The Quandary Christians Put Gays In


“If you don't believe the Scriptures, you're the one in trouble, not me. First Corinthians chapter six is very clear about practicing drunks, idolaters, thieves, slanderers, and homosexuals not inheriting the kingdom of God. "Practice" is the key word.”

And you and other theists are at liberty to tussle over your myths and fables to your hearts' content, provided you understand your religious doctrine and dogma are legally and Constitutionally irrelevant.

Again, the vast majority of Christians understand the difference between marriage as religious ritual and marriage as state contract law, where they're perfectly comfortable acknowledging and celebrating gay Americans realizing their comprehensive civil rights while attending churches that prohibit same-sex couples from marrying in those churches.

“If you don't believe the Scriptures, you're the one in trouble, not me. First Corinthians chapter six is very clear about practicing drunks, idolaters, thieves, slanderers, and homosexuals not inheriting the kingdom of God. "Practice" is the key word.”

And you and other theists are at liberty to tussle over your myths and fables to your hearts' content, provided you understand your religious doctrine and dogma are legally and Constitutionally irrelevant.

Again, the vast majority of Christians understand the difference between marriage as religious ritual and marriage as state contract law, where they're perfectly comfortable acknowledging and celebrating gay Americans realizing their comprehensive civil rights while attending churches that prohibit same-sex couples from marrying in those churches.
Marriage is a male and female and has been since the dawn of civilization. You're free to believe in your myths and fairy tales.
Did you say something about massacres?

3So Moses said to the people, “Arm some of your men to go to war against the Midianites so that they may carry out the Lord’s vengeance on them. 4Send into battle a thousand men from each of the tribes of Israel.” 5So twelve thousand men armed for battle, a thousand from each tribe, were supplied from the clans of Israel. 6Moses sent them into battle, a thousand from each tribe, along with Phinehas son of Eleazar, the priest, who took with him articles from the sanctuary and the trumpets for signaling.

7They fought against Midian, as the Lord commanded Moses, and killed every man. 8Among their victims were Evi, Rekem, Zur, Hur and Reba—the five kings of Midian. They also killed Balaam son of Beor with the sword. 9The Israelites captured the Midianite women and children and took all the Midianite herds, flocks and goods as plunder. 10They burned all the towns where the Midianites had settled, as well as all their camps. 11They took all the plunder and spoils, including the people and animals, 12and brought the captives, spoils and plunder to Moses and Eleazar the priest and the Israelite assembly at their camp on the plains of Moab, by the Jordan across from Jericho.

13Moses, Eleazar the priest and all the leaders of the community went to meet them outside the camp. 14Moses was angry with the officers of the army—the commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds—who returned from the battle.

15“Have you allowed all the women to live?” he asked them. 16“They were the ones who followed Balaam’s advice and enticed the Israelites to be unfaithful to the Lord in the Peor incident, so that a plague struck the Lord’s people. 17Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, 18but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.

Tell me again- how is Mohammed different from Moses?
Judgement. Moses was preserving the nation of Israel.. Mohammad was the enemy of God.

Moses ordered the massacre of little boys- and every woman who was not a virgin.

And then gave all of those little girls to the faithful sons of Israel to have their way with.

This is your prophet- the prophet that Your God gave the Commandments to.

The prophet who ordered the massacre innocent women and children.

All yours.
Yes. He'd be a leftist hero if he also supported abortion. I assume since you're so concerned about human life you're anti abortion, huh.

LOL- once again- Moses the chief prophet of your people- the prophet that brought the Commandments that Jesus told you to live by- ordered the massacre of women and children- and gave little girls over to his men to be raped.

Tell me again- the difference between the prophet Moses and the Prophet Mohammed?
The difference is God. Moses knew God. Mohammad worked for the devil. Moses was preserving Israel for God's plan to bring the messiah to the world. Mohammad was murdering for his invented religion of the devil. You somehow think God isn't going to judge you and the rest of us. You have only one way out.

I love that rationalization!

Moses knew god- so when Moses ordered the massacre of women and little children- it was okay! Because Moses knows God!

