The Psychology of Qanon

Hey Macster.
Do you know what per cent of the 74 million Trump voters subscribe to this whipping post called Qanon?

I don't think so. Carry on with this deflective narrative. Your Commissar's appreciate your efforts.
56% of those people believe all or most of it. The remainder pick and choose their nuttiness

Virtually all believe there is a "deep state" and that Trump won the election.

Mass insanity

And what percentage of you TDS’er believe the litany of nonsense from CNN and the like over the last 4 years? The Russian hoax is the biggest of all. To this day, most of you STILL believe it. It is comical at best.
Comparing that shit to a couple of MSM issues that may or may not be actually factually untrue is as crazy as that shit in the first place.

And of note..56% of Republicans believe all or most of that...the remainder only believe "some" of it

They virtually all believe in the "Big Steal" election lies...still and the nonsensical "deep state" thing

Believing there was election fraud given the amount of eye witness testimony, video, changing of election rules, censorship by the MSM, etc. is absoultely no more “crazy” than believing that Trump colluded with Russia despite a 30+ million dollar investigation fueld by a clearly compromised FBI(they lied) that could not find evidence of it.

You are simply trying to justify a throughtly debunked, lunatic Russian collusion theory.
Hey Macster.
Do you know what per cent of the 74 million Trump voters subscribe to this whipping post called Qanon?

I don't think so. Carry on with this deflective narrative. Your Commissar's appreciate your efforts.
56% of those people believe all or most of it. The remainder pick and choose their nuttiness

Virtually all believe there is a "deep state" and that Trump won the election.

Mass insanity

And what percentage of you TDS’er believe the litany of nonsense from CNN and the like over the last 4 years? The Russian hoax is the biggest of all. To this day, most of you STILL believe it. It is comical at best.
Comparing that shit to a couple of MSM issues that may or may not be actually factually untrue is as crazy as that shit in the first place.

And of note..56% of Republicans believe all or most of that...the remainder only believe "some" of it

They virtually all believe in the "Big Steal" election lies...still and the nonsensical "deep state" thing

Just a question Lesh....What will be your response if at some point a real investigation of what went on in this election is ever undertaken, and found exactly what we are saying? Would you continue to dismiss it?

I can assure you he would dismiss it, as would all TDS folks.
If Russia is the best comparison they can make, they really should be embarrassed. But these people? They're not embarrassed.
You'll note that few will actually admit openly that they believe this shit. On some level they know it's batshit.
Just a question Lesh....What will be your response if at some point a real investigation of what went on in this election is ever undertaken, and found exactly what we are saying? Would you continue to dismiss it?
There have been investigations and audits. None satisfy you.

Yea...yoiu bring me a body of Bigfoot and have that body examined by real scientistslooking at DNA etc...and I'm a believer. But ya know what?

That ain't likely to happen. It's batshit
If Russia is the best comparison they can make, they really should be embarrassed. But these people? They're not embarrassed.
You'll note that few will actually admit openly that they believe this shit. On some level they know it's batshit.
Just a question Lesh....What will be your response if at some point a real investigation of what went on in this election is ever undertaken, and found exactly what we are saying? Would you continue to dismiss it?
There have been investigations and audits. None satisfy you.

Yea...yoiu bring me a body of Bigfoot and have that body examined by real scientistslooking at DNA etc...and I'm a believer. But ya know what?

That ain't likely to happen. It's batshit
What's tough to distinguish is which of them just don't have the balls to say anything negative about their tribe, and which believe some or all of the Q stuff.

This place is always fascinating, always.
There have been investigations and audits. None satisfy you.

Yea...yoiu bring me a body of Bigfoot and have that body examined by real scientistslooking at DNA etc...and I'm a believer. But ya know what?

That ain't likely to happen. It's batshit

If there are still concerns out there, weather you think they are crazy or not, half the country thinks that at the very least something was not right with this last election...

The point at which the election would be overturned is moot at this point. Joe Biden is President, and nothing will change that. But, if the "unity" that he seeks as President is so important to this country going forward, and I happen to think it is, but if that is the case, then why wouldn't a comprehensive investigation be warranted, and backed by Democrats as well as what Republican's want? If it turns out that there was nothing there, then you would have that conclusively....But, to say that these States investigated themselves, and call recounts of potentally inelegible ballots audits, while doing everything you can to block any real investigation into this, then "unity" is a pipe dream....
If Russia is the best comparison they can make, they really should be embarrassed. But these people? They're not embarrassed.
You'll note that few will actually admit openly that they believe this shit. On some level they know it's batshit.
Just a question Lesh....What will be your response if at some point a real investigation of what went on in this election is ever undertaken, and found exactly what we are saying? Would you continue to dismiss it?
There have been investigations and audits. None satisfy you.

Yea...yoiu bring me a body of Bigfoot and have that body examined by real scientistslooking at DNA etc...and I'm a believer. But ya know what?

That ain't likely to happen. It's batshit
What's tough to distinguish is which of them just don't have the balls to say anything negative about their tribe, and which believe some or all of the Q stuff.

This place is always fascinating, always.

What's most disconcerting is that they don't disavow the crazies. They're so desperate to stay in power that they'll promote any sort of lie, any conspiracy theory, or just batshit crazy stuff so as not to lose the votes.

