The Pursuit of "Pussy"


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Let's say there's this THING out there called "Pussy." I am not referring to the female body part that may be called a vagina. I am referring to casual, uncommitted, often-annonymous, irresponsible, sexual intercourse, for the sake of sexual intercourse. It is not an "act of love" or an expression of endearment, and it is certainly not an attempt to make a baby, it's just having sex. "Recreational" sex, if you will.

ALL heterosexual men are inclined to pursue Pussy. Notice, I didn't say "unmarried" men, or "young" men, or "some" men. All heterosexual men have this inclination. Much of our social activity is a dressed-up charade that disguises the fact that it is largely nothing more than the pursuit of Pussy. Singles bar? Are you kidding? it is a whole infrastructure intended for nothing more or less than the pursuit of Pussy. Office Christmas Party? College? Largely a pursuit of Pussy, just as much as a pursuit of "higher learning."

What about married men and their wives? Date night. Do you think that every single act of intercourse between H&W is an act of commitment or "love." Since the advent of artificial birth control, and the release from the fear of pregnancy, much of marital sex is little more than the husband wanting (and getting) some Pussy. And married men certainly think about Pussy - not with their wives, of course, and it is a good thing that they GENERALLY take their marriage vows seriously enough not to actively pursue Pussy, even though the INCLINATION to pursue Pussy is not voluntary, but innate.

Some men are successful at getting Pussy because they are extraordinarily handsome. Some men are successful because they are charming. Some men are successful because they have MONEY, or expensive, ostentatious possessions. Some men are successful because of power and position (Harvey Weinstein). Some men are successful because they recognize desperation in women, and they pursue women who are desperate for "love," or a husband, or who have the dreaded condition called, "low self-esteem." It doesn't matter as long as it's successful.

Most men are not terribly successful at getting Pussy. They get married if they are lucky, and leave it at that. The single ones are sad - pursuing the most desperate women they can find in a vain attempt to get the occasional shot of Pussy.

What is an engagement ring? An engagement ring is a conspicuous mark placed on a woman by her "mate" to indicate to other men that this particular woman must not be looked at as potential Pussy. She is off the market. It is the same with a Burka. That is a garment required by a husband or father to indicate to unrelated men that this woman is not Pussy.

Men, when segregated from women, often speak about the pursuit of, and their relative success at, getting Pussy. This is referred to as "locker room talk." Our President was once recorded saying that, due to his power, celebrity, and prestige, he could "grab a woman by the pussy" with impunity. The implication was that he could copulate with these symbolic women, more or less at will. A former President was occasionally heard to brag about his successful pursuit of Pussy, aided by his political positions.

On the female side, females take incredible pains to make themselves "attractive." [Think about that word and its implications]. They color their hair, paint their faces, wear contraptions to make their boobs look bigger and younger, wear terribly uncomfortable shoes to look taller, and to make their legs and butts look more muscular and sexually attractive. They expose as much skin as the weather allows. They wear clothes that are designed to make them look more sexually attractive (e.g., "yoga" pants). Even married women do these things. It's no wonder conservative Muslims around the world look at American and European women with scorn. Do they want to look like Pussy?

Do young, impressionable girls realize when they dress and act like "tramps" that they are signaling to their male peers that they ARE Pussy? Whether they want to be or not? I hope they do not realize this, but I fear they do.

And what is contemporary Leftist Feminism but a screeching horde of women yelling, "WE ARE NOT PUSSY!" "DON'T THINK OF US AS PUSSY!" Even though many of the entertainers in the horde have made a life's work of pretending, professionally, to be Pussy, and acting like Pussy in their private lives. Except for Meryl Streep. Not her. Not ever.
And what is contemporary Leftist Feminism but a screeching horde of women yelling, "WE ARE NOT PUSSY!" "DON'T THINK OF US AS PUSSY!" Even though many of the entertainers in the horde have made a life's work of pretending, professionally, to be Pussy, and acting like Pussy in their private lives. Except for Meryl Streep. Not her. Not ever.

cause she's too ugly
Let's say there's this THING out there called "Pussy." I am not referring to the female body part that may be called a vagina. I am referring to casual, uncommitted, often-annonymous, irresponsible, sexual intercourse, for the sake of sexual intercourse. It is not an "act of love" or an expression of endearment, and it is certainly not an attempt to make a baby, it's just having sex. "Recreational" sex, if you will.

