The Prez is WRONG! (from a Trump Loyalist)

Congress only has the power to write legislation within its enumerated powers.
I'm sorry if you dont understand the constitution. Maybe stop listening to the power grabbers telling you that can have that power and READ the document.
You know, where you take written words and group them into sentences? Take Tylenol for any headaches. Midol for any cramps.
The military power of the head of state in the English Common Law and language has always included the concept of emergency powers.

Are you claiming that military command and complete 100% Executive authority does not include emergency powers?

If so then this conversation is over because you are a stupid fuck if so, and at the age of 62, I dont have enough time left in life to argue with idiots..
English common law we adhere to is outlined in the constitution. Enumerated powers isnt one of them.
Using your logic, the fed gov could do anything they want.
You want to trash me but you are 62 and cant even read yet.
president is responsible for the country, the states are part of it. the constitution was written as federal, therefore we abide by federal law. If states go off half cocked, someone must have authority over them. That is federal power. and that is the commander and chief.
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Can you point me to "emergency powers" in the constitution?
It is in the article 2 section 1 clause 1 under war powers and executive powers.

"The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America."

Section 2 clause 1:

"The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; "

Section 3 clause 5

(The president must) "take care that the laws be faithfully executed."

So, the President must faithfully execute the laws passed by Congress, and in regard to what specific military and peace time power the President has, there is also this:

Federal Emergency Declarations and Authorities
As with the states, federal law imbues designated federal officials with broad powers that allow them to respond to and assist states and localities in responding to emergencies even without a federal emergency declaration. Thus, the secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) has broad authority under Sections 301 and 311 of the Public Health Service Act to provide assistance to states and localities.2 Federal law also provides the president and other federal officials with authority to declare emergencies under specified conditions. Some of these federal authorities relevant to the public health context include:
Actions and Authorities Triggered by Federal Emergency Declarations
Federal emergency declarations activate legal and programmatic responses from federal agencies including:
Implications of State and Federal Emergency Declarations and Authorities
An emergency declaration can change the legal and operational landscape in which governments, private organizations, and the public operate during an emergency. Emergency declarations, especially if they occur at multiple levels (federal, state, local), can confuse organizations and individuals. All state agencies need to understand the implications of operating under an emergency declaration, especially those that are not directly involved in response activities such as state procurement offices. States must also understand the legal and operational effects of a federal emergency declaration. Federal declarations may affect compliance with federal legal and programmatic requirements. Federal declarations generally do not alter state legislative and regulatory requirements; however, state law will be preempted to the extent it conflicts with federal law. State declarations are necessary to modify states legal requirements.
During H1N1, some states declared emergencies, while neighboring states did not. For some states, the relatively mild severity of the H1N1 influenza pandemic did not rise to the level needed to trigger the statutory requirements for an emergency declaration, or made states conclude that existing authorities were sufficient to handle the response. Differences in states’ decisions to declare an emergency, as well as the federal declaration and World Health Organization pandemic levels, proved confusing for healthcare providers, the private sector, and the public. State agencies were required to clearly communicate the impact of various declarations had in responding to H1N1.

I know you dont really give a shit about the actual laws and legal basis for the POTUS executive powers, but there it is anyway.
I will ask AGAIN where the constitution mentions emergency powers.
See, the constitution gives the fed gov a certain list of powers. Going beyond that is called "unconstitutional"
So, try again.
nope, the president can actually mandate marshall law and have all governors abide. he does have that power.
Show me in the constitution where the president can mandate Marshall law.
Can you point me to "emergency powers" in the constitution?
It is in the article 2 section 1 clause 1 under war powers and executive powers.

"The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America."

Section 2 clause 1:

"The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; "

Section 3 clause 5

(The president must) "take care that the laws be faithfully executed."

So, the President must faithfully execute the laws passed by Congress, and in regard to what specific military and peace time power the President has, there is also this:

Federal Emergency Declarations and Authorities
As with the states, federal law imbues designated federal officials with broad powers that allow them to respond to and assist states and localities in responding to emergencies even without a federal emergency declaration. Thus, the secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) has broad authority under Sections 301 and 311 of the Public Health Service Act to provide assistance to states and localities.2 Federal law also provides the president and other federal officials with authority to declare emergencies under specified conditions. Some of these federal authorities relevant to the public health context include:
Actions and Authorities Triggered by Federal Emergency Declarations
Federal emergency declarations activate legal and programmatic responses from federal agencies including:
Implications of State and Federal Emergency Declarations and Authorities
An emergency declaration can change the legal and operational landscape in which governments, private organizations, and the public operate during an emergency. Emergency declarations, especially if they occur at multiple levels (federal, state, local), can confuse organizations and individuals. All state agencies need to understand the implications of operating under an emergency declaration, especially those that are not directly involved in response activities such as state procurement offices. States must also understand the legal and operational effects of a federal emergency declaration. Federal declarations may affect compliance with federal legal and programmatic requirements. Federal declarations generally do not alter state legislative and regulatory requirements; however, state law will be preempted to the extent it conflicts with federal law. State declarations are necessary to modify states legal requirements.
During H1N1, some states declared emergencies, while neighboring states did not. For some states, the relatively mild severity of the H1N1 influenza pandemic did not rise to the level needed to trigger the statutory requirements for an emergency declaration, or made states conclude that existing authorities were sufficient to handle the response. Differences in states’ decisions to declare an emergency, as well as the federal declaration and World Health Organization pandemic levels, proved confusing for healthcare providers, the private sector, and the public. State agencies were required to clearly communicate the impact of various declarations had in responding to H1N1.

