Zone1 The Problem of Evil

Matthew 5:48
48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

After Jesus' atonement and resurrection Jesus taught:

3 Nephi 12:48
48 Therefore I would that ye should be perfect even as I, or your Father who is in heaven is perfect.
there are reasons for the errant desert religions ... where is that known.

the errant desert religions ...

perfect is indefinable ... they like you have it wrong, the metaphysical residing in the everlasting is purity - that's how the spirit becomes free and how to become a part of the eternal for as long as that might last.
The reason for sin is due to the power of choice, as you stated in your OP.

God knew it would happen, and He had a plan to deal w/it, to show the universe that He truly is love.
Was he just a show off or did he actually feel subservient to the universe? "Just wait, I'll show you!"
I agree that God is all powerful, all knowing, and an all good being. What I don't believe is that God is all powerful in that he can do absolutely anything imaginable. I believe that there are things that are possible and things that are impossible on an eternal scale. God is all powerful in that he can do all things that are possible to do in the eternities. Things that I believe are impossible even for God are things like:

Can God be a being who has all power and no power simultaneously?
Can God be a being who has all knowledge and no knowledge simultaneously?
Can God be an all good being and simultaneously be an all evil being?
Can God exist and not exist simultaneously?
Can God create that which is self-existent?
I don't believe that God creates ex nihilo or from nothing.

I personally believe that if you can believe God is capable doing the above, then you must fall victim to the argument of the Problem of Evil. So if you don't believe what I believe, then give me your response to my original post and tell me why a benevolent God would allow evil and why God, being all powerful, did not simply create you to be perfect like himself from the beginning and not make you imperfect and subject to sin and evil as you are now.

Well you also believe God is

At this point, your beliefs are a hodgepodge of what grifter Joseph Smith made up. And it shows. It's a mess frankly. I'm sorry, but there it is.
Well you also believe God is

At this point, your beliefs are a hodgepodge of what grifter Joseph Smith made up. And it shows. It's a mess frankly. I'm sorry, but there it is.
Yes I do.

Not what Joseph Smith made up but what was revealed to him by God. So, again what is your response to the problems of evil?
Has God ever spoken of His wife in scripture?
Not directly, but in an indirect way he has let us know that He has a wife. It has been revealed that whomsoever is exalted in the Celestial Kingdom of God must enter into marriage and have that marriage sealed by one having authority to seal on earth and in heaven in order to have a continuation of the seeds. God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ are exalted beings in the Celestial Kingdom of God and have a continuation of the seeds. Thus they of a necessity must be sealed to a wife. We, as the children of God, are evidence that the Father is exalted and has a continuation of the seeds.

Maybe God the Father protects his wife from the ugliness of this fallen world and doesn't want his wife to be blasphemed as He has been. Perhaps this is the reason he does not mention her.
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Yeah.........presenting a TABLE proves everything.........NOT. :woohoo: Claiming something and proving it are 2 different things. Simply present the experiment where man begins with Hydrogen and Helium and ends with every known element in the Universe and the experiment that proves these elements EVOLVED into solid matter and that dead matter evolved into biological life. Proceeed. Show us these experiments.

You will not because they do not exist. In Fact everytime that man as attempted to produce life (even at the cellular level in the attempt to bring dead tissue back to has always began with a PRE-EXISTING example of life.....within the same species, just as Pasteur demonstrated and the Holy Scriptures can only be produced from pre-existing life WITHIN SPECIES......each after its own kind) -- Gen. 1:24-25.

The Atomic Bomb more than proves that the only thing created at the atomic level when the atom is split is..............DESTRUCTION not creation. Simply demonstrate how all these elements are created every time a Necular Bomb is detonated. parroted an idea and pretend it proves something. The only thing true is the scientific fact of the existence of these elements, not how they were created.

One more question? Where is the evidence of a STAR/SUN ever being created naturally by itself? In fact mankind has observed the death of a star.......but never a NEWLY BORN STAR. Why is this? You opine that it takes billions of years for a supposed Nebula to evolve into a STAR and man simply don't have the time to observe this because it takes billions of years? If...........ffffffffffffffff, the universe is self creating, and it has taken 13 billion years for the visible light of the BIG BANG to be quantifiable...........there should be NEW STARS poping up like popcorn all across the universe...........between the original location of the BIG BANG and earth. Why are there no new stars visible coming into existence? Because there has never been a birth of a single new star obsevered by mankind. SHOW ME the birth of a single star.......with the TRILLIONS of observable should have observed the birth of at least ONE new star. If not........why not? If man can observe the death of a star.......should he not have observed a single birth of at least 1 new star?
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Not directly, but in an indirect way he has let us know that He has a wife. It has been revealed that whomsoever is exalted in the Celestial Kingdom of God must enter into marriage and have that marriage sealed by one having authority to seal in heaven in order to have a continuation of the seeds. God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ are exalted beings in the Celestial Kingdom of God and have a continuation of the seeds. Thus they of a necessity must be sealed to a wife. We as the children of God are evidence that the Father is exalted and has a continuation of the seeds.
With each Biblical character, all being human, I present a question for each one of them to answer about themselves: In this life, what is in it for me? Jesus stands alone in the answer of, "There is nothing for me, but doing the will of the Father." He taught this lesson to the Apostles.

