The Quandary Christians Put Gays In


“If you don't believe the Scriptures, you're the one in trouble, not me. First Corinthians chapter six is very clear about practicing drunks, idolaters, thieves, slanderers, and homosexuals not inheriting the kingdom of God. "Practice" is the key word.”

And you and other theists are at liberty to tussle over your myths and fables to your hearts' content, provided you understand your religious doctrine and dogma are legally and Constitutionally irrelevant.

Again, the vast majority of Christians understand the difference between marriage as religious ritual and marriage as state contract law, where they're perfectly comfortable acknowledging and celebrating gay Americans realizing their comprehensive civil rights while attending churches that prohibit same-sex couples from marrying in those churches.
Marriage is a male and female and has been since the dawn of civilization. You're free to believe in your myths and fairy tales.

How many wives did Solomon have again?

I mean in your myths and fairy tales?
If it's all myths and fairy tales why does it bother you so that you spend time and energy attacking it?

If you weren't pushing your myths and fairy tales to attack Americans, I wouldn't bother.
So do you see yourself as the Savior of leftist ideology? Free speech is now "attacking"?
There is no 'leftist ideology,' facts, pragmatism, and critical thinking skills is not an 'ideology.'

And when you and other theists seek to codify your religious doctrine and dogma into secular law all must obey to disadvantage gay Americans or any other class of citizens whom you subjectively disapprove of, such efforts violate the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, and in no way constitute 'free speech.'
Marriage is a male and female and has been since the dawn of civilization. You're free to believe in your myths and fairy tales.

How many wives did Solomon have again?

I mean in your myths and fairy tales?
If it's all myths and fairy tales why does it bother you so that you spend time and energy attacking it?

If you weren't pushing your myths and fairy tales to attack Americans, I wouldn't bother.
So do you see yourself as the Savior of leftist ideology? Free speech is now "attacking"?
There is no 'leftist ideology,' facts, pragmatism, and critical thinking skills is not an 'ideology.'

And when you and other theists seek to codify your religious doctrine and dogma into secular law all must obey to disadvantage gay Americans or any other class of citizens whom you subjectively disapprove of, such efforts violate the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, and in no way constitute 'free speech.'

Very dramatic. All this oppression I'm responsible for is making me question my beliefs. Naw, just kidding.

“Marriage is a male and female and has been since the dawn of civilization.”

Religious marriage rituals are perceived by some as being between a male and female, but that has nothing to do with the right of same-sex couples to enter into marriage contracts.

As a fact of law marriage is the union of two equal, adult partners not related to each other in a committed relationship recognized by the state – same- or opposite-sex. (Obergefell v. Hodges)

That something is believed to be 'historic' or 'traditional' is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant, and in no way 'justifies' denying gay Americans their civil rights. (Lawrence v. Texas)

“Marriage is a male and female and has been since the dawn of civilization.”

Religious marriage rituals are perceived by some as being between a male and female, but that has nothing to do with the right of same-sex couples to enter into marriage contracts.

As a fact of law marriage is the union of two equal, adult partners not related to each other in a committed relationship recognized by the state – same- or opposite-sex. (Obergefell v. Hodges)

That something is believed to be 'historic' or 'traditional' is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant, and in no way 'justifies' denying gay Americans their civil rights. (Lawrence v. Texas)
Yes, that's what some say. Too bad you can't force me to believe that. Some laws are good and some laws are bad. Life goes on.
I basically agree. But why isn't a civil contract enough.

You first.
It IS a civil contract.

I know. But he wants to retain one moniker for straight marriage, and another moniker for gay marriage, so as to fundamentally retain a distinction between them. Telling someone they should be satisfied with "separate but [allegedly, though not really] equal" marriage substitute demonstrates that people really don't want gay couples to receive the same recognition and dignity as heterosexual couples.

I've argued that in many social aspects of society, locker rooms, gym showers and excersize areas, SEPERATE but equal is the norm and has been embraced.

What's your problem? Hell, they give gays MORE rights than straights. Same sex partners are welcome in gender exclusive areas while a straight partner could be arrested in some.
You're basing your view of Islam on what stupid extremist Muslims do...why can't I?
The Quran permits wife beating. The New Testament doesn't.

The bible DOES...and some interpret the New Testament to support it. Most don't. Most Muslims don't interpret the Koran as supporting wife beating.

Domestic violence in Islam The Quran on wife-beating
Who interprets the New Testament as supporting wife beating? Which passage do they cite?

Stop lying, Leftists!

Already did...and linked to the Christian website.

Can I now paint all Christians like you do all Muslims?
Sorry. I didn't click on your porn link but at least I have a better idea of how kinky your fantasy life is.

Not mine, straight Christian's kinky sex life. The Latest Trend In Christianity: Beating Your Wife For Jesus.


“Marriage is a male and female and has been since the dawn of civilization.”

Religious marriage rituals are perceived by some as being between a male and female, but that has nothing to do with the right of same-sex couples to enter into marriage contracts.