I know you dont really give a shit about the actual laws and legal basis for the POTUS executive powers, but there it is anyway.
I will ask AGAIN where the constitution mentions emergency powers.
See, the constitution gives the fed gov a certain list of powers. Going beyond that is called "unconstitutional"
So, try again.
I told you, doofus.

You cant figger it out?

I dont have time to spoon feed simpletons.

Sorry, but not sorry.
Congress only has the power to write legislation within its enumerated powers.
I'm sorry if you dont understand the constitution. Maybe stop listening to the power grabbers telling you that can have that power and READ the document.
You know, where you take written words and group them into sentences? Take Tylenol for any headaches. Midol for any cramps.
it has to be signed by the president.
No, it has to be signed by 2/3 of the state's. Its called an amendment.
but the president already has federal power. 2/3 of the states approved it.
Congress only has the power to write legislation within its enumerated powers.
I'm sorry if you dont understand the constitution. Maybe stop listening to the power grabbers telling you that can have that power and READ the document.
You know, where you take written words and group them into sentences? Take Tylenol for any headaches. Midol for any cramps.
The military power of the head of state in the English Common Law and language has always included the concept of emergency powers.

Are you claiming that military command and complete 100% Executive authority does not include emergency powers?

If so then this conversation is over because you are a stupid fuck if so, and at the age of 62, I dont have enough time left in life to argue with idiots..
English common law we adhere to is outlined in the constitution. Enumerated powers isnt one of them.
Using your logic, the fed gov could do anything they want.
You want to trash me but you are 62 and cant even read yet.
president is responsible for the country, the states are part of it. the constitution was written as federal, therefore we abide by federal law. If states go off half cocked, someone must have authority of them. That is federal power. and that is the commander and chief.
You should try reading the constitution as well. Its obvious you haven't, or you simply dont understand it.
Can you point me to "emergency powers" in the constitution?
It is in the article 2 section 1 clause 1 under war powers and executive powers.

"The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America."

Section 2 clause 1:

"The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; "

Section 3 clause 5

(The president must) "take care that the laws be faithfully executed."

So, the President must faithfully execute the laws passed by Congress, and in regard to what specific military and peace time power the President has, there is also this:

Federal Emergency Declarations and Authorities
As with the states, federal law imbues designated federal officials with broad powers that allow them to respond to and assist states and localities in responding to emergencies even without a federal emergency declaration. Thus, the secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) has broad authority under Sections 301 and 311 of the Public Health Service Act to provide assistance to states and localities.2 Federal law also provides the president and other federal officials with authority to declare emergencies under specified conditions. Some of these federal authorities relevant to the public health context include:
Actions and Authorities Triggered by Federal Emergency Declarations
Federal emergency declarations activate legal and programmatic responses from federal agencies including:
Implications of State and Federal Emergency Declarations and Authorities
An emergency declaration can change the legal and operational landscape in which governments, private organizations, and the public operate during an emergency. Emergency declarations, especially if they occur at multiple levels (federal, state, local), can confuse organizations and individuals. All state agencies need to understand the implications of operating under an emergency declaration, especially those that are not directly involved in response activities such as state procurement offices. States must also understand the legal and operational effects of a federal emergency declaration. Federal declarations may affect compliance with federal legal and programmatic requirements. Federal declarations generally do not alter state legislative and regulatory requirements; however, state law will be preempted to the extent it conflicts with federal law. State declarations are necessary to modify states legal requirements.
During H1N1, some states declared emergencies, while neighboring states did not. For some states, the relatively mild severity of the H1N1 influenza pandemic did not rise to the level needed to trigger the statutory requirements for an emergency declaration, or made states conclude that existing authorities were sufficient to handle the response. Differences in states’ decisions to declare an emergency, as well as the federal declaration and World Health Organization pandemic levels, proved confusing for healthcare providers, the private sector, and the public. State agencies were required to clearly communicate the impact of various declarations had in responding to H1N1.

I know you dont really give a shit about the actual laws and legal basis for the POTUS executive powers, but there it is anyway.
I will ask AGAIN where the constitution mentions emergency powers.
See, the constitution gives the fed gov a certain list of powers. Going beyond that is called "unconstitutional"
So, try again.
nope, the president can actually mandate marshall law and have all governors abide. he does have that power.
Show me in the constitution where the president can mandate Marshall law.
show me where the governors over ride my constitutional rights first.

First Amendment
The First Amendment guarantees freedoms concerning religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition. It forbids Congress from both promoting one religion over others and also restricting an individual’s religious practices. It guarantees freedom of expression by prohibiting Congress from restricting the press or the rights of individuals to speak freely. It also guarantees the right of citizens to assemble peaceably and to petition their government.
Congress only has the power to write legislation within its enumerated powers.
I'm sorry if you dont understand the constitution. Maybe stop listening to the power grabbers telling you that can have that power and READ the document.
You know, where you take written words and group them into sentences? Take Tylenol for any headaches. Midol for any cramps.
The military power of the head of state in the English Common Law and language has always included the concept of emergency powers.

Are you claiming that military command and complete 100% Executive authority does not include emergency powers?

If so then this conversation is over because you are a stupid fuck if so, and at the age of 62, I dont have enough time left in life to argue with idiots..
English common law we adhere to is outlined in the constitution. Enumerated powers isnt one of them.
Using your logic, the fed gov could do anything they want.
You want to trash me but you are 62 and cant even read yet.
president is responsible for the country, the states are part of it. the constitution was written as federal, therefore we abide by federal law. If states go off half cocked, someone must have authority of them. That is federal power. and that is the commander and chief.
You should try reading the constitution as well. Its obvious you haven't, or you simply dont understand it.
First Amendment
The First Amendment guarantees freedoms concerning religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition. It forbids Congress from both promoting one religion over others and also restricting an individual’s religious practices. It guarantees freedom of expression by prohibiting Congress from restricting the press or the rights of individuals to speak freely. It also guarantees the right of citizens to assemble peaceably and to petition their government.
Can you point me to "emergency powers" in the constitution?
It is in the article 2 section 1 clause 1 under war powers and executive powers.

