The Proper Usage Of The Term 'Fascism'

Um.....what, Alex Jones' facebook ban?

And again, you ignore Dictatorship in fascism.

You ignore the forcible suppression of opposition in fascism (spoiler alert....not a facebook ban)

You ignore the belligerant nationalism of fascism.

You ignore the regimenation of the economy and society under fascism.

And you ignore the state sponsored racism that is so often a part of fascism.

You've literally ignored *every* defining tenet of fascism. And then laughably pretend to tell us how to 'properly' use a term you have no comprehension of.

As I've said, you simply have no idea of what you're talking about. there are so very many things you don't know, here's another: Hitler and the Nazi Party openly admitted that Progressives and the Democrat Party served as models for their policies.

Why don't you challenge me to prove that.

She's another one of those Progs with over inflated ego.

I've seen her posts.....what could she possibly have to have any sort of ego about????

Well, first.....I know what fascism actually means.

Which puts me head and shoulders above you. As you've ignored every defining characteristic of fascism and laughably, imagined your own.

The dictionary vs. your imagination on the meaning of words has the same winner every time: Not you, PC.

I can help, but only if you stop squeezing your eyes shut and covering your ears.....accept truth and knowledge.

"American progressives, for the most part, did not disavow fascism until the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust became manifest during World War II. After the war, those progressives who had praised Mussolini and Hitler in the 1920s and 1930s had no choice but to dissociate themselves from fascism. “Accordingly,” writes Jonah Goldberg, “leftist intellectuals redefined fascism as 'right-wing' and projected their own sins onto conservatives, even as they continued to borrow heavily from fascist and pre-fascist thought.” This progressive campaign to recast fascism as the "right-wing" antithesis of communism was aided by Joseph Stalin,..."
Goldberg, Liberal Fascism

(Now...take the Holocaust as an example....although one American President actually authorized concentration camps for his citizens, and while Nazis, Fascists, and Communists were once one big, comfortable association with American Progressives and that very same President, the catalogue of Nazi crimes caused American Progressives to suddenly claim, Nazis were not really of the Left...they had to be the very opposite.)

" Fascism did not acquire an evil name in Washington until Hitler became a menace to·the Soviet Union." Manly, p. 48

Again,'re argument breaks on the meaning of the word. As in your imagination, you pretend that fascism doesn't have a dictatorship.

You pretend that fascism doesn't have forcible suppression of the opposition.

You pretend that fascism doesn't have regimentation of the economy and society.

You pretend that fascism doesn't have belligerent nationalism.

You pretend that fascism doesn't often have state sanctioned racism.

And you playing pretend doesn't magically change meaning of 'fascism'. Any application of the term that ignores ANY of the defining characteristics of fascism, fails.....with the possible exception of state sanctioned racism which usually accompanies fascism. But not always.

And your application ignores ALL of the defining characteristics of fascism.

Which is why you failed yet again.
The really amusing thing is that moonbats like Krugman act as though all this "fascism" that they're in mortal fear of, just sprung into being out of nowhere on 20 Jan, 2017

Not that it is necessary, but to document your description of Krugman.....

"Economist Paul Krugman predicts a 'global recession with no end in sight' if Trump wins

Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman predicts a "global recession with no end in sight" if Donald Trump is elected president..."
Economist Paul Krugman predicts a 'global recession with no end in sight' if Trump wins

Mr. Krugman should have had his Nobel Prize withdrawn immediately after his failed Election Night Economic Forecast.

Considering the Miracle of the American Economy since Trump was anointed as our President,as well as the great march toward Peace- if the people in Shithole (Norway) had any sense, he'd be a shoo in for the first Dual Winner in the Nobel Prize taking both Peace as well as Economics.

"Mr. Krugman should have had his Nobel Prize withdrawn immediately..."

And, while they're at it....Obama, who got the Peace Prize while bombing more countries (7) than any President since WWII

And ...Peace Prize winner....
"Aung San Suu Kyi stays silent on UN report on Rohingya genocide"
Aung San Suu Kyi stays silent on UN report on Rohingya genocide
Skylar said:
NWO? Now you're citing the New World Order conspiracy?

