The Psychology of Qanon

Looks like Trump will, in fact, be sworn in as President on March 4th:

The latest claims being made by QAnon supporters echo those of the sovereign citizen movement, a group of people who believe they are not governed by the same laws as everyone else. That belief has led to violent confrontations with law enforcement have viewed them among the top domestic extremist threats facing the country.

“There was some crossover between QAnon and the sovereign citizen movement before, but I've seen sovereign citizen ideas about the United States being a ‘corporation’ become more popular within QAnon and beyond in January,” Travis View, a conspiracy theory researcher, told VICE News.

“It's concerning because it means QAnon is borrowing ideas from more-established extremism movements.”
Sorry but as fucked up as Epstein was...that was not a global child eating conspiracy

It IS a child molesting group that was and is full of democrats including a former president and a crowned prince..

What Q said all turned out to be true.

Now you nutjobs claiming Elvis colluded with Bigfoot to put Russian memes on Facebook FORCING people to vote for Donald Trump instead of the rightful queen - not so much.
The Capitol Insurrection? Planned in advance by MAGArat Oathkeepers, Proud Boys, Three Percenters? Possibly members of Congress?


Is that anything like the Brown Shirt attack on the White House in July where democrats tried to kill the president and set St. John's church ablaze?

10 months of insurgency by you terrorists - so far.
Looks like Trump will, in fact, be sworn in as President on March 4th:

The latest claims being made by QAnon supporters echo those of the sovereign citizen movement, a group of people who believe they are not governed by the same laws as everyone else. That belief has led to violent confrontations with law enforcement have viewed them among the top domestic extremist threats facing the country.

“There was some crossover between QAnon and the sovereign citizen movement before, but I've seen sovereign citizen ideas about the United States being a ‘corporation’ become more popular within QAnon and beyond in January,” Travis View, a conspiracy theory researcher, told VICE News.

“It's concerning because it means QAnon is borrowing ideas from more-established extremism movements.”

Herr Himmler. what laws are "everyone else" governed by?

What laws was this guy governed by?


That's right, members of the Reich aren't subject to laws.

I've said before, those involve in the 1/6 Reichstag fire MUST be held to EXACTLY the same justice as those who stormed the white house in July.

But that's the rub, none of the Brown Shirts have been prosecuted. 40 deaths, 19 rapes, 2000 + police injured, 4 officers permanently blinded by democrats with Green Lasers.

Oh but that's different, Reich members aren't subject to any law.

Now as a Nazi - you're a shameless liar. You'll say "Reich soldiers were arrested."

Yep, they were - and then bailed out by Kamala Harris and other Fuhrers of the Reich. Prosecuted? Well, no - democrat terrorists on Kristalnacht aren't subject to prosecution. The law doesn't apply to democats, party members are immune to the law.
Looks like Trump will, in fact, be sworn in as President on March 4th:

The latest claims being made by QAnon supporters echo those of the sovereign citizen movement, a group of people who believe they are not governed by the same laws as everyone else. That belief has led to violent confrontations with law enforcement have viewed them among the top domestic extremist threats facing the country.

“There was some crossover between QAnon and the sovereign citizen movement before, but I've seen sovereign citizen ideas about the United States being a ‘corporation’ become more popular within QAnon and beyond in January,” Travis View, a conspiracy theory researcher, told VICE News.

“It's concerning because it means QAnon is borrowing ideas from more-established extremism movements.”

Herr Himmler. what laws are "everyone else" governed by?

What laws was this guy governed by?

View attachment 450823

That's right, members of the Reich aren't subject to laws.

I've said before, those involve in the 1/6 Reichstag fire MUST be held to EXACTLY the same justice as those who stormed the white house in July.

But that's the rub, none of the Brown Shirts have been prosecuted. 40 deaths, 19 rapes, 2000 + police injured, 4 officers permanently blinded by democrats with Green Lasers.

Oh but that's different, Reich members aren't subject to any law.

Now as a Nazi - you're a shameless liar. You'll say "Reich soldiers were arrested."

Yep, they were - and then bailed out by Kamala Harris and other Fuhrers of the Reich. Prosecuted? Well, no - democrat terrorists on Kristalnacht aren't subject to prosecution. The law doesn't apply to democats, party members are immune to the law.
Hi Q! :hhello:
Do you have something that proves the Congress people you are describing actually follow the Q conspiracy theory?
Margarine Taylor Greene has been a prolific Facebook user. It’s been all over her feed for the last few years.