Oh wait- Mohammed used that same excuse!

I don't think "God" exists- certainly will not be judging me.

And if he did exist- he certainly wouldn't let you into his party.

“If you don't believe the Scriptures, you're the one in trouble, not me. First Corinthians chapter six is very clear about practicing drunks, idolaters, thieves, slanderers, and homosexuals not inheriting the kingdom of God. "Practice" is the key word.”

And you and other theists are at liberty to tussle over your myths and fables to your hearts' content, provided you understand your religious doctrine and dogma are legally and Constitutionally irrelevant.

Again, the vast majority of Christians understand the difference between marriage as religious ritual and marriage as state contract law, where they're perfectly comfortable acknowledging and celebrating gay Americans realizing their comprehensive civil rights while attending churches that prohibit same-sex couples from marrying in those churches.
Marriage is a male and female and has been since the dawn of civilization. You're free to believe in your myths and fairy tales.

How many wives did Solomon have again?

I mean in your myths and fairy tales?
Moses was a regular guy like Mohammad. Jesus is God in the flesh.

Whatever floats your boat.

Do you see Islam and Christianity as comparable?

No- not really- I dislike aspects of more of Islam than I dislike aspects of Christianity. However, as long as Muslims or Christians are not trying to impose their faith on me, or trying to harm others, I am not too concerned with either faith.

Do you treat Muslims and Christians equally?
I treat everyone the same until they give me a reason not to. Islam is an evil hateful doctrine from the devil. Christianity is the Word of God. That's my belief.

Has a Christian forced you to read a bible or attend their church? You seem to have a case of Christophobia. It's quite common among the left.

Actually yes- I was forced to read the bible and yes I was forced to go to church. I continue to read the bible because I enjoy reading it, and I find it useful when dealing with faux Christians like yourself.

You seem to have a case of both homophobia and Muslim bigotry- which is quite common- but bizarre since homophobes and extremist Muslims share the same views on homosexuals.
Oh, you poor thing. You keep reading your bible. One of these days hopefully you'll get the message.
Judgement. Moses was preserving the nation of Israel.. Mohammad was the enemy of God.

Moses ordered the massacre of little boys- and every woman who was not a virgin.

And then gave all of those little girls to the faithful sons of Israel to have their way with.

This is your prophet- the prophet that Your God gave the Commandments to.

The prophet who ordered the massacre innocent women and children.

All yours.
Yes. He'd be a leftist hero if he also supported abortion. I assume since you're so concerned about human life you're anti abortion, huh.

LOL- once again- Moses the chief prophet of your people- the prophet that brought the Commandments that Jesus told you to live by- ordered the massacre of women and children- and gave little girls over to his men to be raped.

Tell me again- the difference between the prophet Moses and the Prophet Mohammed?
The difference is God. Moses knew God. Mohammad worked for the devil. Moses was preserving Israel for God's plan to bring the messiah to the world. Mohammad was murdering for his invented religion of the devil. You somehow think God isn't going to judge you and the rest of us. You have only one way out.

I love that rationalization!

Moses knew god- so when Moses ordered the massacre of women and little children- it was okay! Because Moses knows God!

Oh wait- Mohammed used that same excuse!

I don't think "God" exists- certainly will not be judging me.

And if he did exist- he certainly wouldn't let you into his party.

You forgot the part I said about preserving Israel for the messiah to come from. Here, this will help.

Why would God order the destruction of women and children
Moses ordered the massacre of little boys- and every woman who was not a virgin.

And then gave all of those little girls to the faithful sons of Israel to have their way with.

This is your prophet- the prophet that Your God gave the Commandments to.

The prophet who ordered the massacre innocent women and children.

All yours.
Yes. He'd be a leftist hero if he also supported abortion. I assume since you're so concerned about human life you're anti abortion, huh.

LOL- once again- Moses the chief prophet of your people- the prophet that brought the Commandments that Jesus told you to live by- ordered the massacre of women and children- and gave little girls over to his men to be raped.

