The Protests & Violence & Reactions Illustrate our race problem perfectly


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
... and we don't care.

First, those who fight for racial justice have a perfectly fair and valid reason to point at yet another questionable (at least) killing as an example of what they're fighting against. They are clearly on the right side of the story. And those on the other "side" of the issue have to admit, yeah, that was blatant and obvious, and bad.

How do some on the side of racial justice react? With the very behaviors that those who deny and enable and perpetrate racism can point at and change the original subject. With this violence, they're playing into the hands of the very people they're fighting against. Like a big, beautiful gift with a fancy bow on top.

I say it all the time: The two ends of this issue constantly feed each other. They help each other. They NEED each other. This is truly symbiotic, toxic relationship.

This doesn't improve unless and until both ends of this issue clearly and honestly start holding their own side accountable. And watch -- on this thread, you'll most likely see both ends deny their side is accountable for anything.

And the decay continues. A self-inflicted wound.
"Certain conditions continue to exist in our society, which must be condemned as vigorously as we condemn riots. But in the final analysis, a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it that America has failed to hear? It has failed to hear that the plight of the Negro poor has worsened over the last few years. It has failed to hear that the promises of freedom and justice have not been met. And it has failed to hear that large segments of white society are more concerned about tranquility and the status quo than about justice, equality and humanity. And so in a real sense our nation’s summers of riots are caused by our nation’s winters of delay. And as long as America postpones justice, we stand in the position of having these recurrences of violence and riots over and over again. Social justice and progress are the absolute guarantors of riot prevention."

Martin Luther King
... and we don't care.

First, those who fight for racial justice have a perfectly fair and valid reason to point at yet another questionable (at least) killing as an example of what they're fighting against. They are clearly on the right side of the story. And those on the other "side" of the issue have to admit, yeah, that was blatant and obvious, and bad.

How do some on the side of racial justice react? With the very behaviors that those who deny and enable and perpetrate racism can point at and change the original subject. With this violence, they're playing into the hands of the very people they're fighting against. Like a big, beautiful gift with a fancy bow on top.

I say it all the time: The two ends of this issue constantly feed each other. They help each other. They NEED each other. This is truly symbiotic, toxic relationship.

This doesn't improve unless and until both ends of this issue clearly and honestly start holding their own side accountable. And watch -- on this thread, you'll most likely see both ends deny their side is accountable for anything.

And the decay continues. A self-inflicted wound.


It reflects the problem the right wing has in blaming races of people for the actions of people who are that race.

A few thousand Muslims out of the over one-billion in the world are terrorists. The right wing response is to condemn Islam
Duplicate that with Mexicans
Duplicate that with Blacks
Duplicate that with whatever racial/ethnic/religious minority who does something criminal next.

They, as a group, are intellectually lazy.

The left has it's problems as well. But, at least, we can see past the skin color and attribute the act to the actor; not all of those who look like the actor.
... and we don't care.

First, those who fight for racial justice have a perfectly fair and valid reason to point at yet another questionable (at least) killing as an example of what they're fighting against. They are clearly on the right side of the story. And those on the other "side" of the issue have to admit, yeah, that was blatant and obvious, and bad.

How do some on the side of racial justice react? With the very behaviors that those who deny and enable and perpetrate racism can point at and change the original subject. With this violence, they're playing into the hands of the very people they're fighting against. Like a big, beautiful gift with a fancy bow on top.

I say it all the time: The two ends of this issue constantly feed each other. They help each other. They NEED each other. This is truly symbiotic, toxic relationship.

This doesn't improve unless and until both ends of this issue clearly and honestly start holding their own side accountable. And watch -- on this thread, you'll most likely see both ends deny their side is accountable for anything.

And the decay continues. A self-inflicted wound.
The riots are happening in towns run by democrats, and they continue to vote democrats. it’s a education, fatherless problem. If you keep voting democrat then you are all idiots and deserve far more then what your getting
True that riots are self defeating Mac

but then , what else is there when the right to peaceful assembly is gone?

True that riots are self defeating Mac

but then , what else is there when the right to peaceful assembly is gone?

Sure. But people on that side of the issue -- on BOTH sides -- have to stand up to it and fight against that, too.

So anyone who really cares about actual healing has to fight on TWO fronts, and that's just not happening.
... and we don't care.

First, those who fight for racial justice have a perfectly fair and valid reason to point at yet another questionable (at least) killing as an example of what they're fighting against. They are clearly on the right side of the story. And those on the other "side" of the issue have to admit, yeah, that was blatant and obvious, and bad.

How do some on the side of racial justice react? With the very behaviors that those who deny and enable and perpetrate racism can point at and change the original subject. With this violence, they're playing into the hands of the very people they're fighting against. Like a big, beautiful gift with a fancy bow on top.

I say it all the time: The two ends of this issue constantly feed each other. They help each other. They NEED each other. This is truly symbiotic, toxic relationship.

