The Prez is WRONG! (from a Trump Loyalist)

I find it interesting that a lot of conservatives on here were bitching that Obama was becoming a dictator and doing things that he wasn't authorized to do.

Trump on the other hand, is seeing how far he can push the envelope. If Obama had done even a third of what Trump has done so far, he would have been ran out of town on a rail.

You guys bitched incessantly about how Obama was lining the pockets of his friends with Solyndra (he wasn't by the way), yet you don't say anything when Trump has it written into the bill that specialty farmers (those who grow grapes for wine) will be allowed to get money as well. Trump stands to collect 2.2 million from this bill.
I did complain about Obama's EOs, sure and I have complained recently about Trumps gathering authority that most people are unaware of.

Yep, Trump is using this to grab as much power as he can. Only trouble is, most news agencies are busy reporting on the virus, that they are missing all the crap that is going on behind the news about the virus.

Interestingly enough, when I watched Samantha B's show on Wednesday, she brought up a lot of crap that Trump and his people are quietly pushing through while everyone else is focused on the pandemic. And, when I went to the 'net to verify what she was saying, she was right. If this keeps up, Trump might be able to qualify as a dictator in another 6 months.

And yeah, I know, a satire comedy show is a poor place to get news, but when she was telling us what is going on, that is when I verified it for myself and she's right..................Trump is using this crisis as a power grab.
So lets see. I have constitutional scholars on my side. Not to mention direct quotes from the 10th amendment.

You, have the "laugh" button.

Game. Set. Match. Thanks for playing.
I have done far more than use the laugh button, dude.

Perhaps if you could read and remember more than five words at a time you could read the posts I have made that quote from legal authorities too!

Oh wait, they dont count because....magic spells or sumpin'!
Yep, Trump is using this to grab as much power as he can. Only trouble is, most news agencies are busy reporting on the virus, that they are missing all the crap that is going on behind the news about the virus.
Interestingly enough, when I watched Samantha B's show on Wednesday, she brought up a lot of crap that Trump and his people are quietly pushing through while everyone else is focused on the pandemic. And, when I went to the 'net to verify what she was saying, she was right. If this keeps up, Trump might be able to qualify as a dictator in another 6 months.
Trump already has the authority to make any person/people work for the government at zero pay.

He and his cabinet can:

• The Secretary of Defense has power over all water resources;
• The Secretary of Commerce has power over all material services and facilities, including construction materials;
• The Secretary of Transportation has power over all forms of civilian transportation;
• The Secretary of Agriculture has power over food resources and facilities, livestock plant health resources, and the domestic distribution of farm equipment;
• The Secretary of Health and Human Services has power over all health resources;
• The Secretary of Energy has power over all forms of energy.

What else is left?

Fortunately, Trump is not abusing his power, but I still dont like to see it happen.
Yep, Trump is using this to grab as much power as he can. Only trouble is, most news agencies are busy reporting on the virus, that they are missing all the crap that is going on behind the news about the virus.
Interestingly enough, when I watched Samantha B's show on Wednesday, she brought up a lot of crap that Trump and his people are quietly pushing through while everyone else is focused on the pandemic. And, when I went to the 'net to verify what she was saying, she was right. If this keeps up, Trump might be able to qualify as a dictator in another 6 months.
Trump already has the authority to make any person/people work for the government at zero pay.

He and his cabinet can:

• The Secretary of Defense has power over all water resources;
• The Secretary of Commerce has power over all material services and facilities, including construction materials;
• The Secretary of Transportation has power over all forms of civilian transportation;
• The Secretary of Agriculture has power over food resources and facilities, livestock plant health resources, and the domestic distribution of farm equipment;
• The Secretary of Health and Human Services has power over all health resources;
• The Secretary of Energy has power over all forms of energy.

What else is left?

Fortunately, Trump is not abusing his power, but I still dont like to see it happen.