"The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America."

Section 2 clause 1:

"The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; "

Section 3 clause 5

(The president must) "take care that the laws be faithfully executed."

So, the President must faithfully execute the laws passed by Congress, and in regard to what specific military and peace time power the President has, there is also this:

Federal Emergency Declarations and Authorities
As with the states, federal law imbues designated federal officials with broad powers that allow them to respond to and assist states and localities in responding to emergencies even without a federal emergency declaration. Thus, the secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) has broad authority under Sections 301 and 311 of the Public Health Service Act to provide assistance to states and localities.2 Federal law also provides the president and other federal officials with authority to declare emergencies under specified conditions. Some of these federal authorities relevant to the public health context include:
Actions and Authorities Triggered by Federal Emergency Declarations
Federal emergency declarations activate legal and programmatic responses from federal agencies including:
Implications of State and Federal Emergency Declarations and Authorities
An emergency declaration can change the legal and operational landscape in which governments, private organizations, and the public operate during an emergency. Emergency declarations, especially if they occur at multiple levels (federal, state, local), can confuse organizations and individuals. All state agencies need to understand the implications of operating under an emergency declaration, especially those that are not directly involved in response activities such as state procurement offices. States must also understand the legal and operational effects of a federal emergency declaration. Federal declarations may affect compliance with federal legal and programmatic requirements. Federal declarations generally do not alter state legislative and regulatory requirements; however, state law will be preempted to the extent it conflicts with federal law. State declarations are necessary to modify states legal requirements.
During H1N1, some states declared emergencies, while neighboring states did not. For some states, the relatively mild severity of the H1N1 influenza pandemic did not rise to the level needed to trigger the statutory requirements for an emergency declaration, or made states conclude that existing authorities were sufficient to handle the response. Differences in states’ decisions to declare an emergency, as well as the federal declaration and World Health Organization pandemic levels, proved confusing for healthcare providers, the private sector, and the public. State agencies were required to clearly communicate the impact of various declarations had in responding to H1N1.

I know you dont really give a shit about the actual laws and legal basis for the POTUS executive powers, but there it is anyway.
I will ask AGAIN where the constitution mentions emergency powers.
See, the constitution gives the fed gov a certain list of powers. Going beyond that is called "unconstitutional"
So, try again.
I told you, doofus.

You cant figger it out?

I dont have time to spoon feed simpletons.

Sorry, but not sorry.
Congress only has the power to write legislation within its enumerated powers.
I'm sorry if you dont understand the constitution. Maybe stop listening to the power grabbers telling you that can have that power and READ the document.
You know, where you take written words and group them into sentences? Take Tylenol for any headaches. Midol for any cramps.
it has to be signed by the president.
No, it has to be signed by 2/3 of the state's. Its called an amendment.
but the president already has federal power. 2/3 of the states approved it.
Can you point me to "emergency powers" in the constitution?
It is in the article 2 section 1 clause 1 under war powers and executive powers.

"The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America."

Section 2 clause 1:

"The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; "

Section 3 clause 5

(The president must) "take care that the laws be faithfully executed."

So, the President must faithfully execute the laws passed by Congress, and in regard to what specific military and peace time power the President has, there is also this:

Federal Emergency Declarations and Authorities
As with the states, federal law imbues designated federal officials with broad powers that allow them to respond to and assist states and localities in responding to emergencies even without a federal emergency declaration. Thus, the secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) has broad authority under Sections 301 and 311 of the Public Health Service Act to provide assistance to states and localities.2 Federal law also provides the president and other federal officials with authority to declare emergencies under specified conditions. Some of these federal authorities relevant to the public health context include:
Actions and Authorities Triggered by Federal Emergency Declarations
Federal emergency declarations activate legal and programmatic responses from federal agencies including:
Implications of State and Federal Emergency Declarations and Authorities
An emergency declaration can change the legal and operational landscape in which governments, private organizations, and the public operate during an emergency. Emergency declarations, especially if they occur at multiple levels (federal, state, local), can confuse organizations and individuals. All state agencies need to understand the implications of operating under an emergency declaration, especially those that are not directly involved in response activities such as state procurement offices. States must also understand the legal and operational effects of a federal emergency declaration. Federal declarations may affect compliance with federal legal and programmatic requirements. Federal declarations generally do not alter state legislative and regulatory requirements; however, state law will be preempted to the extent it conflicts with federal law. State declarations are necessary to modify states legal requirements.
During H1N1, some states declared emergencies, while neighboring states did not. For some states, the relatively mild severity of the H1N1 influenza pandemic did not rise to the level needed to trigger the statutory requirements for an emergency declaration, or made states conclude that existing authorities were sufficient to handle the response. Differences in states’ decisions to declare an emergency, as well as the federal declaration and World Health Organization pandemic levels, proved confusing for healthcare providers, the private sector, and the public. State agencies were required to clearly communicate the impact of various declarations had in responding to H1N1.

I know you dont really give a shit about the actual laws and legal basis for the POTUS executive powers, but there it is anyway.
I will ask AGAIN where the constitution mentions emergency powers.
See, the constitution gives the fed gov a certain list of powers. Going beyond that is called "unconstitutional"
So, try again.
nope, the president can actually mandate marshall law and have all governors abide. he does have that power.
Show me in the constitution where the president can mandate Marshall law.
show me where the governors over ride my constitutional rights first.