Ok, I am keeping an open mind here Colfax, can you link me to something concrete?

While Greene is certainly taking pleasure in tweeking liberals in the press, and there is some pretty out there stuff in her past, they seem to be centered around the stuff she says about 'Deep State' theories, and I'm not saying she hasn't but I can find nothing about her supporting 'Satan worshiping, child sex abuser' stuff that I believe most rational people roll their eyes at...

So, while I would have rather seen John Cowan win that district, she won...That in no way should define the entirety of the Republican party, just as I am sure you would say that Rep Hank Johnson, the Congressman that said in a congressional hearing that he was concerned that the island of Guam would "tip over, and capsize" should we send more troops to the island....
I don’t think she’s “twerking liberals in the press” given her posts were not aimed at the press and not of any note by the press. They were published in the online QAnon world and little noticed by anyone until she got elected.

If you want more crazy, here’s 30 minutes of it. Sorry for the length, but it seems you prefer to go straight to the source material which is a very good way to go.

Ok, I've already said I am not a fan. So, what are you trying to say? Hopefully not like some of your ilk in here say that we all support what she does?

Nope. But saying that QAnon is an insignificant tiny minority of the Republican Party is not accurate. The QAnon groups on social media span hundreds of thousands and cumulatively probably has millions of supporters.

Although not all Republicans are this crazy, there is a serious problem in the Republican Party that enables this nonsense.

QAnon isn't part of the Republican party, NAZI. I've never seen anything by any QAnon supporter.

The hell isn’t. QAnon revolves entirely around Trump.

Nope! Flag on the play! Now you have to prove your claim here.

It comes from Q’s very first post, claiming to be working in the Trump administration while they plot to take out all of us evil people.

After reading your post here, it strikes me that the whole Q thing is a conspiracy theory developed, or at least co opted by the left to discredit, if not totally silence, or cow into submission those that do not conceed to the left's platform....I'm not saying that you do that colfax, but I have my doubts about Mac1958 in here anyway.
Your Fuhrer is a child molester, so how is that some fringe theory?
You should be embarrassed.
Look at how these people spin and deflect and attack and change the subject when Q is brought up.

Then, at the same time, they bring up the pedophilia stuff.

They don't see how crazed and transparent they look.

:poke:Still waiting Mac....:th_waiting:
Did you ask me something? I don't read most of your posts.

Ask someone else. I'm not interested.

That's right, you don't come here to debate....What the hell is your agenda here then?
Your Fuhrer is a child molester, so how is that some fringe theory?
You should be embarrassed.
Look at how these people spin and deflect and attack and change the subject when Q is brought up.

Then, at the same time, they bring up the pedophilia stuff.

They don't see how crazed and transparent they look.

:poke:Still waiting Mac....:th_waiting:
Did you ask me something? I don't read most of your posts.

Ask someone else. I'm not interested.

That's right, you don't come here to debate....What the hell is your agenda here then?
Did you say something?
Trying to find silver linings in the last four years, continued:

This period has certainly been a treasure trove of material for psychological analysis. In this instance, why has the Qanon conspiracy cult caught on with so many Americans? And how many of them will remain now that they were made fools of, on Inauguration Day?

In a recent study conducted by myself, Karen Douglas and Clara De Inocencio, we further investigated why this could be the case. Our conclusion? Conspiracy theories reinforce a belief that nothing in the world happens through coincidence. This refusal to recognize the role of chance leads people to develop a worldview in which hostile and secret conspiracies permeate all layers of society.

Feelings of anxiety and uncertainty also help fuel conspiracy theories. Such emotions function as a psychological warning signal, leading people to try and make sense of societal events that frighten them. This helps to explain the widespread (and ongoing) speculation that followed impactful events such as 9/11 or the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Together with Nils Jostmann and Michele Acker, we found that feelings of uncertainty, coupled with the feeling that your life is not fully in your control anymore, increases conspiracy thinking. Studies by others researchers confirm that emotions reflecting uncertainty — such as fear or worry — can increase conspiracy beliefs.

