The Pushback in Illinois Begins

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The mayor should then be on the hook for all resulting medical bills.

If they want their freedom, they can pay for it.
On the day that the USA was shut down at least 100,000,000 Americans had or already recovered from covid19. The reality is that over 90 percent have no or very few symptoms. My entire family was infected and no one needed a doctor. Just how it is kid
I agree.
My family should be tested, but no one sees or hears us as we are the truth
I thought we were going to be smart about it but it turns out you can only stop the village idiots from harming themselves for so long.

So if y’all decide that this is how you want to play it, why should I have to pay for your stupidity?
"Being smart about it" in your world means groveling at the feet of people whose models and numbers haven't ever been right.

You want to be a cowering little beta, who needs to be told by his betters what to do and when to do it, that's your business...Just don't arrogantly stand in the way of people who can decide for themselves what very low grade risks they will take and which they wont, under the phony guise of "saving lives".....And make no mistake about it, as contagions as the Covid is, it's not life threatening in 99.98% of cases.

Now go wash your hands and Cower in Place™, like the good little servile beta cuck that you are.

Not that all bed wetters are liberals, some bed wetters are not interested in politics at all, but all liberals are bed wetters. Sniveling, pathetic, vacuous, servile drones who empower sociopaths and end up getting millions of people killed.

I loathe these fucking pieces of shit....

If they want their freedom, they can pay for it.

You might want to take a step back and rationally think about what you just said, Komrade

Rationally, those who take a more cavalier attitude will have higher medical consequences. Who should pay for those consequences?
what law is being broken is the first question you could answer?
Emergency declarations regarding closures and social distancing.

This should be obvious even to you.

In this case it would seem that no law is being broken. Pritzker's authority ended at the 30-day mark as per the Illinois Constitution, which grants him 30 days. He is now relying on local officials to enforce his extension.

His own attorney's office issued a memo questioning the legality of the extension, expressed concern about lawsuits, and opined that this was why he has used the language he has.

"It appears Article V does not give Pritzker powers to suspend constitutional rights, nor to organize the militia to enforce laws or suppress insurrection, and Robinson notes, this may be why the governor took the position that local law enforcement is responsible for administering his rules outlined in the executive order."

“My research leaves me less than confident that a reviewing court will hold that the governor has the authority close businesses, bar attendance at church services and assemblies in excess of ten citizens (particularly if they are assembling to redress grievances)," Robinson said. "From a strict enforcement standpoint, although well-intentioned on an emergency basis, the [executive order] is very broad and does not appear to meet strict scrutiny, this is not to mention the [executive order] appears to be beyond the framework of the specific act it cites as support.”

This is also likely why East Peoria was/is free to do this and he likely cannot/will not do anything about it. Other counties and communities have also said they will not enforce, and still others are first asking for a release from this extension before going their own way, including DuPage county, directly adjacent to Cook/Chicago, which sent a letter to Pritzker asking for same.

He was asked about this during yesterday's press conference and whether he would step in to stop East Peoria from opening. Instead of answering the question with a simple yes/no he said he thought that they were taking on potential liability by doing so and moved on.

read up.
Lake County sheriff’s office won’t issue tickets for breaking 2-person boat limit, but boating communities push back on Gov. Pritzker’s order

"Pritzker did not address the rationale for including families at a news conference Sunday, but said enforcement is up to local authorities. Abudayyeh did not respond to a question regarding the rationale for not allowing full families on boats."

More of the same. Seeing more and more of this here at this point He has not defined an end game here, simply saying we must 'defeat' the virus. He is losing support, as people's lives have to go on and they are not going to indefinitely march in lockstep, that much is obvious at this point.
Lake County sheriff’s office won’t issue tickets for breaking 2-person boat limit, but boating communities push back on Gov. Pritzker’s order

"Pritzker did not address the rationale for including families at a news conference Sunday, but said enforcement is up to local authorities. Abudayyeh did not respond to a question regarding the rationale for not allowing full families on boats."

More of the same. Seeing more and more of this here at this point He has not defined an end game here, simply saying we must 'defeat' the virus. He is losing support, as people's lives have to go on and they are not going to indefinitely march in lockstep, that much is obvious at this point.
I'm currently in Lake County....It's positively Orwellian here...All the local cops I've seen in my area seem to be acquiescing to the irrational demands of Governor Cartman.

Can't wait to get the hell out of here and back to my bolt hole in the north woods.
Lake County sheriff’s office won’t issue tickets for breaking 2-person boat limit, but boating communities push back on Gov. Pritzker’s order

"Pritzker did not address the rationale for including families at a news conference Sunday, but said enforcement is up to local authorities. Abudayyeh did not respond to a question regarding the rationale for not allowing full families on boats."