Its like batshit whack-a-mole.
Or, You Can Call It 'Globalist' If You Choose...

The New World Order conspiracy is one of my favorites. Its the Rorschach test of conspiracies, where the theorist paints themselves upon its blank canvas and make up whatever they'd like.

By all means, tell us about yourse....I mean the NWO. there are so very many things you don't know, here's another: Hitler and the Nazi Party openly admitted that Progressives and the Democrat Party served as models for their policies.

Why don't you challenge me to prove that.

She's another one of those Progs with over inflated ego.

I've seen her posts.....what could she possibly have to have any sort of ego about????

Well, first.....I know what fascism actually means.

Which puts me head and shoulders above you. As you've ignored every defining characteristic of fascism and laughably, imagined your own.

The dictionary vs. your imagination on the meaning of words has the same winner every time: Not you, PC.

I can help, but only if you stop squeezing your eyes shut and covering your ears.....accept truth and knowledge.

"American progressives, for the most part, did not disavow fascism until the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust became manifest during World War II. After the war, those progressives who had praised Mussolini and Hitler in the 1920s and 1930s had no choice but to dissociate themselves from fascism. “Accordingly,” writes Jonah Goldberg, “leftist intellectuals redefined fascism as 'right-wing' and projected their own sins onto conservatives, even as they continued to borrow heavily from fascist and pre-fascist thought.” This progressive campaign to recast fascism as the "right-wing" antithesis of communism was aided by Joseph Stalin,..."
Goldberg, Liberal Fascism

(Now...take the Holocaust as an example....although one American President actually authorized concentration camps for his citizens, and while Nazis, Fascists, and Communists were once one big, comfortable association with American Progressives and that very same President, the catalogue of Nazi crimes caused American Progressives to suddenly claim, Nazis were not really of the Left...they had to be the very opposite.)

" Fascism did not acquire an evil name in Washington until Hitler became a menace to·the Soviet Union." Manly, p. 48

Again,'re argument breaks on the meaning of the word. As in your imagination, you pretend that fascism doesn't have a dictatorship.

You pretend that fascism doesn't have forcible suppression of the opposition.

You pretend that fascism doesn't have regimentation of the economy and society.

You pretend that fascism doesn't have belligerent nationalism.

You pretend that fascism doesn't often have state sanctioned racism.

And you playing pretend doesn't magically change meaning of 'fascism' Any application of the term that ignores ANY of the defining characteristics of fascism, fails.....with the possible exception of state sanctioned racism which usually accompanies fascism. But not always.

And your application ignores ALL of the defining characteristics of fascism.

Which is why you failed yet again.

Need more help?

My pleasure....

Lacking the gift of irony, Democrat dunce Madeline Albright, in her book ‘Fascism,’ writes:

A Fascist, observes Madeleine Albright, “is someone who claims to speak for a whole nation or group, is utterly unconcerned with the rights of others, and is willing to use violence and whatever other means are necessary to achieve the goals he or she might have.”

OMG! There could not be a better description of the current crop of Liberals.

Democrats telling bakers what they must bake, nuns to provide condoms, and…Antifa.

Sieg Heil, Democrats?????
Skylar said:
Again,'re argument breaks on the meaning of the word. As in your imagination, you pretend that fascism doesn't have a dictatorship
The Word 'Totalitarian'
Is In The OP

So As You Would Say, Skylar failed yet again.
She's another one of those Progs with over inflated ego.

I've seen her posts.....what could she possibly have to have any sort of ego about????

Well, first.....I know what fascism actually means.

Which puts me head and shoulders above you. As you've ignored every defining characteristic of fascism and laughably, imagined your own.

The dictionary vs. your imagination on the meaning of words has the same winner every time: Not you, PC.

I can help, but only if you stop squeezing your eyes shut and covering your ears.....accept truth and knowledge.

