The Purpose of Life


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Always felt 'the meaning of life' was a pointless question. Who said there has to be meaning? But if we change the question to what's the purpose of life, when you consider life as a whole over the span of millions of years here's my answer:

The purpose of life is to help other life evolve to the point of space travel. When life can leave it's home planet and begin to explore the cosmos, it should seek out other inhabited worlds and help that life evolve like it did on our's. If we only live and exist for our own benefit, our lives are meaningless. To illustrate: if only a few people survived a nuclear war, not enough to repopulate the planet, then their continued survival is meaningless. Instead, we should live to help those who need it. Everyone should contribute a verse in the overall production of life.

Star Trek's 'Prime Directive' says not to interfere with the natural development of other cultures. And forbids making contact until they've developed warp drive (and obstensibly are gonna be encountering other space-faring civilizations anyway.) But if we abide by this, we're saying intelligent life trying to endure and continue is no more important or worthy than ants back home. If an ant hill gets wiped out, oh well. That's a pretty cold blooded policy for other sentient beings. While interacting with primitive species has its' risks, anything is better than simply 'leaving them to it.'

While I understand the concerns of prominent leaders in the scientific community about not going out of our way to reveal our existence to the local galaxy lest some hostile alien race shows up and wipes us out, if we don't reveal ourselves then it's on us to find them first. And that's a long ways off. Plus, if we don't then we're just living for ourselves with no real point to anything we do. If we don't seek to share everything humanity has learned and done and discovered all that work is meaningless. One big rock hitting the planet and we're wiped out anyway.

The planet needs to task itself with ensuring the sentient life on this planet continues, thrives, and prospers long enough that we can get off-world and find others. If we continue the current paradigm of living only for ourselves, and not ourselves as a whole species, then life's continued existence has no purpose. And as a result, no value.
Interesting view of things, and thank you for sharing it. Personally, I believe the point of this life is a proving grounds to determine whether or not one's Soul has become enlightened enough to move on to the next level of consciousness or not.
He's an atheist and he's lonely. He posts it in religion because he projects his loneliness on our species. Perhaps he thinks if we could only find another sentient race, then, at long last, he could find his soul mate.


He should spend more time trying to achieve personal goals and enlightenment here on Earth than looking for some ET to molest. :lmao:
Interesting view of things, and thank you for sharing it. Personally, I believe the point of this life is a proving grounds to determine whether or not one's Soul has become enlightened enough to move on to the next level of consciousness or not.

So you're of the "it's all about me" camp? That's fine. A lot will agree with you. I do not.
Firstly if there is a nuclear war it will probably be between Russia and America and the UK. Most of the people on those continents would be killed, but China and the middle east would probably be untouched. So unless there was so much radioactive fallout that life was wiped out in those country's too they would probably continue to thrive.

As for needing to go to other planets, according to the spirit world all we have to do to reach other planets is to die and reincarnate on them. We supposedly incarnate on a planet which suits the need of our spiritual evolution.
Therefore we have all probably lived on other worlds before this one.
The purpose of life is happiness. "Adam fell that man might be, and men are that they should have joy." And because the Lord wants us to be happy He has made it His work to bring to pass our immortality and Eternal life.

By following the counsels and commandments we are given we become a happy virtuous people.
So you're of the "it's all about me" camp? That's fine. A lot will agree with you. I do not.

Not so much "All about Me" as much as it is about "How DO you Think/Speak/Act compared to How you SHOULD Think/Speak/Act".

It is my belief that our physical forms are merely the equivalent of that car the DMV used to provide for your driver's license road test. If you pass the test you move on. If you fail you have to try again (via reincarnation). If you fail horrifically you get told you're never getting to move on and get sent to "Hell" (or whatever you prefer to call it).
Always felt 'the meaning of life' was a pointless question. Who said there has to be meaning? But if we change the question to what's the purpose of life, when you consider life as a whole over the span of millions of years here's my answer:

The purpose of life is to help other life evolve to the point of space travel. When life can leave it's home planet and begin to explore the cosmos, it should seek out other inhabited worlds and help that life evolve like it did on our's. If we only live and exist for our own benefit, our lives are meaningless. To illustrate: if only a few people survived a nuclear war, not enough to repopulate the planet, then their continued survival is meaningless. Instead, we should live to help those who need it. Everyone should contribute a verse in the overall production of life.