I'd like to see a copy of the link you have that says Trump can make people work for the government for free. Even when there were government shutdowns and the military's pay was SUSPENDED (not taken away), we got full back pay when the government opened. I don't believe that there is any way Trump can make someone work for free.

And, someone having power over an agency doesn't mean they have free reign, they still must comply with directives and regulations already in effect for the situation. No, they can't make someone work for free, but they can decide how that particular agency is going to handle a problem.
Earlier today, Our Beloved President tweeted: "For the purpose of creating conflict and confusion, some in the Fake News Media are saying that it is the Governors decision to open up the states, not that of the President of the United States & the Federal Government. Let it be fully understood that this is incorrect....It is the decision of the President, and for many good reasons."

I believe that DJT is the best President we have had in a long time, but in this he is wrong. It is entirely up to the Governors; the President can only recommend, make suggestions, remove federal constraints.

Sorry. He's my President but in this case he is wrong.

Not that it means anything. He can't override a Governor's decision anyway. Any attempt to do so would be void.

Parenthetically, my Governor, Thomas Wolf of Pennsylvania, apparently thinks he lives in New Jersey, and has clamped down accordingly. But he's a Democrat, so what should one expect?
I'd say you are technically correct...but in practical terms wrong. If Trump usurps that authority and the governors surrender that authority to the President...then he has created the authority. The governors, being politicians, obviously see the advantages of allowing Trump to make the hard decision and take on the responsibility. And those governors who don't surrender the authority...what are they going to do? Arrest folks who return to work? They'll be out on their ear in a heartbeat.

And we're right back where we started...Trump can through force of will open the economy...because if he says it, people will do it.
Hey Rambunctious, just because you don't like the fact that Trump has zero say so in how individual states run their affairs, doesn't make it any less true. Trump has zero authority to override the governor's decisions.
States always follow federal guidelines in any national it war...natural disasters...and pandemics...Trump can enlist the war powers act if democrat governors won't cooperate....So are you calling for the RESIST movement to stand up now?....and throw a wrench into this?...that's very sad if you ask me...some sailor you are...did you do your service in a bathtub or what?...did you take an oath?...unreal....
Yep, Trump is using this to grab as much power as he can. Only trouble is, most news agencies are busy reporting on the virus, that they are missing all the crap that is going on behind the news about the virus.
Interestingly enough, when I watched Samantha B's show on Wednesday, she brought up a lot of crap that Trump and his people are quietly pushing through while everyone else is focused on the pandemic. And, when I went to the 'net to verify what she was saying, she was right. If this keeps up, Trump might be able to qualify as a dictator in another 6 months.
Trump already has the authority to make any person/people work for the government at zero pay.

He and his cabinet can:

• The Secretary of Defense has power over all water resources;
• The Secretary of Commerce has power over all material services and facilities, including construction materials;
• The Secretary of Transportation has power over all forms of civilian transportation;
• The Secretary of Agriculture has power over food resources and facilities, livestock plant health resources, and the domestic distribution of farm equipment;
• The Secretary of Health and Human Services has power over all health resources;
• The Secretary of Energy has power over all forms of energy.

What else is left?

Fortunately, Trump is not abusing his power, but I still dont like to see it happen.

I'd like to see a copy of the link you have that says Trump can make people work for the government for free. Even when there were government shutdowns and the military's pay was SUSPENDED (not taken away), we got full back pay when the government opened. I don't believe that there is any way Trump can make someone work for free.

And, someone having power over an agency doesn't mean they have free reign, they still must comply with directives and regulations already in effect for the situation. No, they can't make someone work for free, but they can decide how that particular agency is going to handle a problem.
Post #37 in this thread.

Executive Order -- National Defense Resources Preparedness

Sec. 502. Consultants. The head of each agency otherwise delegated functions under this order is delegated the authority of the President under sections 710(b) and (c) of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2160(b), (c), to employ persons of outstanding experience and ability without compensation and to employ experts, consultants, or organizations. The authority delegated by this section may not be redelegated.
Earlier today, Our Beloved President tweeted: "For the purpose of creating conflict and confusion, some in the Fake News Media are saying that it is the Governors decision to open up the states, not that of the President of the United States & the Federal Government. Let it be fully understood that this is incorrect....It is the decision of the President, and for many good reasons."