"American progressives, for the most part, did not disavow fascism until the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust became manifest during World War II. After the war, those progressives who had praised Mussolini and Hitler in the 1920s and 1930s had no choice but to dissociate themselves from fascism. “Accordingly,” writes Jonah Goldberg, “leftist intellectuals redefined fascism as 'right-wing' and projected their own sins onto conservatives, even as they continued to borrow heavily from fascist and pre-fascist thought.” This progressive campaign to recast fascism as the "right-wing" antithesis of communism was aided by Joseph Stalin,..."
Goldberg, Liberal Fascism

(Now...take the Holocaust as an example....although one American President actually authorized concentration camps for his citizens, and while Nazis, Fascists, and Communists were once one big, comfortable association with American Progressives and that very same President, the catalogue of Nazi crimes caused American Progressives to suddenly claim, Nazis were not really of the Left...they had to be the very opposite.)

" Fascism did not acquire an evil name in Washington until Hitler became a menace to·the Soviet Union." Manly, p. 48

Again,'re argument breaks on the meaning of the word. As in your imagination, you pretend that fascism doesn't have a dictatorship.

You pretend that fascism doesn't have forcible suppression of the opposition.

You pretend that fascism doesn't have regimentation of the economy and society.

You pretend that fascism doesn't have belligerent nationalism.

You pretend that fascism doesn't often have state sanctioned racism.

And you playing pretend doesn't magically change meaning of 'fascism' Any application of the term that ignores ANY of the defining characteristics of fascism, fails.....with the possible exception of state sanctioned racism which usually accompanies fascism. But not always.

And your application ignores ALL of the defining characteristics of fascism.

Which is why you failed yet again.

Need more help?

My pleasure....

Lacking the gift of irony, Democrat dunce Madeline Albright, in her book ‘Fascism,’ writes:

A Fascist, observes Madeleine Albright, “is someone who claims to speak for a whole nation or group, is utterly unconcerned with the rights of others, and is willing to use violence and whatever other means are necessary to achieve the goals he or she might have.”

OMG! There could not be a better description of the current crop of Liberals.

Democrats telling bakers what they must bake, nuns to provide condoms, and…Antifa.

Sieg Heil, Democrats?????

And once again, you ignore the meaning of the word Fascism.

Where's the dictatorship?

Where's the belligerent nationalism?

Where's the forcible suppression of opposition?

Where's the regimentation of all industry and society?

Where's the state sanctioned racism that so often accompanies fascism?

Laughing....its okay, PC. None of us expect you to have an answer to any of those questions. As you have no idea what fascism actually is. And comically ignore every defining characteristic of fascism in the wasteland of your imagination.

Cut and paste something for us, PC. As you clearly have no idea what you're talking about.
I've seen her posts.....what could she possibly have to have any sort of ego about????

Well, first.....I know what fascism actually means.

Which puts me head and shoulders above you. As you've ignored every defining characteristic of fascism and laughably, imagined your own.

The dictionary vs. your imagination on the meaning of words has the same winner every time: Not you, PC.

I can help, but only if you stop squeezing your eyes shut and covering your ears.....accept truth and knowledge.

"American progressives, for the most part, did not disavow fascism until the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust became manifest during World War II. After the war, those progressives who had praised Mussolini and Hitler in the 1920s and 1930s had no choice but to dissociate themselves from fascism. “Accordingly,” writes Jonah Goldberg, “leftist intellectuals redefined fascism as 'right-wing' and projected their own sins onto conservatives, even as they continued to borrow heavily from fascist and pre-fascist thought.” This progressive campaign to recast fascism as the "right-wing" antithesis of communism was aided by Joseph Stalin,..."
Goldberg, Liberal Fascism

(Now...take the Holocaust as an example....although one American President actually authorized concentration camps for his citizens, and while Nazis, Fascists, and Communists were once one big, comfortable association with American Progressives and that very same President, the catalogue of Nazi crimes caused American Progressives to suddenly claim, Nazis were not really of the Left...they had to be the very opposite.)