ALL heterosexual men are inclined to pursue Pussy. Notice, I didn't say "unmarried" men, or "young" men, or "some" men. All heterosexual men have this inclination. Much of our social activity is a dressed-up charade that disguises the fact that it is largely nothing more than the pursuit of Pussy. Singles bar? Are you kidding? it is a whole infrastructure intended for nothing more or less than the pursuit of Pussy. Office Christmas Party? College? Largely a pursuit of Pussy, just as much as a pursuit of "higher learning."

What about married men and their wives? Date night. Do you think that every single act of intercourse between H&W is an act of commitment or "love." Since the advent of artificial birth control, and the release from the fear of pregnancy, much of marital sex is little more than the husband wanting (and getting) some Pussy. And married men certainly think about Pussy - not with their wives, of course, and it is a good thing that they GENERALLY take their marriage vows seriously enough not to actively pursue Pussy, even though the INCLINATION to pursue Pussy is not voluntary, but innate.

Some men are successful at getting Pussy because they are extraordinarily handsome. Some men are successful because they are charming. Some men are successful because they have MONEY, or expensive, ostentatious possessions. Some men are successful because of power and position (Harvey Weinstein). Some men are successful because they recognize desperation in women, and they pursue women who are desperate for "love," or a husband, or who have the dreaded condition called, "low self-esteem." It doesn't matter as long as it's successful.

Most men are not terribly successful at getting Pussy. They get married if they are lucky, and leave it at that. The single ones are sad - pursuing the most desperate women they can find in a vain attempt to get the occasional shot of Pussy.

What is an engagement ring? An engagement ring is a conspicuous mark placed on a woman by her "mate" to indicate to other men that this particular woman must not be looked at as potential Pussy. She is off the market. It is the same with a Burka. That is a garment required by a husband or father to indicate to unrelated men that this woman is not Pussy.

Men, when segregated from women, often speak about the pursuit of, and their relative success at, getting Pussy. This is referred to as "locker room talk." Our President was once recorded saying that, due to his power, celebrity, and prestige, he could "grab a woman by the pussy" with impunity. The implication was that he could copulate with these symbolic women, more or less at will. A former President was occasionally heard to brag about his successful pursuit of Pussy, aided by his political positions.

On the female side, females take incredible pains to make themselves "attractive." [Think about that word and its implications]. They color their hair, paint their faces, wear contraptions to make their boobs look bigger and younger, wear terribly uncomfortable shoes to look taller, and to make their legs and butts look more muscular and sexually attractive. They expose as much skin as the weather allows. They wear clothes that are designed to make them look more sexually attractive (e.g., "yoga" pants). Even married women do these things. It's no wonder conservative Muslims around the world look at American and European women with scorn. Do they want to look like Pussy?

Do young, impressionable girls realize when they dress and act like "tramps" that they are signaling to their male peers that they ARE Pussy? Whether they want to be or not? I hope they do not realize this, but I fear they do.

And what is contemporary Leftist Feminism but a screeching horde of women yelling, "WE ARE NOT PUSSY!" "DON'T THINK OF US AS PUSSY!" Even though many of the entertainers in the horde have made a life's work of pretending, professionally, to be Pussy, and acting like Pussy in their private lives. Except for Meryl Streep. Not her. Not ever.
I do find it interesting that women dress sexy, then, expect men to not flirt or want them.... most sexy clothing is not even comfortable...
OR the women that are like "yeah, tell me I look awesome etc. then bug off"
Most men are not terribly successful at getting Pussy

It was a lot easier back in the day when you went to bars.....
I could get it no matter where I went, yet it was the emotional attachment that was a turn off..

So sad, but, so true. Women always wonder "is this the one"? and Men always wonder "can't I meet a women just that wants a good fucking?"
Now in the 1970's casual sex was in and names were hardly known but that changed in the 1980's....AIDS had a lot to do with that...

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