I believe that DJT is the best President we have had in a long time, but in this he is wrong. It is entirely up to the Governors; the President can only recommend, make suggestions, remove federal constraints.

Sorry. He's my President but in this case he is wrong.

Not that it means anything. He can't override a Governor's decision anyway. Any attempt to do so would be void.

Parenthetically, my Governor, Thomas Wolf of Pennsylvania, apparently thinks he lives in New Jersey, and has clamped down accordingly. But he's a Democrat, so what should one expect?

Is this screed suppose to convince the people that already know you voted in a useless sack of shit that you're suddenly to be trusted now that you're coming to terms with your own bad political decisions? How about fuck you? How about you suffer your bad decisions with the rest of us until we can dump your Orange Virus from our collective radars forever? You doubled down on your stupidity. The rest of us don't give a fuck about you anymore. You aren't considered Americans to us. You may only have our middle fingers right in your faces. Suffer, swine. It's all you deserve. Go fuck yourselves and die.
Yep, Trump is using this to grab as much power as he can. Only trouble is, most news agencies are busy reporting on the virus, that they are missing all the crap that is going on behind the news about the virus.
Interestingly enough, when I watched Samantha B's show on Wednesday, she brought up a lot of crap that Trump and his people are quietly pushing through while everyone else is focused on the pandemic. And, when I went to the 'net to verify what she was saying, she was right. If this keeps up, Trump might be able to qualify as a dictator in another 6 months.
Trump already has the authority to make any person/people work for the government at zero pay.

He and his cabinet can:

• The Secretary of Defense has power over all water resources;
• The Secretary of Commerce has power over all material services and facilities, including construction materials;
• The Secretary of Transportation has power over all forms of civilian transportation;
• The Secretary of Agriculture has power over food resources and facilities, livestock plant health resources, and the domestic distribution of farm equipment;
• The Secretary of Health and Human Services has power over all health resources;
• The Secretary of Energy has power over all forms of energy.

What else is left?

Fortunately, Trump is not abusing his power, but I still dont like to see it happen.

I'd like to see a copy of the link you have that says Trump can make people work for the government for free. Even when there were government shutdowns and the military's pay was SUSPENDED (not taken away), we got full back pay when the government opened. I don't believe that there is any way Trump can make someone work for free.

And, someone having power over an agency doesn't mean they have free reign, they still must comply with directives and regulations already in effect for the situation. No, they can't make someone work for free, but they can decide how that particular agency is going to handle a problem.
Post #37 in this thread.

Executive Order -- National Defense Resources Preparedness

Sec. 502. Consultants. The head of each agency otherwise delegated functions under this order is delegated the authority of the President under sections 710(b) and (c) of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2160(b), (c), to employ persons of outstanding experience and ability without compensation and to employ experts, consultants, or organizations. The authority delegated by this section may not be redelegated.

Dude you're pulling stuff out from so far up your ass that you're going to taste your lunch.

THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH TRUMP FORCING A STATE TO OPEN. And what the fuck does this have to do with Nancy Pelosi???

It's already been PROVEN that YOU ARE WRONG. Trump CANNOT do that. The constitution DOES NOT GIVE THE PRESIDENT THAT RIGHT SO HE DOESN'T HAVE IT. He can informally put pressure on local gov'ts and mess with federal funding but he cannot directly tell a state to open.
JimBowie Jesus Christ, read the TENTH AMENDMENT!

Your posting is 100% wrong. The Federal Government may have some of those powers when there has been a formal declaration of war by Congress. Not now. Not the President.
If governors continue to abuse their power and deny citizens of their constitutional rights, then the President should act to protect those citizens.
Yes he is wrong about this. Only the individual governors can control their own states.