First Amendment
The First Amendment guarantees freedoms concerning religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition. It forbids Congress from both promoting one religion over others and also restricting an individual’s religious practices. It guarantees freedom of expression by prohibiting Congress from restricting the press or the rights of individuals to speak freely. It also guarantees the right of citizens to assemble peaceably and to petition their government.
How can I show you something that doesnt exist?
Can you point me to "emergency powers" in the constitution?
It is in the article 2 section 1 clause 1 under war powers and executive powers.

"The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America."

Section 2 clause 1:

"The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; "

Section 3 clause 5

(The president must) "take care that the laws be faithfully executed."

So, the President must faithfully execute the laws passed by Congress, and in regard to what specific military and peace time power the President has, there is also this:

Federal Emergency Declarations and Authorities
As with the states, federal law imbues designated federal officials with broad powers that allow them to respond to and assist states and localities in responding to emergencies even without a federal emergency declaration. Thus, the secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) has broad authority under Sections 301 and 311 of the Public Health Service Act to provide assistance to states and localities.2 Federal law also provides the president and other federal officials with authority to declare emergencies under specified conditions. Some of these federal authorities relevant to the public health context include:
Actions and Authorities Triggered by Federal Emergency Declarations
Federal emergency declarations activate legal and programmatic responses from federal agencies including:
Implications of State and Federal Emergency Declarations and Authorities
An emergency declaration can change the legal and operational landscape in which governments, private organizations, and the public operate during an emergency. Emergency declarations, especially if they occur at multiple levels (federal, state, local), can confuse organizations and individuals. All state agencies need to understand the implications of operating under an emergency declaration, especially those that are not directly involved in response activities such as state procurement offices. States must also understand the legal and operational effects of a federal emergency declaration. Federal declarations may affect compliance with federal legal and programmatic requirements. Federal declarations generally do not alter state legislative and regulatory requirements; however, state law will be preempted to the extent it conflicts with federal law. State declarations are necessary to modify states legal requirements.
During H1N1, some states declared emergencies, while neighboring states did not. For some states, the relatively mild severity of the H1N1 influenza pandemic did not rise to the level needed to trigger the statutory requirements for an emergency declaration, or made states conclude that existing authorities were sufficient to handle the response. Differences in states’ decisions to declare an emergency, as well as the federal declaration and World Health Organization pandemic levels, proved confusing for healthcare providers, the private sector, and the public. State agencies were required to clearly communicate the impact of various declarations had in responding to H1N1.

I know you dont really give a shit about the actual laws and legal basis for the POTUS executive powers, but there it is anyway.
I will ask AGAIN where the constitution mentions emergency powers.
See, the constitution gives the fed gov a certain list of powers. Going beyond that is called "unconstitutional"
So, try again.
nope, the president can actually mandate marshall law and have all governors abide. he does have that power.
Show me in the constitution where the president can mandate Marshall law.
show me where the governors over ride my constitutional rights first.

First Amendment
The First Amendment guarantees freedoms concerning religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition. It forbids Congress from both promoting one religion over others and also restricting an individual’s religious practices. It guarantees freedom of expression by prohibiting Congress from restricting the press or the rights of individuals to speak freely. It also guarantees the right of citizens to assemble peaceably and to petition their government.
How can I show you something that doesnt exist?
well if they can't over ride my constitutional rights, how is it I should stay at home?
Can you point me to "emergency powers" in the constitution?
It is in the article 2 section 1 clause 1 under war powers and executive powers.

"The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America."

Section 2 clause 1:

"The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; "

Section 3 clause 5

(The president must) "take care that the laws be faithfully executed."

So, the President must faithfully execute the laws passed by Congress, and in regard to what specific military and peace time power the President has, there is also this:

Federal Emergency Declarations and Authorities
As with the states, federal law imbues designated federal officials with broad powers that allow them to respond to and assist states and localities in responding to emergencies even without a federal emergency declaration. Thus, the secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) has broad authority under Sections 301 and 311 of the Public Health Service Act to provide assistance to states and localities.2 Federal law also provides the president and other federal officials with authority to declare emergencies under specified conditions. Some of these federal authorities relevant to the public health context include:
Actions and Authorities Triggered by Federal Emergency Declarations
Federal emergency declarations activate legal and programmatic responses from federal agencies including:
Implications of State and Federal Emergency Declarations and Authorities
An emergency declaration can change the legal and operational landscape in which governments, private organizations, and the public operate during an emergency. Emergency declarations, especially if they occur at multiple levels (federal, state, local), can confuse organizations and individuals. All state agencies need to understand the implications of operating under an emergency declaration, especially those that are not directly involved in response activities such as state procurement offices. States must also understand the legal and operational effects of a federal emergency declaration. Federal declarations may affect compliance with federal legal and programmatic requirements. Federal declarations generally do not alter state legislative and regulatory requirements; however, state law will be preempted to the extent it conflicts with federal law. State declarations are necessary to modify states legal requirements.
During H1N1, some states declared emergencies, while neighboring states did not. For some states, the relatively mild severity of the H1N1 influenza pandemic did not rise to the level needed to trigger the statutory requirements for an emergency declaration, or made states conclude that existing authorities were sufficient to handle the response. Differences in states’ decisions to declare an emergency, as well as the federal declaration and World Health Organization pandemic levels, proved confusing for healthcare providers, the private sector, and the public. State agencies were required to clearly communicate the impact of various declarations had in responding to H1N1.

I know you dont really give a shit about the actual laws and legal basis for the POTUS executive powers, but there it is anyway.
I will ask AGAIN where the constitution mentions emergency powers.
See, the constitution gives the fed gov a certain list of powers. Going beyond that is called "unconstitutional"
So, try again.
I told you, doofus.