More of the same. Seeing more and more of this here at this point He has not defined an end game here, simply saying we must 'defeat' the virus. He is losing support, as people's lives have to go on and they are not going to indefinitely march in lockstep, that much is obvious at this point.
why wouldn't the same order be for cars? your house? how is it the boat is more concerning to them? Please, one of you leftists pukes out there explain the difference? I'm really quite confused by the lack of logic with these fkrs. It is truly amazing how downright obvious they are and people still kiss their dicks. Really, why can we have more than two people in a car? in a house?
Lake County sheriff’s office won’t issue tickets for breaking 2-person boat limit, but boating communities push back on Gov. Pritzker’s order

"Pritzker did not address the rationale for including families at a news conference Sunday, but said enforcement is up to local authorities. Abudayyeh did not respond to a question regarding the rationale for not allowing full families on boats."

More of the same. Seeing more and more of this here at this point He has not defined an end game here, simply saying we must 'defeat' the virus. He is losing support, as people's lives have to go on and they are not going to indefinitely march in lockstep, that much is obvious at this point.
I'm currently in Lake County....It's positively Orwellian here...All the local cops I've seen in my area seem to be acquiescing to the irrational demands of Governor Cartman.

Can't wait to get the hell out of here and back to my bolt hole in the north woods.
I have a summer home on the river. fk them, they would have to explain the difference between my home and the boat with regard to family.
I thought we were going to be smart about it but it turns out you can only stop the village idiots from harming themselves for so long.

So if y’all decide that this is how you want to play it, why should I have to pay for your stupidity?
"Being smart about it" in your world means groveling at the feet of people whose models and numbers haven't ever been right.

You want to be a cowering little beta, who needs to be told by his betters what to do and when to do it, that's your business...Just don't arrogantly stand in the way of people who can decide for themselves what very low grade risks they will take and which they wont, under the phony guise of "saving lives".....And make no mistake about it, as contagions as the Covid is, it's not life threatening in 99.98% of cases.

Now go wash your hands and Cower in Place™, like the good little servile beta cuck that you are.

Not that all bed wetters are liberals, some bed wetters are not interested in politics at all, but all liberals are bed wetters. Sniveling, pathetic, vacuous, servile drones who empower sociopaths and end up getting millions of people killed.

I loathe these fucking pieces of shit.....

I loath uninformed idiots like yourself. People like you aren’t in charge because you can’t handle the responsibility that it takes to actually make serious decisions.
The mayor should then be on the hook for all resulting medical bills.

If they want their freedom, they can pay for it.
On the day that the USA was shut down at least 100,000,000 Americans had or already recovered from covid19. The reality is that over 90 percent have no or very few symptoms. My entire family was infected and no one needed a doctor. Just how it is kid
You know I’m not impressed by people like yourself who just make shit up.
If they want their freedom, they can pay for it.

You might want to take a step back and rationally think about what you just said, Komrade

Rationally, those who take a more cavalier attitude will have higher medical consequences. Who should pay for those consequences?
what law is being broken is the first question you could answer?
Emergency declarations regarding closures and social distancing.

This should be obvious even to you.
that isn't a law. we are a country of laws. or didn't you know that? tell me where it says they can just do that in the first amendment. here is that amendment.

First Amendment
The First Amendment guarantees freedoms concerning religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition. It forbids Congress from both promoting one religion over others and also restricting an individual’s religious practices. It guarantees freedom of expression by prohibiting Congress from restricting the press or the rights of individuals to speak freely. It also guarantees the right of citizens to assemble peaceably and to petition their government.
quote the part you think applies.

The entire thing.
The mayor should then be on the hook for all resulting medical bills.

If they want their freedom, they can pay for it.
Maybe you should mind your own fucking business and let people assess their own risks and live their lives.
I’d love too but the thing is that it’s not just their lives. It’s a communicable disease and they put their community at risk by taking risks themselves.

And that’s not to mention that these communities are sure as shit going to be relying on state and federal resources to pay for the medical care they’re going to be needing.
You are surrounded by communicable diseases.
Not like this.
If they want their freedom, they can pay for it.

You might want to take a step back and rationally think about what you just said, Komrade

Rationally, those who take a more cavalier attitude will have higher medical consequences. Who should pay for those consequences?
what law is being broken is the first question you could answer?
Emergency declarations regarding closures and social distancing.

This should be obvious even to you.

In this case it would seem that no law is being broken. Pritzker's authority ended at the 30-day mark as per the Illinois Constitution, which grants him 30 days. He is now relying on local officials to enforce his extension.

His own attorney's office issued a memo questioning the legality of the extension, expressed concern about lawsuits, and opined that this was why he has used the language he has.

