The pseudo science of man-made global warming...

the computer models of the global warming alarmists predicted that the Earth would warm dramatically. there's 1 little problem: the satellites that actually measure the temperature, they have recorded no significant warming whatsoever for the last 18 years!

That's another fine example of the complete fiction that poiltical cultists fall for in the post-truth world. The cult has told them an absolutely absurd story is true, so the culitsts believe without question, and react with shrieking hostility at anyone who points out they've fallen for a fiction.

Here's the actual satellite data, as compared to the faked and fudged data that your cult shows you. If you think that shows no warming, you're far too addled and confused to be wasting the time of the grownups.


Oh, also note that the author of TLT 3.3 says not to use it, because it has a known cooling bias. Hence, deniers use it exclusively, even though the author of it says not to use it because it has a known cooling bias.

Now, at this point, you have a choice to make. Ask your cult leaders why they lied to you, or run back to them, drop to your knees, lick their boots and beg for more lies. We know you'll choose the latter. Your type always does.
But there is an explanation. We are in an interglacial cycle

You don't seem to understand anything about how glacial cycles work. Ice ages end with a fast warmup, then go into a slow cooldown into the next ice age. The warmup ended 6000 years ago. The world had been slowly cooling ever since. That is, until around 1970, when temperatures started spiking up, in opposition to the natural cycle of cooling.

So, can you tell us what natural forces are causing the sudden fast rise in temperatures? Again, it's clearly not the glacial cycles, as those are trying to cause cooling now.
Then please educate me on how glacial cycles work. Why did the ice age start? Why did the ice age end? Why was there a saw tooth behavior on both sides of the cycles? Because it is you who does not apparently understand how glacial-interglacial cycles work if you are ignoring the saw tooth temperature change data at the transition periods. We are in a transition from glacial to interglacial and are on the third spike of the transition.
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There is no direct evidence that CO2 is the cause for the temperature increase of the past 200 years.

That's completely wrong. Stratospheric cooling, the increase in backradiation, and the decrease in outgoing longwave radiation in the greenhouse gas bands are all direct evidence that the current warming is caused by greenhouse gases.

Also, the world hasn't been warming for 200 years. More like 50 years.

How long do you believe it takes for CO2 to heat up our planet?

Events are felt on decadal scales now. For example, the CO2 increase resulting from the worldwide post-WW2 industrial boom resulted in heating visible by around 1970. We're seeing the heating effect of old CO2 now, and we're piling more CO2 on top of it, to cause more heating in the future.
And yet how do you explain that the present temperature profile matches the previous four interglacial temperature profiles?

Wow... doesn't that look like we have a problem!!!!


Not really. It is all part of a natural cycle that has been occurring for the past 400,000 years. Now do you understand?
There is no direct evidence that CO2 is the cause for the temperature increase of the past 200 years.

That's completely wrong. Stratospheric cooling, the increase in backradiation, and the decrease in outgoing longwave radiation in the greenhouse gas bands are all direct evidence that the current warming is caused by greenhouse gases.

Also, the world hasn't been warming for 200 years. More like 50 years.

How long do you believe it takes for CO2 to heat up our planet?

Events are felt on decadal scales now. For example, the CO2 increase resulting from the worldwide post-WW2 industrial boom resulted in heating visible by around 1970. We're seeing the heating effect of old CO2 now, and we're piling more CO2 on top of it, to cause more heating in the future.
Not according to NASA... Looks like 200 years to me. Maybe that's why you are wrong about everything else.

Can you show me your radiative forcing calcs from post WWII industrial CO2 levels (1970) that demonstrate a match for observed associated temperature gain?

chemical reactions??? hahahahaha. bad example. they are highly sensitive to local conditions. and to atomic scale interactions. a catalyst can hold molecules in a particular orientation that multiplies reaction rates by orders of magnitude.

So you are saying that they must be in the mood to react?

SSDD's confusion lies in his misunderstanding of single atomic scale interactions, and the statistical average of myriad different atomic scale interactions.

And ian's confusion lies in thinking that we actually understand single atomic scale interactions enough to make any sort of definitive statement...we don' this time, what we have are stories which do little more than fill in and attempt to jibe with observations.

radiation is released in all directions. it cannot be altered until it reacts with matter. single photon energy is constantly going in both (all) directions, net energy (heat) only goes in the direction of warm to cool.

So you say...except it isn' doesn't move from cool to warm and no observation has ever been made that suggests otherwise.
chemical reactions??? hahahahaha. bad example. they are highly sensitive to local conditions. and to atomic scale interactions. a catalyst can hold molecules in a particular orientation that multiplies reaction rates by orders of magnitude.

So you are saying that they must be in the mood to react?