You cant figger it out?

I dont have time to spoon feed simpletons.

Sorry, but not sorry.
Congress only has the power to write legislation within its enumerated powers.
I'm sorry if you dont understand the constitution. Maybe stop listening to the power grabbers telling you that can have that power and READ the document.
You know, where you take written words and group them into sentences? Take Tylenol for any headaches. Midol for any cramps.
it has to be signed by the president.
No, it has to be signed by 2/3 of the state's. Its called an amendment.
but the president already has federal power. 2/3 of the states approved it.
it's called an election.
Can you point me to "emergency powers" in the constitution?
It is in the article 2 section 1 clause 1 under war powers and executive powers.

"The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America."

Section 2 clause 1:

"The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; "

Section 3 clause 5

(The president must) "take care that the laws be faithfully executed."

So, the President must faithfully execute the laws passed by Congress, and in regard to what specific military and peace time power the President has, there is also this:

Federal Emergency Declarations and Authorities
As with the states, federal law imbues designated federal officials with broad powers that allow them to respond to and assist states and localities in responding to emergencies even without a federal emergency declaration. Thus, the secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) has broad authority under Sections 301 and 311 of the Public Health Service Act to provide assistance to states and localities.2 Federal law also provides the president and other federal officials with authority to declare emergencies under specified conditions. Some of these federal authorities relevant to the public health context include:
Actions and Authorities Triggered by Federal Emergency Declarations
Federal emergency declarations activate legal and programmatic responses from federal agencies including:
Implications of State and Federal Emergency Declarations and Authorities
An emergency declaration can change the legal and operational landscape in which governments, private organizations, and the public operate during an emergency. Emergency declarations, especially if they occur at multiple levels (federal, state, local), can confuse organizations and individuals. All state agencies need to understand the implications of operating under an emergency declaration, especially those that are not directly involved in response activities such as state procurement offices. States must also understand the legal and operational effects of a federal emergency declaration. Federal declarations may affect compliance with federal legal and programmatic requirements. Federal declarations generally do not alter state legislative and regulatory requirements; however, state law will be preempted to the extent it conflicts with federal law. State declarations are necessary to modify states legal requirements.
During H1N1, some states declared emergencies, while neighboring states did not. For some states, the relatively mild severity of the H1N1 influenza pandemic did not rise to the level needed to trigger the statutory requirements for an emergency declaration, or made states conclude that existing authorities were sufficient to handle the response. Differences in states’ decisions to declare an emergency, as well as the federal declaration and World Health Organization pandemic levels, proved confusing for healthcare providers, the private sector, and the public. State agencies were required to clearly communicate the impact of various declarations had in responding to H1N1.

I know you dont really give a shit about the actual laws and legal basis for the POTUS executive powers, but there it is anyway.
I will ask AGAIN where the constitution mentions emergency powers.
See, the constitution gives the fed gov a certain list of powers. Going beyond that is called "unconstitutional"
So, try again.
nope, the president can actually mandate marshall law and have all governors abide. he does have that power.
Show me in the constitution where the president can mandate Marshall law.
show me where the governors over ride my constitutional rights first.

First Amendment
The First Amendment guarantees freedoms concerning religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition. It forbids Congress from both promoting one religion over others and also restricting an individual’s religious practices. It guarantees freedom of expression by prohibiting Congress from restricting the press or the rights of individuals to speak freely. It also guarantees the right of citizens to assemble peaceably and to petition their government.
How can I show you something that doesnt exist?
well if they can't over ride my constitutional rights, how is it I should stay at home?
Its bullshit is what it is
Can you point me to "emergency powers" in the constitution?
It is in the article 2 section 1 clause 1 under war powers and executive powers.

"The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America."

Section 2 clause 1:

"The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; "

Section 3 clause 5

(The president must) "take care that the laws be faithfully executed."

So, the President must faithfully execute the laws passed by Congress, and in regard to what specific military and peace time power the President has, there is also this:

Federal Emergency Declarations and Authorities
As with the states, federal law imbues designated federal officials with broad powers that allow them to respond to and assist states and localities in responding to emergencies even without a federal emergency declaration. Thus, the secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) has broad authority under Sections 301 and 311 of the Public Health Service Act to provide assistance to states and localities.2 Federal law also provides the president and other federal officials with authority to declare emergencies under specified conditions. Some of these federal authorities relevant to the public health context include:
Actions and Authorities Triggered by Federal Emergency Declarations
Federal emergency declarations activate legal and programmatic responses from federal agencies including:
Implications of State and Federal Emergency Declarations and Authorities
An emergency declaration can change the legal and operational landscape in which governments, private organizations, and the public operate during an emergency. Emergency declarations, especially if they occur at multiple levels (federal, state, local), can confuse organizations and individuals. All state agencies need to understand the implications of operating under an emergency declaration, especially those that are not directly involved in response activities such as state procurement offices. States must also understand the legal and operational effects of a federal emergency declaration. Federal declarations may affect compliance with federal legal and programmatic requirements. Federal declarations generally do not alter state legislative and regulatory requirements; however, state law will be preempted to the extent it conflicts with federal law. State declarations are necessary to modify states legal requirements.
During H1N1, some states declared emergencies, while neighboring states did not. For some states, the relatively mild severity of the H1N1 influenza pandemic did not rise to the level needed to trigger the statutory requirements for an emergency declaration, or made states conclude that existing authorities were sufficient to handle the response. Differences in states’ decisions to declare an emergency, as well as the federal declaration and World Health Organization pandemic levels, proved confusing for healthcare providers, the private sector, and the public. State agencies were required to clearly communicate the impact of various declarations had in responding to H1N1.

