The Private Trayvon Martin Nobody Wants to Talk About?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Was Trayvon Martin a Drug Dealer?

A very interesting blog with recent pics of Martin,, which explain why the press wont run with anything less than a 6 year old picture as Martin had gang tats and gold teeth in later years, quite the gang banger.

Essplains quite a lot, IMO.
Granny says, "Dat's right - dat boy was pro'bly hopped up on dat marywana like he was when he got suspended from school...
Killer of Florida teen told police he was attacked first
26 Mar.`12 (Reuters) - The man who shot and killed an unarmed Florida teenager in a case that has sparked widespread public outrage told police the victim had punched him, knocked him down and slammed his head into the pavement repeatedly before he fired the fatal gunshot.
The account of neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman, was published for the first time on Monday in the online edition of the Orlando Sentinel. Police in Sanford, Florida, the Orlando suburb where 17-year-old Trayvon Martin was shot dead on February 26, confirmed that the newspaper report appeared to be based on leaked information from someone inside the police department. "The information in the article is consistent with the information provided to the State Attorney's office by the police department," the police said in a statement.

Zimmerman, a 28-year-old white Hispanic, has been widely criticized for following Martin, who was African American, and ignoring a police request that he stop doing so after calling the 911 emergency number to report that the young man in a "hoodie" hooded sweatshirt looked to be "up to no good." But in own his version of events, as outlined in the Sentinel report, Zimmerman had given up the chase and was walking back to his sport utility vehicle when Martin approached him from behind.

The two exchanged words before Martin punched the burly Zimmerman in the nose, sending him reeling to the ground. The teenager then began pummeling him and slammed his head into the sidewalk several times, the newspaper said. At least one witness told police he saw Martin on top of Zimmerman who was calling for help, the newspaper said. It noted, however, that other witnesses had disputed from whom the cries were coming.

ABC News quoted a police source as saying that Zimmerman, in a written statement, claimed that Martin also tried to take his gun before the shot was fired. Zimmerman's attorney has said his client acted in self-defense. He has not been arrested and Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law, which broadened the legal definition of self-defense when it was passed in 2005, provides people with immunity from detention or arrest if they use deadly force in their own defense without clear evidence of malice.


See also:

Trayvon Martin Death: Police Say Witnesses Back Zimmerman's Story
Monday, 26 Mar 2012 - The Orlando Sentinel is reporting that Trayvon Martin decked George Zimmerman with one punch and then repeatedly slammed his head into the sidewalk, according to a newly released version of the events that led up to the 17-year-old’s death.
The neighborhood watch captain was left “bloody and battered,” according to the version Zimmerman told investigators. Witnesses have corroborated his version, authorities told The Orlando Sentinel. And ABC News reports that Zimmerman told police that Martin knocked him down and attempted to take his gun. Zimmerman, 28, shot Martin to death on Feb. 26 in Sanford, Fla., and the case has become a lightning rod for activists who claim the killing was racially motivated. Activists, including Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and NAACP leader Ben Jealous, have addressed rallies in the Orlando suburb. Another is planned for Monday afternoon attended by Baltimore Ravens linebacker Ray Lewis and basketball legend Patrick Ewing.

Zimmerman claimed self-defense, but his version of what occurred has been slow in coming out. Both Republican and Democratic politicians have joined the activists querying why Zimmerman has not been arrested, especially as a 911 dispatcher specifically told him not to follow Martin. Zimmerman told police he got out of his SUV, but lost sight of Martin. As he walked back to his vehicle, he said Martin approached him from behind and asked him if he had a problem. Zimmerman said no and reached for his cell phone, the Sentinel reports. Martin said something like “well you do now,” and punched him in the nose, Zimmerman told police. There has been no report of witnesses to that alleged initial blow. As the older man fell to the ground, Martin jumped on him and started slamming his head into the sidewalk. In a 911 call from a neighbor, a man can be heard calling for help. Police say they believe it was Zimmerman’s voice, although Martin’s attorney insists it is the teen’s.