SSDD's confusion lies in his misunderstanding of single atomic scale interactions, and the statistical average of myriad different atomic scale interactions.

And ian's confusion lies in thinking that we actually understand single atomic scale interactions enough to make any sort of definitive statement...we don' this time, what we have are stories which do little more than fill in and attempt to jibe with observations.

radiation is released in all directions. it cannot be altered until it reacts with matter. single photon energy is constantly going in both (all) directions, net energy (heat) only goes in the direction of warm to cool.

So you say...except it isn' doesn't move from cool to warm and no observation has ever been made that suggests otherwise.

You need to stop thinking that the world's scientists have any of the intellectual limitations under which you suffer.
You need to stop thinking that the world's scientists have any of the intellectual limitations under which you suffer.

I am not speaking of intellectual limitations..I am speaking of physical limitations...we don't know what happens in the realm of single atomic scale interactions because we lack the physical ability to see what is happening...instead, we use imagination to tell a story that jibes with what we can see...which is much like the 3 blind men describing an elephant.

You, and those like you who deify science need to wake up and realize that scientists are just folks who put on their pants one leg at a time, have all manner of things on their minds at all times, have mortgages and other financial responsibilities, and work in a climate that demands that they publish or perish and if what they publish isn't politically correct, without regard to its scientific viability, they can also perish.

And you labor under far more burdensome intellectual limitations than I, primarily because you are not what you claim to must be stressful to keep up the pretense of being an engineer when you can't even make sense of a simple graph....and you lack critical thinking skills because you are not accept what you are told and then parrot it whenever your religion is questioned....those are crippling intellectual limitations.
You need to realize that not only do scientists not suffer under your serious intellectual shortcomings, very few people in the general population do. You haven't demonstrated the scientific wherewithal to correct a second grade school teacher, much less the vast majority of the world's PhD climate scientists.

The most basic examination of mainstream science versus AGW denialism clearly demonstrates which is practicing science and which is composed entirely of ignorant lies. Guess where you fall SID?

You, and those like you who deify science need to wake up and realize that scientists are just folks who put on their pants one leg at a time, have all manner of things on their minds at all times, have mortgages and other financial responsibilities, and work in a climate that demands that they publish or perish and if what they publish isn't politically correct, without regard to its scientific viability, they can also perish.

what a load of shit. Your post reeks of "i haven't a clue so I'll just fake news best I can." Sorry, I know several scientists. A few who work in climate change. They laugh at this shit you deniers spout on about (they sometimes cry too, out of shear frustration). If you think scientists "put on their pants one leg at a time, and worry about what others think of their findings" you're a fucking moron. I won't even go into the amount of conspiracy theories that would need to be true and of how they would all have to meet every single day and discuss how they are ALL on the same page every day of the week just to 'put one over' on your fucking morons.

I also love how the climate deniers - and not you because you're just an acolyte - I'm talking the the coal companies, oil companies etc who pay for you idiots (even though you don't realise it) to spout their BS, while all the while they're lining their pockets. Because believe me, the only thing they give a shit about is lining their pockets. All they need are silly little morons like you spouting their shit, and they just sit back rolling in the dosh....
You need to realize that not only do scientists not suffer under your serious intellectual shortcomings, very few people in the general population do. You haven't demonstrated the scientific wherewithal to correct a second grade school teacher, much less the vast majority of the world's PhD climate scientists.

So your claim is that we can, in fact, actually see and observe what is happening at the level of single atom interactions?

The most basic examination of mainstream science versus AGW denialism clearly demonstrates which is practicing science and which is composed entirely of ignorant lies. Guess where you fall SID?

What you fail to grasp, crick, is that where new science is concerned, the mainstream is damned near always wrong...and when it is being driven by money and politics, it has a 100% chance of being wrong....last time politics drove science to a level even close to the level that climate science is being driven, it gave us eugenics.
You need to realize that not only do scientists not suffer under your serious intellectual shortcomings, very few people in the general population do. You haven't demonstrated the scientific wherewithal to correct a second grade school teacher, much less the vast majority of the world's PhD climate scientists.

The most basic examination of mainstream science versus AGW denialism clearly demonstrates which is practicing science and which is composed entirely of ignorant lies. Guess where you fall SID?

I so wish there was some experiment where you could put these fucking idiots in a situation where they could see the end result of their folly, and the rest of us norms could be in a similar experiment. How long before they would run out of air, or get melanoma, or their lives go to hell in a hand basket.

It would be great to see if somebody like Bill Gates would sponsor such an experiment how many of these loons would take up the offer. I would especially open it up to the chairs, CEOs, company presidents of oil companies an the like. I wonder how many would take up the offer.
the mainstream is damned near always wrong...