Tell me again- the difference between the prophet Moses and the Prophet Mohammed?
The difference is God. Moses knew God. Mohammad worked for the devil. Moses was preserving Israel for God's plan to bring the messiah to the world. Mohammad was murdering for his invented religion of the devil. You somehow think God isn't going to judge you and the rest of us. You have only one way out.

I love that rationalization!

Moses knew god- so when Moses ordered the massacre of women and little children- it was okay! Because Moses knows God!

Oh wait- Mohammed used that same excuse!

I don't think "God" exists- certainly will not be judging me.

And if he did exist- he certainly wouldn't let you into his party.

You forgot the part I said about preserving Israel for the messiah to come from. Here, this will help.

Why would God order the destruction of women and children

"So Moses- why did you order that thousands of women be murdered?"

"Well Bob, see, I was preserving Israel"

'From those women who were already your captives'?

"yes Bob, you see if I had not ordered those women to have their throats cut in front of their little girls, some of the 6 year old girls who I sent off to be raped may not have understood God's plan'

"And what was that plan again Moses?"

"Well to kill all the little boys and their mothers to save Israel"

"But not the little girls"

"Well the men needed some reward for their hard work.....and they only rape little girls- not little boys- because God says its wrong to rape little boys."

"well thanks for explaining to us Moses- how you killed little boys and sent off little girls to be raped and thus save Israel for Jesus- I am sure when Jesus arrives he will approve of that massacre- which is WAY different than that massacre by that barbarian Mohammed....."

“If you don't believe the Scriptures, you're the one in trouble, not me. First Corinthians chapter six is very clear about practicing drunks, idolaters, thieves, slanderers, and homosexuals not inheriting the kingdom of God. "Practice" is the key word.”

And you and other theists are at liberty to tussle over your myths and fables to your hearts' content, provided you understand your religious doctrine and dogma are legally and Constitutionally irrelevant.

Again, the vast majority of Christians understand the difference between marriage as religious ritual and marriage as state contract law, where they're perfectly comfortable acknowledging and celebrating gay Americans realizing their comprehensive civil rights while attending churches that prohibit same-sex couples from marrying in those churches.
Marriage is a male and female and has been since the dawn of civilization. You're free to believe in your myths and fairy tales.

How many wives did Solomon have again?

I mean in your myths and fairy tales?
If it's all myths and fairy tales why does it bother you so that you spend time and energy attacking it?
Yes. He'd be a leftist hero if he also supported abortion. I assume since you're so concerned about human life you're anti abortion, huh.

LOL- once again- Moses the chief prophet of your people- the prophet that brought the Commandments that Jesus told you to live by- ordered the massacre of women and children- and gave little girls over to his men to be raped.

Tell me again- the difference between the prophet Moses and the Prophet Mohammed?
The difference is God. Moses knew God. Mohammad worked for the devil. Moses was preserving Israel for God's plan to bring the messiah to the world. Mohammad was murdering for his invented religion of the devil. You somehow think God isn't going to judge you and the rest of us. You have only one way out.

I love that rationalization!

Moses knew god- so when Moses ordered the massacre of women and little children- it was okay! Because Moses knows God!

Oh wait- Mohammed used that same excuse!

I don't think "God" exists- certainly will not be judging me.

And if he did exist- he certainly wouldn't let you into his party.

You forgot the part I said about preserving Israel for the messiah to come from. Here, this will help.

Why would God order the destruction of women and children

"So Moses- why did you order that thousands of women be murdered?"

"Well Bob, see, I was preserving Israel"

'From those women who were already your captives'?

"yes Bob, you see if I had not ordered those women to have their throats cut in front of their little girls, some of the 6 year old girls who I sent off to be raped may not have understood God's plan'

"And what was that plan again Moses?"

"Well to kill all the little boys and their mothers to save Israel"

"But not the little girls"

"Well the men needed some reward for their hard work.....and they only rape little girls- not little boys- because God says its wrong to rape little boys."

