The Purge Continues: Biden Defense Secretary Orders Military-Wide Stand-Downs to “Address White Nationalism,” Rid Military of “Extremists and Racists”

I wonder if all of this is due to the fact that the dems know sooner or later the truth over the election will come out...AZ supreme court just today placed the Maricopa county election board on contempt of court until they produce their ballot machine data as ordered.....
The Senate has demanded access to voting machines and all 2.1 million ballots cast in the election. The board has said it can’t comply because ballots are sealed by law and the voting machines the Senate wants to examine need to remain secure.
Gee...I wonder if this purge doesn't produce of a lot of military members who want the communists out -----and will have lots of free time to see them out. If the trained military people didn't hate the communists enough, purging them will surely make them hate them more.
"Biden’s Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin ordered military-wide stand-downs pausing regular activity to “address white nationalism” in the ranks and rid the military of “extremists and racists.”

The Pentagon did not clearly define what makes one an extremist or how they will deal with extremism among the ranks."

The reason the Pentagon did not know how to clearly define 'extremists and racists' is because Biden's new Secretary of Defense did not give them a clear definition and did not give clear direction / orders on how to proceed.

“We don’t know how we’re going to be able to get after this in a meaningful, productive, tangible way and that is why he had this meeting today and that is why he certainly ordered this stand-down,” Pentagon spokesman John Kirby told reporters."

Austin, however, defines 'white nationalists' & 'extremists' as TRUMP SUPPORTERS, those who oppose the Democrats Socialist ideology and their on-going agenda and / or who believe there was definite election fraud this past election (which includes over 170 million Americans).

"Lloyd Austin also stripped several hundred appointees of their posts on Pentagon advisory boards over the weekend.

The secretary’s goal was to purge the department of Trump loyalists who were appointed to various advisory boards at the last minute."

The US military is engaged in multiple wars and combat operations and are serving all over the world, and the new Secretary of Defense put a halt to all Pentagon ops so the new Biden administration could purge the Pentagon of all military officers who had supported President Trump. If this was Austin's only criteria for firing these people this is a seriously dangerous thing.

There is no other way to describe this but as a 'Purge'. I will add, 'purges' are not always a bad thing.

And ridding the military of racists and extremists is bad for you, isn't it?

Libs seem to be all over the board on this. They insisted on FORCING people into a Jim Crow Army that catered to racists during WW2, but now they switched it around?

Show some consistency, libs.
You had to reach back over 70 years? Really, honey? :itsok:

Its still Tremendously relevant, you know. The mint is releasing a coin honoring the Tuskegee Airmen, a Jim Crow division that served in WW2. My old man was banned from serving in that outfit, BTW, simply because of the color of his skin.
Yes, a purge of people violating the terms of their contract by doing what they said they would not when they signed a contract with the US military of their choice.

Will Biden allow people to voluntarily walk away from this political purge? If a soldier is from a Red State, does he really want to serve under Sleepy Joe?
You are not suppose to join if you are a terrorist or a racist and if they find out what a jackass you've been you are out, in my day they enjoyed torturing your ass for a year and then letting you go.
Gee...I wonder if this purge doesn't produce of a lot of military members who want the communists out -----and will have lots of free time to see them out. If the trained military people didn't hate the communists enough, purging them will surely make them hate them more.
When you are in the military you are restricted on political activities also.
I wonder if all of this is due to the fact that the dems know sooner or later the truth over the election will come out...AZ supreme court just today placed the Maricopa county election board on contempt of court until they produce their ballot machine data as ordered.....
The Senate has demanded access to voting machines and all 2.1 million ballots cast in the election. The board has said it can’t comply because ballots are sealed by law and the voting machines the Senate wants to examine need to remain secure.
In otherwords, they need to keep their fraudulent votes secret.........and don't want anyone investigating their crimes.
Like the drill says when you get to the first day of basic training, "this ain't no vacation".
I wonder if all of this is due to the fact that the dems know sooner or later the truth over the election will come out...AZ supreme court just today placed the Maricopa county election board on contempt of court until they produce their ballot machine data as ordered.....
The Senate has demanded access to voting machines and all 2.1 million ballots cast in the election. The board has said it can’t comply because ballots are sealed by law and the voting machines the Senate wants to examine need to remain secure.
In otherwords, they need to keep their fraudulent votes secret.........and don't want anyone investigating their crimes.
It was the law many, many years before you had trust issues.
"Biden’s Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin ordered military-wide stand-downs pausing regular activity to “address white nationalism” in the ranks and rid the military of “extremists and racists.”

The Pentagon did not clearly define what makes one an extremist or how they will deal with extremism among the ranks."

The reason the Pentagon did not know how to clearly define 'extremists and racists' is because Biden's new Secretary of Defense did not give them a clear definition and did not give clear direction / orders on how to proceed.

“We don’t know how we’re going to be able to get after this in a meaningful, productive, tangible way and that is why he had this meeting today and that is why he certainly ordered this stand-down,” Pentagon spokesman John Kirby told reporters."

Austin, however, defines 'white nationalists' & 'extremists' as TRUMP SUPPORTERS, those who oppose the Democrats Socialist ideology and their on-going agenda and / or who believe there was definite election fraud this past election (which includes over 170 million Americans).

"Lloyd Austin also stripped several hundred appointees of their posts on Pentagon advisory boards over the weekend.

The secretary’s goal was to purge the department of Trump loyalists who were appointed to various advisory boards at the last minute."

The US military is engaged in multiple wars and combat operations and are serving all over the world, and the new Secretary of Defense put a halt to all Pentagon ops so the new Biden administration could purge the Pentagon of all military officers who had supported President Trump. If this was Austin's only criteria for firing these people this is a seriously dangerous thing.