Prove it or shut the fuck up. There is no gravity? You can live in space in a vacuum? you can breath underwater unaided? The ozone layer over the Antarctic starting getting smaller after the reduction of HCFCs was just a coincidence once we stopped putting that shit in the atmosphere?

C'mon big mouth. Go to NASA and demand you go on the next mission to space. Once there take off your space suit and jump into space, then explain to me how the mainstream is damned near always wrong.

Give us your qualifications. I'm sick of you dipshits spreading fake news on websites because you have an opinion. Prove your shit or shut the fuck up.
what a load of shit. Your post reeks of "i haven't a clue so I'll just fake news best I can." Sorry, I know several scientists. A few who work in climate change.

So do I...what's your point?....You think climate scientists wear capes and tights? they don't...

They laugh at this shit you deniers spout on about (they sometimes cry too, out of shear frustration). If you think scientists "put on their pants one leg at a time, and worry about what others think of their findings" you're a fucking moron. I won't even go into the amount of conspiracy theories that would need to be true and of how they would all have to meet every single day and discuss how they are ALL on the same page every day of the week just to 'put one over' on your fucking morons.

Tell you what Dr. Grump...since you "know" some climate scientists, perhaps you might ask of them the same thing I have been asking for decades now and have yet to get a rational answer....Ask your climate scientist friends to please give you a single shred of observed, measured, quantified, empirical data that supports the claim that mankind's CO2 emissions are altering the global climate that you can take back to this discussion board to make a skeptic your bitch...Here is what is going to happen when you ask, if you have the balls, and if you actually know some climate are going to first get a stupid look while they riffle their brains to see if they can think of any such evidence in existence...then you will get some complicated "explanations"...and double talk...and lectures....what you won't get is a single shred of observed, measured, quantified,empirical data that supports the claim that mankind's CO2 emissions are altering the global climate...and then you will either be an adult and come back here and admit that they had nothing...or you will disappear...or you will come back doing the same shuck and jive making claims of consensus as the rest of the warmer wackaloons on this thread.

Good luck...although I already know the outcome...
Prove it or shut the fuck up. There is no gravity? You can live in space in a vacuum? you can breath underwater unaided? The ozone layer over the Antarctic starting getting smaller after the reduction of HCFCs was just a coincidence once we stopped putting that shit in the atmosphere?

Clearly you don't spend much time looking at mainstream science through history...Here, lets take a look at just some of the instances where mainstream science, and the consensus has been wrong.

Spontaneous generation -a principle regarding the spontaneous generation of complex life from inanimate matter,
Transmutation of species and Inheritance of acquired characteristics- Early evolutionary theory
Maternal impression - the theory that the mother's thoughts created birth defects
Miasma theory of disease
Vitalism - the theory that living things are alive because of some "vital force" independent of nonliving matter
Azoic Hypothesis - the idea that marine life can't live below 300 fathoms
Caloric Theory - the theory that a self-repelling fluid called "caloric" was the substance of heat
Phlogiston Theory - The theory that combustible goods contain a substance called "phlogiston" which entered air upon combustion
Luminiferous Aether
Contact tension - theory on the source of electricity'
Steady state theory
The four bodily humors
The Martian Canals

And more long last it is learned that salt doesn't cause high blood pressure...cholesterol is not a reliable indicator of cardiac disease...sugar does not make children hyper....quasicrystals are real....eggs are not bad for us.....saturated fat is not bad for us after all.....eating a lot of protein, it turns out, is not bad for your bones and kidneys....low fat foods, it seems are not particularly good for us......the idea that we should eat many small meals throughout the day is a persistent myth that still gets suggested.....and on and on and has a long history of being wrong for a very long time till they get past the consensus view and learn the truth.
I so wish there was some experiment where you could put these fucking idiots in a situation where they could see the end result of their folly, and the rest of us norms could be in a similar experiment. How long before they would run out of air, or get melanoma, or their lives go to hell in a hand basket.

What you mean is that you wish the pseudoscience you believe in were actual science so that it could be demonstrated.
the computer models of the global warming alarmists predicted that the Earth would warm dramatically. there's 1 little problem: the satellites that actually measure the temperature, they have recorded no significant warming whatsoever for the last 18 years!

I am wondering now if these are the same computer models that predicted a hillary landslide win?

Computer models is only as good as the data programmed into them..dont work good with fudged data.

what a load of shit. Your post reeks of "i haven't a clue so I'll just fake news best I can." Sorry, I know several scientists. A few who work in climate change.

So do I...what's your point?....You think climate scientists wear capes and tights? they don't...