"well thanks for explaining to us Moses- how you killed little boys and sent off little girls to be raped and thus save Israel for Jesus- I am sure when Jesus arrives he will approve of that massacre- which is WAY different than that massacre by that barbarian Mohammed....."
Yes, Jesus approved of the massacre. God's plan to save his creation took precedence over everything. Did you read the part in the gospel of John chapter two when Jesus made a whip and beat people and wrecked the joint? Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world. Mohammad was the tool of the devil. It's a shame some people are deceived.
LOL- once again- Moses the chief prophet of your people- the prophet that brought the Commandments that Jesus told you to live by- ordered the massacre of women and children- and gave little girls over to his men to be raped.

Tell me again- the difference between the prophet Moses and the Prophet Mohammed?
The difference is God. Moses knew God. Mohammad worked for the devil. Moses was preserving Israel for God's plan to bring the messiah to the world. Mohammad was murdering for his invented religion of the devil. You somehow think God isn't going to judge you and the rest of us. You have only one way out.

I love that rationalization!

Moses knew god- so when Moses ordered the massacre of women and little children- it was okay! Because Moses knows God!

Oh wait- Mohammed used that same excuse!

I don't think "God" exists- certainly will not be judging me.

And if he did exist- he certainly wouldn't let you into his party.

You forgot the part I said about preserving Israel for the messiah to come from. Here, this will help.

Why would God order the destruction of women and children

"So Moses- why did you order that thousands of women be murdered?"

"Well Bob, see, I was preserving Israel"

'From those women who were already your captives'?

"yes Bob, you see if I had not ordered those women to have their throats cut in front of their little girls, some of the 6 year old girls who I sent off to be raped may not have understood God's plan'

"And what was that plan again Moses?"

"Well to kill all the little boys and their mothers to save Israel"

"But not the little girls"

"Well the men needed some reward for their hard work.....and they only rape little girls- not little boys- because God says its wrong to rape little boys."

"well thanks for explaining to us Moses- how you killed little boys and sent off little girls to be raped and thus save Israel for Jesus- I am sure when Jesus arrives he will approve of that massacre- which is WAY different than that massacre by that barbarian Mohammed....."
Yes, Jesus approved of the massacre. God's plan to save his creation took precedence over everything. Did you read the part in the gospel of John chapter two when Jesus made a whip and beat people and wrecked the joint? Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world. Mohammad was the tool of the devil. It's a shame some people are deceived.

Well Jesus is God right?

So Jesus in essence ordered the killing of women and children and the rape of little girls.

That is some God you adore there.

And then you want to tell me about the terrible things Mohammend did?

“If you don't believe the Scriptures, you're the one in trouble, not me. First Corinthians chapter six is very clear about practicing drunks, idolaters, thieves, slanderers, and homosexuals not inheriting the kingdom of God. "Practice" is the key word.”

And you and other theists are at liberty to tussle over your myths and fables to your hearts' content, provided you understand your religious doctrine and dogma are legally and Constitutionally irrelevant.

Again, the vast majority of Christians understand the difference between marriage as religious ritual and marriage as state contract law, where they're perfectly comfortable acknowledging and celebrating gay Americans realizing their comprehensive civil rights while attending churches that prohibit same-sex couples from marrying in those churches.
Marriage is a male and female and has been since the dawn of civilization. You're free to believe in your myths and fairy tales.

How many wives did Solomon have again?

I mean in your myths and fairy tales?
If it's all myths and fairy tales why does it bother you so that you spend time and energy attacking it?

If you weren't pushing your myths and fairy tales to attack Americans, I wouldn't bother.
The difference is God. Moses knew God. Mohammad worked for the devil. Moses was preserving Israel for God's plan to bring the messiah to the world. Mohammad was murdering for his invented religion of the devil. You somehow think God isn't going to judge you and the rest of us. You have only one way out.

I love that rationalization!

Moses knew god- so when Moses ordered the massacre of women and little children- it was okay! Because Moses knows God!

Oh wait- Mohammed used that same excuse!

I don't think "God" exists- certainly will not be judging me.