How many believers are among us here? We'll be able to guess by counting how many of them scoff at, mock, and dismiss this article.
There have always been and will always be "conspiracy theorists."
The problem we have today is that politicians, Republican politicians, are legimizing these fantasies and weaponizing the "believers," not just as voters and supports but as an armed wing ready to do violence.

We have seen the behaviour here when some believer beginst talking about using violence to correct their fantasized hurts.

Those politicians need to held to account for encouraging and abetting the crimes of their followers.
Under normal circumstances, sure. The problem now is that those politicians reside in the same alternate universe as their voters, and anyone from outside that universe who try to hold them accountable are summarily dismissed.

On the positive side, as they all become more radicalized and more nutty, they'll probably win fewer elections. Hopefully.
There's a solution to that.

Primary their ASSES!

Yeah, I know they can't be beat, or can they?
If we registered high school kids, college kids, as many as we can as Republicans so they can vote in the Republican primary?

Without needing to look it up I'm willing to bet those kids could swing the vote in a primary.

Again don't know about everywhere but here if you ruin in the primary you can't turn around and run as an independent.

Maybe not in a statewide race but in a congressional primary? The math does work
Trying to find silver linings in the last four years, continued:

This period has certainly been a treasure trove of material for psychological analysis. In this instance, why has the Qanon conspiracy cult caught on with so many Americans? And how many of them will remain now that they were made fools of, on Inauguration Day?

In a recent study conducted by myself, Karen Douglas and Clara De Inocencio, we further investigated why this could be the case. Our conclusion? Conspiracy theories reinforce a belief that nothing in the world happens through coincidence. This refusal to recognize the role of chance leads people to develop a worldview in which hostile and secret conspiracies permeate all layers of society.

Feelings of anxiety and uncertainty also help fuel conspiracy theories. Such emotions function as a psychological warning signal, leading people to try and make sense of societal events that frighten them. This helps to explain the widespread (and ongoing) speculation that followed impactful events such as 9/11 or the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Together with Nils Jostmann and Michele Acker, we found that feelings of uncertainty, coupled with the feeling that your life is not fully in your control anymore, increases conspiracy thinking. Studies by others researchers confirm that emotions reflecting uncertainty — such as fear or worry — can increase conspiracy beliefs.

How many believers are among us here? We'll be able to guess by counting how many of them scoff at, mock, and dismiss this article.
There have always been and will always be "conspiracy theorists."
The problem we have today is that politicians, Republican politicians, are legimizing these fantasies and weaponizing the "believers," not just as voters and supports but as an armed wing ready to do violence.

We have seen the behaviour here when some believer beginst talking about using violence to correct their fantasized hurts.

Those politicians need to held to account for encouraging and abetting the crimes of their followers.
Under normal circumstances, sure. The problem now is that those politicians reside in the same alternate universe as their voters, and anyone from outside that universe who try to hold them accountable are summarily dismissed.

On the positive side, as they all become more radicalized and more nutty, they'll probably win fewer elections. Hopefully.
There's a solution to that.

Primary their ASSES!

Yeah, I know they can't be beat, or can they?
If we registered high school kids, college kids, as many as we can as Republicans so they can vote in the Republican primary?

Without needing to look it up I'm willing to bet those kids could swing the vote in a primary.

Again don't know about everywhere but here if you ruin in the primary you can't turn around and run as an independent.

Maybe not in a statewide race but in a congressional primary? The math does work
Not a bad idea!
Your Fuhrer is a child molester, so how is that some fringe theory?
You should be embarrassed.
Look at how these people spin and deflect and attack and change the subject when Q is brought up.

Then, at the same time, they bring up the pedophilia stuff.

They don't see how crazed and transparent they look.

:poke:Still waiting Mac....:th_waiting:
Did you ask me something? I don't read most of your posts.

Ask someone else. I'm not interested.

That's right, you don't come here to debate....What the hell is your agenda here then?
Did you say something?

I thought you didn't read my posts?
Your Fuhrer is a child molester, so how is that some fringe theory?
You should be embarrassed.
Look at how these people spin and deflect and attack and change the subject when Q is brought up.

Then, at the same time, they bring up the pedophilia stuff.

They don't see how crazed and transparent they look.

:poke:Still waiting Mac....:th_waiting:
Did you ask me something? I don't read most of your posts.