The Sentinel reports that one witness told police he was certain he saw Zimmerman on the ground with Martin on top, pounding him. Zimmerman shot Martin once in the chest “at very close range,” police told the Sentinel. When they arrived, they found Zimmerman bleeding from the nose and head. He was treated at the scene but refused to go to the hospital. The case has caused a national furor centering on race and on Florida’s Stand Your Ground law that allows a person to use deadly force if he feels he is being threatened. Sanford Police Chief Bill Lee has stepped down temporarily. Martin’s mother, Sybrina Fulton, hit back at the new reports on Monday. “They killed my son, and now they're trying to kill his reputation," she said.

Sanford mayor Jeff Triplett told ABC News he was worried about violence breaking out. “The city today is a tinder box,” he said. Florida Gov. Rick Scott has appointed a task force headed by special prosecutor Angela Corey to investigate whether Zimmerman’s case should go before a grand jury. Zimmerman has been in hiding since the debate about the killing ramped up. The New Black Panthers put out a $10,000 bounty on his head after its leader Mikhail Muhammed told a rally on Saturday “He should be fearful for his life. You can’t keep killing black children.” Movie director Spike Lee revealed Zimmerman’s home address in a Twitter message he retweeted to his quarter of a million followers at the weekend. Last week President Barack Obama jumped into the case saying if he had a son “he would look like Trayvon.”

Well, I dont know if he was high at the time of the incident, but the point is simply that the innocent young teen picture the media portrays is bullshit.
he didn't do anything wrong though? ....he was walking home....he was pursued and followed by a stranger, zimmerman, who was the instigator and a threat to trayvon, in the incident....

if zimmerman had not been stalking him, no matter who took the first punch, trayvon would not be dead.....simple as that....

and i am not saying zimmerman is a murderer as i have seen many do, but imo, he is responsible for everything that happened.

AND SORRY 6'3 and only 140 lbs, IS a childlike hubby is 6'3 and his perfect thin weight is 200....that kid is 60 pounds lighter than he should be for that height.
he didn't do anything wrong though? ....he was walking home....he was pursued and followed by a stranger, zimmerman, who was the instigator and a threat to trayvon, in the incident....

if zimmerman had not been stalking him, no matter who took the first punch, trayvon would not be dead.....simple as that....

and i am not saying zimmerman is a murderer as i have seen many do, but imo, he is responsible for everything that happened.

AND SORRY 6'3 and only 140 lbs, IS a childlike hubby is 6'3 and his perfect thin weight is 200....that kid is 60 pounds lighter than he should be for that height.

Its sad any way ya look at it...
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he didn't do anything wrong though? ....he was walking home....he was pursued and followed by a stranger, zimmerman, who was the instigator and a threat to trayvon, in the incident....

if zimmerman had not been stalking him, no matter who took the first punch, trayvon would not be dead.....simple as that....

and i am not saying zimmerman is a murderer as i have seen many do, but imo, he is responsible for everything that happened.

AND SORRY 6'3 and only 140 lbs, IS a childlike hubby is 6'3 and his perfect thin weight is 200....that kid is 60 pounds lighter than he should be for that height.

we don't know the truth. we won't know the whole truth, ever. Zimmerman cannot be held responsible for the actions of a 17 - going on 18 year old. and btw, young men can be incredibly strung and agile. watch fights on youtube and see kids half Trayvon's side hurt people very badly
he didn't do anything wrong though? ....he was walking home....he was pursued and followed by a stranger, zimmerman, who was the instigator and a threat to trayvon, in the incident....

if zimmerman had not been stalking him, no matter who took the first punch, trayvon would not be dead.....simple as that....

and i am not saying zimmerman is a murderer as i have seen many do, but imo, he is responsible for everything that happened.