And if he did exist- he certainly wouldn't let you into his party.

You forgot the part I said about preserving Israel for the messiah to come from. Here, this will help.

Why would God order the destruction of women and children

"So Moses- why did you order that thousands of women be murdered?"

"Well Bob, see, I was preserving Israel"

'From those women who were already your captives'?

"yes Bob, you see if I had not ordered those women to have their throats cut in front of their little girls, some of the 6 year old girls who I sent off to be raped may not have understood God's plan'

"And what was that plan again Moses?"

"Well to kill all the little boys and their mothers to save Israel"

"But not the little girls"

"Well the men needed some reward for their hard work.....and they only rape little girls- not little boys- because God says its wrong to rape little boys."

"well thanks for explaining to us Moses- how you killed little boys and sent off little girls to be raped and thus save Israel for Jesus- I am sure when Jesus arrives he will approve of that massacre- which is WAY different than that massacre by that barbarian Mohammed....."
Yes, Jesus approved of the massacre. God's plan to save his creation took precedence over everything. Did you read the part in the gospel of John chapter two when Jesus made a whip and beat people and wrecked the joint? Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world. Mohammad was the tool of the devil. It's a shame some people are deceived.

Well Jesus is God right?

So Jesus in essence ordered the killing of women and children and the rape of little girls.

That is some God you adore there.

And then you want to tell me about the terrible things Mohammend did?
You keep deliberately omitting the reason why. Is the truth frightening?

“If you don't believe the Scriptures, you're the one in trouble, not me. First Corinthians chapter six is very clear about practicing drunks, idolaters, thieves, slanderers, and homosexuals not inheriting the kingdom of God. "Practice" is the key word.”

And you and other theists are at liberty to tussle over your myths and fables to your hearts' content, provided you understand your religious doctrine and dogma are legally and Constitutionally irrelevant.

Again, the vast majority of Christians understand the difference between marriage as religious ritual and marriage as state contract law, where they're perfectly comfortable acknowledging and celebrating gay Americans realizing their comprehensive civil rights while attending churches that prohibit same-sex couples from marrying in those churches.
Marriage is a male and female and has been since the dawn of civilization. You're free to believe in your myths and fairy tales.

How many wives did Solomon have again?

I mean in your myths and fairy tales?
If it's all myths and fairy tales why does it bother you so that you spend time and energy attacking it?

If you weren't pushing your myths and fairy tales to attack Americans, I wouldn't bother.
So do you see yourself as the Savior of leftist ideology? Free speech is now "attacking"?
I love that rationalization!

Moses knew god- so when Moses ordered the massacre of women and little children- it was okay! Because Moses knows God!

Oh wait- Mohammed used that same excuse!

I don't think "God" exists- certainly will not be judging me.

And if he did exist- he certainly wouldn't let you into his party.

You forgot the part I said about preserving Israel for the messiah to come from. Here, this will help.

Why would God order the destruction of women and children

"So Moses- why did you order that thousands of women be murdered?"

"Well Bob, see, I was preserving Israel"

'From those women who were already your captives'?

"yes Bob, you see if I had not ordered those women to have their throats cut in front of their little girls, some of the 6 year old girls who I sent off to be raped may not have understood God's plan'

"And what was that plan again Moses?"

"Well to kill all the little boys and their mothers to save Israel"

"But not the little girls"

"Well the men needed some reward for their hard work.....and they only rape little girls- not little boys- because God says its wrong to rape little boys."

"well thanks for explaining to us Moses- how you killed little boys and sent off little girls to be raped and thus save Israel for Jesus- I am sure when Jesus arrives he will approve of that massacre- which is WAY different than that massacre by that barbarian Mohammed....."
Yes, Jesus approved of the massacre. God's plan to save his creation took precedence over everything. Did you read the part in the gospel of John chapter two when Jesus made a whip and beat people and wrecked the joint? Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world. Mohammad was the tool of the devil. It's a shame some people are deceived.

Well Jesus is God right?

So Jesus in essence ordered the killing of women and children and the rape of little girls.

That is some God you adore there.

