The Question is No Longer, "Was the 2020 Election Stolen," it is...

The fascism in the Biden cover-up is control of the media, just like Mussolini's. POSPOTUS's handlers want their puppet to continue to use White House bathrooms through 2024. Musk's AI came before the changes at Twitter/ X around 23 Jul 2023:

12 Jul 2023 Elon Musk Announces New AI Start-Up
So you think that Sponge Brain Shits Pants got 16 MILLION more votes than Barack Davis Obama?

A piece of fucking shit that routinely had more reporters at his 'rallies' than he did supporters? A scumbag that couldn't fill a High School gymnasium? Even when he got out of basement?

He got 16 Million more votes than the gaywad-in-chief before him?

How did your protest for Hamas go this weekend? Did you enjoy yourself, hanging out with all your fellow travelers, all your buddies?

You are just a dishonest human being. A blight on humanity
You sound upset. Just the kind of sucker the orange sexual abuser was looking for in his grift. Fill your little mind with ideas of hate, paranoia and fear fear fear. You were an easy mark.....and still are.
Oh that's easy. Is video proof enough?


Sure, silly one...

Joe Biden bragging in public about his alleged corruption.... Are you nuts?

It was US. POLICY, and Ally policy to get rid of the corrupt prosecutor general, Shokin at the time.... Not against US policy....that's why he was publicly bragging about it.....

Do a Google on it for 2015 and 2016, corrupt Diamond Prosecutors and Shokin.

Sure, silly one...

Joe Biden bragging in public about his alleged corruption.... Are you nuts?

It was US. POLICY, and Ally policy to get rid of the corrupt prosecutor general, Shokin at the time.... Not against US policy....that's why he was publicly bragging about it.....

Do a Google on it for 2015 and 2016, corrupt Diamond Prosecutors and Shokin.

Oh yea, that's it. The prosecutor was corrupt! LOL


Why was he corrupt? Because he had dirt on the Bidens? He's not corrupt just because the left says he is. That's not Joe Bidens decision to decide what prosecutor can look into his sons company. It's a foreign company. He has NO RIGHTS to use US funds as leverage to get someone looking into his sons business dealings fired. That's got CORRUPTION written all over it.

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Oh yea, that's it. The prosecutor was corrupt! LOL


Why was he corrupt? Because he had dirt on the Bidens?

fuck off, loser.

Sure, silly one...

Joe Biden bragging in public about his alleged corruption.... Are you nuts?

It was US. POLICY, and Ally policy to get rid of the corrupt prosecutor general, Shokin at the time.... Not against US policy....that's why he was publicly bragging about it.....

Do a Google on it for 2015 and 2016, corrupt Diamond Prosecutors and Shokin.
"These are not the droids you are looking for."
waves hand

fuck off, loser.

Irish times? LOL You triggered? The EU is as crooked as the Bidens. Not much shock they wanted him gone. Nobody can detail WHY this guy was corrupt. They just say he was. Proof he was corrupt?

Fuck off you Biden fucker. Why do you support child molesters? Why does the left want men in little girls bathrooms? Fuck you you son of a bitch.
Irish times? LOL You triggered? The EU is as crooked as the Bidens. Not much shock they wanted him gone. Nobody can detail WHY this guy was corrupt. They just say he was. Proof he was corrupt?

Fuck off you Biden fucker. Why do you support child molesters? Why does the left want men in little girls bathrooms? Fuck you you son of a bitch.
get lost, loser.

your idiocy is not tolerated by me. many different ways?

Not only did Leftist billionaires fund an army of poll "volunteers" to harvest the votes of ghetto and nursing home incompetents, but OUR OWN DoJ and FBI stonewalled investigation of the Hunter Biden laptop and CREDIBLE reports of massive bribes paid to the Biden's, well ahead of the 2020 election.

And they are STILL hiding and slow-walking the evidence!
Keep the story alive since it is going nowhere in the House investigation.
It wouldn't surprise me if Rasmussen coughed one up like this to keep the rubes happy.
Meh, people like to hate on Rasmussen but I have not seen them fabricate anything before. More than I can say for many 'news' organizations.

No one is going to supply this kind of idiocy. He is just to ignorant to realize that he took the 70 percent number from the percentage of republicans that think there was something fishy going on.

That figure is actually, truly frightening of course because how large it is but does not come even close to backing up the idea that most Americans agree with this insanity. Not that Trumpsters will allow that to penetrant the cult protective barrier. They will fallow false beliefs about what the 'real' numbers are straight to another MASSIVE election loss and blame it on interference yet again. Self fulfilling prophesy.
You're kidding, right? Are you that incredibly stupid and obtuse or dishonest or, most likely, all of the above??

Did you just realize that you have no source and that you cribbed this from a poll that said something completely different?

And now you have to lie and obfuscate to avoid dealing with that reality.

It does show that the dishonesty here is not just because cult brain fog, they know they are lying. A true display of the ability of man to doublethink.

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