As a fact of law marriage is the union of two equal, adult partners not related to each other in a committed relationship recognized by the state – same- or opposite-sex. (Obergefell v. Hodges)

That something is believed to be 'historic' or 'traditional' is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant, and in no way 'justifies' denying gay Americans their civil rights. (Lawrence v. Texas)

Funny, the number of participants are only valid as a traditional number. It is now simply arbitrary unless you can name another type of contract that is legally limited to two participants.

The number was used, as well as the other limiting factor, not too closely related was needed to keep clean bloodlines.

Since two same sex individuals can't breed, the need to keep their bloodline clean is absurd, and since 2, 6, 10, 10,000 or 1,000,000 same sex individuals cannot procreate, the number is equally absurd and will not stand unless you can find a compelling state interest to deny a same sex couple the right to marry the person(s) they love.
Whatever floats your boat.

Do you see Islam and Christianity as comparable?

No- not really- I dislike aspects of more of Islam than I dislike aspects of Christianity. However, as long as Muslims or Christians are not trying to impose their faith on me, or trying to harm others, I am not too concerned with either faith.

Do you treat Muslims and Christians equally?
I treat everyone the same until they give me a reason not to. Islam is an evil hateful doctrine from the devil. Christianity is the Word of God. That's my belief.

Has a Christian forced you to read a bible or attend their church? You seem to have a case of Christophobia. It's quite common among the left.

Actually yes- I was forced to read the bible and yes I was forced to go to church. I continue to read the bible because I enjoy reading it, and I find it useful when dealing with faux Christians like yourself.

You seem to have a case of both homophobia and Muslim bigotry- which is quite common- but bizarre since homophobes and extremist Muslims share the same views on homosexuals.
Seeing Christians who disagree with the homosexual lifestyle in the same light as Muslims who hang them in the street is your own special version of bizarre.

Why are you comparing American Christians to Muslims in other countries? Here in America, it's the evangelical Christians that like gays the least. Oh...and Christians in other countries kill gays too, just like the Muslims in other countries.

"They Could Kill Me Anytime"

The 25 Most Shocking Anti Gay Stories from Russia
The Quran permits wife beating. The New Testament doesn't.

The bible DOES...and some interpret the New Testament to support it. Most don't. Most Muslims don't interpret the Koran as supporting wife beating.

Domestic violence in Islam The Quran on wife-beating
Who interprets the New Testament as supporting wife beating? Which passage do they cite?

Stop lying, Leftists!

Already did...and linked to the Christian website.

Can I now paint all Christians like you do all Muslims?
Sorry. I didn't click on your porn link but at least I have a better idea of how kinky your fantasy life is.

Not mine, straight Christian's kinky sex life. The Latest Trend In Christianity: Beating Your Wife For Jesus.


Kinky sex between opposite sex couples often result in offspring.

Can you name a single same sex coupling (kinky or not) that ever resulted in a child?
The bible DOES...and some interpret the New Testament to support it. Most don't. Most Muslims don't interpret the Koran as supporting wife beating.

Domestic violence in Islam The Quran on wife-beating
Who interprets the New Testament as supporting wife beating? Which passage do they cite?

Stop lying, Leftists!

Already did...and linked to the Christian website.

Can I now paint all Christians like you do all Muslims?
Sorry. I didn't click on your porn link but at least I have a better idea of how kinky your fantasy life is.

Not mine, straight Christian's kinky sex life. The Latest Trend In Christianity: Beating Your Wife For Jesus.


Kinky sex between opposite sex couples often result in offspring.

Can you name a single same sex coupling (kinky or not) that ever resulted in a child?

Can you name a state where it matters? :lol: Argument tried and failed...all the way to the SCOTUS.

Oh, I'm sorry...I'm supposed to be a gracious winner.

Who interprets the New Testament as supporting wife beating? Which passage do they cite?

Stop lying, Leftists!

Already did...and linked to the Christian website.

Can I now paint all Christians like you do all Muslims?
Sorry. I didn't click on your porn link but at least I have a better idea of how kinky your fantasy life is.

Not mine, straight Christian's kinky sex life. The Latest Trend In Christianity: Beating Your Wife For Jesus.


Kinky sex between opposite sex couples often result in offspring.

Can you name a single same sex coupling (kinky or not) that ever resulted in a child?

Can you name a state where it matters? :lol: Argument tried and failed...all the way to the SCOTUS.

Oh, I'm sorry...I'm supposed to be a gracious winner.


Nope, but incest and poygamy is also simply another form of kink, right?
Marriage is a male and female and has been since the dawn of civilization. You're free to believe in your myths and fairy tales.

How many wives did Solomon have again?

I mean in your myths and fairy tales?
If it's all myths and fairy tales why does it bother you so that you spend time and energy attacking it?

If you weren't pushing your myths and fairy tales to attack Americans, I wouldn't bother.
So do you see yourself as the Savior of leftist ideology? Free speech is now "attacking"?
There is no 'leftist ideology,' facts, pragmatism, and critical thinking skills is not an 'ideology.'

And when you and other theists seek to codify your religious doctrine and dogma into secular law all must obey to disadvantage gay Americans or any other class of citizens whom you subjectively disapprove of, such efforts violate the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, and in no way constitute 'free speech.'

You do see how your argument leads to polygamous and incestuous marriage, right?