This doesn't improve unless and until both ends of this issue clearly and honestly start holding their own side accountable. And watch -- on this thread, you'll most likely see both ends deny their side is accountable for anything.

And the decay continues. A self-inflicted wound. they don't have a valid reason...I've linked and explained this many times
... and we don't care.

First, those who fight for racial justice have a perfectly fair and valid reason to point at yet another questionable (at least) killing as an example of what they're fighting against. They are clearly on the right side of the story. And those on the other "side" of the issue have to admit, yeah, that was blatant and obvious, and bad.

How do some on the side of racial justice react? With the very behaviors that those who deny and enable and perpetrate racism can point at and change the original subject. With this violence, they're playing into the hands of the very people they're fighting against. Like a big, beautiful gift with a fancy bow on top.

I say it all the time: The two ends of this issue constantly feed each other. They help each other. They NEED each other. This is truly symbiotic, toxic relationship.

This doesn't improve unless and until both ends of this issue clearly and honestly start holding their own side accountable. And watch -- on this thread, you'll most likely see both ends deny their side is accountable for anything.

And the decay continues. A self-inflicted wound.


It reflects the problem the right wing has in blaming races of people for the actions of people who are that race.

A few thousand Muslims out of the over one-billion in the world are terrorists. The right wing response is to condemn Islam
Duplicate that with Mexicans
Duplicate that with Blacks
Duplicate that with whatever racial/ethnic/religious minority who does something criminal next.

They, as a group, are intellectually lazy.

The left has it's problems as well. But, at least, we can see past the skin color and attribute the act to the actor; not all of those who look like the actor.
It reflects the problem the left wing has in blaming races of people for the actions of people who are that race.
... and we don't care.

First, those who fight for racial justice have a perfectly fair and valid reason to point at yet another questionable (at least) killing as an example of what they're fighting against. They are clearly on the right side of the story. And those on the other "side" of the issue have to admit, yeah, that was blatant and obvious, and bad.

How do some on the side of racial justice react? With the very behaviors that those who deny and enable and perpetrate racism can point at and change the original subject. With this violence, they're playing into the hands of the very people they're fighting against. Like a big, beautiful gift with a fancy bow on top.

I say it all the time: The two ends of this issue constantly feed each other. They help each other. They NEED each other. This is truly symbiotic, toxic relationship.

This doesn't improve unless and until both ends of this issue clearly and honestly start holding their own side accountable. And watch -- on this thread, you'll most likely see both ends deny their side is accountable for anything.

And the decay continues. A self-inflicted wound. they don't have a valid reason...I've linked and explained this many times
As I predicted.
It’s easy to blame white and black republicans, then it is to pull your pants up and be a man.
When your side of this refuses to look in the mirror, all you do is give the other side more material.

And, of course, I could say the same thing to the other side.

I don't know how in the world you guys don't see this, I really don't.
... and we don't care.

First, those who fight for racial justice have a perfectly fair and valid reason to point at yet another questionable (at least) killing as an example of what they're fighting against. They are clearly on the right side of the story. And those on the other "side" of the issue have to admit, yeah, that was blatant and obvious, and bad.

How do some on the side of racial justice react? With the very behaviors that those who deny and enable and perpetrate racism can point at and change the original subject. With this violence, they're playing into the hands of the very people they're fighting against. Like a big, beautiful gift with a fancy bow on top.

I say it all the time: The two ends of this issue constantly feed each other. They help each other. They NEED each other. This is truly symbiotic, toxic relationship.

This doesn't improve unless and until both ends of this issue clearly and honestly start holding their own side accountable. And watch -- on this thread, you'll most likely see both ends deny their side is accountable for anything.

And the decay continues. A self-inflicted wound. they don't have a valid reason...I've linked and explained this many times
As I predicted.
.....all you did was babble--you provided no proof of what you claimed = your OP is babble crap
as predicted predicted--we see all the protests and MSM crap of what we predicted and have been saying the whole time
proof??? = the black cop shooting the white woman--game over
... and we don't care.

First, those who fight for racial justice have a perfectly fair and valid reason to point at yet another questionable (at least) killing as an example of what they're fighting against. They are clearly on the right side of the story. And those on the other "side" of the issue have to admit, yeah, that was blatant and obvious, and bad.

How do some on the side of racial justice react? With the very behaviors that those who deny and enable and perpetrate racism can point at and change the original subject. With this violence, they're playing into the hands of the very people they're fighting against. Like a big, beautiful gift with a fancy bow on top.

I say it all the time: The two ends of this issue constantly feed each other. They help each other. They NEED each other. This is truly symbiotic, toxic relationship.

This doesn't improve unless and until both ends of this issue clearly and honestly start holding their own side accountable. And watch -- on this thread, you'll most likely see both ends deny their side is accountable for anything.