And then you want to tell me about the terrible things Mohammend did?
You keep deliberately omitting the reason why. Is the truth frightening?

I frankly don't care about the reason.

No more than I care about the reason why Hitler ordered the Jews to be killed.

You correctly condemn Mohammed for the massacres that he ordered- that he ordered in the name of his God.

But you are fine with the murders of children and the rape of little girls with Jesus's complicity.

Why would you ever worship someone you believed wanted little boys murdered?

“If you don't believe the Scriptures, you're the one in trouble, not me. First Corinthians chapter six is very clear about practicing drunks, idolaters, thieves, slanderers, and homosexuals not inheriting the kingdom of God. "Practice" is the key word.”

And you and other theists are at liberty to tussle over your myths and fables to your hearts' content, provided you understand your religious doctrine and dogma are legally and Constitutionally irrelevant.

Again, the vast majority of Christians understand the difference between marriage as religious ritual and marriage as state contract law, where they're perfectly comfortable acknowledging and celebrating gay Americans realizing their comprehensive civil rights while attending churches that prohibit same-sex couples from marrying in those churches.
Marriage is a male and female and has been since the dawn of civilization. You're free to believe in your myths and fairy tales.

How many wives did Solomon have again?

I mean in your myths and fairy tales?
If it's all myths and fairy tales why does it bother you so that you spend time and energy attacking it?

If you weren't pushing your myths and fairy tales to attack Americans, I wouldn't bother.
So do you see yourself as the Savior of leftist ideology?

Nope- just an honest man dealing with a hateful faux Christian.
You forgot the part I said about preserving Israel for the messiah to come from. Here, this will help.

Why would God order the destruction of women and children

"So Moses- why did you order that thousands of women be murdered?"

"Well Bob, see, I was preserving Israel"

'From those women who were already your captives'?

"yes Bob, you see if I had not ordered those women to have their throats cut in front of their little girls, some of the 6 year old girls who I sent off to be raped may not have understood God's plan'

"And what was that plan again Moses?"

"Well to kill all the little boys and their mothers to save Israel"

"But not the little girls"

"Well the men needed some reward for their hard work.....and they only rape little girls- not little boys- because God says its wrong to rape little boys."

"well thanks for explaining to us Moses- how you killed little boys and sent off little girls to be raped and thus save Israel for Jesus- I am sure when Jesus arrives he will approve of that massacre- which is WAY different than that massacre by that barbarian Mohammed....."
Yes, Jesus approved of the massacre. God's plan to save his creation took precedence over everything. Did you read the part in the gospel of John chapter two when Jesus made a whip and beat people and wrecked the joint? Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world. Mohammad was the tool of the devil. It's a shame some people are deceived.

Well Jesus is God right?

So Jesus in essence ordered the killing of women and children and the rape of little girls.

That is some God you adore there.

And then you want to tell me about the terrible things Mohammend did?
You keep deliberately omitting the reason why. Is the truth frightening?

I frankly don't care about the reason.

No more than I care about the reason why Hitler ordered the Jews to be killed.

You correctly condemn Mohammed for the massacres that he ordered- that he ordered in the name of his God.

But you are fine with the murders of children and the rape of little girls with Jesus's complicity.

Why would you ever worship someone you believed wanted little boys murdered?
Why? Because I understand the reason for it.
Marriage is a male and female and has been since the dawn of civilization. You're free to believe in your myths and fairy tales.

How many wives did Solomon have again?

I mean in your myths and fairy tales?
If it's all myths and fairy tales why does it bother you so that you spend time and energy attacking it?

If you weren't pushing your myths and fairy tales to attack Americans, I wouldn't bother.
So do you see yourself as the Savior of leftist ideology?

Nope- just an honest man dealing with a hateful faux Christian.
Says you. Ho hum. You're nothing to me, but I'm obviously very threatening to you.
Then they're wrong. Do you often base your argument on what stupid Christians do?

You're basing your view of Islam on what stupid extremist Muslims do...why can't I?
The Quran permits wife beating. The New Testament doesn't.