"It appears Article V does not give Pritzker powers to suspend constitutional rights, nor to organize the militia to enforce laws or suppress insurrection, and Robinson notes, this may be why the governor took the position that local law enforcement is responsible for administering his rules outlined in the executive order."

“My research leaves me less than confident that a reviewing court will hold that the governor has the authority close businesses, bar attendance at church services and assemblies in excess of ten citizens (particularly if they are assembling to redress grievances)," Robinson said. "From a strict enforcement standpoint, although well-intentioned on an emergency basis, the [executive order] is very broad and does not appear to meet strict scrutiny, this is not to mention the [executive order] appears to be beyond the framework of the specific act it cites as support.”

This is also likely why East Peoria was/is free to do this and he likely cannot/will not do anything about it. Other counties and communities have also said they will not enforce, and still others are first asking for a release from this extension before going their own way, including DuPage county, directly adjacent to Cook/Chicago, which sent a letter to Pritzker asking for same.

He was asked about this during yesterday's press conference and whether he would step in to stop East Peoria from opening. Instead of answering the question with a simple yes/no he said he thought that they were taking on potential liability by doing so and moved on.
Thank you for a very well researched post. I appreciate your effort. Potential liability is indeed what they should be taking on.
The mayor should then be on the hook for all resulting medical bills.

If they want their freedom, they can pay for it.
On the day that the USA was shut down at least 100,000,000 Americans had or already recovered from covid19. The reality is that over 90 percent have no or very few symptoms. My entire family was infected and no one needed a doctor. Just how it is kid
You know I’m not impressed by people like yourself who just make shit up.
80,000 Americans died from the flu in 2018 and the country was not shut down.

As for my making up that my family had this disease, well they could test us to prove or disprove this.

However no one will

So you continue believing that the government is telling you the truth like the commie zombie that you are
Lake County sheriff’s office won’t issue tickets for breaking 2-person boat limit, but boating communities push back on Gov. Pritzker’s order

"Pritzker did not address the rationale for including families at a news conference Sunday, but said enforcement is up to local authorities. Abudayyeh did not respond to a question regarding the rationale for not allowing full families on boats."

More of the same. Seeing more and more of this here at this point He has not defined an end game here, simply saying we must 'defeat' the virus. He is losing support, as people's lives have to go on and they are not going to indefinitely march in lockstep, that much is obvious at this point.
why wouldn't the same order be for cars? I'm really quite confused by the lack of logic with these fkrs. It is truly amazing how downright obvious they are and people still kiss their dicks. Really, why can we have more than two people in a car?

I'm sure if pressed they'd say that people are only supposed to be in cars for non-essential activities and that boating is a non-essential activity.

Of course there is no logical rationale whatsoever for not allowing families living in the same house to get in the same car or boat together. Do they think we're social distancing in our houses, or WTF kind of crazy pretzel logic are they applying here. They put the same limitations on groups in forest preserves, as in 2 people only could be together. Mom, dad, Ok. Mom, dad and kids, no. It's absurd.

My expectation, if they were being honest about it, is that they think people will bring non-family members out for a day on the water. If that's the reason they need to articulate it and defend it and, at the end of the day, local officials have the final say in whether to enforce or not, that is becoming clearer by the hour here.

They dodged a question on how this made sense for families with a non-answer, of course, which is becoming more and more common at these daily press conferences as questions get more pointed and uncomfortable for them. I am expecting them to scale these pressers back at this point, as they're not working for them as intended any longer.
The mayor should then be on the hook for all resulting medical bills.

If they want their freedom, they can pay for it.
On the day that the USA was shut down at least 100,000,000 Americans had or already recovered from covid19. The reality is that over 90 percent have no or very few symptoms. My entire family was infected and no one needed a doctor. Just how it is kid
You know I’m not impressed by people like yourself who just make shit up.
80,000 Americans died from the flu in 2018 and the country was not shut down.

As for my making up that my family had this disease, well they could test us to prove or disprove this.

However no one will

So you continue believing that the government is telling you the truth like the commie zombie that you are
For starters, you took the upper limit of the 95% CI for people who died from influenza in 2017-2018. Not very honest. You could have said 46,000 died in 2017-2017 and been equally as accurate. The actual estimate is 61,000. Still, an unusually high number.

We lost 70,000 to COVID in 6 weeks (not a full year as you are quoting) and that’s WITH extreme measures to slow it down.

I will believe scientists, data, and people who put their name and reputations on their work. I will not believe unsourced nonsense from anonymous internet posters who have declared themselves experts.
I thought we were going to be smart about it but it turns out you can only stop the village idiots from harming themselves for so long.

