The "Putin Didn't Invade While Trump Was President" Meme

Trump was in a corner for praising Putin's "genius" and calling the invasion "wonderful".

Notice when Trump backpedaled, he did not mention Putin by name?


He NEVER attacks Putin. Ever.

He'd rather die first.

You are being silly since the only man who could make the order to attack and then make numerous threats to NATA and the region is PUTIN.

You miserably misunderstood his comments about Putin the same man he Sanctioned many times over the actions of the Russian nation:

Here is the first one:

Aug 2 Legislation – President Trump signs Russia sanctions bill into law (CAATSA)
President Trump signed into law the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions act (CAATSA), enacting new sanctions on Russia, Iran, and North Korea.

We've all heard this meme parroted by Trump's True Bleevers. Putin is so scared of Trump, he didn't dare invade Ukraine while Trump was president.

This in the face of the fact Trump has praised Putin for the invasion. We This in in the face of the fact Trump has always praised Putin and has had a gay crush on Putin for decades. This in the face of the fact Trump has been trying to build a Trump Tower in Moscow and promised Putin the penthouse which was valued at $50 million.

This in the fact of the fact Putin endorsed Trump in 2016. This in the face of the fact Putin interfered in our election to help get Trump elected.

This in the face of the fact Trump has never said a harsh word against Putin. If a minor celebrity hurts Trump's fragile ego, he tweet storms for days! But never once has he attacked Putin. Ever. Trump has nothing but obsequious, lickspittle adoration for the dictator Putin.

"Yeahbut he invaded another country during Bush! He invaded another country during Obama! He has invaded during Biden!"

So let's look at that.

When did Putin invade Georgia?

Putin invaded Georgia in August 2008. During the last months of Bush's second term.

When did Putin invade Crimea?

Putin invaded Crimea in the second month of Obama's second term.

What timeframe would the invasion of Ukraine have been if Trump had been re-elected?

The second month of Trump's second term.

Trump has a YUGE resentment toward Zelensky. Zelensky would not play along with Trump's extortion scheme. Trump used an arms shipment as hostage to get Zelenksy to invent a non-existent investigation into Biden. But Zelensky has integrity and honesty and would not go along with it.

If Trump was re-elected, he would have cheered Putin on, and EVERYONE knows it, including Putin.

That's why Trump called the invasion of Ukraine "wonderful" and called Putin a "genius".

You never met a Prog you wouldn't defend.
He didn't invade while Trump was president because Trump didn't make it to a second term.


You're a fuckin' idiot, man.

But, I am going to save your post, because I think it's the dumbest thing I've ever read on this forum, and I want to mock you for it over the next few years.
We've all heard this meme parroted by Trump's True Bleevers. Putin is so scared of Trump, he didn't dare invade Ukraine while Trump was president.
Facts are facts tissue? AND this isn't the first time Putin has attacked when Biden was in power. China and Russia have studied Biden for 40 years they know he's weak and a bag of hot air.
I see you did not notice Trump never said a word about Putin.

Pay attention, fool.

NEVER a harsh word about Putin. Ever.
Tell me, why did Biden go to the floor of the house in December and plead with them not to sanction Russia? The first president to do so.
Dems are suffering severe butthurt, in comparison to Trump they look like morons. All the Dem's dire warnings about Trump didn't come true until Dems took charge and installed Biden. :auiqs.jpg:

We warned them the contrast between idiot Biden and stupid Dem policies would be HUGE vs Trump. Now all of America sees it, it's glorious. Good job Trump :clap::clap::clap:
Schizo Personality A: Putin invaded because Biden is weak!
Schizo Personality B: Biden better stop being so harsh toward Russia or he will start World War III!!!

Schizo Personality C: Gasoline prices are too high!
Schizo Personality D: Why won't Biden cut off Russia's oil?!?
Give ‘em a break.
They’re rudderless without Covid and an improving economy. They’ll be floundering for a while.
Trump is easy to manipulate because of his weak insecurities. Putin knows all he has to do is compliment him. He is Putin’s bitch. Because of it.
They wouldn't be able to take the time to cut through the wall if Joe hadn't taken the border patrol away from the wall to baby sit...and they wouldn't be able to live here after coming if Joe hadn't shut down ICE...and of course they wouldn't be coming if Joe hadn't made it so easy to get nice try on the most likely BS link you posted which I won't waste my time with....
Trump and Putin constantly praise each other. Trump is congenitally unable to say a single harsh word about Putin.
Search as long as you wish, and see if you can find Trump personally criticizing Putin. Take all day if you like.
And yet if some minor celebrity hurts Trump's fragile ego, he tweet storms for days.
Trump is madly, deeply, hopelessly in love with Putin.
All it took for Kim Jong Un to turn Trump's head around was to write him a nice letter. "We fell in loooooove."
Do you realize how immature and foolish you sound when you post this emotionally overwrought drivel?
We've all heard this meme parroted by Trump's True Bleevers. Putin is so scared of Trump, he didn't dare invade Ukraine while Trump was president.

This in the face of the fact Trump has praised Putin for the invasion. We This in in the face of the fact Trump has always praised Putin and has had a gay crush on Putin for decades. This in the face of the fact Trump has been trying to build a Trump Tower in Moscow and promised Putin the penthouse which was valued at $50 million.

This in the fact of the fact Putin endorsed Trump in 2016. This in the face of the fact Putin interfered in our election to help get Trump elected.

This in the face of the fact Trump has never said a harsh word against Putin. If a minor celebrity hurts Trump's fragile ego, he tweet storms for days! But never once has he attacked Putin. Ever. Trump has nothing but obsequious, lickspittle adoration for the dictator Putin.

"Yeahbut he invaded another country during Bush! He invaded another country during Obama! He has invaded during Biden!"

So let's look at that.

When did Putin invade Georgia?

Putin invaded Georgia in August 2008. During the last months of Bush's second term.

When did Putin invade Crimea?

Putin invaded Crimea in the second month of Obama's second term.

What timeframe would the invasion of Ukraine have been if Trump had been re-elected?

The second month of Trump's second term.

Trump has a YUGE resentment toward Zelensky. Zelensky would not play along with Trump's extortion scheme. Trump used an arms shipment as hostage to get Zelenksy to invent a non-existent investigation into Biden. But Zelensky has integrity and honesty and would not go along with it.

If Trump was re-elected, he would have cheered Putin on, and EVERYONE knows it, including Putin.

That's why Trump called the invasion of Ukraine "wonderful" and called Putin a "genius".
Spin, spin, spin....Just don't get dizzy there dumbass.....You retards are so predictable with your lies, and spin....Rot..In...Hell....
They wouldn't be able to take the time to cut through the wall if Joe hadn't taken the border patrol away from the wall to baby sit...and they wouldn't be able to live here after coming if Joe hadn't shut down ICE...and of course they wouldn't be coming if Joe hadn't made it so easy to get nice try on the most likely BS link you posted which I won't waste my time with....
Trump failed. Bigly!

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