They laugh at this shit you deniers spout on about (they sometimes cry too, out of shear frustration). If you think scientists "put on their pants one leg at a time, and worry about what others think of their findings" you're a fucking moron. I won't even go into the amount of conspiracy theories that would need to be true and of how they would all have to meet every single day and discuss how they are ALL on the same page every day of the week just to 'put one over' on your fucking morons.

Tell you what Dr. Grump...since you "know" some climate scientists, perhaps you might ask of them the same thing I have been asking for decades now and have yet to get a rational answer....Ask your climate scientist friends to please give you a single shred of observed, measured, quantified, empirical data that supports the claim that mankind's CO2 emissions are altering the global climate that you can take back to this discussion board to make a skeptic your bitch...Here is what is going to happen when you ask, if you have the balls, and if you actually know some climate are going to first get a stupid look while they riffle their brains to see if they can think of any such evidence in existence...then you will get some complicated "explanations"...and double talk...and lectures....what you won't get is a single shred of observed, measured, quantified,empirical data that supports the claim that mankind's CO2 emissions are altering the global climate...and then you will either be an adult and come back here and admit that they had nothing...or you will disappear...or you will come back doing the same shuck and jive making claims of consensus as the rest of the warmer wackaloons on this thread.

Good luck...although I already know the outcome...

Here you go.

Now shut the fuck up...
Prove it or shut the fuck up. There is no gravity? You can live in space in a vacuum? you can breath underwater unaided? The ozone layer over the Antarctic starting getting smaller after the reduction of HCFCs was just a coincidence once we stopped putting that shit in the atmosphere?

Clearly you don't spend much time looking at mainstream science through history...Here, lets take a look at just some of the instances where mainstream science, and the consensus has been wrong.

Spontaneous generation -a principle regarding the spontaneous generation of complex life from inanimate matter,
Transmutation of species and Inheritance of acquired characteristics- Early evolutionary theory
Maternal impression - the theory that the mother's thoughts created birth defects
Miasma theory of disease
Vitalism - the theory that living things are alive because of some "vital force" independent of nonliving matter
Azoic Hypothesis - the idea that marine life can't live below 300 fathoms
Caloric Theory - the theory that a self-repelling fluid called "caloric" was the substance of heat
Phlogiston Theory - The theory that combustible goods contain a substance called "phlogiston" which entered air upon combustion
Luminiferous Aether
Contact tension - theory on the source of electricity'
Steady state theory
The four bodily humors
The Martian Canals

And more long last it is learned that salt doesn't cause high blood pressure...cholesterol is not a reliable indicator of cardiac disease...sugar does not make children hyper....quasicrystals are real....eggs are not bad for us.....saturated fat is not bad for us after all.....eating a lot of protein, it turns out, is not bad for your bones and kidneys....low fat foods, it seems are not particularly good for us......the idea that we should eat many small meals throughout the day is a persistent myth that still gets suggested.....and on and on and has a long history of being wrong for a very long time till they get past the consensus view and learn the truth.

None of the those - not one - is a mainstream theory. Try again. harder next time. There is over a 95 per cent agreement by CLIMATE scientists (that's right, climate, not biologists, or chemists or any other type) that climate change is happening due to human influence. Period.
I so wish there was some experiment where you could put these fucking idiots in a situation where they could see the end result of their folly, and the rest of us norms could be in a similar experiment. How long before they would run out of air, or get melanoma, or their lives go to hell in a hand basket.

What you mean is that you wish the pseudoscience you believe in were actual science so that it could be demonstrated.

You have yet to provide any evidence that your OPINION is science. Not one shred of evidence. As I said many climate scientists have proven beyond a reasonable doubt that climate change is happening.

Just so you know, the term pseudoscience is relegated to those on the fringe of scientific theory. When 95% of one aspect of science believe in something and the other 5% don't, it is that 5% who are the pseudo scientists. And just so you know (because you are obviously not that bright to know this) you are that 5%.
That's completely wrong. Stratospheric cooling, the increase in backradiation, and the decrease in outgoing longwave radiation in the greenhouse gas bands are all direct evidence that the current warming is caused by greenhouse gases.

No response, eh? We see your method. When the facts contradict you, you simply pretend they don't exist.

Not according to NASA... Looks like 200 years to me. Maybe that's why you are wrong about everything else.

So, you're an engineer who can't read a graph. Whatever school you went to, don't advertise their name, being you bring such shame to their engineering program.

Can you show me your radiative forcing calcs from post WWII industrial CO2 levels (1970) that demonstrate a match for observed associated temperature gain?

I could show you such calcs, but as such things aren't trivial, and the Bible says not to cast pearls before swine. You've already demonstrated how you'll handwave away any and all data which contradicts your cult, so nobody is going to waste massive amounts of ti. The data is out there, so don't expect anyone else to waste massive amounts of time handholding you and trying to educate your lazy ignorant ass.

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