So if y’all decide that this is how you want to play it, why should I have to pay for your stupidity?
"Being smart about it" in your world means groveling at the feet of people whose models and numbers haven't ever been right.

You want to be a cowering little beta, who needs to be told by his betters what to do and when to do it, that's your business...Just don't arrogantly stand in the way of people who can decide for themselves what very low grade risks they will take and which they wont, under the phony guise of "saving lives".....And make no mistake about it, as contagions as the Covid is, it's not life threatening in 99.98% of cases.

Now go wash your hands and Cower in Place™, like the good little servile beta cuck that you are.

Not that all bed wetters are liberals, some bed wetters are not interested in politics at all, but all liberals are bed wetters. Sniveling, pathetic, vacuous, servile drones who empower sociopaths and end up getting millions of people killed.

I loathe these fucking pieces of shit.....

I loath uninformed idiots like yourself. People like you aren’t in charge because you can’t handle the responsibility that it takes to actually make serious decisions.
it's why we have legislators. they haven't said shit. why? no man is a king in our country. no man. unless you want me to stutter, no man.
The mayor should then be on the hook for all resulting medical bills.

If they want their freedom, they can pay for it.
On the day that the USA was shut down at least 100,000,000 Americans had or already recovered from covid19. The reality is that over 90 percent have no or very few symptoms. My entire family was infected and no one needed a doctor. Just how it is kid
You know I’m not impressed by people like yourself who just make shit up.
80,000 Americans died from the flu in 2018 and the country was not shut down.

As for my making up that my family had this disease, well they could test us to prove or disprove this.

However no one will

So you continue believing that the government is telling you the truth like the commie zombie that you are
For starters, you took the upper limit of the 95% CI for people who died from influenza in 2017-2018. Not very honest. You could have said 46,000 died in 2017-2017 and been equally as accurate. The actual estimate is 61,000. Still, an unusually high number.

We lost 70,000 to COVID in 6 weeks (not a full year as you are quoting) and that’s WITH extreme measures to slow it down.

I will believe scientists, data, and people who put their name and reputations on their work. I will not believe unsourced nonsense from anonymous internet posters who have declared themselves experts.
There are not 70,000 covid deaths, there are 200,000 as hospitals shut their doors to other patients who died at home. As for the 70,000 that you claim are covid deaths, how many were autopsied?

Answer none so there are no official covid deaths
I thought we were going to be smart about it but it turns out you can only stop the village idiots from harming themselves for so long.

So if y’all decide that this is how you want to play it, why should I have to pay for your stupidity?
"Being smart about it" in your world means groveling at the feet of people whose models and numbers haven't ever been right.

You want to be a cowering little beta, who needs to be told by his betters what to do and when to do it, that's your business...Just don't arrogantly stand in the way of people who can decide for themselves what very low grade risks they will take and which they wont, under the phony guise of "saving lives".....And make no mistake about it, as contagions as the Covid is, it's not life threatening in 99.98% of cases.

Now go wash your hands and Cower in Place™, like the good little servile beta cuck that you are.

Not that all bed wetters are liberals, some bed wetters are not interested in politics at all, but all liberals are bed wetters. Sniveling, pathetic, vacuous, servile drones who empower sociopaths and end up getting millions of people killed.

I loathe these fucking pieces of shit.....

I loath uninformed idiots like yourself. People like you aren’t in charge because you can’t handle the responsibility that it takes to actually make serious decisions.
it's why we have legislators. they haven't said shit. why? no man is a king in our country. no man. unless you want me to stutter, no man.
Then why do you allow Trump to be king?
The mayor should then be on the hook for all resulting medical bills.

If they want their freedom, they can pay for it.
On the day that the USA was shut down at least 100,000,000 Americans had or already recovered from covid19. The reality is that over 90 percent have no or very few symptoms. My entire family was infected and no one needed a doctor. Just how it is kid
You know I’m not impressed by people like yourself who just make shit up.
80,000 Americans died from the flu in 2018 and the country was not shut down.

As for my making up that my family had this disease, well they could test us to prove or disprove this.

However no one will

So you continue believing that the government is telling you the truth like the commie zombie that you are
For starters, you took the upper limit of the 95% CI for people who died from influenza in 2017-2018. Not very honest. You could have said 46,000 died in 2017-2017 and been equally as accurate. The actual estimate is 61,000. Still, an unusually high number.

We lost 70,000 to COVID in 6 weeks (not a full year as you are quoting) and that’s WITH extreme measures to slow it down.

I will believe scientists, data, and people who put their name and reputations on their work. I will not believe unsourced nonsense from anonymous internet posters who have declared themselves experts.
For starters, you took the upper limit of the 95% CI for people who died from influenza in 2017-2018

why not? it's on the document. no?
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