I know you dont really give a shit about the actual laws and legal basis for the POTUS executive powers, but there it is anyway.
I will ask AGAIN where the constitution mentions emergency powers.
See, the constitution gives the fed gov a certain list of powers. Going beyond that is called "unconstitutional"
So, try again.
I told you, doofus.

You cant figger it out?

I dont have time to spoon feed simpletons.

Sorry, but not sorry.
Congress only has the power to write legislation within its enumerated powers.
I'm sorry if you dont understand the constitution. Maybe stop listening to the power grabbers telling you that can have that power and READ the document.
You know, where you take written words and group them into sentences? Take Tylenol for any headaches. Midol for any cramps.
it has to be signed by the president.
No, it has to be signed by 2/3 of the state's. Its called an amendment.
but the president already has federal power. 2/3 of the states approved it.
it's called an election.
what does that have to do with enumerated powers of the federal government?
Can you point me to "emergency powers" in the constitution?
It is in the article 2 section 1 clause 1 under war powers and executive powers.

"The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America."

Section 2 clause 1:

"The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; "

Section 3 clause 5

(The president must) "take care that the laws be faithfully executed."

So, the President must faithfully execute the laws passed by Congress, and in regard to what specific military and peace time power the President has, there is also this:

Federal Emergency Declarations and Authorities
As with the states, federal law imbues designated federal officials with broad powers that allow them to respond to and assist states and localities in responding to emergencies even without a federal emergency declaration. Thus, the secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) has broad authority under Sections 301 and 311 of the Public Health Service Act to provide assistance to states and localities.2 Federal law also provides the president and other federal officials with authority to declare emergencies under specified conditions. Some of these federal authorities relevant to the public health context include:
Actions and Authorities Triggered by Federal Emergency Declarations
Federal emergency declarations activate legal and programmatic responses from federal agencies including:
Implications of State and Federal Emergency Declarations and Authorities
An emergency declaration can change the legal and operational landscape in which governments, private organizations, and the public operate during an emergency. Emergency declarations, especially if they occur at multiple levels (federal, state, local), can confuse organizations and individuals. All state agencies need to understand the implications of operating under an emergency declaration, especially those that are not directly involved in response activities such as state procurement offices. States must also understand the legal and operational effects of a federal emergency declaration. Federal declarations may affect compliance with federal legal and programmatic requirements. Federal declarations generally do not alter state legislative and regulatory requirements; however, state law will be preempted to the extent it conflicts with federal law. State declarations are necessary to modify states legal requirements.
During H1N1, some states declared emergencies, while neighboring states did not. For some states, the relatively mild severity of the H1N1 influenza pandemic did not rise to the level needed to trigger the statutory requirements for an emergency declaration, or made states conclude that existing authorities were sufficient to handle the response. Differences in states’ decisions to declare an emergency, as well as the federal declaration and World Health Organization pandemic levels, proved confusing for healthcare providers, the private sector, and the public. State agencies were required to clearly communicate the impact of various declarations had in responding to H1N1.

I know you dont really give a shit about the actual laws and legal basis for the POTUS executive powers, but there it is anyway.
I will ask AGAIN where the constitution mentions emergency powers.
See, the constitution gives the fed gov a certain list of powers. Going beyond that is called "unconstitutional"
So, try again.
nope, the president can actually mandate marshall law and have all governors abide. he does have that power.
Show me in the constitution where the president can mandate Marshall law.
show me where the governors over ride my constitutional rights first.

First Amendment
The First Amendment guarantees freedoms concerning religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition. It forbids Congress from both promoting one religion over others and also restricting an individual’s religious practices. It guarantees freedom of expression by prohibiting Congress from restricting the press or the rights of individuals to speak freely. It also guarantees the right of citizens to assemble peaceably and to petition their government.
How can I show you something that doesnt exist?
well if they can't over ride my constitutional rights, how is it I should stay at home?
Its bullshit is what it is
it is. it's unconstitutional, and yet here we are. Only the president can save this nation.
Can you point me to "emergency powers" in the constitution?
It is in the article 2 section 1 clause 1 under war powers and executive powers.

"The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America."

Section 2 clause 1:

"The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; "

Section 3 clause 5

(The president must) "take care that the laws be faithfully executed."

So, the President must faithfully execute the laws passed by Congress, and in regard to what specific military and peace time power the President has, there is also this:

Federal Emergency Declarations and Authorities
As with the states, federal law imbues designated federal officials with broad powers that allow them to respond to and assist states and localities in responding to emergencies even without a federal emergency declaration. Thus, the secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) has broad authority under Sections 301 and 311 of the Public Health Service Act to provide assistance to states and localities.2 Federal law also provides the president and other federal officials with authority to declare emergencies under specified conditions. Some of these federal authorities relevant to the public health context include:
Actions and Authorities Triggered by Federal Emergency Declarations
Federal emergency declarations activate legal and programmatic responses from federal agencies including:
Implications of State and Federal Emergency Declarations and Authorities
An emergency declaration can change the legal and operational landscape in which governments, private organizations, and the public operate during an emergency. Emergency declarations, especially if they occur at multiple levels (federal, state, local), can confuse organizations and individuals. All state agencies need to understand the implications of operating under an emergency declaration, especially those that are not directly involved in response activities such as state procurement offices. States must also understand the legal and operational effects of a federal emergency declaration. Federal declarations may affect compliance with federal legal and programmatic requirements. Federal declarations generally do not alter state legislative and regulatory requirements; however, state law will be preempted to the extent it conflicts with federal law. State declarations are necessary to modify states legal requirements.
During H1N1, some states declared emergencies, while neighboring states did not. For some states, the relatively mild severity of the H1N1 influenza pandemic did not rise to the level needed to trigger the statutory requirements for an emergency declaration, or made states conclude that existing authorities were sufficient to handle the response. Differences in states’ decisions to declare an emergency, as well as the federal declaration and World Health Organization pandemic levels, proved confusing for healthcare providers, the private sector, and the public. State agencies were required to clearly communicate the impact of various declarations had in responding to H1N1.