Ask someone else. I'm not interested.

That's right, you don't come here to debate....What the hell is your agenda here then?
Did you say something?

I thought you didn't read my posts?
How many believers are among us here? We'll be able to guess by counting how many of them scoff at, mock, and dismiss this article.

The Psychology of Antifa

How many believers are among us here? We'll be able to guess by counting how many of them scoff at, mock, and dismiss this article.


I didn't bother reading the article. I think if you are being honest with yourself dear reader... My point has been made.
How many believers are among us here? We'll be able to guess by counting how many of them scoff at, mock, and dismiss this article.

The Psychology of Antifa

How many believers are among us here? We'll be able to guess by counting how many of them scoff at, mock, and dismiss this article.


I didn't bother reading the article. I think if you are being honest with yourself dear reader... My point has been made.
How many believers are among us here? We'll be able to guess by counting how many of them scoff at, mock, and dismiss this article.

The Psychology of Antifa

How many believers are among us here? We'll be able to guess by counting how many of them scoff at, mock, and dismiss this article.


I didn't bother reading the article. I think if you are being honest with yourself dear reader... My point has been made.
Oh come on... You're not going to make me go back and start quoting all the posts from people here that Antifa isn't a real thing?

Or... Wait... Is Antifa a real thing? We'll find out by how many people scoff at, mock, and dismiss this article.
How many believers are among us here? We'll be able to guess by counting how many of them scoff at, mock, and dismiss this article.

The Psychology of Antifa

How many believers are among us here? We'll be able to guess by counting how many of them scoff at, mock, and dismiss this article.


I didn't bother reading the article. I think if you are being honest with yourself dear reader... My point has been made.
Oh come on... You're not going to make me go back and start quoting all the posts from people here that Antifa isn't a real thing?

Or... Wait... Is Antifa a real thing?
Well yes, of course.

Is this a trick question?

Do you think it will help you change the subject from Qanon?
Well yes, of course.

Is this a trick question?

Do you think it will help you change the subject from Qanon?
No... I don't... But I do want to supply my opinion on your original argument. I obviously wasn't straight forward enough.

It doesn't matter how many people scoff at, mock, and dismiss this article. That's not evidence of something existing or not. It's a stupid argument.

People were told about the Duck Billed Platypus back in the day and learned men scoffed at, mocked, and even dismissed it as untrue. A warm blooded back boned mammal that had a duck like bill, beaver like tail, laid eggs to procreate and was poisonous? OH BULLSHIT. It's a HOAX.

But it was true.. Right?

People were told about giant winged lizards that breathed fire and were more intelligent than men, who horded gold... People scoffed at, mocked, and dismissed these as well...

But it was true... Right?

Your setup is lazy and bullshit. If you have evidence, show it. That's how you prove something exists.
Last edited:
How many believers are among us here? We'll be able to guess by counting how many of them scoff at, mock, and dismiss this article.

The Psychology of Antifa

How many believers are among us here? We'll be able to guess by counting how many of them scoff at, mock, and dismiss this article.


I didn't bother reading the article. I think if you are being honest with yourself dear reader... My point has been made.

What the fuck are you babbling about?
How many believers are among us here? We'll be able to guess by counting how many of them scoff at, mock, and dismiss this article.

The Psychology of Antifa

How many believers are among us here? We'll be able to guess by counting how many of them scoff at, mock, and dismiss this article.


I didn't bother reading the article. I think if you are being honest with yourself dear reader... My point has been made.

What the fuck are you babbling about?
No... I don't... But I do want to supply my opinion on your original argument. I obviously wasn't straight forward enough.

It doesn't matter how many people scoff at, mock, and dismiss this article. That's not evidence of something existing or not. It's a stupid argument.

People were told about the Duck Billed Platypus back in the day and learned men scoffed at, mocked, and even dismissed it as untrue. A warm blooded back boned mammal that had a duck like bill, beaver like tail, laid eggs to procreate and was poisonous? OH BULLSHIT. It's a HOAX.

But it was true.. Right?

People were told about giant winged lizards that breathed fire and were more intelligent than men, who horded gold... People scoffed at, mocked, and dismissed these as well...

But it was true... Right?

Your setup is lazy and bullshit. If you have evidence, show it. That's how you prove something exists.

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