" Fascism did not acquire an evil name in Washington until Hitler became a menace to·the Soviet Union." Manly, p. 48

Again,'re argument breaks on the meaning of the word. As in your imagination, you pretend that fascism doesn't have a dictatorship.

You pretend that fascism doesn't have forcible suppression of the opposition.

You pretend that fascism doesn't have regimentation of the economy and society.

You pretend that fascism doesn't have belligerent nationalism.

You pretend that fascism doesn't often have state sanctioned racism.

And you playing pretend doesn't magically change meaning of 'fascism' Any application of the term that ignores ANY of the defining characteristics of fascism, fails.....with the possible exception of state sanctioned racism which usually accompanies fascism. But not always.

And your application ignores ALL of the defining characteristics of fascism.

Which is why you failed yet again.

Need more help?

My pleasure....

Lacking the gift of irony, Democrat dunce Madeline Albright, in her book ‘Fascism,’ writes:

A Fascist, observes Madeleine Albright, “is someone who claims to speak for a whole nation or group, is utterly unconcerned with the rights of others, and is willing to use violence and whatever other means are necessary to achieve the goals he or she might have.”

OMG! There could not be a better description of the current crop of Liberals.

Democrats telling bakers what they must bake, nuns to provide condoms, and…Antifa.

Sieg Heil, Democrats?????

And once again, you ignore the meaning of the word Fascism.

Where's the dictatorship?

Where's the belligerent nationalism?

Where's the forcible suppression of opposition?

Where's the regimentation of all industry and society?

Where's the state sanctioned racism that so often accompanies fascism?

Laughing....its okay, PC. None of us expect you to have an answer to any of those questions. As you have no idea what fascism actually is. And comically ignore every defining characteristic of fascism in the wasteland of your imagination.

Cut and paste something for us, PC. As you clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

Can you explain why you don't mind sharing aims and priorities with the Nazis and the Fascists?


Lack of education?

Early head injury?
Skylar said:
Where's the dictatorship?.
Is 'Totalitarian' Just Not The Specific Word You Want ??

Give Us The Definition Of 'Dictatorship'
Do It For Yourself
Skylar said:
Again,'re argument breaks on the meaning of the word. As in your imagination, you pretend that fascism doesn't have a dictatorship
The Word 'Authoritarian'
Is In The OP

So As You Would Say, Skylar failed yet again.

The word, sure. But an actual dictatorship? An actual dictator?

PC is accusing liberals of fascism right now. Yet there's no dictator. Where's the belligerent nationalism, the regimentation of all industry and society? The forcible suppression of opposition? The state sanctioned racism?

There's none of the defining characteristics of actual fascism.

She's literally imagining her own definition. And ignoring the dictionary.

Fascism: a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.

the definition of fascism

Not the imaginary 'Being Liberal means you're a fascist' nonsense that PC has imagined. She's throwing the term 'fascism' and 'fascist' around like a child calling someone a 'poopy head'. Its just a generic pejorative to PC.

Alas, the term has an actual meaning. Which PC ignores.
It's this new Theory of right wing BS called liberal fascism, started in 2004 with a book. Absolute idiocy. So they have a new political Spectrum, where on the right you have conservativism and freedom and on the left you have dictatorship whether communist or fascist/capitalist. Absolute garbage propaganda, but on the internet the GOP brainwashed put it up so many times you could think it is serious. That is called propaganda.

Perhaps you'd care to explain the Liberal attempts to stifle free speech? there are so very many things you don't know, here's another: Hitler and the Nazi Party openly admitted that Progressives and the Democrat Party served as models for their policies.

Why don't you challenge me to prove that.

Um.....what, Alex Jones' facebook ban?

And again, you ignore Dictatorship in fascism.

You ignore the forcible suppression of opposition in fascism (spoiler alert....not a facebook ban)

You ignore the belligerant nationalism of fascism.

You ignore the regimenation of the economy and society under fascism.

And you ignore the state sponsored racism that is so often a part of fascism.

You've literally ignored *every* defining tenet of fascism. And then laughably pretend to tell us how to 'properly' use a term you have no comprehension of.