The bible DOES...and some interpret the New Testament to support it. Most don't. Most Muslims don't interpret the Koran as supporting wife beating.

Domestic violence in Islam The Quran on wife-beating
Who interprets the New Testament as supporting wife beating? Which passage do they cite?

Stop lying, Leftists!

Already did...and linked to the Christian website.

Can I now paint all Christians like you do all Muslims?
Sorry. I didn't click on your porn link but at least I have a better idea of how kinky your fantasy life is.
You're basing your view of Islam on what stupid extremist Muslims do...why can't I?
Are there any Christian videos on how to properly beat one's wife?

Or is it just Muslim videos?

Tell the truth now.

The New Testament doesn't teach wife beating. The Quran does. Jesus was a good guy. Mohammad was a murdering savage.

Like Moses.......
Killed 2 men in defense of others. Yeah, that's totally like Muhammad's massacres at Jerusalem and Medina.

Did you say something about massacres?

3So Moses said to the people, “Arm some of your men to go to war against the Midianites so that they may carry out the Lord’s vengeance on them. 4Send into battle a thousand men from each of the tribes of Israel.” 5So twelve thousand men armed for battle, a thousand from each tribe, were supplied from the clans of Israel. 6Moses sent them into battle, a thousand from each tribe, along with Phinehas son of Eleazar, the priest, who took with him articles from the sanctuary and the trumpets for signaling.

7They fought against Midian, as the Lord commanded Moses, and killed every man. 8Among their victims were Evi, Rekem, Zur, Hur and Reba—the five kings of Midian. They also killed Balaam son of Beor with the sword. 9The Israelites captured the Midianite women and children and took all the Midianite herds, flocks and goods as plunder. 10They burned all the towns where the Midianites had settled, as well as all their camps. 11They took all the plunder and spoils, including the people and animals, 12and brought the captives, spoils and plunder to Moses and Eleazar the priest and the Israelite assembly at their camp on the plains of Moab, by the Jordan across from Jericho.

13Moses, Eleazar the priest and all the leaders of the community went to meet them outside the camp. 14Moses was angry with the officers of the army—the commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds—who returned from the battle.

15“Have you allowed all the women to live?” he asked them. 16“They were the ones who followed Balaam’s advice and enticed the Israelites to be unfaithful to the Lord in the Peor incident, so that a plague struck the Lord’s people. 17Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, 18but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.

Tell me again- how is Mohammed different from Moses?
Moses was obedient to God. Muhammed followed Satan. Moses destroyed civilizations that were brutal oppressors, Muhammed massacred the people of God. Moses was known as a friend of God. Muhammed was his enemy. And ultimately the world was made a better place because of Moses and all that was accomplished by Israel in Canaan, and Israel becoming the root that brought forth Jesus. Muhammad has brought 13 centuries of bloodshed, oppression, slavery, crimes against humanity, subjugation of women, and the raping of camels.

The difference could not be more profound.
Moses was a regular guy like Mohammad. Jesus is God in the flesh.

Whatever floats your boat.

Do you see Islam and Christianity as comparable?

No- not really- I dislike aspects of more of Islam than I dislike aspects of Christianity. However, as long as Muslims or Christians are not trying to impose their faith on me, or trying to harm others, I am not too concerned with either faith.

Do you treat Muslims and Christians equally?
I treat everyone the same until they give me a reason not to. Islam is an evil hateful doctrine from the devil. Christianity is the Word of God. That's my belief.

Has a Christian forced you to read a bible or attend their church? You seem to have a case of Christophobia. It's quite common among the left.

Actually yes- I was forced to read the bible and yes I was forced to go to church. I continue to read the bible because I enjoy reading it, and I find it useful when dealing with faux Christians like yourself.

You seem to have a case of both homophobia and Muslim bigotry- which is quite common- but bizarre since homophobes and extremist Muslims share the same views on homosexuals.
Seeing Christians who disagree with the homosexual lifestyle in the same light as Muslims who hang them in the street is your own special version of bizarre.

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