You folks are a laugh!
Already did...and linked to the Christian website.

Can I now paint all Christians like you do all Muslims?
Sorry. I didn't click on your porn link but at least I have a better idea of how kinky your fantasy life is.

Not mine, straight Christian's kinky sex life. The Latest Trend In Christianity: Beating Your Wife For Jesus.


Kinky sex between opposite sex couples often result in offspring.

Can you name a single same sex coupling (kinky or not) that ever resulted in a child?

Can you name a state where it matters? :lol: Argument tried and failed...all the way to the SCOTUS.

Oh, I'm sorry...I'm supposed to be a gracious winner.


Nope, but incest and poygamy is also simply another form of kink, right?

You seem to think so. How's your case going?
I've argued that in many social aspects of society, locker rooms, gym showers and excersize areas, SEPERATE but equal is the norm and has been embraced.


Man, that is so fucking stupid. Same sex marriage should be prohibited because men and women use different locker rooms. That post should go into the dictionary as an example of non-sequitor. :lol:

What's your problem? Hell, they give gays MORE rights than straights. Same sex partners are welcome in gender exclusive areas while a straight partner could be arrested in some.

:lol: Never has a public restroom been restricted based on relationship status. Never. Somehow, that makes for "special" rights for gay people. Man, you're really fucking deranged. This obsession of yours really is unhealthy, and is starting to break down your grasp on reality. Just let go, and you'll find peace and happiness once again.

I've argued that in many social aspects of society, locker rooms, gym showers and excersize areas, SEPERATE but equal is the norm and has been embraced.


Man, that is so fucking stupid. Same sex marriage should be prohibited because men and women use different locker rooms. That post should go into the dictionary as an example of non-sequitor. :lol:

What's your problem? Hell, they give gays MORE rights than straights. Same sex partners are welcome in gender exclusive areas while a straight partner could be arrested in some.

:lol: Never has a public restroom been restricted based on relationship status. Never. Somehow, that makes for "special" rights for gay people. Man, you're really fucking deranged. This obsession of yours really is unhealthy, and is starting to break down your grasp on reality. Just let go, and you'll find peace and happiness once again.

God are you a simpleton.

Never has Being Gay been part of the public record.

We are talking MARRIED COUPLES.

Easily defined now, before simple speculation.

Gays have GREATER access to public accomodations than straights!
Never has Being Gay been part of the public record.

That's right, it's a secret. :eusa_shhh:

We are talking MARRIED COUPLES.

I think we're talking about the fact that nobody wants to marry you and it makes you sad, so you don't want anyone else to be married either.

Gays have GREATER access to public accomodations than straights!

:lmao: Bakery refused to give you a doughnut because you're straight? Poor baby.
Do you see Islam and Christianity as comparable?

No- not really- I dislike aspects of more of Islam than I dislike aspects of Christianity. However, as long as Muslims or Christians are not trying to impose their faith on me, or trying to harm others, I am not too concerned with either faith.

Do you treat Muslims and Christians equally?
I treat everyone the same until they give me a reason not to. Islam is an evil hateful doctrine from the devil. Christianity is the Word of God. That's my belief.

Has a Christian forced you to read a bible or attend their church? You seem to have a case of Christophobia. It's quite common among the left.

Actually yes- I was forced to read the bible and yes I was forced to go to church. I continue to read the bible because I enjoy reading it, and I find it useful when dealing with faux Christians like yourself.

You seem to have a case of both homophobia and Muslim bigotry- which is quite common- but bizarre since homophobes and extremist Muslims share the same views on homosexuals.
Seeing Christians who disagree with the homosexual lifestyle in the same light as Muslims who hang them in the street is your own special version of bizarre.

Why are you comparing American Christians to Muslims in other countries? Here in America, it's the evangelical Christians that like gays the least. Oh...and Christians in other countries kill gays too, just like the Muslims in other countries.

"They Could Kill Me Anytime"

The 25 Most Shocking Anti Gay Stories from Russia
So why do you defend Islam?
Never has Being Gay been part of the public record.

That's right, it's a secret. :eusa_shhh:

We are talking MARRIED COUPLES.

I think we're talking about the fact that nobody wants to marry you and it makes you sad, so you don't want anyone else to be married either.

Gays have GREATER access to public accomodations than straights!

:lmao: Bakery refused to give you a doughnut because you're straight? Poor baby.

Swim expert has been reduced to a troll

Look, I took another progressive down!
Who interprets the New Testament as supporting wife beating? Which passage do they cite?

Stop lying, Leftists!

Already did...and linked to the Christian website.

Can I now paint all Christians like you do all Muslims?
Sorry. I didn't click on your porn link but at least I have a better idea of how kinky your fantasy life is.

Not mine, straight Christian's kinky sex life. The Latest Trend In Christianity: Beating Your Wife For Jesus.


Kinky sex between opposite sex couples often result in offspring.

Can you name a single same sex coupling (kinky or not) that ever resulted in a child?

Can you name a state where it matters? :lol: Argument tried and failed...all the way to the SCOTUS.

Oh, I'm sorry...I'm supposed to be a gracious winner.


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