As I've said, you simply have no idea of what you're talking about. there are so very many things you don't know, here's another: Hitler and the Nazi Party openly admitted that Progressives and the Democrat Party served as models for their policies.

Why don't you challenge me to prove that.

I've challenged you to stop ignoring the meaning of fascism.

And again, you ignore Dictatorship in fascism.

You ignore the forcible suppression of opposition in fascism.

You ignore the belligerant nationalism of fascism.

You ignore the regimentation of the economy and society under fascism.

You ignore the state sponsored racism that is so often a part of fascism.

And you've failed every time. Literally just making up your own imaginary definition and then insisting that what you make up is the 'proper' usage.

I don't think 'proper' means what you think it means. I'd direct you to the dictionary for its meaning too, but well, you know.

Declining the request twice leads one to believe that you recognize that the Nazi Party of Adolph Hitler proudly proclaimed that the Progressive Movement, and the doctrines of the Democrat Party, provided the model for Nazi programs and designs.

Now, you're dismissed.

Of course the Nazis were supported by the working Class because of their policies that were similar to today's socialist Progressive and liberal ideas like living wage good vacations employment for all those wanting it, Health Care daycare etcetera. Unfortunately the whole thing was a house of cards supported by the confiscation of Jewish and opponent assets and huge loans and debt that could only be paid back by Wars of Conquest.
Well, first.....I know what fascism actually means.

Which puts me head and shoulders above you. As you've ignored every defining characteristic of fascism and laughably, imagined your own.

The dictionary vs. your imagination on the meaning of words has the same winner every time: Not you, PC.

I can help, but only if you stop squeezing your eyes shut and covering your ears.....accept truth and knowledge.

"American progressives, for the most part, did not disavow fascism until the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust became manifest during World War II. After the war, those progressives who had praised Mussolini and Hitler in the 1920s and 1930s had no choice but to dissociate themselves from fascism. “Accordingly,” writes Jonah Goldberg, “leftist intellectuals redefined fascism as 'right-wing' and projected their own sins onto conservatives, even as they continued to borrow heavily from fascist and pre-fascist thought.” This progressive campaign to recast fascism as the "right-wing" antithesis of communism was aided by Joseph Stalin,..."
Goldberg, Liberal Fascism

(Now...take the Holocaust as an example....although one American President actually authorized concentration camps for his citizens, and while Nazis, Fascists, and Communists were once one big, comfortable association with American Progressives and that very same President, the catalogue of Nazi crimes caused American Progressives to suddenly claim, Nazis were not really of the Left...they had to be the very opposite.)

" Fascism did not acquire an evil name in Washington until Hitler became a menace to·the Soviet Union." Manly, p. 48

Again,'re argument breaks on the meaning of the word. As in your imagination, you pretend that fascism doesn't have a dictatorship.

You pretend that fascism doesn't have forcible suppression of the opposition.

You pretend that fascism doesn't have regimentation of the economy and society.

You pretend that fascism doesn't have belligerent nationalism.

You pretend that fascism doesn't often have state sanctioned racism.

And you playing pretend doesn't magically change meaning of 'fascism' Any application of the term that ignores ANY of the defining characteristics of fascism, fails.....with the possible exception of state sanctioned racism which usually accompanies fascism. But not always.

And your application ignores ALL of the defining characteristics of fascism.

Which is why you failed yet again.

Need more help?

My pleasure....

Lacking the gift of irony, Democrat dunce Madeline Albright, in her book ‘Fascism,’ writes:

A Fascist, observes Madeleine Albright, “is someone who claims to speak for a whole nation or group, is utterly unconcerned with the rights of others, and is willing to use violence and whatever other means are necessary to achieve the goals he or she might have.”

OMG! There could not be a better description of the current crop of Liberals.

Democrats telling bakers what they must bake, nuns to provide condoms, and…Antifa.

Sieg Heil, Democrats?????

And once again, you ignore the meaning of the word Fascism.

Where's the dictatorship?

Where's the belligerent nationalism?