In everything Mr. Smith did, there was not only something for him, but a lot for him, which is why it is difficult for many of us to give credence to his claims. Jesus dismissed the ideal of marriage in heaven. As the person who noted he was one with the Father it seems unlikely he would casually dismiss marriage.

That is just my take on it. I do appreciate your explanation of the LDS take.
With each Biblical character, all being human, I present a question for each one of them to answer about themselves: In this life, what is in it for me? Jesus stands alone in the answer of, "There is nothing for me, but doing the will of the Father." He taught this lesson to the Apostles.

In everything Mr. Smith did, there was not only something for him, but a lot for him, which is why it is difficult for many of us to give credence to his claims. Jesus dismissed the ideal of marriage in heaven. As the person who noted he was one with the Father it seems unlikely he would casually dismiss marriage.

That is just my take on it. I do appreciate your explanation of the LDS take.
If you knew what Joseph Smith's life was like, you probably wouldn't think he gain much at all in this life. He was persecuted all through his life after proclaiming his visions and revelations. You can read about some of these at this link: Joseph Smith - Persecution. Eventually at the age of 38 Joseph Smith while being incarcerated was attacked by a mob and shot and killed along with his brother.

Jesus taught that one cannot be married in heaven. This is true. Once must be married on an earth to have eternal marriage. For this reason we seal our marriages in our temples and do the work for the dead also.
Yes I do.

Not what Joseph Smith made up but what was revealed to him by God. So, again what is your response to the problems of evil?

He was a false prophet. We can know this by all the lies in which he was caught.
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"

Doesn't say anything about man's intelligence or whatever Joseph Smith imagined
That verse doesn't say anything about the teachings of Jesus Christ either. So is Jesus a heretic in your eyes as well?
That verse doesn't say anything about the teachings of Jesus Christ either. So is Jesus a heretic in your eyes as well?

I'm sorry that you don't hold the teachings of Jesus Christ as primary over your cult leader. Joseph Smith was and is a scourge on well-meaning people. That's all.
I'm sorry that you don't hold the teachings of Jesus Christ as primary over your cult leader. Joseph Smith was and is a scourge on well-meaning people. That's all.
Jesus Christ is fully capable of revealing his gospel to anyone he chooses. Even Joseph Smith. How is he a scourge on well-meaning people?????
Jesus Christ is fully capable of revealing his gospel to anyone he chooses. Even Joseph Smith. How is he a scourge on well-meaning people?????
Jesus Christ has "already" revealed His gospel to "everyone"...........and that revelation occured in the 1st century A.D., not in the early 19th century.

The Apostle of Christ confirms the fact that mankind has been given "everything" that pertains to LIFE and GODLINESS, "According to His (Jesus Christ) devine power has given unto us ALL THINGS that pertain unto life and godliness.........through the knowledge of Him that has called us to glory and viture:" -- 2 Peter 1:3

Next we find the Holy Spirit Inspired author of the book of Jude declare that the saints have "once delivered the faith" (Christian Faith) to the saints (at the time this book/epistle was being written). -- Jude 3

What more could Joseph Smith deliver as far as the faith of Christianity is concerned when the Holy Scriptures describe this faith as having been delivered by the saints (of the 1st century)..........ONCE with the Apostle Peter confirming that mankind had been given "ALL THINGS" (in the 1st century) that pertains to LIFE and GODLINESS?

No where is there a promise made that NEW REVELATIONS would be required for mankind to come to the knowledge of the Truth as God desires.........also note that that the Apostle of Christ explains that there is ONE "MEDEATOR" between God and mankind, and that Man is Jesus Christ (1 Tim. 2:1-5)........not Joseph Smith, not Muhammad, not the Pope, nor any other supposed other medeator that denies the Gospel as presented to all men by the Apostles of Christ in the first fact there is a CURSE placed on anyone that attempts to teach any other gospel than that which was delivered by the Holy Ghost inspired Apostles of Christ..............

"As we (the Apostles of Christ such as Paul) said before, and I now say again; if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that Ye (Christians of the 1st century) have received, let him be accursed." -- Gal. 1:9

Then you have some attempting to declare that Paul was not actually an Apostle of Christ and His teachings through his epistles are not actually considered HOLY SCRIPTURE..........but the Apostle Peter (who was given the keys to the kingdom of Christ...Christ's church here on earth (Matthew 16) in having Peter's words be bound in heaven and on earth)....declares that Paul was an Apostle, lacking nothing and compared Paul's teachings as HOLY SCRIPTURE.....that some who are unlearned struggle with unto their own destruction.

"............and regard the patience of our Lord as salvation, just as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given him (Holy Ghost inspired), wrote to you; as also in all his letters, speaking in them of these things, in which there are some things that are hard to understand; which the untaught and UNSTABLE distort..........AS THEY DO ALSO THE REST OF THE SCRIPTURES (Peter compares Paul's teachings with other scripture.....meaning Peter consideres Paul's letters as Scripture......) TO THEIR OWN DESTRUCTION." -- 2 Peter 3:15-16

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