Star Trek's 'Prime Directive' says not to interfere with the natural development of other cultures. And forbids making contact until they've developed warp drive (and obstensibly are gonna be encountering other space-faring civilizations anyway.) But if we abide by this, we're saying intelligent life trying to endure and continue is no more important or worthy than ants back home. If an ant hill gets wiped out, oh well. That's a pretty cold blooded policy for other sentient beings. While interacting with primitive species has its' risks, anything is better than simply 'leaving them to it.'

While I understand the concerns of prominent leaders in the scientific community about not going out of our way to reveal our existence to the local galaxy lest some hostile alien race shows up and wipes us out, if we don't reveal ourselves then it's on us to find them first. And that's a long ways off. Plus, if we don't then we're just living for ourselves with no real point to anything we do. If we don't seek to share everything humanity has learned and done and discovered all that work is meaningless. One big rock hitting the planet and we're wiped out anyway.

The planet needs to task itself with ensuring the sentient life on this planet continues, thrives, and prospers long enough that we can get off-world and find others. If we continue the current paradigm of living only for ourselves, and not ourselves as a whole species, then life's continued existence has no purpose. And as a result, no value.

I think Sagan said instead of asking what's the purpose ask "what purpose can I give my life?" So try to contribute to society in a positive way. Fight stupidity greed and mean people. Speak out even if its not you being bullied. Make a positive dent. And isnt it funny guys like us are more worried about the species surviving forever while theist are worried selfishly about themselves. There doesnt have to be a purpose. We may go extinct before we get off this rock. My purpose is to make the most of my time. I love feeding the squirrels. How many years do they get ten? I like to make their lives better. That's my purpose. That and weed and family and friends and fun. Life is short.

Would you go to mars?
The purpose of life is happiness. "Adam fell that man might be, and men are that they should have joy." And because the Lord wants us to be happy He has made it His work to bring to pass our immortality and Eternal life.

By following the counsels and commandments we are given we become a happy virtuous people.
But don't believe in Jesus and burn in hell for all eternity. Check the sell by date on your ancient religion. How's Zeus?
Always felt 'the meaning of life' was a pointless question. Who said there has to be meaning? But if we change the question to what's the purpose of life, when you consider life as a whole over the span of millions of years here's my answer:

The purpose of life is to help other life evolve to the point of space travel. When life can leave it's home planet and begin to explore the cosmos, it should seek out other inhabited worlds and help that life evolve like it did on our's. If we only live and exist for our own benefit, our lives are meaningless. To illustrate: if only a few people survived a nuclear war, not enough to repopulate the planet, then their continued survival is meaningless. Instead, we should live to help those who need it. Everyone should contribute a verse in the overall production of life.

How will you be accomplishing the assigned purpose? What will you do to fulfill this task?
You make the assumption that we have something to offer other civilizations on other planets? Maybe we are waiting for them.

Yea like Magellen and Columbus we will bring them diseases. Any planet with animals no better off than deer lions bear rats pigs fish crocs hippos birds toads etc would be a garden of eden. If it has intelligent life we will have problems. Not enough room for the both of us.

One has to be top of the food chain.
The purpose of life is happiness. "Adam fell that man might be, and men are that they should have joy." And because the Lord wants us to be happy He has made it His work to bring to pass our immortality and Eternal life.

By following the counsels and commandments we are given we become a happy virtuous people.
But don't believe in Jesus and burn in hell for all eternity. Check the sell by date on your ancient religion. How's Zeus?

How is not God's fault if you ignore everything He gives you and choose misery?

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