit trump went through and I know you bashed him during them. so yeah, I'm confident in my accusation.


I’ve admonished President Trump when I feel he deserves it. I don’t go rushing around to bash him at ever pass.

The only thing you have in your accusation is confidence b/c you sure as fuck don’t have any evidence. You’re one of the many here likes make to shit up so you can rail against it, but that’s a common practice for unprincipled cucks.
my principles start here:

First Amendment
The First Amendment guarantees freedoms concerning religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition. It forbids Congress from both promoting one religion over others and also restricting an individual’s religious practices. It guarantees freedom of expression by prohibiting Congress from restricting the press or the rights of individuals to speak freely. It also guarantees the right of citizens to assemble peaceably and to petition their government.

I treat everyone with the respect under this language. I will chastise anyone attempting to take this away. Trump never tried to do away with this. I respect that you might have issues with him. You're entitled to by this paragraph. I really don't care how you vote either. your choice. I object when fingers get pointed. I will point back. that's all. you don't like fingers pointed at you, stop pointing yours. Me, I'm ok with someone disagreeing with me as long as there is evidence to support it. I will now go look for that evidence since you seem to think you didn't. And if I find none, my integrity will allow me to apologize like a person is expected to when wrong. I've eaten much crow in here. I'm not embarrassed by being wrong once in a while, I'm human.

You support the first amendment only under certain conditions.
we know you hate him. what else do you want us to say?

Not hardly. I disagree with a lot of what he says and does, but I don't hate President Trump. I know there isn't any difference between the two for you creepy zealots, but there is.

russia, mueller, ukraine, impeachment, now this. what is it you think you haven't tried? let us know now.

I haven't tried anything. In fact, I've posted very little about the aforementioned subjects. I would ask you to stop making shit up, but for that to happen you would have to close your account. lol
I know there isn't any difference between the two for you creepy zealots, but there is.
sure, you know there isn't a difference and yet then say there is. too fking funny. confused huh?

I haven't tried anything. In fact
you're a leftist wannabee, we have three years of shit trump went through and I know you bashed him during them. so yeah, I'm confident in my accusation.


I’ve admonished President Trump when I feel he deserves it. I don’t go rushing around to bash him at ever pass.

The only thing you have in your accusation is confidence b/c you sure as fuck don’t have any evidence. You’re one of the many here likes make to shit up so you can rail against it, but that’s a common practice for unprincipled cucks.
my principles start here:

First Amendment
The First Amendment guarantees freedoms concerning religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition. It forbids Congress from both promoting one religion over others and also restricting an individual’s religious practices. It guarantees freedom of expression by prohibiting Congress from restricting the press or the rights of individuals to speak freely. It also guarantees the right of citizens to assemble peaceably and to petition their government.

I treat everyone with the respect under this language. I will chastise anyone attempting to take this away. Trump never tried to do away with this. I respect that you might have issues with him. You're entitled to by this paragraph. I really don't care how you vote either. your choice. I object when fingers get pointed. I will point back. that's all. you don't like fingers pointed at you, stop pointing yours. Me, I'm ok with someone disagreeing with me as long as there is evidence to support it. I will now go look for that evidence since you seem to think you didn't. And if I find none, my integrity will allow me to apologize like a person is expected to when wrong. I've eaten much crow in here. I'm not embarrassed by being wrong once in a while, I'm human.

I haven't tried anything. In fact, I've posted very little about the aforementioned subjects. I would ask you to stop making shit up, but for that to happen you would have to close your account. lol

I will offer my apologies for my initial response a few posts ago. It was a bit more aggressive then needed. I'll take the hit there.

I will just say, you seem to enjoy antagonizing those who support trump. Tactic I suppose. I will defer from being so aggressive in the future. again, My Apologies.
I do like Trump and support him but it does bother the fuck out of me that he suddenly thinks he is our supreme ruler and dictator.
I think you are a bit over the top with that assumption. I think he believes he is 'the man' to protect and support the 330 million citizens and keep them safe. Does he at times exaggerate, yeppers, but I highly doubt he thinks himself a king.
we know you hate him. what else do you want us to say?

Not hardly. I disagree with a lot of what he says and does, but I don't hate President Trump. I know there isn't any difference between the two for you creepy zealots, but there is.

russia, mueller, ukraine, impeachment, now this. what is it you think you haven't tried? let us know now.

I haven't tried anything. In fact, I've posted very little about the aforementioned subjects. I would ask you to stop making shit up, but for that to happen you would have to close your account. lol
I know there isn't any difference between the two for you creepy zealots, but there is.
sure, you know there isn't a difference and yet then say there is. too fking funny. confused huh?

I haven't tried anything. In fact
you're a leftist wannabee, we have three years of shit trump went through and I know you bashed him during them. so yeah, I'm confident in my accusation.


I’ve admonished President Trump when I feel he deserves it. I don’t go rushing around to bash him at ever pass.