And the decay continues. A self-inflicted wound. they don't have a valid reason...I've linked and explained this many times
As I predicted.
.....all you did was babble--you provided no proof of what you claimed = your OP is babble crap
as predicted predicted--we see all the protests and MSM crap what we predicted and have been saying the whole time
proof??? = the black cop shooting the white woman--game over
... and we don't care.

First, those who fight for racial justice have a perfectly fair and valid reason to point at yet another questionable (at least) killing as an example of what they're fighting against. They are clearly on the right side of the story. And those on the other "side" of the issue have to admit, yeah, that was blatant and obvious, and bad.

How do some on the side of racial justice react? With the very behaviors that those who deny and enable and perpetrate racism can point at and change the original subject. With this violence, they're playing into the hands of the very people they're fighting against. Like a big, beautiful gift with a fancy bow on top.

I say it all the time: The two ends of this issue constantly feed each other. They help each other. They NEED each other. This is truly symbiotic, toxic relationship.

This doesn't improve unless and until both ends of this issue clearly and honestly start holding their own side accountable. And watch -- on this thread, you'll most likely see both ends deny their side is accountable for anything.

And the decay continues. A self-inflicted wound. they don't have a valid reason...I've linked and explained this many times
As I predicted.
.....all you did was babble--you provided no proof of what you claimed = your OP is babble crap
as predicted predicted--we see all the protests and MSM crap what we predicted and have been saying the whole time
proof??? = the black cop shooting the white woman--game over
stop posting all that evidence
... and we don't care.

First, those who fight for racial justice have a perfectly fair and valid reason to point at yet another questionable (at least) killing as an example of what they're fighting against. They are clearly on the right side of the story. And those on the other "side" of the issue have to admit, yeah, that was blatant and obvious, and bad.

How do some on the side of racial justice react? With the very behaviors that those who deny and enable and perpetrate racism can point at and change the original subject. With this violence, they're playing into the hands of the very people they're fighting against. Like a big, beautiful gift with a fancy bow on top.

I say it all the time: The two ends of this issue constantly feed each other. They help each other. They NEED each other. This is truly symbiotic, toxic relationship.

This doesn't improve unless and until both ends of this issue clearly and honestly start holding their own side accountable. And watch -- on this thread, you'll most likely see both ends deny their side is accountable for anything.

And the decay continues. A self-inflicted wound.
Clearly this wasn't about race. It's about a criminal organization called the Democrat Party.
First it was impeachment, then it was COVID-19, now it's rioting over nothing.
Each event leads to another event.
What does the DNC have in store for us next???

It’s easy to blame white and black republicans, then it is to pull your pants up and be a man.
When your side of this refuses to look in the mirror, all you do is give the other side more material.

And, of course, I could say the same thing to the other side.

I don't know how in the world you guys don't see this, I really don't.
If democrats stop promising blacks free shit and false advertising, for 6 years. Your party would disappear lol
... and we don't care.

First, those who fight for racial justice have a perfectly fair and valid reason to point at yet another questionable (at least) killing as an example of what they're fighting against. They are clearly on the right side of the story. And those on the other "side" of the issue have to admit, yeah, that was blatant and obvious, and bad.

How do some on the side of racial justice react? With the very behaviors that those who deny and enable and perpetrate racism can point at and change the original subject. With this violence, they're playing into the hands of the very people they're fighting against. Like a big, beautiful gift with a fancy bow on top.

I say it all the time: The two ends of this issue constantly feed each other. They help each other. They NEED each other. This is truly symbiotic, toxic relationship.

This doesn't improve unless and until both ends of this issue clearly and honestly start holding their own side accountable. And watch -- on this thread, you'll most likely see both ends deny their side is accountable for anything.

And the decay continues. A self-inflicted wound.
..when we give facts, you and the blacks yell RACISM
They NEED each other
As USMESSAGEBOARD this episode.......the Drama from the Fake in the middle Tribe guy tries Moral equivalence to people burning down cities........Which is done and planned every election cycle.

As people who had nothing to do with the incident have their businesses burned to the ground and everything stolen.

Except for KOREANS......who shoot first ask questions later.........get the fuck out of my store bitches.......

The heroes of the story.

Now please continue with the Narrative........and ALL THE DRAMA.
stop posting all that evidence hahahahahhahahahaha
What you clearly don't understand is that you're providing the evidence for me.

I even predicted it in the OP.

I just toss the softballs up in the air, and you guys eagerly jump in and whack 'em over the fence for me.
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stop posting all that evidence hahahahahhahahahaha
What you clearly don't understand is that you're providing the evidence for me.

I even predicted it in the OP.

I just toss the softballs up in the air, and you jump in and whack 'em over the fence for me.
hahahhahahahahhahahahahahah murder 3000 blacks every year
..blacks murder whites at 10 times the rate of vice versa
...then they protest when a cop defends himself--but NOT when a black cop shoots an INNOCENT white = you are full of shit

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