I know you dont really give a shit about the actual laws and legal basis for the POTUS executive powers, but there it is anyway.
I will ask AGAIN where the constitution mentions emergency powers.
See, the constitution gives the fed gov a certain list of powers. Going beyond that is called "unconstitutional"
So, try again.
I told you, doofus.

You cant figger it out?

I dont have time to spoon feed simpletons.

Sorry, but not sorry.
Congress only has the power to write legislation within its enumerated powers.
I'm sorry if you dont understand the constitution. Maybe stop listening to the power grabbers telling you that can have that power and READ the document.
You know, where you take written words and group them into sentences? Take Tylenol for any headaches. Midol for any cramps.
it has to be signed by the president.
No, it has to be signed by 2/3 of the state's. Its called an amendment.
but the president already has federal power. 2/3 of the states approved it.
it's called an election.
what does that have to do with enumerated powers of the federal government?
it doesn't, but 2/3's of the states gave him authority over them. states pay into the feds, not the other way around. if they go off half cocked it's up to the president to rein them in.
Can you point me to "emergency powers" in the constitution?
It is in the article 2 section 1 clause 1 under war powers and executive powers.

"The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America."

Section 2 clause 1:

"The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; "

Section 3 clause 5

(The president must) "take care that the laws be faithfully executed."

So, the President must faithfully execute the laws passed by Congress, and in regard to what specific military and peace time power the President has, there is also this:

Federal Emergency Declarations and Authorities
As with the states, federal law imbues designated federal officials with broad powers that allow them to respond to and assist states and localities in responding to emergencies even without a federal emergency declaration. Thus, the secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) has broad authority under Sections 301 and 311 of the Public Health Service Act to provide assistance to states and localities.2 Federal law also provides the president and other federal officials with authority to declare emergencies under specified conditions. Some of these federal authorities relevant to the public health context include:
Actions and Authorities Triggered by Federal Emergency Declarations
Federal emergency declarations activate legal and programmatic responses from federal agencies including:
Implications of State and Federal Emergency Declarations and Authorities
An emergency declaration can change the legal and operational landscape in which governments, private organizations, and the public operate during an emergency. Emergency declarations, especially if they occur at multiple levels (federal, state, local), can confuse organizations and individuals. All state agencies need to understand the implications of operating under an emergency declaration, especially those that are not directly involved in response activities such as state procurement offices. States must also understand the legal and operational effects of a federal emergency declaration. Federal declarations may affect compliance with federal legal and programmatic requirements. Federal declarations generally do not alter state legislative and regulatory requirements; however, state law will be preempted to the extent it conflicts with federal law. State declarations are necessary to modify states legal requirements.
During H1N1, some states declared emergencies, while neighboring states did not. For some states, the relatively mild severity of the H1N1 influenza pandemic did not rise to the level needed to trigger the statutory requirements for an emergency declaration, or made states conclude that existing authorities were sufficient to handle the response. Differences in states’ decisions to declare an emergency, as well as the federal declaration and World Health Organization pandemic levels, proved confusing for healthcare providers, the private sector, and the public. State agencies were required to clearly communicate the impact of various declarations had in responding to H1N1.

I know you dont really give a shit about the actual laws and legal basis for the POTUS executive powers, but there it is anyway.
I will ask AGAIN where the constitution mentions emergency powers.
See, the constitution gives the fed gov a certain list of powers. Going beyond that is called "unconstitutional"
So, try again.
I told you, doofus.

You cant figger it out?

I dont have time to spoon feed simpletons.

Sorry, but not sorry.

You keep quoting stuff under "war powers." We have not had a formal declaration of war so EVERYTHING YOU QUOTED IS BULLSHIT and IRRELEVANT.
Can you point me to "emergency powers" in the constitution?
It is in the article 2 section 1 clause 1 under war powers and executive powers.

"The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America."

Section 2 clause 1:

"The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; "

Section 3 clause 5

(The president must) "take care that the laws be faithfully executed."

So, the President must faithfully execute the laws passed by Congress, and in regard to what specific military and peace time power the President has, there is also this:

Federal Emergency Declarations and Authorities
As with the states, federal law imbues designated federal officials with broad powers that allow them to respond to and assist states and localities in responding to emergencies even without a federal emergency declaration. Thus, the secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) has broad authority under Sections 301 and 311 of the Public Health Service Act to provide assistance to states and localities.2 Federal law also provides the president and other federal officials with authority to declare emergencies under specified conditions. Some of these federal authorities relevant to the public health context include:
Actions and Authorities Triggered by Federal Emergency Declarations
Federal emergency declarations activate legal and programmatic responses from federal agencies including:
Implications of State and Federal Emergency Declarations and Authorities
An emergency declaration can change the legal and operational landscape in which governments, private organizations, and the public operate during an emergency. Emergency declarations, especially if they occur at multiple levels (federal, state, local), can confuse organizations and individuals. All state agencies need to understand the implications of operating under an emergency declaration, especially those that are not directly involved in response activities such as state procurement offices. States must also understand the legal and operational effects of a federal emergency declaration. Federal declarations may affect compliance with federal legal and programmatic requirements. Federal declarations generally do not alter state legislative and regulatory requirements; however, state law will be preempted to the extent it conflicts with federal law. State declarations are necessary to modify states legal requirements.
During H1N1, some states declared emergencies, while neighboring states did not. For some states, the relatively mild severity of the H1N1 influenza pandemic did not rise to the level needed to trigger the statutory requirements for an emergency declaration, or made states conclude that existing authorities were sufficient to handle the response. Differences in states’ decisions to declare an emergency, as well as the federal declaration and World Health Organization pandemic levels, proved confusing for healthcare providers, the private sector, and the public. State agencies were required to clearly communicate the impact of various declarations had in responding to H1N1.