Where's the forcible suppression of opposition?

Where's the regimentation of all industry and society?

Where's the state sanctioned racism that so often accompanies fascism?

Laughing....its okay, PC. None of us expect you to have an answer to any of those questions. As you have no idea what fascism actually is. And comically ignore every defining characteristic of fascism in the wasteland of your imagination.

Cut and paste something for us, PC. As you clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

Can you explain why you don't mind sharing aims and priorities with the Nazis and the Fascists?


Lack of education?

Early head injury?

And flee from every question.

Where's the dictatorship?

Where's the belligerent nationalism?

Where's the forcible suppression of opposition?

Where's the regimentation of all industry and society?

Where's the state sanctioned racism that so often accompanies fascism?

Spoiler alert: There isn't.

Your claims of 'fascism' are just imaginary nonsense born of your own willful ignorance. There is no dictatorship. There is no belligerant nationalism. There is no forcible suppression of opposition. There is no regimentation of all industry and society. And there is no state sanctioned racism.

Sorry, PC.....but you just have no idea what you're talking about. Cut and paste somebody for us. As you've clearly got nothing to contribute to the conversation.
Perhaps you'd care to explain the Liberal attempts to stifle free speech? there are so very many things you don't know, here's another: Hitler and the Nazi Party openly admitted that Progressives and the Democrat Party served as models for their policies.

Why don't you challenge me to prove that.

Um.....what, Alex Jones' facebook ban?

And again, you ignore Dictatorship in fascism.

You ignore the forcible suppression of opposition in fascism (spoiler alert....not a facebook ban)

You ignore the belligerant nationalism of fascism.

You ignore the regimenation of the economy and society under fascism.

And you ignore the state sponsored racism that is so often a part of fascism.

You've literally ignored *every* defining tenet of fascism. And then laughably pretend to tell us how to 'properly' use a term you have no comprehension of.

As I've said, you simply have no idea of what you're talking about. there are so very many things you don't know, here's another: Hitler and the Nazi Party openly admitted that Progressives and the Democrat Party served as models for their policies.

Why don't you challenge me to prove that.

I've challenged you to stop ignoring the meaning of fascism.

And again, you ignore Dictatorship in fascism.

You ignore the forcible suppression of opposition in fascism.

You ignore the belligerant nationalism of fascism.

You ignore the regimentation of the economy and society under fascism.

You ignore the state sponsored racism that is so often a part of fascism.

And you've failed every time. Literally just making up your own imaginary definition and then insisting that what you make up is the 'proper' usage.

I don't think 'proper' means what you think it means. I'd direct you to the dictionary for its meaning too, but well, you know.

Declining the request twice leads one to believe that you recognize that the Nazi Party of Adolph Hitler proudly proclaimed that the Progressive Movement, and the doctrines of the Democrat Party, provided the model for Nazi programs and designs.

Now, you're dismissed.

Of course the Nazis were supported by the working Class because of their policies that were similar to today's socialist Progressive and liberal ideas like living wage good vacations employment for all those wanting it, Health Care daycare etcetera. Unfortunately the whole thing was a house of cards supported by the confiscation of Jewish and opponent assets and huge loans and debt that could only be paid back by Wars of Conquest.

What I said was that the Nazis proudly gave homage to the Progressive Movement, and the Democrat Party.

Would you like me to prove it, or will you admit it?
Um.....what, Alex Jones' facebook ban?

And again, you ignore Dictatorship in fascism.

You ignore the forcible suppression of opposition in fascism (spoiler alert....not a facebook ban)

You ignore the belligerant nationalism of fascism.

You ignore the regimenation of the economy and society under fascism.

And you ignore the state sponsored racism that is so often a part of fascism.

You've literally ignored *every* defining tenet of fascism. And then laughably pretend to tell us how to 'properly' use a term you have no comprehension of.

As I've said, you simply have no idea of what you're talking about. there are so very many things you don't know, here's another: Hitler and the Nazi Party openly admitted that Progressives and the Democrat Party served as models for their policies.