There is no other way to describe this but as a 'Purge'. I will add, 'purges' are not always a bad thing.

Not as many Supremacists in the military as they'd have us believe. By definition, all members are the United States is a nation. Some of them are white?

A hand-full of bad actors--if their smart, they're keeping their heads down. But for the ones that made some rash statement on social media..those folks are done. Clearances revoked...officer's resigning...and enlisted RIFed out...with referrals to the FBI. That's what happens when you fuck with our country. The military is unforgiving of that shit.

As for the Purge...Austin is just undoing Trump's last 'fuck-you'.
Yes, a purge of people violating the terms of their contract by doing what they said they would not when they signed a contract with the US military of their choice.
Ah yes. But to fire a "whistleblower" who also violated their terms of contract as they "ratted out Donald Trump"....that was fine.

He was let go was he not?

Know your facts if you want to engage in an adult debate.
Being an officer is a little different than being enlisted.
Wow. The Biden Bitches putting more Americans out of work. Big surprise. Thought contracts were supposed to work both ways. Thought the goal was equal rights for blacks and whites and others. That racism was supposed to be a bad thing. Uncle Sam don't want you after all. Wonder how abused, out of work, highly and righteously pissed-off victims of discrimination will ever make use of finely honed combat skills? Is there a big job market for folks capable of putting a bullet threw a man's face a half mile away?
Austin, however, defines 'white nationalists' & 'extremists' as TRUMP SUPPORTERS, those who oppose the Democrats Socialist ideology

Essentially, anyone who voted for Trump is in their crosshairs.

Let them discharge everyone who voted for Trump. We'll be left with the 28th most powerful military in the world.

Fuckin' idiots, these leftist fucks...
Is Trump an extremists and racist, is Trump the Constitution?
Are you saying voting for trump is a crime?
I'm not..and I'm pretty sure that no one is going to be in trouble for voting for Trump. If they hang out at Stormfront a lot...might be deemed an issue.
There is only room for one loyalty..if you are a serving active duty member of the military--and that's to the US and your chain of command.
Yes, a purge of people violating the terms of their contract by doing what they said they would not when they signed a contract with the US military of their choice.

Like you have a fucking clue what the terms of a military contract are...
I have two DD 214's from being honorably discharged twice after serving both enlistment terms of my contracts with the US Army. I know all about 'em
Yes, a purge of people violating the terms of their contract by doing what they said they would not when they signed a contract with the US military of their choice.
Ah yes. But to fire a "whistleblower" who also violated their terms of contract as they "ratted out Donald Trump"....that was fine.

He was let go was he not?

Know your facts if you want to engage in an adult debate.
Being an officer is a little different than being enlisted.
And there you have it.

Showing you have no idea about the military but willing to engage in a debate about the military.

You are clueless.
Yes, a purge of people violating the terms of their contract by doing what they said they would not when they signed a contract with the US military of their choice.

Like you have a fucking clue what the terms of a military contract are...
I have two DD 214's from being honorably discharged twice after serving both enlistment terms of my contracts with the US Army.
Any truck driver can look that up on google.

If you think enlisted, NCO's and officers have a different CoC from each other, you were never military.

Liar. Stolen Valor.

You should be ashamed of yourself.
"Biden’s Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin ordered military-wide stand-downs pausing regular activity to “address white nationalism” in the ranks and rid the military of “extremists and racists.”

The Pentagon did not clearly define what makes one an extremist or how they will deal with extremism among the ranks."

The reason the Pentagon did not know how to clearly define 'extremists and racists' is because Biden's new Secretary of Defense did not give them a clear definition and did not give clear direction / orders on how to proceed.

“We don’t know how we’re going to be able to get after this in a meaningful, productive, tangible way and that is why he had this meeting today and that is why he certainly ordered this stand-down,” Pentagon spokesman John Kirby told reporters."

Austin, however, defines 'white nationalists' & 'extremists' as TRUMP SUPPORTERS, those who oppose the Democrats Socialist ideology and their on-going agenda and / or who believe there was definite election fraud this past election (which includes over 170 million Americans).

"Lloyd Austin also stripped several hundred appointees of their posts on Pentagon advisory boards over the weekend.

The secretary’s goal was to purge the department of Trump loyalists who were appointed to various advisory boards at the last minute."

The US military is engaged in multiple wars and combat operations and are serving all over the world, and the new Secretary of Defense put a halt to all Pentagon ops so the new Biden administration could purge the Pentagon of all military officers who had supported President Trump. If this was Austin's only criteria for firing these people this is a seriously dangerous thing.

There is no other way to describe this but as a 'Purge'. I will add, 'purges' are not always a bad thing.

And ridding the military of racists and extremists is bad for you, isn't it?

Libs seem to be all over the board on this. They insisted on FORCING people into a Jim Crow Army that catered to racists during WW2, but now they switched it around?

Show some consistency, libs.
You had to reach back over 70 years? Really, honey? :itsok:

Its still Tremendously relevant, you know. The mint is releasing a coin honoring the Tuskegee Airmen, a Jim Crow division that served in WW2. My old man was banned from serving in that outfit, BTW, simply because of the color of his skin.
Now nicely convoluted! Somehow..I just can't seem to summon up a lot of sympathy for the poor white man...who didn't get to serve in the segregated black outfit...that was created because of the policies put in place by the...wait for it....white man.
Gee...I wonder if this purge doesn't produce of a lot of military members who want the communists out -----and will have lots of free time to see them out. If the trained military people didn't hate the communists enough, purging them will surely make them hate them more.
Do the communists realize they are creating a massive patriot army? They are doing to same to the police departments. Trained police and military.

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