AND SORRY 6'3 and only 140 lbs, IS a childlike hubby is 6'3 and his perfect thin weight is 200....that kid is 60 pounds lighter than he should be for that height.

we don't know the truth. we won't know the whole truth, ever. Zimmerman cannot be held responsible for the actions of a 17 - going on 18 year old. and btw, young men can be incredibly strung and agile. watch fights on youtube and see kids half Trayvon's side hurt people very badly

Why do the MSM continue to run a pic of a 12 yr old little boy?


he didn't do anything wrong though? ....he was walking home....he was pursued and followed by a stranger, zimmerman, who was the instigator and a threat to trayvon, in the incident....

if zimmerman had not been stalking him, no matter who took the first punch, trayvon would not be dead.....simple as that....

and i am not saying zimmerman is a murderer as i have seen many do, but imo, he is responsible for everything that happened.

AND SORRY 6'3 and only 140 lbs, IS a childlike hubby is 6'3 and his perfect thin weight is 200....that kid is 60 pounds lighter than he should be for that height.

we don't know the truth. we won't know the whole truth, ever. Zimmerman cannot be held responsible for the actions of a 17 - going on 18 year old. and btw, young men can be incredibly strung and agile. watch fights on youtube and see kids half Trayvon's side hurt people very badly

Why do the MSM continue to run a pic of a 12 yr old little boy?


laziness mostly.

we don't know the truth. we won't know the whole truth, ever. Zimmerman cannot be held responsible for the actions of a 17 - going on 18 year old. and btw, young men can be incredibly strung and agile. watch fights on youtube and see kids half Trayvon's side hurt people very badly

Why do the MSM continue to run a pic of a 12 yr old little boy?


laziness mostly.


One word......Agenda

Why do the MSM continue to run a pic of a 12 yr old little boy?


laziness mostly.


One word......Agenda

most of the media have no agenda. they went after Clinton as well as Nixon. They went after Sharpton as well as IMUS. But some people have teflon coatings.

the media gets things wrong, but very rarely if ever does the media as a group have an agenda, they are in competition.
laziness mostly.


One word......Agenda

most of the media have no agenda. they went after Clinton as well as Nixon. They went after Sharpton as well as IMUS. But some people have teflon coatings.

the media gets things wrong, but very rarely if ever does the media as a group have an agenda, they are in competition.

I have to disagree with ya there.... they are in the tank for leftist causes, whatever they my be.
This time it is to stir up more racial tensions.

If this were not the case, you wouldnt have to learn all these new facts from the internet or talk radio.

Just my opinion though.
Was Trayvon Martin a Drug Dealer?

A very interesting blog with recent pics of Martin,, which explain why the press wont run with anything less than a 6 year old picture as Martin had gang tats and gold teeth in later years, quite the gang banger.

Essplains quite a lot, IMO.

Funny how they show that picture of him when he was a young child in leu of a current photo.


I am truly sorry the kid is dead though. I have a daughter and a nephew his age.

What a tragedy for his family.
if zimmerman had not been stalking him, no matter who took the first punch, trayvon would not be dead.....simple as that....

If that African hadn't been casing the neighborhood, he wouldn't have attracted Zimmerman's attention. And, just because someone is watching you is no excuse to set about breaking their bones, as the African did.

AND SORRY 6'3 and only 140 lbs, IS a childlike body....

17-years-olds are often skinny. But, 6'3" is still more than the pudgy Zimmerman would dare assault, not that he had any desire to do so.
Yeah, the 'NO_LIMIT_NIGGA' (his twitter handle) was also like 6' 3" too.... a big boy.

Yeah, if that piece-of-shit nigga hadn't had a hole blown in him, that self-styled gangster was going to get a home in prison in the next few years.

One word......Agenda

most of the media have no agenda. they went after Clinton as well as Nixon. They went after Sharpton as well as IMUS. But some people have teflon coatings.

the media gets things wrong, but very rarely if ever does the media as a group have an agenda, they are in competition.

I have to disagree with ya there.... they are in the tank for leftist causes, whatever they my be.
This time it is to stir up more racial tensions.

If this were not the case, you wouldnt have to learn all these new facts from the internet or talk radio.

Just my opinion though.

all of the media would love to win a prize be it Nobel or other. The MSM has standards the internet has few to none. :lol:

there is no conspiracy in the media. take that to the bank


Zimmerman says okay, and stops following
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