But that being said, that absolves Trump of any wrongdoing should they open up early and we spike again. Out of his hands means OUT OF HIS HANDS and also NOT HIS RESPONSIBILITY.

As I said, the president during a national emergency gets certain powers. An example if the emergency defense act, which allows the president to mandate companies, no matter in which state they're located, to manufacture materials critical for a national emergency or a war. In short the president could tell every car maker to stop making cars, and make ventilators instead, or to stop making cars, and make nothing instead. That holds for any business sector.

This has nothing to do with the emergency defense act. This has to do with the president over riding the governors of individual states that were shut down by the governor of those states. Not the president. And Trump cannot do that.


Any idea what your blob meant by this then?

In short, only the person who does something, has the power to undo it.
The President has Emergency powers now in each and every state in the country.

Trump is correct about this, but he has been using a light hand so far and letting the governors make the big decisions as is probably the best approach.
As I said President Trump has the power to shut the states down, but he didn't do so. As such he has no power to open the states up, that's simple logic. What president Trump would have to do, is he would have to order a federal shutdown of all the states that overrides the orders from the state governors. And then he could arguably decide when the states open up again.
Maybe that is his plan. Sometimes Trump doesn't show all his cards.
I don't recall seeing a Declaration of a National Emergency- to declare is to publicly state an event to occur.
However, congress has set a precedent with the Authorization to use Military Force in the undeclared and unjust War on Terror- a cowards way out. It also funds the undeclared war(s) on citizens, i.e., the war on drugs and the war on poverty both of which are war on wealth through confiscation of wealth and property- and BOTH sides subscribe to the use of borrow to spend under false pretense- the lesser of anything, in this case the arguments about evil, still represents evil. It doesn't really matter which political stripe is worn. BOTH will continue to act in an evil manner under false pretense which means lying, (under oath) which is immoral and criminal.

Lying under oath: When one raises their right hand and claims (swears in the affirmative) they will protect and defend, to the best of their ability is either an out right lie or at least just cause for seriously questioning their ability, or both.

POTUS can do or say with the alphabet agencies anything his little heart desires- but, it has to be enFORCED-
Sheriffs have the authority to NOT enforce. The Military can question and disagree to act.
Both are constituionally protected- but, as we've seen, knowledge about the constitution is severely limited and what little is known is often as not intentionally misinterpreted- and worse, believed by allegedly educated citizens.
Yes he is wrong about this. Only the individual governors can control their own states.

But that being said, that absolves Trump of any wrongdoing should they open up early and we spike again. Out of his hands means OUT OF HIS HANDS and also NOT HIS RESPONSIBILITY.

As I said, the president during a national emergency gets certain powers. An example if the emergency defense act, which allows the president to mandate companies, no matter in which state they're located, to manufacture materials critical for a national emergency or a war. In short the president could tell every car maker to stop making cars, and make ventilators instead, or to stop making cars, and make nothing instead. That holds for any business sector.

This has nothing to do with the emergency defense act. This has to do with the president over riding the governors of individual states that were shut down by the governor of those states. Not the president. And Trump cannot do that.


Any idea what your blob meant by this then?

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He was wrong and I've said it 100 times so far.

He even admitted it was up to the individual governors to shut the states down. TRUMPS OWN WORDS. But it's up to Trump to reopen them? I think not.

I'm a Trump supporter but I'm not like Obama supporters, I won't blindly support him no matter what. When he's wrong, he's wrong and this time he is wrong.
JimBowie Jesus Christ, read the TENTH AMENDMENT!

Your posting is 100% wrong. The Federal Government may have some of those powers when there has been a formal declaration of war by Congress. Not now. Not the President.

I think the problem is JimBowie thinks that if the constitution doesn't specifically ban something, then the president has the right to do it. That's wholeheartedly THE OPPOSITE of what the 10th amendment states. Which is, of course, that any rights not granted to the president are granted to the states. And NOWHERE in the Constitution does it give the president the right to close or open a states interstate commerce. So that means, by default, that falls within the rights of the INDIVIDUAL STATES. Not the president.

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