Maybe if the Republican Party had a platform, a plan, or an agenda other than holding power by any means necessary, they might get enough votes to form a government.
What's most disconcerting is that they don't disavow the crazies. They're so desperate to stay in power that they'll promote any sort of lie, any conspiracy theory, or just batshit crazy stuff so as not to lose the votes.
Same thing they've done for Trump for four years. When you refuse to hold a person or group accountable for their actions, you enable them.

So the question then becomes, which is worse: Those who are doing the damage, or those who are enabling them to do the damage?

In general, I think it's the latter. We saw this in Europe, 80 years ago.
If Russia is the best comparison they can make, they really should be embarrassed. But these people? They're not embarrassed.
You'll note that few will actually admit openly that they believe this shit. On some level they know it's batshit.
Just a question Lesh....What will be your response if at some point a real investigation of what went on in this election is ever undertaken, and found exactly what we are saying? Would you continue to dismiss it?
There have been investigations and audits. None satisfy you.

Yea...yoiu bring me a body of Bigfoot and have that body examined by real scientistslooking at DNA etc...and I'm a believer. But ya know what?

That ain't likely to happen. It's batshit
What's tough to distinguish is which of them just don't have the balls to say anything negative about their tribe, and which believe some or all of the Q stuff.

This place is always fascinating, always.

What's most disconcerting is that they don't disavow the crazies. They're so desperate to stay in power that they'll promote any sort of lie, any conspiracy theory, or just batshit crazy stuff so as not to lose the votes.

Maybe if the Republican Party had a platform, a plan, or an agenda other than holding power by any means necessary, they might get enough votes to form a government.

Classic projection...
What's most disconcerting is that they don't disavow the crazies. They're so desperate to stay in power that they'll promote any sort of lie, any conspiracy theory, or just batshit crazy stuff so as not to lose the votes.
Same thing they've done for Trump for four years. When you refuse to hold a person or group accountable for their actions, you enable them.

So the question then becomes, which is worse: Those who are doing the damage, or those who are enabling them to do the damage?

In general, I think it's the latter. We saw this in Europe, 80 years ago.

Good grief, enough already you fucking pinhead....
Is all that some kind of claim that Qanon doesn't exist?
False equivalency.

It doesn't matter how many people scoff at, mock, and dismiss this article. That's not evidence of something existing or not. It's a stupid argument.

It's especially annoying considering we just had a fairly in depth thread on just how fucked the media is... Only to... Do the same kind of thing.

Edit:: I'll grant you that this thread was made before that discussion... But still. Is it really that bad if you do that kind of thing yourself? Really? Sure you are against it? Not toward you specifically TT.

And they've all but taken over an entire major American political party.
It's especially annoying considering we just had a fairly in depth thread on just how fucked the media is... Only to... Do the same kind of thing.

Edit:: I'll grant you that this thread was made before that discussion... But still. Is it really that bad if you do that kind of thing yourself? Really? Sure you are against it? Not toward you specifically TT.
What's most disconcerting is that they don't disavow the crazies. They're so desperate to stay in power that they'll promote any sort of lie, any conspiracy theory, or just batshit crazy stuff so as not to lose the votes.
Same thing they've done for Trump for four years. When you refuse to hold a person or group accountable for their actions, you enable them.

So the question then becomes, which is worse: Those who are doing the damage, or those who are enabling them to do the damage?

In general, I think it's the latter. We saw this in Europe, 80 years ago.

I gave up waiting for democrats to denounce the crazies on their side a very long time ago. Welcome to the club.
You'll notice they're trying to compare and equate the insane Qanon theories with the Russia thing, which is feeble at best.
Its not easy to get worked up into a frenzy over a group so heavily suppressed and therefore unfamiliar to most Americans as Qanon.

But if libs can go off half-cocked its probably not wise for the rest of us to disagree with them

after all, they know everything about everything
After reading your post here, it strikes me that the whole Q thing is a conspiracy theory developed, or at least co opted by the left to discredit, if not totally silence, or cow into submission those that do not conceed to the left's platform....I'm not saying that you do that colfax, but I have my doubts about Mac1958 in here anyway.

I first heard about QAnon in about October. The Nazis were mocking them. Then I read that they were warning about Epstein's creepy group years ago...
I am starting to get the impression that this Q thing is being used by Biden people to discredit anyone who doesn't fall in line.

No, it's being used to discredit people who say they believe Q, and that Democrats are pedophiles who kill babies and drink their blood.
And those who believe that are very well-represented on this board.
And those who believe that are very well-represented on this board.
And yet none will admit it. Do they know it's batshit and are embarrassed?
Yeah, good question. What probably happens in their minds is that they figure they're victims for believing da troof, and want to protect themselves.

Or something.

The alternate universe requires a lot of translating.
And those who believe that are very well-represented on this board.

Notice the pathology of you Nazis.

Q says democrats are running a pedophile ring with a secret island that the party elite and Hollywood flocks to.

This is proven fact, so you Nazis turn the statement of fact from "democrats are pedophiles with a secret sex island" into "democrats are pedophiles who kill babies and drink their blood." Now the first part is true. So is the second part, democrats do love them some baby killing. But the third part is shit you just made up.
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