Why don't you challenge me to prove that.

I've challenged you to stop ignoring the meaning of fascism.

And again, you ignore Dictatorship in fascism.

You ignore the forcible suppression of opposition in fascism.

You ignore the belligerant nationalism of fascism.

You ignore the regimentation of the economy and society under fascism.

You ignore the state sponsored racism that is so often a part of fascism.

And you've failed every time. Literally just making up your own imaginary definition and then insisting that what you make up is the 'proper' usage.

I don't think 'proper' means what you think it means. I'd direct you to the dictionary for its meaning too, but well, you know.

Declining the request twice leads one to believe that you recognize that the Nazi Party of Adolph Hitler proudly proclaimed that the Progressive Movement, and the doctrines of the Democrat Party, provided the model for Nazi programs and designs.

Now, you're dismissed.

Of course the Nazis were supported by the working Class because of their policies that were similar to today's socialist Progressive and liberal ideas like living wage good vacations employment for all those wanting it, Health Care daycare etcetera. Unfortunately the whole thing was a house of cards supported by the confiscation of Jewish and opponent assets and huge loans and debt that could only be paid back by Wars of Conquest.

What I said was that the Nazis proudly gave homage to the Progressive Movement, and the Democrat Party.

Would you like me to prove it, or will you admit it?

Will you admit that you've ignored the meaning of the term 'fascism'? That you've ignored dictatorship, belligerant nationalism, state sanctioned racism (often), regimentation of society and all industry, that you've ignored forcible suppression of opposition.

As every time I ask you where these defining characteristics of fascism are in the *real world* (not the wasteland of your imagination)..... tuck your tail between your legs and run. there are so very many things you don't know, here's another: Hitler and the Nazi Party openly admitted that Progressives and the Democrat Party served as models for their policies.

Why don't you challenge me to prove that.

I've challenged you to stop ignoring the meaning of fascism.

And again, you ignore Dictatorship in fascism.

You ignore the forcible suppression of opposition in fascism.

You ignore the belligerant nationalism of fascism.

You ignore the regimentation of the economy and society under fascism.

You ignore the state sponsored racism that is so often a part of fascism.

And you've failed every time. Literally just making up your own imaginary definition and then insisting that what you make up is the 'proper' usage.

I don't think 'proper' means what you think it means. I'd direct you to the dictionary for its meaning too, but well, you know.

Declining the request twice leads one to believe that you recognize that the Nazi Party of Adolph Hitler proudly proclaimed that the Progressive Movement, and the doctrines of the Democrat Party, provided the model for Nazi programs and designs.

Now, you're dismissed.

Of course the Nazis were supported by the working Class because of their policies that were similar to today's socialist Progressive and liberal ideas like living wage good vacations employment for all those wanting it, Health Care daycare etcetera. Unfortunately the whole thing was a house of cards supported by the confiscation of Jewish and opponent assets and huge loans and debt that could only be paid back by Wars of Conquest.

What I said was that the Nazis proudly gave homage to the Progressive Movement, and the Democrat Party.

Would you like me to prove it, or will you admit it?

Will you admit that you've ignored the meaning of the term 'fascism'? That you've ignored dictatorship, belligerant nationalism, state sanctioned racism (often), regimentation of society and all industry, that you've ignored forcible suppression of opposition.

As every time I ask you where these defining characteristics of fascism are in the *real world* (not the wasteland of your imagination)..... tuck your tail between your legs and run.

I've explained it fully and correctly, and linked you to same.

You're resistance to knowledge is your problem.

Although the author Daniel Silva used this description in a different connection, nothing could be more appropriate as a description of Liberals:

They come in two varieties- those willing to be used, and those too stupid to realize that they are being used.

It appears you are of the second variety.
Um.....what, Alex Jones' facebook ban?

And again, you ignore Dictatorship in fascism.

You ignore the forcible suppression of opposition in fascism (spoiler alert....not a facebook ban)

You ignore the belligerant nationalism of fascism.

You ignore the regimenation of the economy and society under fascism.