The only thing you have in your accusation is confidence b/c you sure as fuck don’t have any evidence. You’re one of the many here likes make to shit up so you can rail against it, but that’s a common practice for unprincipled cucks.
my principles start here:

First Amendment
The First Amendment guarantees freedoms concerning religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition. It forbids Congress from both promoting one religion over others and also restricting an individual’s religious practices. It guarantees freedom of expression by prohibiting Congress from restricting the press or the rights of individuals to speak freely. It also guarantees the right of citizens to assemble peaceably and to petition their government.

I treat everyone with the respect under this language. I will chastise anyone attempting to take this away. Trump never tried to do away with this. I respect that you might have issues with him. You're entitled to by this paragraph. I really don't care how you vote either. your choice. I object when fingers get pointed. I will point back. that's all. you don't like fingers pointed at you, stop pointing yours. Me, I'm ok with someone disagreeing with me as long as there is evidence to support it. I will now go look for that evidence since you seem to think you didn't. And if I find none, my integrity will allow me to apologize like a person is expected to when wrong. I've eaten much crow in here. I'm not embarrassed by being wrong once in a while, I'm human.

You support the first amendment only under certain conditions.
which conditions?
we know you hate him. what else do you want us to say?

Not hardly. I disagree with a lot of what he says and does, but I don't hate President Trump. I know there isn't any difference between the two for you creepy zealots, but there is.

russia, mueller, ukraine, impeachment, now this. what is it you think you haven't tried? let us know now.

I haven't tried anything. In fact, I've posted very little about the aforementioned subjects. I would ask you to stop making shit up, but for that to happen you would have to close your account. lol
I know there isn't any difference between the two for you creepy zealots, but there is.
sure, you know there isn't a difference and yet then say there is. too fking funny. confused huh?

I haven't tried anything. In fact
you're a leftist wannabee, we have three years of shit trump went through and I know you bashed him during them. so yeah, I'm confident in my accusation.


I’ve admonished President Trump when I feel he deserves it. I don’t go rushing around to bash him at ever pass.

The only thing you have in your accusation is confidence b/c you sure as fuck don’t have any evidence. You’re one of the many here likes make to shit up so you can rail against it, but that’s a common practice for unprincipled cucks.
my principles start here:

First Amendment
The First Amendment guarantees freedoms concerning religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition. It forbids Congress from both promoting one religion over others and also restricting an individual’s religious practices. It guarantees freedom of expression by prohibiting Congress from restricting the press or the rights of individuals to speak freely. It also guarantees the right of citizens to assemble peaceably and to petition their government.

I treat everyone with the respect under this language. I will chastise anyone attempting to take this away. Trump never tried to do away with this. I respect that you might have issues with him. You're entitled to by this paragraph. I really don't care how you vote either. your choice. I object when fingers get pointed. I will point back. that's all. you don't like fingers pointed at you, stop pointing yours. Me, I'm ok with someone disagreeing with me as long as there is evidence to support it. I will now go look for that evidence since you seem to think you didn't. And if I find none, my integrity will allow me to apologize like a person is expected to when wrong. I've eaten much crow in here. I'm not embarrassed by being wrong once in a while, I'm human.

I haven't tried anything. In fact, I've posted very little about the aforementioned subjects. I would ask you to stop making shit up, but for that to happen you would have to close your account. lol

I will offer my apologies for my initial response a few posts ago. It was a bit more aggressive then needed. I'll take the hit there.

I will just say, you seem to enjoy antagonizing those who support trump. Tactic I suppose. I will defer from being so aggressive in the future. again, My Apologies.

Don’t worry about it, mate. We all error at times.
I do like Trump and support him but it does bother the fuck out of me that he suddenly thinks he is our supreme ruler and dictator.
I think you are a bit over the top with that assumption. I think he believes he is 'the man' to protect and support the 330 million citizens and keep them safe. Does he at times exaggerate, yeppers, but I highly doubt he thinks himself a king.
Trump is a salesman. I dont think he can recognize the difference between subtle nuance and over the top hyperbole any more.
I do like Trump and support him but it does bother the fuck out of me that he suddenly thinks he is our supreme ruler and dictator.
I think you are a bit over the top with that assumption. I think he believes he is 'the man' to protect and support the 330 million citizens and keep them safe. Does he at times exaggerate, yeppers, but I highly doubt he thinks himself a king.
Trump is a salesman. I dont think he can recognize the difference between subtle nuance and over the top hyperbole any more.
I don't think he cares anymore. he's weathered quite a storm.
I don't think he cares anymore. he's weathered quite a storm.
Well, if that is the case, he still needs to be careful to not give his enemies a soundbite they can twist into some generic reference to the American people.

But it is true that no matter what he says or does the Oligarch corporate owned media is going to hate it, no matter what.
I don't think he cares anymore. he's weathered quite a storm.
Well, if that is the case, he still needs to be careful to not give his enemies a soundbite they can twist into some generic reference to the American people.

But it is true that no matter what he says or does the Oligarch corporate owned media is going to hate it, no matter what.
I don't think he's worried. he's got sleepy creepy joe that he has quite a bit of soundbites for, even quid pro joe clips.

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