I know you dont really give a shit about the actual laws and legal basis for the POTUS executive powers, but there it is anyway.
I will ask AGAIN where the constitution mentions emergency powers.
See, the constitution gives the fed gov a certain list of powers. Going beyond that is called "unconstitutional"
So, try again.
I told you, doofus.

You cant figger it out?

I dont have time to spoon feed simpletons.

Sorry, but not sorry.
Congress only has the power to write legislation within its enumerated powers.
I'm sorry if you dont understand the constitution. Maybe stop listening to the power grabbers telling you that can have that power and READ the document.
You know, where you take written words and group them into sentences? Take Tylenol for any headaches. Midol for any cramps.
it has to be signed by the president.
No, it has to be signed by 2/3 of the state's. Its called an amendment.
but the president already has federal power. 2/3 of the states approved it.
it's called an election.
what does that have to do with enumerated powers of the federal government?
it doesn't, but 2/3's of the states gave him authority over them. states pay into the feds, not the other way around. if they go off half cocked it's up to the president to rein them in.
By only fulfilling his enunerated powers. Not ones the power grabbers made up
Can you point me to "emergency powers" in the constitution?
It is in the article 2 section 1 clause 1 under war powers and executive powers.

"The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America."

Section 2 clause 1:

"The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; "

Section 3 clause 5

(The president must) "take care that the laws be faithfully executed."

So, the President must faithfully execute the laws passed by Congress, and in regard to what specific military and peace time power the President has, there is also this:

Federal Emergency Declarations and Authorities
As with the states, federal law imbues designated federal officials with broad powers that allow them to respond to and assist states and localities in responding to emergencies even without a federal emergency declaration. Thus, the secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) has broad authority under Sections 301 and 311 of the Public Health Service Act to provide assistance to states and localities.2 Federal law also provides the president and other federal officials with authority to declare emergencies under specified conditions. Some of these federal authorities relevant to the public health context include:
Actions and Authorities Triggered by Federal Emergency Declarations
Federal emergency declarations activate legal and programmatic responses from federal agencies including:
Implications of State and Federal Emergency Declarations and Authorities
An emergency declaration can change the legal and operational landscape in which governments, private organizations, and the public operate during an emergency. Emergency declarations, especially if they occur at multiple levels (federal, state, local), can confuse organizations and individuals. All state agencies need to understand the implications of operating under an emergency declaration, especially those that are not directly involved in response activities such as state procurement offices. States must also understand the legal and operational effects of a federal emergency declaration. Federal declarations may affect compliance with federal legal and programmatic requirements. Federal declarations generally do not alter state legislative and regulatory requirements; however, state law will be preempted to the extent it conflicts with federal law. State declarations are necessary to modify states legal requirements.
During H1N1, some states declared emergencies, while neighboring states did not. For some states, the relatively mild severity of the H1N1 influenza pandemic did not rise to the level needed to trigger the statutory requirements for an emergency declaration, or made states conclude that existing authorities were sufficient to handle the response. Differences in states’ decisions to declare an emergency, as well as the federal declaration and World Health Organization pandemic levels, proved confusing for healthcare providers, the private sector, and the public. State agencies were required to clearly communicate the impact of various declarations had in responding to H1N1.

I know you dont really give a shit about the actual laws and legal basis for the POTUS executive powers, but there it is anyway.
I will ask AGAIN where the constitution mentions emergency powers.
See, the constitution gives the fed gov a certain list of powers. Going beyond that is called "unconstitutional"
So, try again.
I told you, doofus.

You cant figger it out?

I dont have time to spoon feed simpletons.

Sorry, but not sorry.
Congress only has the power to write legislation within its enumerated powers.
I'm sorry if you dont understand the constitution. Maybe stop listening to the power grabbers telling you that can have that power and READ the document.
You know, where you take written words and group them into sentences? Take Tylenol for any headaches. Midol for any cramps.
it has to be signed by the president.
No, it has to be signed by 2/3 of the state's. Its called an amendment.
but the president already has federal power. 2/3 of the states approved it.
it's called an election.
what does that have to do with enumerated powers of the federal government?
it doesn't, but 2/3's of the states gave him authority over them. states pay into the feds, not the other way around. if they go off half cocked it's up to the president to rein them in.
By only fulfilling his enunerated powers. Not ones the power grabbers made up
yep, president of the United States. He is the leader.
Is there a principle the president can't get his sycophants to wipe their asses with? Good lord. :lol:
Is there a principle the president can't get his sycophants to wipe their asses with? Good lord. :lol:
we know you hate him. what else do you want us to say? russia, mueller, ukraine, impeachment, now this. what is it you think you haven't tried? let us know now.
we know you hate him. what else do you want us to say?

Not hardly. I disagree with a lot of what he says and does, but I don't hate President Trump. I know there isn't any difference between the two for you creepy zealots, but there is.

russia, mueller, ukraine, impeachment, now this. what is it you think you haven't tried? let us know now.

I haven't tried anything. In fact, I've posted very little about the aforementioned subjects. I would ask you to stop making shit up, but for that to happen you would have to close your account. lol

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