And you ignore the state sponsored racism that is so often a part of fascism.

You've literally ignored *every* defining tenet of fascism. And then laughably pretend to tell us how to 'properly' use a term you have no comprehension of.

As I've said, you simply have no idea of what you're talking about. there are so very many things you don't know, here's another: Hitler and the Nazi Party openly admitted that Progressives and the Democrat Party served as models for their policies.

Why don't you challenge me to prove that.

I've challenged you to stop ignoring the meaning of fascism.

And again, you ignore Dictatorship in fascism.

You ignore the forcible suppression of opposition in fascism.

You ignore the belligerant nationalism of fascism.

You ignore the regimentation of the economy and society under fascism.

You ignore the state sponsored racism that is so often a part of fascism.

And you've failed every time. Literally just making up your own imaginary definition and then insisting that what you make up is the 'proper' usage.

I don't think 'proper' means what you think it means. I'd direct you to the dictionary for its meaning too, but well, you know.

Declining the request twice leads one to believe that you recognize that the Nazi Party of Adolph Hitler proudly proclaimed that the Progressive Movement, and the doctrines of the Democrat Party, provided the model for Nazi programs and designs.

Now, you're dismissed.

Of course the Nazis were supported by the working Class because of their policies that were similar to today's socialist Progressive and liberal ideas like living wage good vacations employment for all those wanting it, Health Care daycare etcetera. Unfortunately the whole thing was a house of cards supported by the confiscation of Jewish and opponent assets and huge loans and debt that could only be paid back by Wars of Conquest.

What I said was that the Nazis proudly gave homage to the Progressive Movement, and the Democrat Party.

Would you like me to prove it, or will you admit it?
It's pretty obvious you believe any right wing propaganda, even the Nazis'. LOL and a a r r g g h h h h....
Perhaps you'd care to explain the Liberal attempts to stifle free speech? there are so very many things you don't know, here's another: Hitler and the Nazi Party openly admitted that Progressives and the Democrat Party served as models for their policies.

Why don't you challenge me to prove that.

Um.....what, Alex Jones' facebook ban?

And again, you ignore Dictatorship in fascism.

You ignore the forcible suppression of opposition in fascism (spoiler alert....not a facebook ban)

You ignore the belligerant nationalism of fascism.

You ignore the regimenation of the economy and society under fascism.

And you ignore the state sponsored racism that is so often a part of fascism.

You've literally ignored *every* defining tenet of fascism. And then laughably pretend to tell us how to 'properly' use a term you have no comprehension of.

As I've said, you simply have no idea of what you're talking about. there are so very many things you don't know, here's another: Hitler and the Nazi Party openly admitted that Progressives and the Democrat Party served as models for their policies.

Why don't you challenge me to prove that.

I've challenged you to stop ignoring the meaning of fascism.

And again, you ignore Dictatorship in fascism.

You ignore the forcible suppression of opposition in fascism.

You ignore the belligerant nationalism of fascism.

You ignore the regimentation of the economy and society under fascism.

You ignore the state sponsored racism that is so often a part of fascism.

And you've failed every time. Literally just making up your own imaginary definition and then insisting that what you make up is the 'proper' usage.

I don't think 'proper' means what you think it means. I'd direct you to the dictionary for its meaning too, but well, you know.

Declining the request twice leads one to believe that you recognize that the Nazi Party of Adolph Hitler proudly proclaimed that the Progressive Movement, and the doctrines of the Democrat Party, provided the model for Nazi programs and designs.

Now, you're dismissed.

Of course the Nazis were supported by the working Class because of their policies that were similar to today's socialist Progressive and liberal ideas like living wage good vacations employment for all those wanting it, Health Care daycare etcetera. Unfortunately the whole thing was a house of cards supported by the confiscation of Jewish and opponent assets and huge loans and debt that could only be paid back by Wars of Conquest.

What I said was that the Nazis proudly gave homage to the Progressive Movement, and the Democrat Party.

Would you like me to prove it, or will you admit it?

You didn't answer the question, blanko.

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